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The Wicked Gang Stalkers System They Do By Spy Cam Hacking Bugging Equipment and Security Cameras For Human Sex Trafficking, 

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The Wicked Gang Stalkers System They Do By Spy Cam Hacking Bugging Equipment and Security Cameras For Human Sex Trafficking, 

They capure people secretly by their devils system by a man who says hes the secret service in home investigator investaging mothers backgrounds and finances to see if they are fit to be a mom.

They pick out attractive mothers with good bodys to set them up to human sex traffick the whole family, they are nice moms with clean records, good parents that they do in on purpose by black listing them with framing, and finances such as lates on bills, buying alot at one time fast, and things that have nothing at all to do with parenting.

They frame moms who are not child endangering to CPS and DCFS to be not needed case files, meanwhile many babys and kids are dying who have child endangering parents, as the devils clan is too busy running around framing nice parents who are not child endangering at all, parents who would never in a million years have a CPS DCFS case file. They are ones who do not hit or spank or yell, who have great parenting skills, who provide well with happy children who love their Mom and all is fine until the fake in home investigator say he will be doing investigations on moms in an area or community to investigate backgrounds, and finances to see if they are fit to be a Mom when they make a good living, have always paid the household bills, and who do not do drugs, my readings say many do no drugs or drink at all, meanwhile the mothers doing drugs and driving drunk are killing their kids, as they focus on parents who are not child endangering at all. and leave children and babys with dangerous parents who die at their parents hands. I have seen several cases like this on the television news recently as they run a wicked human sex traffick system through the CPS DCFS system by framing parents who are not child endangering at all, who should never ever have a case file. The devils clan says they go by the mothers looks, and body type, they lie if they look good, try clothes on, and shop for themselves then they are self centered and should not be a Mom when kids are not going to die because their mother went shopping and tried clothes on meanwhile another will be a mom shooting them with a shot gun. I have seen this on the news also. a Mom shot her kids with a loaded gun kept in the famiy home. No one is going to die because a mom is shopping, or because she had a late fee on a bill or parking ticket from years ago that they see in their financial investigation and thats how they frame nice mothers to CPS DCFS to human sex traffick them and all their kids. They black list them with false alligations at banks, post offices, and everywhere they apply for a job or a rental after they set them up to be not needed case files, they take the fraud papers full of lies they told to set up a not needed CPS DCFS case file to banks and post offices to black list them to rob their money from them, and keep taking their money with lies that were dismissed without prejudcie in court, and keep robbing them when the not needed case they set up by lies is closed, and they blacklist tehm where they apply for  a job as they see them in security cameras, hear them in bugging, know what they are doing by hacking their emails bugging their cells, and ruin the first 20 jobs the T I framed mom applys for, and every rental they apply tor also as they run the targeted individuals out of homes they own, rob their money from their mail box, off their porches, and from banks they rob $5,000.00 or $1,000.00 at a time from their bank accounts, the moms hard earned money they transfer to a floater bank account totaling $70,000.00 over 5 years during their take down of a nice Mom, and they rob their businsses out from under their them, steal their phone books from their house or apartment, make copies of it and lie to the whole thing, when the mom applys for a new job they ruin it, and might let them get part time work for minimum wage after they apply for 20 jobs, and steal 99 percent of their work phone calls they generate and their jobs they get by a social network site, and waltz in with their blacklisting file full of fraud and framing whereever the T I Mom applys for a rental, while they sit there with their money sent to pay the victimized stalked slandered heartbroken mothers mortgage, and they steal the money sent for the victimized parents sent in the mail thats to sue for slander, to investigate stalking, to pay attorneys to sue for pain and suffering the gang stalking liars caused and the moms should receive millions for what was done to them, and they should never have to work again as they destroy all a Mom worked for and their happy home that was in such hamony and their income, and everything they worked for years, years of net working, of keeping a perfect reputation,they ruin everything and should all be paying restitution money for the damage they did by framing a nice mom to be a not needed case file, and there is not even a price to put on what they would owe, as even zillions cannot repair the hearbroken familys lives that they destroyed on purpose with their wicked evilness on spy cam hacking bugging equipment and security cameras, and the sting operation is supposed to be on them. The gang stalkers who say they are the spy watch cam committees evaluating parenting.

What are they really doing?

