50 women set up Dead Child Trafficking by framing nice moms to their CPS Secret Courthouse who meet in a Church Parking Lot, and in the Church Courtyard and take that street straight up to the CPS Secret Courthouse estate behind gaurd gates where moms are framed in that CPS Ventura County case workers estate garage bought for 4.9 in 2007 says God, and Jesus says they are mothers themselves, and Business woman setting up hated Dead Child Traffick by taking 50 framer files by them the hated 50 devils.
50 Women Who Meet At 9 AM In A Church Parking Lot By The County Line The Church Parking Lot Brigade They Call Them, Their Lying The Mothers and Daughter Gang Stalkers In Tips Are Not Child Molesters Doing Kiddy Porn Molesting In Family Homes and Apartments and Dead Child Trafficking, And Their Lying The Moms Did Not Molest Their Children At Home To Be Shot Up With Drugs Years Ago, They Are Lying They Save Babies Tots Kids Teens Infants Son All Over The USA BY Framing Moms Setting Them Up To Their CPS Secret Court Hearings By Them In A CPS Ventura County Case Workers Estate Garage, They Lie That Moms Who Have Orgasms Making Love In The Day That They Peeping Tom Perverts See in Spy Cams Should Loose Custody if they make love and have orgasms, they say thats sickening to them, that moms do that in the daylight and have orgasms in a row, they call that cumming with their sick vulgar disgusting liar mouths.
Moms Molesting Their Kids Are Gang Stalking To Get Babies Kids To Molest Them
The child molester kiddy porn serial killers are out gang stalking targeted individuals, their parked all over doing genital electronic harassment to them and they say they are taking them out of their houses and apartments within 45 minutes thats the command from one of them the kids porn director who directs the eat out films they do, they eat out the people they get of all ages in child pelvic stands gyno chairs play pens baby changing mats, and he is telling them to get them out in 45 minutes flat by barging in with his watch dog relatives who rape them in the houses and apartments while they eat them out, and they are all speedy on meth drunk parked in brand spankin new autos they say, and run in family homes and apartments all speedy and horny with no underwear on and molest the kids babies sons they suck on too, and they say they sex torture people because the moms had orgasms they saw in spy cams, and the CIA Northern CA tells them that a mom who cums in the day is bad and she says to take the babies kids custody away by telling City Halls Courts etc that she is in charge of a save life mission, by stolen mail and she lies she’s in charge of covering cps dcfs etc case files for safety by stolen mail she stole instructions that said its to stop cps dcfs welfare traffick, it means do not take any babies tots kids teens away ever again, it means to make sure CPS DCFS etc do not go near families to stop trafficking, and she lies its her job when its not and tells City Halls which moms to take custody away from that she decides on parenting when she sits there drunk watching kids molested on her cells by her crews the gang stalkers she aims to and says hey its me Jose and she tells City Halls Courts I decide on parenting and the CIA Northern CA is running sex torturing, they say their mission is to punish moms who had orgasms they see in spy cams, and lie if a mom orgasms it means they are a bad mom, when it does not at all, and they say thats their mission to punish moms severely for orgasm, so dam stinken bad and to make all the babies kids of all ages cum in front of them, and says they base parenting on moms making love in the bedroom with the door closed, couples having great love making and moms having orgasms that are twenty seconds that are healthy for women to have, as they release endorphins, and stress, and they want to force orgasms 999 times on their babies toddlers kids teens sons too if they had a great wonderful orgasm and great love making in love, they lie that means they are not good parents if they are on their back in the day having an orgasm and this orgasm torturer serial killer says they tell City Halls and Courts who should loose custody when they should be on death row and should have been a long time ago for running the sickest sex torture operation in history with the in home investigator and their horny methed out women with no underwear on stalking to sex torture people in homes should be in jail and in the jail detox as they are murdering for drugs, and they are heroin meth junkys sluts saying they are horny to eat out kids cunts, and they are drunk driving and CIA Northern CA drives drunk, and stole the job thats to keep them away from people its so CPS DCFS do not go near any families, and they hate orgasms