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The Upcoming Mega-Battle For The State Of Israel

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The Upcoming Mega-Battle For The State Of Israel

Israel Ben Barzle
Yehoshua Ben Barzle


The seeds of World War Three are being scattered over the lands of the Middle East. Russia, in a surprise move, has invaded Syria and is pounding the opposition. China, Iran, and the Iranian proxy Hezbollah have joined the fight.

NATO forces, confounded and impotent, are standing down, afraid to incite the determination of Putin and his war machine. With every Russian gain, the West’s own hypocrisy is being exposed. ISIS and Al Qaeda, both creations of the West and Saudi Arabia, are taking a brutal beating. NATO’s deceitful game of trying to rid Syria of Assad for an Arab pipeline is now in ruins. Many of the ISIS foreign fighters are now cutting and running to escape the Russian onslaught.

None of this happened by coincidence, but by perfect Divine design. As we have written specifically of in our previous articles, at the close of Yom Kippur 2015, on September 23rd, a legal cutting off of the Creator’s blessings on America and the West has now commenced. This has happened in conjunction with the legal beginning of the Seventieth Jubilee cycle at the precise same time. And what we are now seeing is this EXACT biblical phenomena taking place.

Think about the timing and how quickly things have changed. Within the course of just a few weeks, literally within a few days of the prophetic milestone of Yom Kippur’s 2015 conclusion, the might of the Russian military has now changed the international geopolitical landscape. Prior to Yom Kippur 2015, America was at the helm. Two weeks later, and the West has been completely curtailed in the strategically vital Middle East—their enemy is now in charge.


The State of Israel is Now Alone

At the very same time, in the midst of this Russian-Syrian invasion crisis, we have major events occurring in Israel. Another intifada is taking place. It is well-timed, as the list of Israel’s allies grows short and the protective hedge of the West is quickly fading. Although the media has refrained from stating the obvious, the Government of Israel is more than aware of what is at stake. The weakness of Israel’s position is becoming more and more apparent to its enemies.

Netanyahu’s recent plea to the United Nations echoed this grave concern and underlined his feelings of international abandonment. The American presidency, normally a staunch ally of Israel, has, in very bold gestures, demonstrated nothing but disdain for Israel. European governments have also played their political hands, telegraphing their intent to severe themselves from the Jewish State. All of this is happening while the nation of Israel is now engaged in a growing, internal surge of ever more bold Palestinian defiance. Terror attacks have skyrocketed. The Temple Mount has become a daily flashpoint. Jewish civilians and their children are being attacked on a moment by moment basis. Both the Abbas government and Hamas have bolstered this uprising, openly praising the attackers of their hated Jewish enemy.

No matter Israel’s recent sharp response, the writing is on the wall. With the Seventieth Jubilee cycle now in full swing as of Yom Kippur 2015, the Jewish State will now be judged by the G-d of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. The ongoing issue of land ownership in Israel will be decisively concluded. Not only will we see the power structure of the Middle East radically change, we will also see the nation of Israel descend into absolute chaos in the coming months ahead.


The Coming Prophetic Blitzkrieg on the Jewish State

This soon-to-be battle against modern Israel is literally all over the pages of the Hebrew Scriptures. It is one of the most chronicled prophetic events detailed by the pens of the ancient prophets. According to Old Testament prophetic consensus, a confederation of countries seize the opportunity and attack modern Israel, both from outside its borders, and from within.

Psalms 83 gives us one of the best scriptural templates of this upcoming battle. It outlines for the reader in detail what is at stake, and the specific players who are involved. The prophecy of Psalms 83 gives the reader a list of key enemy players in this Last Day’s mega-battle. Almost all of them in our modern times are nations that embrace Islam.


Psalms 83:1-8

Keep not thou silence, O God: hold not thy peace, and be not still, O God.

For, lo, thine enemies make a tumult: and they that hate thee have lifted up the head.

They have taken crafty counsel against thy people, and consulted against thy hidden ones.

They have said, Come, and let us cut them off from being a nation; that the name of Israel may be no more in remembrance.

For they have consulted together with one consent: they are confederate against thee:

The tabernacles of Edom, and the Ishmaelites; of Moab, and the Hagarenes;

Gebal, and Ammon, and Amalek; the Philistines with the inhabitants of Tyre;

Assur also is joined with them: they have holpen the children of Lot. Selah.


So who are these combatants that Psalms 83 lists, both in ancient terms and their modern day equivalents?


The Tents of Edom

Whenever you read the Hebrew Scriptures and a list is given, please understand it is a rule of biblical Hebrew that the first mentioned in a list is listed as such because of its central importance. As we read through Psalms 83, and its list of attackers, we see that the people of Edom head the list. The Edomites were also known in the Bible as “Esau”, “Seir”, and “Teman”.

The modern Edomites are the Palestinians, primarily of the West Bank region. This has been the case both historically and biblically. Incorrectly, most, including many Jews themselves, have viewed the Palestinian people as Arabs, descendants of Ishmael. This is just not the case. The Palestinians are there very own people group, and the Arabs themselves, believing themselves to have a more elite bloodline, view the Palestinians precisely as such.

Notice that the Bible uses the term “tents” of Edom. This is a direct, Hebraic reference to their non-permanent, homeland status—exactly like we see with the modern Palestinian.

Some, mostly from various anti-Semitic groups, go so far as to propose that the modern Jews are the descendants of Edom. This is absolutely absurd. The Bible itself fully answers such error, as the people of Edom are always contrasted with the people of Judah, the “Yahudi”, the Jews. In the OT prophecies, the Jews of Judah prophetically return from all over the world back to the land of Israel (Is 11:11-12), as we have precisely seen in recent history. The Palestinians have claimed land in Israel’s borders from next door Jordan (Mal 1:2-5); they have perpetrated violence against the children who have returned (Eze 35:1-15); prophetically, the Edomites claim two particular pieces of land as proposed nation-states in Israel (Eze 35:10), EXACTLY as do the Palestinians in the West Bank and Gaza. Case closed.

There are others, among them some Rabbis and Evangelical Christians, who believe that the Edomites are now the people of Rome—the Roman Italians. Again, this is entirely anti-biblical. Edom is prophetically mentioned as being a people group in the Eastern section of Israel proper (Is 11:14); Edom is mentioned in the Last Days as residing in the “Mountains of Israel” (Eze 35:7-14), geographically and biblically known as the “West Bank”. Edom is mentioned numerous times as having violent border issues in the Last Days with the people of Jacob (Mal 1:1-4).

The last time I checked a map, the Roman Italians do not reside to the East of Israel, nor do they reside in “Mountains of Israel”, nor do they have violent disputes with the “borders” of Israel. But the Palestinians do, and fit the prophetic criteria perfectly.

Point in fact: It was Esau, the genetic father of the Edomites, who felt that he was robbed of the firstborn blessing of the land given to Abraham and his descendants. Historically, the people of Edom have always had this land issue, and have always had intent to take Jacob’s land whenever the opportunity came about.

