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Understanding Existence; Phenomenon of Time; Manual of Life

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All of us woke up one day and someone said I am your father and this is your mother, these are your brothers and sisters.  Then they told us about ‘this is right’ and ‘that is wrong’.  Then told us this is legal and that is illegal.  You ask why some wrongs are legal, and some good things are illegal; parents said this is what their parents told them.  You visit some other places and those legal things are illegal there, and vice versa.  Then you are told you have a religion; you curiously ask which one; parents tell you it happens to be the same as theirs.  Majority of mankind is comfortably living life like this.  

Those who blindly follow what they are told, have to keep themselves immensely busy to avoid contemplating the questions that (should) come to mind; why was I not born in another country, in another family, in another religion, in a palace rather than a hut – and vice versa, in another era, on a different planet.  We also notice that humans have a universally embedded nature in them.  All religions, cultures, societies agree that lying, stealing, hurting others, usurpation, cursing is bad.  We also notice when we help someone in need, stop a crime from taking place, engage in meditation, and/or come across new beneficial knowledge or skill, there is a sense of satisfaction and completion inside us.  

We also notice we have certain freedoms, but with limitations.  I can freely choose to stand on one leg of my choice, but I cannot pick up the other leg simultaneously.  I can jump in the air, but come right back down and cannot fly.  I find myself depending on having to consume food and water, breathe air, sleep at night, urinate etc. I don’t seem to have a choice about that, so I must schedule my day where I have access to those essentials when needed.  Btw, everything we consume or build with comes from earth and eventually goes back in to the earth including ourselves.  

Why do I wake up every day and find out some humans didn’t wake up today and have passed.  What is existence? A fruit on the tree didn’t exist few months back, and appeared on the branch out of thin air; trace back further and even the tree didn’t exist some years back.  Same way man wasn’t around but then appeared in his mother’s womb one day out of thin air, trace the mother back and she didn’t exist some years back.

Who was the first man and woman?  Evolution theory and all other pagan theories that tell me we are glorified apes or a result of two cells copulating don’t add up for me, leave a lot of unanswered questions.  Monotheistic religions tell me a story about Adam and Eve, about a beginning, and an end.  It catches my attention and I want to know more.  

Imagine a beautiful Lamborghini shows up and someone tries to tell you that a screw and a screw driver mated and kept multiplying and ended up looking like this car.  Fact is that this car has a maker (creator), someone who designed it and assembled the car.  Human physical design is perfect and cannot be perfected further using human intelligence; think about where you would want the nose or your fingers to be relocated.  Footprints in the sand are proof that someone was there.  This earth, sun, moon, stars, planets are proof that Creator exists and is ever present.  When I hear this, it resonates with me, and it feels like I am getting somewhere with my questions.    


What is time?  Just to throw you off, what time is it right now if you are standing on the surface of moon.  The unique Creator who created this universe is the one who created time.  In our extremely limited understanding of this great phenomenon, man foolishly thinks he is on top of and in charge of time just because he can look at the clock and tell time.  Time in the day is determined by the rotation of the earth on its axis in relation to the sun.  So, there was a ‘time’ before the creation of earth and sun.  What was the definition of that ‘time’? how do I measure that? what revolved around what?  I simply cannot measure it with the limited faculty of human brain.  

Two calendars we have are the rotation of the moon around earth (lunar calendar; 354.37 days/year) and earth’s rotation around the sun (solar calendar; 365.25 days/year).  If any of these rotations are disrupted then what would be understanding of time for us.  Was this rotation always the same, or was it slower and now getting faster.  Clock was only invented some 500 or so years ago.  Comparing the recent years to the past years of childhood, a year feels like a month, month like a week, week like a day, day like an hour.  When I am at the theme park, time goes by so fast, but when sick it creeps so slow.  Did you ever try looking at the clock if you have to wait for 5 minutes verses if you are browsing your phone for 5 minutes?  Passage of this phenomenon of time is directly influenced by observation, personal experience, emotions, feelings, and the physical space one is occupying at a unique point in his existence.  Ask a 90 year old how long he feels he has lived.  