and lie that means a mom is bad, and say they sent 1000 more moms names t to take their babies tots kids teens infants sons girls away so they can watch them get eaten out on their cells, and they say the top secret mission is to off them, and girls moms molesters in cars say they got 10 more days to off them to get 80 million stolen funds thats what they were told in 09 when they were in 9th grade says a 27 or 28 year old who’s says some kids they took are in compartments under their apartment buildings, they took them from parks to eat them out in their apartment attics, they have many work apartments they do kiddy porn sex torturing murders in, and no one thinks they would do that as they are phony to City Halls they act like suburbia Goody Two shoes, and say they do this to get meth shots and heroin after and do not know why they are told to stop gang stalking to stop slandering so many people on messenger and to get lost go away from everyone as criminals are not allowed in society, and she says her mom told her in 08 or 07 06 even that they were going to do kids porn at home when she was 11 years old and her sister was 13 or so, of 14 and she was told their mom would lick them, and go down on them, and film it and get paid, and other moms and kids were doing it then in their suburb areas, and she knew 10 children doing it then in 06 spring, and they were told its all fine good and dandy to eat out vaginas on kids babies to go down on them, and they were told its to make 80 million at the end after they get 1 million people taken to eat them out and to stoop hump grinds their lights out, and they got shot up with drugs in 06 or 07 and her mom told her to lift up her dress and she would slip her hand in her private area, and they filmed it, and said yippee to everyone doing this, and her mom does soft porn with a dad whos in their texting, and his ex eats out babies with them til they bleed to death as she started going down on her daughter or just the dad did ages ago, and she says they are supposed to get more people, and she was told its all so fine good and dandy a million times, and left school to be trained as a CIA Northern CA secret agent comptuer hacker watch dog assistant who stuck their penis in her then end of June 09 maybe 9th grade Colina Middle School, Ventura County just west of the L A County Line, and many are from that area, from many schools who do eat out films and dead child trafficking, and her mom does soft porn and her sister was in HighSchool 11th grade end of June 09 probably, and they got 9 dads who do them, and 8 moms who lick their vaginas daily every minute as they are horny on meth no underwear on sitting in cars drunk parked staring at babies vaginas on screens from peeping tom, and say this is a very top secret operation, and they got 89 of them in this when they were children and call her mom strawberry blond ,shortie they call this girl, and her sister they named the Arabian Princess, and others are lil Lisa 30 probably, from their area from L A County, and they got others named Red that mom goes down on her daughters since 2009 or 2010 who are 29 or so and she started eating her daughters vagina out when she was 14 or so and her sister when sh was 7 years old, she started doing kids porn at home years ago, and for meth shots, by the van coming around to shoot them up, and started going to the San Fernando valley on the bus by the bus stops near their suburb homes, to the bus depot down Ventura blvd to rooms under markets bank parking lots drug stores malls to eat out babies kids vaginas an moms and took the freeway bus at 5 am from the suburbs, and are about 35 minutes from home east of the suburbs
Traffick Exploation By Spy Cams In Toilets By City Hall Permits
The FGM orgasm hater peeping tom human sex traffick ring lie to authority’s they got save life top secret son of God mission and a stop sex slavery internationally mission with son of God authority and really they stole those jobs instructions, and authority papers from mail, the readings say they stole this mail in 2005, 2006, 2007 and lied they got those job positions and authority and really they have no authority and they are not their jobs at all.
They lie they save lives by setting people up to get them hand cuffed, and to force medication and shots, and its for sex slavery,its they way they capture people to sex torture and murder them the readings say.
They lie they save life by taking people to medical labs for medical research,and its all a game.
They go to City Halls at 5 am to get paper to spy on 50 residents in many areas, they get City Hall computer techncian papers by lying they are covering disabled persons typing, they lie they hack to help case files closed open ones and they rob them by hacking.