We see this exact scenario historically. It was the people of Edom who believed the land was theirs, and were responsible for the fall of Jerusalem at the hands of the Babylonian Empire. During the Babylonian siege, the Edomites feigned alliance with the Jewish resistance; but then turned on the inhabitants of Jerusalem. The Edomites were responsible for bringing down the gates of Jerusalem which allowed the Babylonians to breach the Jewish defenses of the city.

After the Babylonian Exile, Edom is later mentioned as being a continual nemesis of the Jews in the land. History and the OT historical narrative proves this out. In the Christian NT we even see an Idumean (Latin for Edom) dynasty put in power over the land of Israel by the Romans.

When the Jews returned from their almost two thousand year Diaspora, they were met with the descendants of these same Idumeans/Edomites, AKA the Palestinians. Since the Jewish departure in 70 AD, most conquerors of the lands of Israel had adopted the Greek term “Palestina” to describe the inhabitants in the region. The term has remained through the centuries, and the generic designation “Palestinian” has carried through to our modern time.


The Ishmaelites

According to the Scriptures, Ishmael was the son of Abraham by Hagar, Sarah’s handmaiden. Ishmael was given a promise by G-d to become a great people (Gen 21:17-21), but a people who were to be prophetically at violent odds with each other (Gen 16:10-12). Ishmael then settled in Paran in Arabia. Most scholarship agrees that the most direct descendants of Ishmael are today’s Arab peoples of the Middle East. This would include the Kingdoms of Saudi Arabia, Qatar, UAE, Bahrain, and others. The Arabs, through the former conquest of the Hasanid Sharifs, also have an elite Hashemite ruling class in other countries, such as Jordan and Iraq.



It is thought by many that the Moabites are the modern Syrians.

It is fascinating that in the Torah, when viewed in the Hebrew language, the people of Moab in the Last Days are considered the central, beginning “flashpoint” to a final world war. In Numbers 24 we are given one of the greatest prophecies of the OT regarding the End-times. This prophecy deals with the survival of the nation of Israel in the Last Days in the midst of an international list of military powers. According to the biblical account in Numbers 24, the people group of ancient Moab are the first item on the list. In Hebraic understanding, this means that the ultimate global war that is chronicled starts chiefly with this group of people.

Is this not EXACTLY what is taking place? Is not Syria, the ancient people of Moab, where we are witnessing first hand, the first shots of a world conflict in the making?

Please note that Syria claims pre-1967 rights to the Golan Heights in Israel. Any attack on modern Israel would have the Syrians involved as they have a territorial issue to settle with the Jewish State.

The Hagerites

The Hagerites are a people group name that is somewhat of a curve ball to both the modern scholar and the astute reader. It is a people group not explicitly talked about in the Scriptures.

However, we can go with the obvious. The Scriptures do mention Hager, mother of Ishmael. Hager was an Egyptian. Thus, a Hagerite would most likely be a way of saying Egyptian.

It may be more specific than that because Egyptians are mentioned rather commonly in the OT in many places as “Mitsrayim”, not “Hagerite”. Thus, it could be that the Psalmist used this term prophetically to define what type of Egyptian he was referring to. Hager was very rebellious spirited. She was constantly at odds with Sarah and her offspring Isaac. Hagar was always stirring the pot, trying to overthrow Isaac’s destiny as the ruling offspring of Abraham.

Using the term “Hagerite” may be the writer’s way of prophetically referring to a type or sect of Egyptian that would be rebellious, always stirring the pot, continually trying to overthrow G-d’s established hierarchy. The Muslim Brotherhood, an Egyptian based sect of Islamic fundamentalism, would fit this description rather perfectly. The Muslim Brotherhood originated in Ismailia, Egypt, and has infiltrated many countries with their extreme version of Islam. At the core of their existence as an organization is the central theme of overthrowing the State of Israel. Certainly, if there were a full scale assault on the Jewish State, the Muslim Brotherhood from all over the Muslim world, would zealously pitch in to such a historic opportunity.



The people of Gebal are mentioned in the Amarna Tablets as the “Gubla” during the Bronze Age, and were later known as the “Gebel” throughout the Iron Age. The Gebelites resided in Phoenicia in what we now know as northern Lebanon. Even as late as the Crusades this region was known as “Gebelet”.

Thus, the people of Gebel would be the people group of northern Lebanese descent. Lebanon has always had issues with modern Israel and would be a natural part of any meaningful invasion of the present-day Jewish Homeland.



This is a rather easy one. Ammon has always been historically viewed as the people of Jordan. Their capitol city is even named “Amman” after their ancient forbearers.

Both the ancient Ammonites, and the modern Jordanians, have had a fifty-fifty relationship with the people of Judah. At times they appear to be amicable; at other times, bitter enemies. Modern Israel has just such a relationship with modern Jordan. Jordan and Israel, at times, cooperate well together. At others times, they are in hostile conflict with each other.



The people of Amalek are an ancient offshoot of the Edomites in the genetic line of Esau.

There is much debate as to who these people are in today’s world. Many believe that the Amalekites were completely wiped out under King David. This is just not so. According to the Book of Esther written after King David’s time, the Amalekites were a surviving people referenced under a remnant descendant of Agag named Haman. Agag was the former king of the Amalekites whose wife and son escaped King Saul and settled in the north. Their descendants were known historically as “Agagites”. This latter strain of Amalek, the Agagites, historically were always found genetically hidden among other predominant national Empires, as we see with Haman covertly living in the midst of the Persians.

In the Last Days, the Amalek-Agag genetic line is a critical player according to the Torah and the Prophets (Num 24:7-20; Deut 25:17-19; Eze 38-39). Little known to most, the prophetic remnant of Amalek has a very unique connection with Gog and Magog. Interestingly, the Ezekiel 38 and 39 account phonetically in the Hebrew mentions “Agag” and “Haman”, both genetic names tied to an offshoot of the ancient Amalekites. The resting place of Gog in Ezekiel 39 is “Haman-Gog”, and is specifically also called “Hamonah” in the Hebrew which means the “multitudes of Haman”. This would mean that the Gog of the Ezekiel 38 and 39 account has a genetic tie to Haman the Agagite of surviving Amalekite descent. This was considered the understanding of this passage during the time of the translation of the Greek Septuagint OT, the name “Gog” being used instead of “Agag” in the Torah.

Modern Russia is classically held as the ancient people of Gog and Magog. Amalek has some significant genetic connection to Gog. Thus, it is most probable that the Amalek mentioned in the Psalms 83 list is represented by a people group connected with the Russian people; and Russia would most certainly be involved in some capacity of any invasion of modern Israel.



This is another rather easy one. The people of Philistia, the Philistines, historically occupied the Gaza Strip, and adjoining territory. The Palestinians of Gaza occupy this exact same area. The Scriptures state that the leftover people of ancient Philistia would interbreed with the local population and become a people group in the Last Days (Zech 9:5-7).

The people of Gaza are an inter-mixed, remnant group of leftover Philistines—and the Bible states this precisely as such. Even though this genetic mix probably has Edomite blood, notice that Hamas of the Gaza Strip and Fatah of the West Bank are today two distinct districts of people, each wanting their own autonomy, each disliking the other, each flying their own flag. This is because what we call the “Palestinians” are not all the same people, not genetically, nor biblically speaking. If you take time to read the prophetic account in the OT, you will see this exact distinction pointed out in numerous passages.