Think of the difference in experiencing passage of time for the passengers in the flight overhead flying in the direction of rotation of the earth in comparison to those on the ground.  Rotation of the earth is 1,040 miles an hour towards east.  If you get on a Mach 3 jet (2301 mph) and fly in the direction of rotation of the earth.  In 24 hours earth will rotate 24,960 miles one complete round; 24 hour flight on Mach 3 jet will take you 55,224 miles; basically you went around the earth twice, will you really time travel to the future?  You will just end up with only 24 hours passed on earth from where you started your journey.  For actual time travel you would have to go through certain energy portals/star-gates located on crossing of major Ley lines, but there you could end up in other dimension as well.  This is a subject we wouldn’t cover here.  

Let’s look at the experience of so many people who in their sleep saw a dream which came true exactly in its entirety a number of days later; did they time travel and observed the future.  What really goes on during sleep, why don’t you feel refreshed if you only lay in bed all night with eyes closed letting your body relax witout falling asleep.  This is a vast and deep subject on its own.   

Time is also a dimension; visiting a place at a certain time is not the same when one is not present there at another time, pointing to time being the hidden dimension when viewing a place on earth; humans see 3 dimensions (height, width, depth), time being the 4th dimension.  Visiting a street in Syrian city in time prior to conflict verses visiting the same city today after the conflict, the 3 dimensional view will be quite different because of a hidden dimension of time being different; visiting the same city 1000 years ago will be very different indeed.  Being at the mall at 2am in the morning is not the same as being at the mall 2pm in the afternoon; experience will be quite different. 

Manual of Life

When you observe everything that man creates, he always puts together rules, restrictions, warning labels, method of utilization, and a manual for reference.  Everything that you take out of the box comes with instructions on how to assemble and use it.  There has to be a manual that explains life, death, existence, good and evil.  It must tell us what is good for us in this worldly experience and what we should abstain from due to its harm to us.  This manual of life must be able to answer all questions and stand the test of time; it must not require changing/editing/modifying, even as time changes from one era to the next (dark ages, industrial era, modern era, information age), this book must be able to keep up with passage of time and help those living in every age make sense of their surroundings and purpose of their existence.  

There was no such book which explained existence that I can recall reading in high school or university.  So, I searched historical records and found that there were a number of men that came in different eras/ages claiming to be messengers of the Creator of all things, God; some of these men brought books/scriptures/manuals with them claiming to be communications from the unique Creator.  Now this sounded very interesting, and I wanted to learn more about what the Creator has to say, especially wanted to see if He knows me better than myself.   

In the books Creator emphasise not to call anyone else the creator and that He has no partners who helped him in His creation.  He says vision can’t comprehend Him, but He comprehends all vision.  He tells us to reflect upon his signs, heed the warnings, ponder upon His creation, recognize Him, and once done so fall in prostration submitting to His will.  He knows all, sees all and hears all.  He knows what is good for man and what is harmful.  Also, He tells us that one day you will come back to Me and I will reward you for the good you did and punish you for the evil you committed; unless of course you repent.  

I tried to relate to that and thought if man calls someone else his father who had nothing to do with the process for him coming in to existence in his mother’s womb, his real father would be upset and perhaps even his mother as well.  I also notice when I submit to my parents willingly they love me more, and reward me with extra sugar intake which I crave for.  I also realize I am only able to view things in 3 dimensions (height, width, depth), even though I know 4th, 5th, and 6th definitely exist.  Just look at a matchbox with 6 sides, I am not able to see all of the sides at the same time.  If I am monitoring an area with a drone, and see someone running without heeding to clearly visible warning signs, I can see how that person will end up falling in the hidden ditch, quicksand, or run off the cliff.  Now I can relate to the Creator telling me He knows what’s best and what’s harmful for me, and that I should heed His warnings for my own benefit.  