They get City Hall permits to spy on people in toilets by spy cams they put in them, and lie they are covering urination and bowl movements of disabled persons in homes and public restrooms, and really they exploit vaginas for human sex trafficking and send them to child molesters and rapists, and they sell vaginas from toilet spy cams, and lie to men they can have sex with the females who’s vagina they send on cells, and say they are hot and horny and set up raping and child molesting sex torturing trafficking of families this way
They go to City Halls and say they are spy cam potty gals covering restrooms in houses apartments parks and schools and malls, and they say they need permits to cover the families named, they lie the moms are disabled, and they lie they are wasted crack whore old hag moms case files by their secret cps court hearings done in private, and really they are not disabled and they are not wasted crack whores, they do no crack, and most do no drugs and many do not drink at all,and they are not whores, they are only with the man they are in a relationship with, and they are not old hags they are lovely moms,
They say they do that to them to get papers at 5 am at many City Halls and lie they are covering people for well being, they lie the moms have addiction troubles when they are long time sober AA members sober for over 15 20 and over 35 years sober,and some are 1 year sober 1 month sober etc. and they have 1,000 sober 12 step AA moms named on lists, and sober AA daughters also teens and young adults, and they lie they need help by them forcing shots by cps secret court papers and its to murder them by speed balls shots medication, many die instantly, they shoot up the whole family, and say they do this because they hate moms who cum, they hate moms who have triple orgasms, they lie that means they are whores with a sex addiction trouble when no they are not sex addicts at all, they spy on moms having couple love making and orgasms, and lie that means they are sex addicts when they are not.
They say they go in at 5 am to many City Halls to get toilet permits hacking permits, they rob the people by hacking and sell the whole family by exploiting them from spy cams in toilets
They bring in doughy rolls and donuts at 5 am to City Halls acting nice, and give them stolen property they stole looted that is the peoples property on the lists, and they bring them espresso and say they got alot of people to cover in toilets, and alot of typing to cover by hacking, and say toodle lou you who boy oh boy we sure are helping out so many people by covering them people in thousands of areas in California and the USA by City Hall Permits, and they say they are covering case files of all types people framed to their CPS Secret Court they say are top secret back office bungalow Dept of Health Welfare case files all secretly done, without the people knowing, California Fresh food stamp case files, welfare case files, white folk says a pedo child molester who is half African American and about 28 years old, she says they eat cunts on meth and chow down on the ground, her mom licks her fat pale pink cunt beforehand often and the mom eating out daughter porn is filmed, and they do meth in their feet, then squat down on their hind knees widest part open for the men to stick it in them while they eat out a kid strapped down for many hours 9 hours til they bleed in their mouth, and she says thats to teach moms a lesson they lie are bad for cumming as they stare at cumming vaginas on screens from spy cams they do in houses and apartments, in the morning 29 of them get but naked sit cross legged in a ring on their floor in the gyno chair fgm rooms under many drug stores, they stare at 10 vaginas on screens and masturbate to looking at them, and say thats a hot wet pussy cunt, and say they get the whole family to eat them out to teach moms a lesson to punish them for orgasming in love making that they see in spy cams, and she says I do this to get 80 million in stolen funds at the end after we offed all the people on lists, and they go to City Halls at 5 pm or 6 pm and 9 pm with papers filled out, and say to desk clerls at City Halls way to go looky here at our so awesome notes we took care of so many la babalas with moms with big boobalas booba a lot the moms with sex problems as we know by staring at screen shots on uteruses, and the mission is to slice off clitorises, and they lie they are infected when they are not, and they are parked in many cars hacking gang stalking saying they are parked in cars drunk loaded speeded up on meth snorting cocaine tootin a way, boozin it up smokin weed, looking at vaginas from toliet spy cams sitting all spread out says this 28 year old who says her mom is doing her in the car, shes got her legs all spread out for her gentle hand to touch her clito so huge and pink and horny looking at vaginas of babies tots kids on screens.
She says she’s the City Hall Supervisor covering gravely disabled case files by City Hall permits who are not gravely disabled at all, she says she’s covering CPS DCFS case files current ones past closed case files, and food stamp welfare case files and people they are framing to the CPS Secret Court and have real paper to take kids baby’s tots teens moms to eat them out is why, by barging in and child molesting sex torturing vaginas and boys penises also
Child and Adult Sex Traffick Is Run By A Female Genital Mutilation Orgasm Hater Ring
Child and Adult Sex Traffick Is Run By A Female Genital Mutilation Orgasm Hater Ring They capture victims by lying mothers have a sex problem, they lie an orgasm in love making means they have a sex problem They say they take moms and every age kid away, and that they take them to help moms who have a sex problem when they have no sex problem They spy on moms private areas in spy cameras when they make love and orgasm, and lie that an orgasm means they have a sex problem. They frame moms they hate for having passion and orgasms to their CPS Secret Court to take custody of every age baby toddler child teenager away with framing fraud papers and lie they are taking moms to help them to cut off clitorises, and to take their kids to adopt them, and really human sex traffick every age person They say sold the moms to medical research labs, Sold Them Already as Modern Day Slavery Selling A Person which is illegal and has been for ages, and FGM is illegal, and human sex traffick is illegal, peeping tom exploation is illegal, framing people is illegal kidnapping is illegal. They say they take people away to help moms with a sex problem when they have no problem, as having an orgasm is not a problem. My readings say this is how they human sex traffick people of every age.