Inhabitants of Tyre

Ancient Tyre was a powerful city-state located in the very southern tip of modern Lebanon. Today, this same location is considered a stronghold of the militant Islamic group Hezbollah. Hezbollah has made no bones about its intention to invade northern Israel when the time is right. In any invasion of Israel it would be a given that Hezbollah would be at the forefront of the battle.



Asshur in ancient times was the people of Assyria. Asshur as a modern people group is a tricky one, and any possible identification can only be speculation.

Some scholarship points to the Assyrians migrating into parts of Germany after the fall of the Assyrian Empire. It is very interesting to note that the German military historically has always used the same iron cross, military eagle, and swastika-like symbols as the ancient Assyrians.

Others have put forth that the Western powers may have a connection to the term Asshur. Asshur in literal ancient Hebrew means “place of success and prosperity”. Certainly America and Western Europe are considered as the epicenter of the modern philosophy of prosperity.

As a point of speculation, it is rather interesting to note that many of these combatants in the Psalms 83 list are armed with NATO weaponry, most notably the Arabs, the Jordanians, and Egyptians, as well as a generous mix of western weaponry among the rest.

Whatever modern equivalent Asshur may be, according to the Hebrew in Psalms 83, they have a role that is distinct, most probably indirect. The Hebrew term “zerowa” often means “to help with an arm”. Thus, Asshur, as is presented in Psalms 83, has a military aid role, most likely in providing arms and munitions.


The Dogs of War

According to the biblical account, the Jews in Israel are given a multitude of punishing blows by its enemies. The atrocities on the ground of this war are described in the Scriptures in detail.  Isaiah the Prophet outlines this war against modern Judah. In chapter three Isaiah begins: “For, behold, the Lord, the Lord of hosts, doth take away from Jerusalem and from Judah the stay and the staff, the whole stay of bread, and the whole stay of water.”


At the end of chapter three, he provides this bitter summary:  


Isaiah 3:24-26

And it shall come to pass, that instead of sweet smell there shall be stink; and instead of a girdle a rent; and instead of well set hair baldness; and instead of a stomacher a girding of sackcloth; and burning instead of beauty.

25 Thy men shall fall by the sword, and thy mighty in the war.

26 And her gates shall lament and mourn; and she being desolate shall sit upon the ground.


In Isaiah’s own words, this battle for modern Judah in the land is one of devastation. In the Hebrew, in verse 25, “mathik b-chereb yephalev v-geberuthek b-milachamah”, in English means that there are literally few fighting men that are left to fight in this war. The famed Israeli Defense Forces, one of the world’s premier military powers, in Isaiah’s prophecy, has fallen and can no longer oppose the enemy. The population of women that remain are brought to ruin. According to Isaiah’s words, many are raped, branded, and sold. Others, having no other recourse, simply sit on the ground in complete desolation.

We are also given a numeric casualty number of this war by the Prophet Zechariah.


Zechariah 13:8

And it shall come to pass, that in all the land, saith the Lord, two parts therein shall be cut off and die; but the third shall be left therein.


This would mean that upwards of four million Jews are killed in this upcoming war in Israel.


Jerusalem as a Fallback Position

The invasion of the Jewish State ultimately leads to the remaining population of Jews in Israel taking position in the city of Jerusalem. Here, the survivors make their last stand.

The Prophet Joel gives us details regarding this moment in the great battle for modern Israel. Joel was a prophet sent specifically to the House of Judah, the Jews. His prophecy is a war prophecy, and is understood as such, if it is read in context in the original Hebrew language.

Joel sets the stage for this last stand.


Joel 2:17-21

Let the priests, the ministers of the Lord, weep between the porch and the altar, and let them say, Spare thy people, O Lord, and give not thine heritage to reproach, that the heathen should rule over them: wherefore should they say among the people, Where is their God?

18 Then will the Lord be jealous for his land, and pity his people.

19 Yea, the Lord will answer and say unto his people, Behold, I will send you corn, and wine, and oil, and ye shall be satisfied therewith: and I will no more make you a reproach among the heathen:

20 But I will remove far off from you the northern army, and will drive him into a land barren and desolate, with his face toward the east sea, and his hinder part toward the utmost sea, and his stink shall come up, and his ill savour shall come up, because he hath done great things.

21 Fear not, O land; be glad and rejoice: for the Lord will do great things.


As Joel’s prophecy continues, what is the catalyst for the Creator’s intervention?


Joel 2:30-32


And I will shew wonders in the heavens and in the earth, blood, and fire, and pillars of smoke.

31 The sun shall be turned into darkness, and the moon into blood, before the great and terrible day of the Lord come.

32 And it shall come to pass, that whosoever shall call on the name of the Lord (Y-H-W-H) shall be delivered: for in mount Zion and in Jerusalem shall be deliverance, as the Lord hath said, and in the remnant whom the Lord shall call.


Here in Joel’s prophecy we see a location specific prophecy: a remnant has fallen back to Mount Zion in Jerusalem. Here, in their desperation, they call out loud the sacred name of the Creator—something an observant Jew just does not do. The pronouncement of the sacred name is considered an absolute no-go among rabbinic Jews. If you are a religious Jew, you are NEVER, under any circumstance, to audibly call out the sacred name of G-d: “Y-H-W-H”—Never.

Yet, things are so dire, the circumstances so very bleak, in the last moments, when all looks lost, the remaining Jews in Israel corporately and audibly call upon the specific name of the Most high: Y-H-W-H. This may not mean much to the uninformed; but to a Jew, this is HUGE.

And it is in this moment, that the Creator hears his people, and the tide radically turns.


A Turning of the Tide

Joel’s prophecy continues, and in it, he names many of the same players as does Psalms 83.


Joel 3: 1-4

For, behold, in those days, and in that time, when I shall bring again the captivity of Judah and Jerusalem,

I will also gather all nations, and will bring them down into the valley of Jehoshaphat, and will plead with them there for my people and for my heritage Israel, whom they have scattered among the nations, and parted my land.

And they have cast lots for my people; and have given a boy for an harlot, and sold a girl for wine, that they might drink.

Yea, and what have ye to do with me, O Tyre (Hezbollah), and Zidon (Lebanon), and all the coasts of Palestine (Hamas)? will ye render me a recompence? and if ye recompense me, swiftly and speedily will I return your recompence upon your own head;


Joel goes on:


Joel 3:19-21


Egypt shall be a desolation, and Edom (the West Bank Palestinians) shall be a desolate wilderness, for the violence against the children of Judah (the Jews), because they have shed innocent blood in their land.

20 But Judah shall dwell for ever, and Jerusalem from generation to generation.

21 For I will cleanse their blood that I have not cleansed: for the Lord dwelleth in Zion.


The Prophet Joel makes it crystal clear. The primary enemies who are presently within and surround the modern Jewish State, the West Bank Palestinians, Hamas, Hezbollah, the Lebanese, the Egyptians and their Muslim Brotherhood, are decisively dealt with in the Jews most precarious hour.