They are stealing 8 work cell phones calls a day and 2 land line work calls a day by phone bugging equipment, they steal that the mothers earned by intercepting phone calls. The fake Evaluators are told to make moms look like they do things without thinking and in the wrong order to set them up to banks and post offices to get control of their mail and money and thats the Evaluators job to frame nice Moms, to say anything in logs to make them look bad when they are good, and doing things as usual the way they always worked wonderfully in their lives, and they make notes like they should have done this instead, they forget to do that on their to do list etc. when the moms work in priority, and do whats important, and focus on birds in the hand, what is priority, and keep alot in their heads, as smart hard working mothers whos income they ruin by slandering, and stealing phone calls, and by lying to the people who call, they lie the mom has such problems so they are covering calls secretly when they are the problem, when their were none before they put the mom on their wicked hit list.

They send out photos of attractive moms with good bodys to the devils clan who vote by thumbs up or clap clap symbols by text or tree symbol, or leaf or any symbol, and vote YES Set the mom up, based on looks, as its to human sex traffick the mom and her whole family.

They say if a mom does not show empathy when she looses custody then they never get their money or mail for the rest of their life, they say they want them to break down and cry and sob to force shots on the moms and all their babys tots kids teens to force them to County Worker family group therapy in hotels and motels and its to human sex traffick the family, it’s their trick they use, they pull many pranks on moms, rob them, stalk, steal from them, set them up by lies to take custody from the nicest mothers on earth to make them upset to show up and force shots to do medical kidnaps.

There is the Evaluator, The mortgage broker financial investigator, the groups doing a background research investigation on late fees, parking tickets and they lie moms are not fit to be parents if they have late fees on credit reports, it they pay alot of interest on their mortgage, if they take out a second loan, and base it on things that have nothing to do with parenting at all, as many may pay off credit cards by a second loan and reduce monthly bills by a thousand a month by  second loan of one hundred a month, and this framing department does not go by monthly bills and monthly income like a mom does, they would see ten thousand income, five thousand in monthly bills for example. The framing department go by Net Income not Gross Income, they go by loan and credit card balances, where a parent would go by what are to total payments per month, and they lie they over extended themselves, and lie they won’t be able to afford their house when they can, and they do not even know a parents plan say to refinance, to move later, to work more when their children are older, and they pull the run out from them and ruin everything they have worked for and done, and they always managed just fine with income and household bills and it would continue being fine if they did not stalk, steal, vandalize, cat nap, lie, brain wash. hack and steal emails, rob their earnings to a floater account, steal their phone calls by bugging them, and they ruin their income and rob them on purpose to set the nice moms up, they say 5 are On Patrol for 1 hour they zip around and park Gang Stalking familys and scare the parents to death and steal their mail and money out of their mail boxes while they are On Patrol for 1 hour 5 times a day business women do this to nice happy great wonderful familys. and write mean framing notes in logs, and steal their clothes from their house and the Evaluator steals ups fed exes off the porch, and pays kids to lie for free new clothes she fed  exes to their doors, the mortgage broker sends them stolen paypal to lie by reading recipe card index card hand written lies, and texts children and says ” Take 100 from these ATMS, pocket 90 cash, spend 10 on a treat or snack to go around and read the lines”as it’s their wicked devil system by spy cam, hacking, bugging equipment, and security cameras says God and Jesus. There are about 10 moms they are after in approximately 80 areas of California in 100 tract home nice neighborhoods, and there are many who live in apartments in the San Fernando Valley from Ventura Blvd to Burbank Blvd and beyond to Sherman Way and all around the Los Angeles River.

Many who stalk a nice family residence, steal mail money from mail boxes are hacking the T I Moms, they are stealing paypal cash app venmo, robbing 50 business owners in L A County and surrounding areas, and 20 in North Carolina, and they are lying the following individuals named on lists are very bad persons, they are lying they are bad persons because they lost full custody of their family, when they should not have lost custody, when there should never have been a case file, and they have 99 moms in many areas they are framing, and setting up to be not needed case files as they use the CPS DCFS System for human sex trafficking.

The Pedo child molester human trafficker serial killer gang stalkers are parked drunk on drugs in new Toyotas in nurse scrubs trying to kidnap people to molest, rape, sex torture, murder them. They also stalk houses, steal pets and mail.

They are lying the following individuals on their CPS Secret Court list that the CPS Case Worker Renia made says these individuals need 

A Pap smear, 5 Moms and their girls in 10 areas they cover

A Recal Exam- 9 individuals

10 Medical Exams 


They are lying they have control of the following individuals by the County City State, by the CPS gal whos from their area around the County Line that is about 45 miles west of where they are as they travel for 15 years to do kids porn films, and say they eat out moms and daughters and suck on tiny sons cocks, and they are addicted to doing this to people.





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