This article explains orgasms are good for health. Female orgasms: What you need to know Why do females orgasm? What happens? Health benefits Misconceptions What if you can’t orgasm? Summary A female orgasm can be a highly pleasurable experience during masturbation or sexual activity. Male-dominated norms mean much about the female orgasm remains misunderstood, and harmful myths persist. In this article, we look at why female orgasms occur and what happens during an orgasm. We also debunk some common misconceptions. Why do females orgasm? The benefits of the male orgasm are clear. Men must ejaculate to deposit sperm in the vagina, possibly leading to pregnancy. The male orgasm, therefore, serves a clear evolutionary purpose. The purpose of the female orgasm is less clear. Researchers have suggested numerous potential benefits, but few have been rigorously tested, and no theory has conclusive scientific support. Not everything the body does has a clear purpose, however. Scientists have not discovered the evolutionary benefits of some traits that have persisted in humans. A 2016 studyTrusted Source argues that the female orgasm may have no obvious evolutionary benefit and that it may be a relic of a time when the hormones associated with orgasm were necessary for a woman to ovulate. Since there was no evolutionary need to eliminate the female orgasm, it persisted even when it was no longer necessary for fertility. Orgasm may serve important purposes, however. The pleasure it can cause can encourage females to have sex. This may also promote bonding with a sexual partner, which does have significant evolutionary benefits. What happens during an orgasm? During arousal, blood flow to the genitals increases, causing them to become more sensitive. As arousal increases, a person’s heart rate, blood pressure, and breathing rate may also increase. As orgasm approaches, the muscles may twitch or spasm. Many women experience rhythmic muscle spasms in the vagina during an orgasm. Several researchers have proposed that sexual response follows specific stages, though their theories about these stages differ. Still, most theories include the following stages: excitement, during which arousal builds plateau, during which arousal increases and levels off orgasm, which causes intense feelings of pleasure resolution, during which arousal diminishes Many females are able to have another orgasm after resolution, whereas males usually require a period of rest before having another orgasm. Health benefits While the internet is filled with articles promising that orgasms improve skin, hair, and overall health, there is little scientific evidence that orgasms offer any specific health benefits. Scientists have not identified any evolutionary benefits of female orgasms or found that orgasms improve health. But orgasms are pleasurable, and pleasure can be its own benefit. Pleasurable sex may improve a person’s mood, relieve stress, boost immunity, and foster better relationships. Women do not need to orgasm to get pregnant. However, a limited body of evidence suggests that orgasms may boost fertility. One very small studyTrusted Source, for example, measured whether there was better sperm retention after female orgasm. While the results confirmed this, proving that the female body retains sperm better after an orgasm will require larger studies with designs of higher quality. Common misconceptions People hold many misconceptions about female orgasms. Some myths include: Women who cannot orgasm have psychological problems. While trauma, relationship issues, and poor mental healthTrusted Source can make it more difficult to orgasm, many people with healthy sexual attitudes and good relationships still have difficulties. An orgasm is both a physical and psychological response, and numerous health problems can make it more difficult to enjoy sex in this way. Some people struggle to orgasm due to inadequate lubrication. This may happen while taking hormonal birth control, or during or after pregnancy, or due to menopause. Also, women can experience vulvodynia, which refers to unexplained pain in the vagina or around the vulva. Treating this and other medical conditions may improve sexual pleasure. Orgasms from penetrative sex are common or the healthiest form of sexual expression. Self-appointed experts, mostly men, have long told women that they must orgasm from heterosexual intercourse. However, many women can only orgasm from clitoral stimulation. Sigmund FreudTrusted Source argued that the vaginal orgasm was the superior and more mature orgasm. No evidence supports this claim. Women cannot have vaginal orgasms. While vaginal orgasms are less common than those from clitoral stimulation, some women have them — with or without other stimulation. The female orgasm can result from many types of stimulation, including vaginal, clitoral, and nipple contact. Not everyone orgasms from the same type of stimulation. Women need to be in love to orgasm. Orgasm