And, dear reader, to those of you who may be pro-Israel and long to see the Jews living in their land in permanence; and to those of you who hate the Jews and long to see the Jews in Israel done away with—please take notice. According to the Hebrew Scriptures, the writings of which are revered by both Christians and Jews as being the very words of G-d, a surviving remnant of Judah, a portion of the Jews now in Israel, will dwell in their land and in Jerusalem forever.

This coming mega-battle for modern Israel is at our doorstep. It will be a battle for the survival of the Jewish nation. Sadly, many Jews in Israel will perish. But, for those who make it through, it will begin the beginning of a new era.

So, at the very end, when all seems lost, how does the Creator turn the tide of war?

Please look for our next upcoming article; or better yet, check out our web-site for more answers.

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    Total 72 comments
    • Ephraim

      [QUOTE] The modern Edomites are the Palestinians, primarily of the West Bank region. [UNQUOTE]

      Josephus, Antiquities of the Jews, XIII, ix, 1: Hyrcanus took also Dora and Marissa, cities of Idumea, and subdued all the Idumeans; and permitted them to stay in that country, if they would be circumcised, and make use of the laws of the Jews; and they were so desirous of living in the country of their forefathers, that they submitted to the use of circumcision and the rest of the Jews’ ways of living; at which time therefore, this befell them, that they were hereafter no other than Jews.

      The Palestinians are not Edomites. So-called Jews are Edomites if not Ashkenazi Khazars.

      • Truthseeker


        Obadiah states that Edom is the brother of Jacob; Esau.

        “For thy violence against thy brother Jacob shame shall cover thee, and thou shalt be cut off for ever”

        When the 2nd exodus takes place and the remnant of Israel come down to Jerusalem through Turkey to receive the promise land as promised to Abraham — they will kill all the males of Turkey.
        This takes place AFTER the return of Christ.

        8 Shall I not “in that day”, saith the LORD, even destroy the wise men out of Edom, and understanding out of the mount of Esau?

        9 And thy mighty men, O Teman, shall be dismayed, to the end that every one of the mount of Esau may be cut off by slaughter.

        10 For thy violence against thy brother Jacob shame shall cover thee, and thou shalt be cut off for ever.

        11 In the day that thou stoodest on the other side, in the day that the strangers carried away captive his forces, and foreigners entered into his gates, and cast lots upon Jerusalem, even thou wast as one of them.

        18 And the house of Jacob shall be a fire, and the house of Joseph a flame, and the house of Esau for stubble, and they shall kindle in them, and devour them; and there shall not be ANY remaining of the house of Esau; for the LORD hath spoken it.

        2nd Exodus
        Jeremiah 16: 14 -15
        Jeremiah 31: 6 -0
        Isa 27: 13
        Isa 11: 11 – 16
        Isa 35: 1 – 10

        • Truthseeker

          I neglected to include Turkey is Esau, Edom

          • Ephraim

            [QUOTE] When the 2nd exodus takes place and the remnant of Israel come down to Jerusalem through Turkey to receive the promise land as promised to Abraham — they will kill all the males of Turkey.
            This takes place AFTER the return of Christ. [UNQUOTE]

            With all due respect – where in the world do you get Turkey as the Edomites? When did they move from south of Judah to Turkey? Why would the remnant kill the Edomites after the return of Christ? The return of Jesus is to end all wars. Did you not read the Jewish Encyclopedia article? Everyone seems to agree that the Edomites became part of the Jews except you and the Jew propogandists.

            • Truthseeker


              Did you bother to read any of the scriptures??

              Read all of Obadiah and Amos.

              Edom who GOD states is Esau, the brother of Jacob, during the great tribulation turns in the Jews that are trying to escape from the nation of Israel.

              For this, if you will bother to read verse 18 in my comment, states

              18 And the house of Jacob shall be a fire, and the house of Joseph a flame, and the house of Esau for stubble, and they shall kindle in them, and devour them; and there shall not be ANY remaining of the house of Esau; for the LORD hath spoken it.

              After the Great Tribulation and the Day of the Lord and the return of Christ and as the and exodus takes place, the house of Jacob and Joseph shall devour them i.e. kill and there shall not be — ANY– that remain of the house of Esau.

              And yes Jesus Christ after He has put to death millions in the Battle of that Great Day of GOD ALMIGHTY will allow the total end of the house of Esau.

              God’s Word is the Word of God — I did not write this — if you do not accept the word of God that is “on” you – it is between you and God.

              “I do not at all care what everyone agrees upon”, many agree on a rapture — many agree upon a trinity — many agree upon speaking in demonic languages –many agree upon being born again on and on — and 1.5 billion agree the universal church of Rome is god’s church — I find none of it is of GOD.

            • Ephraim

              If possible, let me try to explain something to you. I have read all those scriptures several times and my understanding of them is quite different from yours.
              To begin with – the house of Joseph is the 10 tribes of the nation of Israel which are now located in mostly northern Europe, Canada, Australia, and the USA, which I am certain you disagree with. The house of Esau is in the current nation of Israel as I have already stated. Obadiah 18 occurs prior to the return of Christ, not afterwards and at what point is unknown at the present.
              Your statement, [After the Great Tribulation and the Day of the Lord and the return of Christ and as the and exodus takes place, the house of Jacob and Joseph shall devour them i.e. kill and there shall not be — ANY– that remain of the house of Esau.
              And yes Jesus Christ after He has put to death millions in the Battle of that Great Day of GOD ALMIGHTY will allow the total end of the house of Esau.] is not in the Bible but only in your head. If you think it is in the Bible then you need psychiatric help

              This is invented theology. The timing you maintain is not in the Bible – at no place does the scripture say the death of the Edomites will occur after the return of Christ. That is merely you, speaking as the Bible or for the Bible. Yes, the Bible is the Word of God and then there is your word added to it to make it say what you want it to say. I accept the Word of God, however you do not accept it as it is written but want to add your own understanding to the Word instead of allowing it to speak for itself.

              I suspect you have a beef with me about the resurrection thing (and possibly others). I would like to make it clear to you that I am not interested in your opinion and I am definitely not interested in your insults such as “God’s Word is the Word of God — I did not write this — if you do not accept the word of God that is “on” you – it is between you and God.” Whatever you say to me can apply double to you. You are wrong in so many ways and I am not interested in having a comment-debate with you. I would appreciate it very much if you would just post a regular comment and not address it to me as a “reply”.

            • Truthseeker


              I have been stating on BIN for 5 years that Ephraim is the British Common Wealth of Nation and Manasseh is America — where have you been. And I have known that fact since 1968.

              Do you read Ezekiel? there is another captivity coming Read chapters 4, 5, 6,7 one third of the nations of Israel will soon die of famine and disease and one third by world war three and the remaining third will go into captivity for 3 1/2 years. Ezekiel while in the captivity with Judah was told to take the warning to the House of Israel i. e. American and England.