When the child does something wrong, parents correct him.  When man commits crime, society punishes him accordingly.  If man has laws for other men on how to behave in society, I can understand the warning of punishment from the Creator, and good news of reward when we return to Him.  Not all men are punished in this life for their crimes; for example who will punish and bring in court pharaohs/kings of today; not their enslaved subjects for sure.  So many tyrants have died after living long lives without being brought to a fair trial.

I can also understand anyone who hasn’t done any good and expects a reward to be like the employee who doesn’t show up for work all month but expects a salary at the end of the month, he will be very disappointed.  

It’s a fact this earth is shared by all humans.  If mankind today doesn’t care for each other, promote good and stop evil on all levels, we all will suffer.  Example of earth is like a cruise liner.  If all aboard upper deck find lower deck occupants attempting to carve out a hole at the bottom of the ship, and turn away thinking that these fools will drown themselves (only) and upper deck is safe; it’ll be very foolish indeed.   

So, now I want to know where the Creator is located.  I look up in the sky, but realize I can’t even grasp the entire sky with my vision, there is so much of the sky behind my head which I have to turn around to view, but then I lose the first view.  I realize if I can’t properly grasp the creation of the Creator with these two eyes, how I can I grasp the Creator with this limited vision of mine.  Imagine an ant crawling on the floor wanting to grasp in its vision the entire earth, impossible at least while crawling on earth.  Now this made me curious as to where I am located.  I live in North America.  Where’s North America? on planet earth.  Where’s planet earth? in the solar system.  Where’s the solar system? in Milky Way galaxy.  Where’s the Milky Way galaxy? in the universe.  Where’s the universe? I don’t know.  

The Creator also tells us we have an enemy, tells us the story of Adam,Eve and the devil who vowed to prove to the Creator that Adam and sons of Adam will be ungrateful to the Creator.  There is so much more to this story; here I just want to introduce this subject.  The books of the messengers of the Creator also lay out a moral, social, economic code; even a code for warfare.  So, now I know I am more than just an eating, sleeping, breathing organism; there’s higher purpose of my existence and I have a role in my surroundings.  I have come to the realization that I am definitely sent to this earth along with others for something very important.  I must continue to read the book to find out more of the story of my existence.  

This was the beginning for me to wake up and know that my purpose is not only to go to school, graduate, get a job, enjoy life like a child enjoys his day in the theme park, collect my retirement and die one day; not saying these things are not important, but this to be the sole purpose of life came in to question for me.  Also, looking at it from other extreme where man is in dire poverty, has miserable life, exercises patience and perseverance and passes away one day.  Was his sole purpose of creation to suffer extreme struggle in this life with no reward what so ever; there must be a purpose of his life and a reward for his suffering.  This is what man needs to find out and understand.  

Today when we look around us we see suffering of great magnitude, destruction of large nations, wars, greed, crimes of unimaginable proportions.  Those who have it made are comfortable with their Tell-Lie-Vision (TV) sets, and those who have nothing have to fend for themselves by any means necessary.  Where have we gone wrong, why does the world have to be such a polarized place to live in.  The book tells us of nations before us who, like the current ones, didn’t heed the warning signs and caused great mischief on earth.  Creator then annihilated them; saved those who repented and heeded the warning signs.  We see proof with archaeology where grand monuments and houses lay in ruin (Egyptian pyramids, Petra of Jordan, ruins of Madyan, Aztecs and so many more).  

So I can relate to the stories of the book and see why messengers were sent to this world when majority humans became content with falsehood, injustice, and economic slavery of the poor.  The messengers gave warnings to all; those who heeded and boarded the ‘arks’ of their time were saved.  Today boarding the ark is in knowing the truth about life/existence and disconnecting from the falsehood built around us.  This falsehood tells us our purpose is to amass wealth even at the expense of violating rights of others, hoard all the natural resources, and who cares if 80% of the world is malnourished; trust the mainstream media as it is your eyes to see the world; politicians are your well-wishers; freedom to lie is freedom of speech; 3 person babies are smarter; debt is wealth; you are your own creator; ‘you can do whatever you want’, while knowing fully that you can’t even not breathe, not eat/drink, fly, not sleep, and have to abide by even the traffic laws.   