is a complex psychological and biological experience — reaching and experiencing orgasm is not the same for every woman. Some women may need to feel love to orgasm, while others may not. A person’s relationship with their partner may or may not influence their ability to orgasm during sex. A 2018 studyTrusted Source found that 86% of lesbian women said they usually or always orgasm during sex, compared to just 66% of bisexual women and 65% of heterosexual women. Participants were more likely to orgasm frequently if they: received more oral sex had longer-lasting sex reported higher relationship satisfaction asked for what they wanted in bed engaged in sexual emails or calls expressed love during sex acted out sexual fantasies tried new sexual positions A partner can tell if a woman has had an orgasm. There is no way to tell if a woman has had an orgasm without asking her. Some people make noises during an orgasm, while others are silent. Some flush or sweat after an orgasm, but others do not. A person who wants to know if their partner has had an orgasm can ask without being confrontational. If the answer is no, avoid judgment, anger, or feelings of inadequacy — these can put pressure on the person to orgasm, which can lead to anxiety and make it more difficult. Instead, discuss whether they would prefer a different approach to sex. What if you can’t orgasm? Being unable to orgasm is a common issue, and it can occur for a variety of reasons. Some people may not receive the right kind of stimulation during sex, while others may have experienced trauma linked to sex. Others may simply be uninterested. A 2018 analysisTrusted Source of 135 prior studies identified several factors that increase the risk of sexual dysfunction, including: relationship problems stress mental health issues poor physical health genitourinary issues, such as pelvic pain a history of abortion a history of female genital mutilation sexual abuse being religious, perhaps due to sexual shame and stigma The same study identified several modifiable risk factors that improve sexual experience, including: exercise daily affection from a partner a positive body image sex education intimate communication with a partner Masturbation can help a person find what feels good to them. Some other strategies that might help include: using sexual lubricants to make sex more comfortable asking a partner to stimulate the clitoris during sex masturbating during sex discussing fantasies with a partner telling a partner if something does not feel good The aforementioned 2018 studyTrusted Source that compared orgasm frequency among people of various sexual orientations in the United States found that the following behaviors during sex increase the likelihood of women having an orgasm: deep kissing genital stimulation during vaginal intercourse oral sex If self-help strategies do not work, a doctor who specializes in sexual dysfunction may be able to identify a problem, if there is one. Many medical issues can make having an orgasm difficult, including: a lack of lubrication hormonal imbalances pelvic pain muscle dysfunction a history of trauma When trauma or relationship problems make having an orgasm difficult, or when a person feels ashamed of sex or their desires, individual or couples counseling can help. Summary Serious scientific research into the female orgasm is relatively recent. Even some doctors may still believe myths about the female orgasm or think that it is unimportant to the female sexual experience. This means that many people may have trouble accessing reliable information about orgasms. A competent, compassionate medical professional can help a person understand the process of orgasm and identify potential barriers to sexual satisfaction. There is no right way to orgasm and no correct way to feel about sex. People should pursue what feels good to them. What is female ejaculation? Overview Is it real? Frequency Health benefits Menstrual cycle Pregnancy FAQs Takeaway Female ejaculation is when a female’s urethra expels fluid during sex. It can happen during arousal, but there is not necessarily an association with having an orgasm. Scientists do not fully understand female ejaculation, and there is limited research on how it works and its purpose. Female ejaculation is normal, although researchers remain divided on how many people experience it. In this article, we look at the current thinking on the mechanisms, purpose, and frequency of female ejaculation. What is it? Female ejaculation refers to the expulsion of fluid from a female’s urethra during orgasm or sexual arousal. The urethra is the duct that carries urine from the bladder to the outside of the body. There are two different typesTrusted Source of female ejaculate: Ejaculate fluid This type more closely resembles male semen. It is typically thick and appears milky. The paraurethral glands produce this fluidTrusted Source. Other names for these glands include Skene’s glandsTrusted Source, Garter’s