              When Christ returns, just like in the days of the Children of Israel when they came out of captivity, Christ will free the remnant of the whole House of Jacob and they will return to the Promised Land in the 2nd Exodus that is so great no one will mention the one of Moses any longer.

              If you do not understand this fact —- there IS no reason to continue.

            • Ephraim

              First, I would like to thank you for reaffirming the location of the lost tribes of Israel. However, you never answered the question that was asked of you – namely –

              Where in scripture (or any other source) states the Edomites are in Turkey?

              Also, why do you think Obadiah is stating events to happen after the return of Christ?

              The second Exodus will be a peaceful one. The returning Israelites will be a peaceful journey but an army of warriors.

              You stated, “many agree upon being born again” and you strongly implied you do not believe this statement.

              John 3:3 KJV Jesus answered and said unto him, Verily, verily, I say unto thee, Except a man be born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God.

              Except a person is (regenerated) from above (by the Heavenly Father) he cannot (see, know, or understand) the kingdom of God. Maybe that is why you do not understand and accuse others of not understanding.

            • Truthseeker


              There is no scripture stating Turkey is Esau, below is a sites I just randomly pulled from the net, there are others. As in all things biblical there are 4000 differing views. Confusion is the normal state of so called Christianity.

              Turkey is in a key position as the land bridge to the coming king of the north and the king of the south. Turkey will not be in one or the other but will work with both.


              Before and during the 5th Seal which is the Great Tribulation when the Jews try to escape, Esau (Turkey) will round them up and turn them over to the beast power,

              Read the first chapter of Amos and verses 9 – 12 Esau pursued his brother.

              In verse 18 of Obadiah when it states there shall not be any remaining of the house of Esau, do you not read “none will remain” ?

              In verse 9 “and the mighty men O TEMAN shall be dismayed to the end that EVERY “”ONE”” OF THE MOUNT OF ESAU shall be cut off BY SLAUGHTER.
              Ottoman–O Teman

              To me this is stating everyone of the tribe of Esau is to be slaughtered.

              Look at verse 10 “for violence against thy brother Jacob, shame shall cover thee and thou shall be cut off forever.”

              Obadiah in verse one states this is the vision concerning Edom.

              I won’t include it but if you will read Isaiah 11: 11 – 16 you will find when God recovers for the 2nd time the remnants of HIS people from Assyria (Germany) etc. and they come as they did in the day they came out of Egypt (this is now the 2nd exodus, Egypt being the first) then in verse 14 they shall— lay their hands upon “Edom.”

              Next read Isaiah 27: 13 The great trumpet (the last trump) shall be blown and they shall come which were ready to perish in the land of Assyria and they shall worship the LORD in the Holy mount at Jerusalem.

              At the Last trump the dead shall rise—

              The remnant of all the tribes of Israel as they return to the Promised Land after Christ frees them at His return and as they make their way to Jerusalem – they will slaughter Esau and none will remain forever. The tribe of Esau will be a tribe no more but the dead will come up in the 2nd resurrection for their opportunity for salvation.

              The 2nd exodus occurs after Christ frees the captives of all the nations of Israel exactly as He did in the days of the first exodus.

              Read the 35 chapter of Isaiah it talks about the Way of Holiness which is the highway they will use in the 2nd exodus.

              I do understand you have never heard this before – I encourage you to study from this perspective and much more will become clear.

              If you think all violence stops at the return of Christ then how does Christ rule with a rod of Iron and when the gentiles will not come up to keep the Feast of Tabernacles at Jerusalem — Christ sends plagues Zech 14: 16 – 19

              And no I am not at all in the camp of the born again folks. I am begotten waiting to be born again at the resurrection and born with the same spirit body as Christ has.

              When Christ stated you can not SEE the Kingdom of God unless you are born again – I ask can – you right now see Christ sitting on His throne? Can you see the resurrected David on his throne ruling all 12 tribes?

              God’s government is a spiritual one and we must be born again at the first resurrection into immortal spirit and into the same “spirit body” as Jesus Christ to be able to SEE Christ ruling from His Throne — and at that time we will be as the wind invisible to the human eye. If you bleed when cut you are flesh.

              That which is born of the flesh IS Flesh and that which is born of the Spirit IS SPIRIT.

        • caribbean critic

          I think this site is a religious nut case magnet! Spounting myth and BS go away if you have nothing constructive to say all the religious garbage adds nothing to the conversation!

          • Anonymous

            Would disagree. The preponderance of what occurs here clearly demonstrates, to all who have eyes to see, that beforeitsnews is a Satanic nut case magnet. There is precious little that doesn’t involve false prophecy, even.

            The fact is, there are actually few true Christian “nut cases” here, though I’d probably have to hand it to you “religious nut cases” could apply to many, if you’d just qualify that as being false religion.

            Matthew 7:13-15 Enter through the narrow gate; for the gate is wide and the way is broad that leads to destruction, and there are many who enter through it. For the gate is small and the way is narrow that leads to life, and there are few who find it. Beware of the false prophets, who come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly are ravenous wolves.

    • Ephraim

      This post is just a large deceptive lie.

      The modern nation of Israel constitutes the Gog of Magog invasion of un-walled villages without bars and gates. This began during the 30’s and 40’s with the takeover of Palestine by the British (real Israel). The declaration of the Balfour resolution by the faux-Jews allowed so-called Jews (actually members of named terrorist organizations i.e. Stern Gang) to immigrate to Palestine; murder the Arabs living there; commit terrorist attacks on the British and even so-called Jews; and take over the land to eventually establish a state called Israel. These faux-Jews consisted of Khazar converts from Russia (Targomah) and Eastern Europe; Ashkanazi-Khazar Jews from Germany (Gomer); and Edomite Jews from Iran (Persia, see Esther 8:17); and other Edomite Jews from places mentioned in Ezekiel 38 and 39. The concept of Russia, Iran, and a few other countries invading nuclear armed Israel is preposterous. Israel has previously and repeatedly stated their Edomite Samson option – if they go down everyone goes down with them in a nuclear holocaust.

      The invasion has already taken place, with only the wrath of God remaining to be fulfilled. The meteor shower, earthquake, and fiery celestial objects are all presented in the book of the Revelation. All Scofield, dispensational, pre-trib rapture people have been duped. The unlawful, Jesus hating Israelites are the real enemy with their Edomite bankers, and one-world government aspirations using the USA as their military to destroy the Arab countries around them and attempt to re-establish the Davidic kingdom.

    • Ephraim

      It was during the Maccabean rule the Edomites were conquered and allowed to become circumcised; practice the Judaic religion; and essentially be considered Jews.

      The Jewish Encyclopedia, 1925 edition: Judas Maccabeus conquered their territory for a time (B.C. 163; Ant. Xii, 8 par. 1, 2). They were again subdued by John Hyrcanus (c. 125 B.C.) by whom they were forced to observe Jewish rites and laws (ib. 9, par. 1; xiv. 4, par. 4). They were then incorporated with the Jewish nation, and their country was called by the Greeks and Romans ‘Idumea’ (Mark iii. 8; Ptolemy, Geography v. 16). With Antipater began the Idumean dynasty that ruled over Judea till its conquest by the Romans. Immediately before the siege of Jerusalem 20,000 Idumeans, under the leadership of John, Simeon, Phinehas, and Jacob, appeared before Jerusalem to fight in behalf of the zealots who were besieged in the Temple (Josephus, B.J. iv. 4, par. 5). From this time the Idumeans ceased to be a separate people.