When we examine the monotheistic religious scriptures in depth (Judaism, Christianity, Islam), we come to this strange yet very important realization that they are all waiting for a Messiah.  Prophet Moses (peace be upon him) gave the good news of coming of the Messiah king who can defy the laws of gravity and walk on water, raise the dead back to life, and do these really cool miracles.  Moses (pbuh) could throw the staff and turn it in to a serpent, even parted the Red sea with it; he could also put his hand in his clothing, bring it out and it glows bright white.  Anyhow, so this Messiah is to bring guidance back to the children of Israel (children of prophet Jacob (pbuh)), liberate the holy land, and then rule the world as a just king, let me say it again, rule the entire world from Jerusalem.  It’s a daunting task indeed.  1500+ years later, the Messiah did arrive with many more miracles than prophesied.  He could even breathe life in to a clay bird and make it fly away.  The establishment of his time, the rabbis, rejected him to the point where they wanted him crucified.  Jerusalem at the time was occupied by the Romans.  One day the rabbis claimed they killed the imposter.  Those who witnessed the miracles of Jesus (pbuh) and believed (Nazarenes-followers of Jesus(pbuh)) were convinced that the Messiah, as he had told them earlier, ascended to the heavens and will return towards the end of time to complete his mission.  An evil entity known as the antichrist must first ulfil his mission of impersonating the true Messiah, and only then Jesus (pbuh) will return and kill the false messiah, and consolidate his rule over the whole world; long subject, and other prerequisites must be fultilled before Jesus’ 2nd coming.  
(pbuh)=peace be upon him/her

Then came Islam after 600 years.  Islam’s prophet Muhammad (pbuh) declared that Jesus (pbuh) was the true Messiah of God of Abraham, and Jesus (pbuh) will return to rule the world from Jerusalem.  Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) mentioned Jesus’ (pbuh) miracle virgin birth, mentioned another miracle not known before that Jesus (pbuh) spoke from the cradle as an infant telling everyone about his messengership.  Mary’s (pbuh) complete story is mentioned in Islamic holy book, the Quran.  This is just an introduction to this subject; there is immense depth and history behind it.  This is the subject where current events of the world, history and prophecies converge.  

Link below is the 2nd article in this series, where an attempt is made to connect the dots on number of subjects.  


Rectifying and Reconciling: Planet-X and Geophysical Signs; Eschatology and NWO; First Anti-Christ Emerges; Then Jesus (pbuh) Descends; Rapture; Cycle of Creation; Syria

Common roots of Islam, Christianity and Judaism are discussed in the article linked below.


Ultimate objective of the anti Christ – Roots of Islam – Christianity and Islam waiting for Jesus (pbuh) explained

When you look back 150 or so years, such rapid technological advancement has not been seen in the last 3,000 years.  This quickly man improved the standard of living and went from riding horses to flying jets, it was invonceivable in 19th century.  Why now at this point in time such progress in technology, why not 1000 years ago?  This is not by accident and is linked directly with eschatology (study of the end times, not end of the world, but end of an era/age, and beginning of the messianic golden age). 

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    Total 4 comments

      “Human physical design is perfect and can not be perfected further” If this is true, production standards are quite low.

      • maxwell

        ..human physical design….perfect?…maybe, if you got the “mind/brain”, workin’ right, too…and then concentrate on morals and literacy…oh, hell…might as well be a fish…swim in school….

        • NoneButOne

          Yes, without the mind, morals, education, and realizing the purpose of his life, man is no different from an animal, and those who cross the line to the evil side are worse than animal.

      • NoneButOne

        I would only invite anyone to design it better, and then ask the opposite gender what they think of it.

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