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Japan Predictions and Warning for Taiwan, USA and the Korean Peninsula!

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0:00 – Major Natural Japanese Event to happen – will effect Hawaii, California, and Mexico

17:10 – War with Taiwan around the time of U.S. Elections and afterwards -  Escalations with North Korea 2024-2025 at the same time of China’s attempt to take Taiwan – China takes over some islands of Japan – Russia gets more involved

22:00 – bugs, Mt. Fuji, Major Earthquake

24:45 – Trump will be President again. 

25:50 – Japan will become a world leader in A.I.

26:50 – medical advancements with Dementia

27:50 – Housing Crisis in Japan

29:30 – First Empress of Japan 2025 and beyond? More news regarding Japan – 30 – Crypto being used in a way that will catch on with the rest of the world, blackouts, major technical innovations coming out of Japan, complete economic restructuring in Japan, Major Trade Agreements,

34:00 – Chinese and Japanese relations extremely bad on all levels

35:00 – Forest bathing – Spiritual Regrowth in Japan

36:40 – Terrorist attack on Japan’s transportation system

### Craig Hamilton-Parker: A Bio and Notable Predictions


Craig Hamilton-Parker, born in 1954, is a British psychic, author, and spiritualist known for his controversial and often accurate predictions. He has been dubbed the “Prophet of Doom” by the popular press for his bleak and dystopian foresights. Hamilton-Parker began his career as a psychic medium in his early twenties and has since become one of the UK’s most prominent figures in the field. He has published over thirty books on New Age topics, covering subjects such as psychic abilities, auras, dream interpretation, and the afterlife.

Hamilton-Parker gained widespread recognition for his accurate predictions of significant global events, which have earned him the moniker “the new Nostradamus.” He and his wife, Jane, also a psychic, have appeared on various television shows, including a BBC series and several international programs.

**Notable Predictions:**

1. **Brexit (2016)**:
   Hamilton-Parker predicted that the United Kingdom would vote to leave the European Union. This controversial and unexpected result of the 2016 referendum was one of his most high-profile correct predictions.

2. **Donald Trump’s Election (2016)**:
   He foresaw Donald Trump becoming President of the United States, a prediction that defied the expectations of many political analysts and commentators at the time.

3. **COVID-19 Pandemic (2017)**:
   In 2017, Hamilton-Parker predicted that a flu-like pandemic would sweep the globe. This prediction came true with the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020, which had a profound impact worldwide.

4. **Impeachment of Donald Trump**:
   He predicted that Trump would be impeached but would ultimately be acquitted by the Senate. He also foresaw that Trump would use the impeachment to galvanize his supporters by framing it as a “deep-state coup.

5. **Queen Elizabeth II’s Death (2022)**:
   Hamilton-Parker accurately predicted the death of Queen Elizabeth II, which occurred in September 2022. This prediction was one of his more recent accurate forecasts.


Craig Hamilton-Parker’s career is marked by his notable ability to foresee significant global events, earning him a reputation for both his accuracy and the often dire nature of his predictions. His work continues to intrigue and inspire debate within the psychic and broader communities. While his predictions are not always accurate, the instances in which they have been correct have cemented his status as a prominent and influential psychic.


### Bio of Christopher Robinson

Christopher Robinson, often referred to as “The Dream Detective,” is a British psychic renowned for his alleged ability to predict future events through his dreams. Born in the UK, Robinson first gained public attention in the late 1980s and has since been involved in numerous high-profile cases and scientific studies.

Robinson’s journey into the realm of psychic phenomena began with dreams that he claimed held predictive power. Over time, he established a working relationship with various law enforcement agencies and intelligence communities, both in the UK and the US. His work has been subject to both skepticism and intrigue, leading to extensive studies and media coverage.

### Notable Predictions

1. **IRA Atrocity (Late 1980s)**:
   - **Prediction**: Robinson contacted the Regional Crime Squad in 1988 with information regarding an IRA attack.
   - **Outcome**: His information was initially met with skepticism but eventually monitored by police, leading to a longstanding relationship with law enforcement.

2. **9/11 Attacks (2001)**:
   - **Prediction**: In August 2001, Robinson dreamt of planes being hijacked and flown into buildings in New York City. He documented these dreams and sent a warning to the US Embassy in London on September 9, 2001.
   - **Outcome**: The tragic events of September 11, 2001, mirrored his predictions, bringing significant attention to his claims.

3. **University of Arizona Experiments (Early 2000s)**:
   - **Prediction**: During a series of controlled experiments, Robinson accurately described various locations he would be taken to the next day based on his dreams.
   - **Outcome**: He successfully predicted locations such as the Kitt Peak National Laboratory and specific shops, consistently scoring high marks in these tests.

4. **Murder Cases in Japan**:
   - **Prediction**: Robinson worked on three murder cases in Japan, providing detailed information about the victims and crime scenes without prior knowledge of the details.
   - **Outcome**: His predictions were accurate, describing locations and suspects, which were later confirmed during investigations by Japanese TV programs and local authorities.

### Other Involvements

Robinson’s predictive abilities have also led him to collaborate with various individuals and institutions. He was studied by scientists and military personnel, including those involved in the US military’s “StarGate” project, which focused on remote viewing and psychic spying.

Additionally, Robinson has worked on several media projects, including television programs and documentaries that explore his psychic phenomena and their implications. He has also published numerous videos on platforms like YouTube, where he continues to share his experiences and predictions with a broader audience.

### Conclusion

Christopher Robinson remains a controversial yet fascinating figure in the field of psychic phenomena. His predictions, particularly regarding major events like the 9/11 attacks, have sparked debates about the validity and potential of psychic abilities. While skepticism persists, his work continues to intrigue both the public and researchers, contributing to ongoing discussions about the nature of human consciousness and perception.

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