    • The Ferrett

      Well said Ephraim!

      “The Upcoming Mega-Battle For The State Of Israel”

      For the sake of the people of the world we all hope it is a battle that you will decisively lose . . .

      • Truthseeker

        the ferrett

        since you agree with ephraim you might want to read my comment above, the Word of God does not agree.

        • DK

          The problem of course is which particular God it is they are presently worshiping.

      • Pink Slime

        “Well said Ephraim”.

        Hi, Ephraim! :lol:

    • Roaring Sheep

      “Russia, in a surprise move, has invaded Syria..”


      They were invited in to help.. as were the Chinese… or are they Invaders as well… and now the Cubans as well..

      WHAT.. all these are INVADERS HUH.. No sense reading any more of your story.. clearly you have no idea of the FACTS !!

      • anon

        Exactly. Well, what can you expect when you see jew author..

      • anon

        The sooner Israel is wiped out from face of the planet, and Palestinians get their country back, the better.

        • emet v\\\'kadosh

          The “Palestinians” are an imported people from Jordan and Egypt. History has been rewritten by people telling the story often enough for people to believe it. The real facts have been forgotten, or do people just believe what they hear?

          • truthlovingsoul


            palestinians are from palestine. a real place. a real people.
            most have lived there for thousands of years!
            as opposed to most jews, who stole their land, and are imported from miami, and other western lands.
            this author is an outright liar.
            the world is awake, get used to it. the lies are being exposed and there will be a reckoning.
            have a great day.

            • emet v\\\'kadosh

              Some Bedouins have been there for thousands of years, so also have some Jews had a continuing presence in the land. But the “Palestinians” have not had the long-term history in the land that they claim.

              Jews who came in from the late 1800′s legally bought unwanted land from Arab Jordanian landowners that they regarded as useless. Mark Twain recorded that “Palestine” was barren wasteland that was good for nothing. And it was so!

              Photographs exist of it as it was before Jews came to the land. The “Palestinian” Arabs started coming in from Jordan because there was work opportunities that the Jews had created in their transformation of the land.

              Arafat was an Egyptian and he brought his crowd with him which was a rabble bunch – the original Muslim Brotherhood.

              Most “Palestinians” history does not go back before 1917


            • DK

              @ emet v\’kadosh 13 child families have had more to do with the population of Palestine than migrants coming home. Palestine was a administrative region of the Ottoman empire, a single entity under vilayets (regions). Nothing even remotely resembling the current states, formed By British and French colonial gains. A people for hundreds of years lived without borders simply went to lands their ancestors and relatives lived in – up to the year 1939 (a very brief period for a limited number in British administration). The attitudes of the Palestinians exactly mirror those claiming to be from Judah coming home after 1927 years of exile, only they already lived within the Ottoman empire with the right of stateship and residence of course as ottomans – and now Commonwealth citizens, where all the Jews did not.

            • NWO for Dummies.

              emet v\’kadosh

              thats the jewish wikipedia version but its not the reality.

          • Damien

            From Egypt means west of the Nile i.e. that ‘Palestinians’ are Hamite Canaanites who are tresspassing on Shem of the easts alloted territory of Iseael.

            You are narrating a 3,000 year old story.

            And in it obviously Ham came to land where Shem did.

          • Ephraim

            You mean – like “hear” from you?

          • LifeIs


            There were about half a million Palestinians in the Jerusalem, Nablus, and Acre districts in an 1878 census.

            As you would expect. Palestinians didn’t build their cities just in time to be conquered in 1948.

            There have been cities there for centuries. Who do you THINK built Al-Aqsa? Nomads? Camels?

      • TT

        “Russia, in a surprise move, has invaded Syria..”…. Where does this jew think we come from, to think we’ll fall for that blatant LIE!

        …”clearly you have no idea of the FACTS !!”… Oh but he HAS! only thing is that he hopes WE don’t catch him/them out. Let me guess jew – and there were six million of you ‘gassed’ in the holo-hoax too – people are waking up jew. It is sickening to see, read and hear the absolute lies that come spewing out of their cesspool time and time again, forever professing their innocence against all evidence to the contrary at the same time destroying this wonderful world and its people. jews were tossed out of virtually every country in Europe (at least once) throughout the ages for their terrible misdeeds and atrocities on mankind. The sooner these parasites are surgically removed the sooner mankind will be able to FINALLY live the way it was meant to.

    • Klemens

      Israel today is a satanic Rothschild state and has nothing to do with the bible!
      You can read for example the book of Henry Markow (jew)
      “The Cult that Hijacked the World”

      • emet v\\\'kadosh

        The Masonic Illuminati Rothschild company does not represent every Jew. Although they are a powerful group, they are a minority. Most Israelis are simply believers in the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob which the others are not. They are Luciferians!

        You need to differentiate between the two!

        • HereAmI

          “For had ye believed Moses, ye would have believed Me, for he wrote of Me”.

          Jews hate the Lord Jesus Christ. Their TV channels show programmes where He is nailed to a cross, and represented as a monkey. Their comediennes ( eg Silverman ) state that, were He to come back again, He would be crucified again. Larry David had a TV show where he urinated on a picture of the Lord.
          jews claim to follow Torah, but when you enquire a little more deeply, their Torah turns out to be the Oral Torah, ie the writings of the rabbis, and not the Torah handed down to Moses at Jebel al Laws.

          Turns out that all the frenzied nodding of heads that goes on at the “Wailing Wall” ( which is not a remnant of the Temple, but of the Tower of Antonia which once adjoined it ) is actually jews attempting copulation with the Shekinah, ie the female manifestation of the god of the jews, who is not YHVH, but Lucifer.
          Almost all jews are of this type.
          Vanishingly few are those who have been awakened to their ruined state before the Most High.

        • Louis

          The Name of the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob is the Blessed Trinity. “Let US create man in OUR image and likeness.”

          The Second Person of the Blessed Trinity is Jesus Christ, Son of St. Mary.

          The sooner Jews (and Muslims) convert to the (Catholic) faith established by Christ, the sooner the world will have peace.

          Let there be no mistake about it — they will convert or they will be destroyed, not by each other, but by the Lord of Hosts Himself during the Three Days of Darkness, when God and His Angels visit the earth to judge and purify it (by means of plasma storms) in anticipation of the coming of the “holy age.” SIRACH 24:46, ACTS 3:20-21, etc. etc. etc.

        • NWO for Dummies.

          emet v\’kadosh

          again, not the reality. Jews have trouble with the truth. “Its them or us” for them and the truth never helps their position. But if they would only embrace the truth they would find that the truth would set them free.

    • emet v\\\'kadosh

      Thank you for the insightful analysis of who the main players are. There is much confusion as to who the present-day Jews are from Anti-Semitic, misinformed sources.