duct, and female prostate. Analysis has shown that the fluid contains prostatic acid phosphatase (PSA). PSA is an enzyme present in male semen that helps sperm motility. In addition, female ejaculate usually contains fructose, a form of sugar. Fructose is also generally present in male semen, where it acts as an energy source for sperm. Squirting fluid This fluid is usually colorless and odorless. It originates in the bladder and is similarTrusted Source in composition to urine. This fluid can sometimes contain PSA, and a person typically expels this fluid in greater quantities than ejaculate. Is it real? Researchers have confirmed the existence and origin of both female ejaculate fluid and squirting fluid. A 2020 reviewTrusted Source concluded that there is “sufficient evidence” to support the existence of female ejaculation, but further research is necessary to assess its chemical composition. Other studies have also confirmed the physical origin of squirting fluid and its ties with physical arousal, A small 2022 studyTrusted Source involved doctors injecting a colored dye into the bladder of several participants before providing sexual stimulation. It was confirmed that the expelled fluid in squirting contained the dye administered. In a 2014 studyTrusted Source researchers used ultrasound to monitor women during self-stimulation. The study found that all the women started with an empty bladder, which began to fill during arousal. The post-ejaculation scans revealed that the participants’ bladders were empty again. Is it normal and how common is it? The secretion of fluids during arousal and stimulation is normal. People may produce different volumes of different fluids depending on circumstance and stimulus. The authors of a 2013 review estimated that 10-54%Trusted Source of women experience female ejaculation. However, it is difficult to fully assess the rate at which people experience it. Some people may secrete fluid during arousal without noticing. It is possible that they are not aware of it because the fluid can flow backward into the bladder rather than leaving the body. What is known is that the experience of female ejaculation, including the feeling, triggers, and amount of ejaculation, varies considerably from person to person. Are there any health benefits? There is no evidence that female ejaculation has any health benefits. However, research has found sex itself to offer several benefits. During orgasm, the body releases pain-relieving hormones that can help with back and leg pain, headaches, and menstrual cramps. Immediately after climaxing, the body releases hormones that promote restful sleep. These hormones include prolactin and oxytocin. Other health benefits include: relieving stress boosting the immune system protecting against heart disease lowering blood pressure Learn more about the health benefits of sexual intercourse here. Connection to the menstrual cycle It is not clear whether or not there is a link between female ejaculation and the menstrual cycle. Some women say that they are more likely to ejaculate after ovulating and before menstruating, while others do not see a connection. More research is necessary to confirm or refute this association. Connection to pregnancy Some scientists believe that female ejaculate plays a role in pregnancy. They think this because the fluid contains PSA and fructose, which help sperm on their journey toward an unfertilized egg. Others dispute this theory, however. They argue that ejaculate usually contains urine, which can kill sperm. They also say that it is not easy for the fluid to travel from the urethra to the vagina, where it would need to be to play a role in pregnancy. Frequently asked questions Below are some frequently asked questions about female ejaculation. Is female ejaculation the same as squirting? Female ejaculate and squirting fluid are two distinct fluids that originate from different parts of the body. While they are not the same thing, the body may produce one or both in response to similar states of arousal or sexual stimulus. Is there a connection between female ejaculation and the G-spot The G-spot is a colloquial term for an area of the vaginal wall in front of the paraurethral glands. These glands produce female ejaculate during stimulation and arousal. Takeaway Female ejaculation is perfectly normal, and research suggests that it may be common despite people rarely discussing it. Scientists do not fully understand the biological purpose of female ejaculation or how it works. The experience of females who have ejaculated during sex varies considerably. Read this article in Spanish. Last medically reviewed on September 28, 2022 Anxiety / StressPregnancy / ObstetricsSexual Health / STDsWomen’s Health / Gynecology How we reviewed this article: SOURCES Share this article Medically reviewed by Janet Brito, Ph.D., LCSW, CST — By Amanda Barrell — Updated on September 28, 2022
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