      In every people-group there are good and bad, moral and immoral. But take care if you curse the people of YHWH God, as He has pronounced a curse on those who curse His people.
      He said to Abraham, “I will bless those who bless you and curse those who curse you; .. ” (Genesis 12:3)

      True Ephraimites love their brother Yehudah (Ezekiel 37:15-19)

      Am Yisrael Chai!!!

      • Ephraim

        God made that promise to Abraham, not to some distant relative. If it is referring to distant relatives or people of Abraham then read the New Testament and you will find that Paul states the followers of Jesus Christ and the Kingdom of God are the people of Abraham not Christ-hating Jews.

        • HereAmI

          “God is able of these stones to raise up children unto Abraham”.
          Thus the Children of Abraham referred to are not those according to the flesh, as Ephraim quite rightly points out.

          “But he is a Jew which is one inwardly, and circumcision is that of the heart”.

      • HereAmI

        You are implicitly stating that God has pronounced a curse on His own Son.

        “Let there be no fruit from thee henceforth for ever”. ( The Lord Jesus Christ, speaking of the fig tree, well-recognized to be a symbolic reference to the fleshly nation of Israel )

        And again,

        “Let Me alone, that I may destroy them, and blot out their name from under heaven, and I will make of thee a nation mightier and greater than they”.

        Probably time for you to start questioning the ravings of the lunatic zionist John Hagee, I suspect.

    • LifeIs

      Good grief, it would take too much work to separate the mendacity from the insanity.

    • James Rathey

      …if it wasn’t for this

    • Charas Mayhem

      Im glad Israel is losing its propaganda war and are standing there alone with no friends! All the problems in this world go back to the instability Israel has caused.. I see Israel as the local hard mans little brother. Where everyone knows the big brother for being able to handle himself. and no one messes with him. Israel is the young brother who takes liberties with everyone, because he knows no one will do anything because of his big brother! Big brother just got ko’d and everyone wants some now!!! Even the peace loving people on this planet, who were always first to defend you, are starting to realize, if theres to be peace, Israel and its people have to go!!

    • magusincognito

      The Semites, of whom there are very few today who even have blood ties, were not the first “chosen people,” and they will not be the last. Isn’t it a curiosity that all of these materialistic-thinking sorts jump into spiritual books and believe they have it all figured out? Actually, it’s disrespectful.

      They are, in fact, the first “chosen people” to fail…and fail miserably, as they have frustrated the Hierarchy. They were the first to develop cunning. FYI: cunning is thinking unchecked by spirit.

      And, of course, we have the infiltration of Judaism by the Khazars & Sabbateans. (They have perverted what they started with; turned it upside-down. This is why we have all of the atrocities going on, today…in the name of God. However, this infiltration enables them to use the real Jews- however few there are -as shields. So, we have these impostors going around doing whatever they want- threatening to put you in prison if you so much as disagree. Only an small, illogical and unreasoning that does not know the spirit cannot see this. What a curiosity.

      • NWO for Dummies.

        We are all the chosen people. 11 of the 12 tribes never returned from exile and mixed in with all the races of the world, as God intended, calling them the leaven in the bread which makes it rise.
        The bread being humanity.
        Christ died for all humanity not a select group … if there were so select a group they wouldn’t need a saviour perhaps and apparently they think as much as their rejection of the true Saviour of the world indicates.

    • MediaMike

      1. The current occupants of Israel are &hazars.
      2. Russia did not “invade” they were invited! Mexicans are invading the US.
      3. The best thing that could happen to Earth right now, is the elimination of Israel and the restoration of Palestine.

    • Pix

      Israel is just a welfare state of the United American states of terror. Putin has already warned America, that while he doesn’t want war, he will bring it to your door, not hold a proxy war elsewhere. America is treading on very thin ice at the moment, one more act of aggression towards another country, and you’ll get your ‘we’re all doomed’ death cult wish.


      • HereAmI

        “For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoseoever believeth on Him should not perish, but have everlasting life”.

        Some death cult.

    • my2pesos

      Selah ~ Heals
      8—> Assur also is joined with them.
      Assur I ~ Russia

      • my2pesos

        Selah ~ Shale

      • Crazy times

        Give nothing Holy to the Dogs and Polecats least they rip it apart, as they do with ALL other scriptures

    • Richard Davidson

      If ever there was a time when God, humanity and the watching universe needed a shining example of God’s righteous government on Earth, it is now. And according to the Holy Bible, that is what should emerge in the land of Israel from this impending conflagration (Deuteronomy 30:1-10; Isaiah 2:1-5; 62; Ezekiel 36-48; Daniel 2:31-45; Hosea 3:4,5; Amos 9:8-15; Micah 4:1-7; Zechariah 12-14; Malachi 4). May we humble ourselves, repent of our sin, and be on the right side of history and redemption in these portentous days. In Yeshua’s name, Amen.

      • AllRoadsLead2NWO

        Yeah- the hebrew god of the hebrew bible- LOVES WAR, HE LOVES KILLING, HE LOVES SENDING PLAGUES, HE LOVES TORTURE, HE LOVES TO KILL -oh but he is not the evil one. He just always acts like it. Vain, jealous, favorite playing and loves to tell people to kill their kids for him- ask a joke. NO THAT IS THE DEFINITION OF EVIL- not mere ‘temptation’. The evil in the bible- is the HEBREWS made for money god, courtesy of Constantine the Great in Aug. of 325 CE at the Council of Niacea.

        • Damien

          And were did a secular state come in?


          The overall conclusion reached is that the United States most likely has been responsible since WWII for the deaths of between 20 and 30 million people in wars and conflicts scattered over the world.

          To the families and friends of these victims it makes little difference whether the causes were U.S. military action, proxy military forces, the provision of U.S. military supplies or advisors, or other ways, such as economic pressures applied by our nation. They had to make decisions about other things such as finding lost loved ones, whether to become refugees, and how to survive.

        • HereAmI

          But, gibberish as your comment is, just one rebuke.
          God commanded Abraham to kill his son upon an altar. Only a man who believed in resurrection could do such a thing; as he had been told, and had believed, that he would be the father of many nations, and yet he was past the age of child-begetting, as was Sarah.
          Thus, even had Abraham done as he was commanded, he knew that God would resurrect his son.
          Contrast this commandment with the actions of God Himself.

          “And there appeared an angel unto Him from heaven, strengthening Him.
          And being in an agony, He prayed more earnestly, and His sweat was as it were great drops of blood falling down to the ground”.

          The Lord Jesus Christ was prophesied from the very first word of the Bible to come and die for the likes of sinful men such as yourself.

          May God forgive your hardness of heart, and blasphemy against His holy Name.

          • Damien

            Thus, even had Abraham done as he was commanded, he knew that God would resurrect his son.


            1. He wasn’t killikng himself or Sarah.

            2. His oldest son Ishmael (the patriarch of them hundreds of millions of continually middle easter Arabs and the monotheistic religion of a billion people that his descendants follow alng with Christianity etc) was still kicking about.

    • truthseeker4809

      Another Biblical nonsense!!! Unless Israel provoke Russia and Iran begging for the invasion, they will leave Israel alone. Because they have nothing to gain from doing that. There is no oil and no gold but the nuclear weapons. But in the hope that the bible prophecy to be fulfilled Israel may provoke false flag operation inviting for the disastrous invasion to earn the sympathy from the western allies. That will be the real end of the Jewish state. Biblical self prophecy will be self fulfilled.

    • Pink Slime

      SOMETHING BIG is coming over there because ONE prophecy has not been fulfilled and it sure looks like it will be NOW!

      Zech 14:2 For I will gather all nations against Jerusalem to battle; and the city shall be taken, and the houses rifled, and the women ravished; and half of the city shall go forth into captivity, and the residue of the people shall not be cut off from the city.

    • jknbt

      the arabs are a mixed people…edomites and ishmaelites married to make arabs. the word arab means mixed or mulatto.

      • Damien


        from Arabic ‘arab, indigenous name of the people, perhaps literally “inhabitant of the desert” and related to Hebrew arabha “desert.” Meaning “homeless little wanderer, child of the street” is from 1848 (originally Arab of the city), in reference to nomadic ways.

    • Anonymous

      Like your article, but it should be said the “Psalm 83 war” is a theory that is not supported by any scripture prophecy, Psalms 83 a lament over the enemies of Israel, where the conclusion of the matter is not addressed, at all, by the Lord. There is no war in Psalms 83, no grounds to say God prophesies any discrete “Psalm 83 war.”

      From what I’ve seen, it’s a theoretical invention of the likes of guys like Bill Salus, who sell a lot of books with junk exegesis that goes viral, but is not a matter of “thus saith the Lord.” Theory is theory, not the word of God. Also, stuffing everything that comes down the pike in the news into Bible prophecy is foolishness, proven so in the long history of bad and failed interpretation, much like the so-called prophecies of claptrap articles here that have a 100% record of failure. Beware of just anybody hyping some book or DVD they’re selling, or YouTube video they’re getting paid by the view count for, unless you like being a dupe, a click monkey.

      Is anybody else tired of these people who read the likes of AP news from a screen in some YouTube video they’re calling a prophecy video? Anymore, all it has to do is rain, and it’s the wrath of God in somebody’s video.

    • Puffin


      Is Netanyahu a khazar?
      Who are the real Hebrew people and where are they now?

      Have the real Hebrews all returned to Israel yet?

      • Ephraim

        The answer for you would require too much space. The internet has photos of Khazars with red and blonde hair as well as brown. Some pictures of ISIL soldiers shown ones with red hair which means they are not Arab. Netanuahu may well be Khazarian. It was been said the Jews fleeing from Roman destruction in 70 AD onward fled to Spain where they came to be identified as Sephardim Jews. Others went to Egypt and elsewhere and got lost in the mix. The nation of Khazaria were defeated and scattered by the early Russians (Russ) after many of them had converted to Judaism as a religion (not by DNA). These were supposedly the Bolshevik Jews and later traveled to Eastern Europe as Ashkanazi Jews. Notice that Ashkanez (Ashkanazi) is the grandson of Japheth from which the Khazarian people claim to be descended.

        If you care to read, the following links will give much more detailed information.



      • Damien

        Ancestry is Polish.

        The amusing thing about Khazars that everybody insults is that about a third or a half of continental Europeans might then be abused as ‘Khazars’.

        Damn friggin Khazars!!!! :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad:

    • HereAmI

      The writer is profoundly delusional.
      As is usual amongst jews, he considers them to be an oppressed yet faithful and God ( yes, it is OK to put the “o” in there ) -fearing collection of individuals.
      He laments the fact that, prior to the Babylonian conquest, Jerusalem was betrayed by Edomites, forgetting the scripture “Yea, ye took up the tabernacle of Moloch, and the star of your god Remphan ( a star which they still follow today; it is even on their usurpers’ flag ) AND I WILL CARRY YOU AWAY BEYOND BABYLON”.
      He also piously informs us that devout ( ie satanic ) jews refuse to utter the sacred Name YHVH, but such are the exigencies of the time, that one day they will utter this Name; a Name which, in their own tongue, means “Behold the hand, Behold the nail”.
      “And they shall look upon Me Whom they have pierced”.
      Thus, when this great Name is finally uttered by a remnant, it will indeed be honoured by the Holy One of God, our beloved Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, just as His name will always be honoured when called out by His faithful and chosen people everywhere.
      Including even amongst this most antichrist and wretched group of people, the jews; a few of whom finally recognise the truth which, to the rest of us, and by the grace of God, has long been known to be the Name which is above every name..

    • desertspeaks

      State of Israel, that’s funny and grotesque at the same time! The zionists bribed and blackmailed certain members of the UN and the UK into illegally and immorally annexing PALESTINE to create a country that had never before existed in the history of the planet!
      Since 1947, zionists have systematically made life an ever increasing horror for the Palestinians to further the ongoing theft of what remains of PALESTINE! Zionists/Israelis have, are and will continue to commit crimes against humanity and GENOCIDE against the Palestinians, until they are either all dead or LEAVE! and I suspect that if they leave, they will mysteriously die because dead people can’t make claims of theft, crimes against humanity and GENOCIDE!

    • DTS & Associates

      Israel attacked the United States of America on 9/11.
      What goes around, comes around.

    • DTS & Associates

      Israel attacked the Unites States of America on 9/11.
      What goes around, comes around.

    • David

      Israeli Professor of (Telviv University), Shlomo Sand talks up the ideas of his new book, The Invention of the Jewish People, challenging the underlying logic of the State of Israel as a homeland for the Jewish People.

      He argues those who claim to be of the Jewish People cannot claim a blood connection with the original Jewish inhabitants of the Holy Land, but converts along the way. His book was a best-seller in Israel for 19 weeks in 2009. audio and video by Joe Friendly

      Eran Elhaik, Ph.D. Genetic Epidemiology, Population Genetics, Molecular Evolution, Epigenetics,
      Paleogenomics, and Personalized Medicine.

      Oxford Journals: The Missing Link of Jewish European Ancestry: Contrasting the Rhineland and the Khazarian Hypotheses.


    • David

      In the 7th century, the Khazars founded an independent Khaganate in the Northern Caucasus along the Caspian Sea. Although the Khazars were initially Tengri shamanists, many converted to the Abrahamic faiths through interaction with the Byzantine Empire and successive Islamic caliphates; during the 8th or 9th century, the Khaganate adopted Judaism as the state religion. At their height, the Khazars and their tributaries controlled much of what is today southern Russia, western Kazakhstan, eastern Ukraine, Azerbaijan, large portions of the Northern Caucasus (Circassia, Dagestan), parts of Georgia, the Crimea, and Northeastern Turkey.


    • Puffin

      This is the best video evidence of the real Hebrew people I have seen.

      Their priests wearing the EPHOD.

      • Ephraim

        Well, so much for attempting to explain anything to you.

    • magusincognito

      The Khazars & Sabateans should not get it.

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