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By Medium For God
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The Dead Baby Dead Child Trafficker ring on Gang Stalker spy cam, hacking, bugging equipment and security cameras are calling people who get my Prophet work and they lie that work is not accurate and they tell them if you don’t think she’s really writing for God and Jesus Christ and famous people as an open vessel medium channeler call the 5 main banks and tell them and readings say they lie she’s really Nancy F Taylor, a dumb stupid retard who’s just writing mish mosh for a fast buck so we do not have her to have her Medium For God thank you Prophet pay or her paypal sent and we take it by hacking and deposit it and say thats for us for getting her work, for unscrambling her mish mosh and for fed exing it and for getting it dropped off by women we give her Prophet writer clothes to we take since May 2010 that our sent for her resume’ and we take her resume’ pay since then,her thank you for your goodwill work money, Prophet thank you gifts, and gift cards, cars, and diamonds, and her Prophet speaking clothes sent for almost 15 years for her resume’ she wrote May 2010 and we say thats sent for doing nothing at all, thats a gimmick to make a fast buck, and we say thats our pay and those are our gifts for redoing her so sloppily written mish mosh and for fed exing it by the jobs we took years ago that said for her to Fed Ex her Angel Board channeled crime tips and we voted and said we are doing that work by professional spy cam equipment instead , so we follow her Angel Board instructions we took about 20 years ago, and put her Medium For God work in folders and fed ex them, and put our names on them, and say the gifts and pay is for us the computer hackers because we spell checked her work, put our names on it, and fed exed it when its sent for my work I wrote on the Internet so it appears for 15 years they have stolen money and gifts, cars, jewelry etc that are sent for my Medium For God Prophetic channel writing work, as they are the ones looking for a fast buck who sit around stealing what is sent for my work, and according to many readings the many who are hacking and stealing from me are the Gang Stalkers from years ago who stalked in cars, parked and stalked, vandalized, cat napped, stole property by a car break in, and who slandered me and set me up to DCFS by lies in spring 09 after 4 years of the gang stalking take down and readings say they stole my Angel Board jobs and money out of our mail box on a post they smashed on the ground twice and stalked, and readings say they stole bank deposit slips, and bank papers from fed exes and ups delivery’s off the porch at 9 am and they set up to frame me and to do I D Theft, and readings say they planned it in Feb 05,as they wanted to steal money sent to the bank and saw bank notes in spy cam equipment that said ” A large deposit is being sent to deposit in Nancy Fox’s account, we suggest she buy many mansions with her owned money and set up a Prophet camp, she needs her owned money to protect herself and her family because she’s being sent alot of Angel Board jobs” so they stole the Angel Board jobs and money by texts sent that said ” go line up you guys and take money from the truck that will park behind the market in the alley, we are setting up camp! as we voted and agreed we would take Nancy Fox’s crime tip jobs and pretend they are for us to do crime tips by professional spy cam equipment” so who was looking for a fast buck? they were as readings say they stole my earned spiritual psychic jobs sent for a lifetime of work, sent for my in born psychic gift and because I worked hard at my spiritual connection and at advancing my psychic ability and at this time in 2005 I felt like  a Monk, I felt so peaceful and serene inside and so connected to God as I have been since I got sober in 1985, so readings say that Gang Stalkers looking for a fast buck decided to steal my earned Angel Board channeling jobs sent for my gift and and for my work in my lifetime that advanced my psychic ability. Readings say they told realtors to line up and take money from the truck and they wanted to buy many mansions for real estate commission, and others heard the Son of God save life mission that would be sent to Nancy Fox came with alot of perks, and many mansions, and luxury life and they wanted to steal that important job position, and readings say they stole it right off the porch at 9 am in early July 05 and the devil man running sex slavery lied he could assign her the job and she called people and lied ” I got the big important Son of God job” and said ” I waited so long to take it, since I was 17″ and stole media lists, and instructions that said Nancy Fox should buy many mansions on streets she loves where she sells real estate and she should buy 10 estates for her and her family from their area to Sherman Oaks Studio City and maybe Beverly Hills we suggest, and buy 5 houses or estates around each property for friends and family to live by them to protect them and so she can give them her Prophet crime tips safely, and she should lease offices from their area to The San Fernando Valley etc, and readings say the person who stole the Nancy Gail Fox Son of God Save Life On Earth Mission job and instructions lied she got a big Son of God job to over see buying alot of properties and to do fed exing, by stolen instructions she stole, that said Nancy Fox we suggest you have the people who live in your many mansions we suggest you buy with your owned money sent on bank trucks fed ex your Angel Board channeled crime tip answers for you, and she stole the list with peoples names, that said here are suggestions of people you might want to hire, and her name may have been on the list to be a day runner, and do fed exing, and to be an assistant, and other names were people from Grant High class of 1977, and kids and parents in the area the readings have said, and readings say she called the people on the list with her counterpart CIA Northern California who sat lurking on the spy cams they cased the property out with, and they lied ” We got the big important Son of God job and we can hire you” and they set up a payroll company as stolen instructions said and pay people with the money they rob from bank trucks for 20 years or since around 2006 or 2007 could be when they sent letters out to people on the stolen list that said ” Hey everyone we are pleased to inform you we got a big Son of God job to do professional crime tips by spy cam buggin equipment instead of Nancy Fox doing dumb game board word spellings” when they never for any such job. Readings say they many are living in estates bought with stolen funds, and they are sent payroll money thats stolen and they have cars they got with stolen money as readings say stolen instructions said ” we suggest you rent or buy your staff you hire luxury vehicles and set up car lot accounts? etc. and readings say they told many go get White Jaguars and Silver Mercedes as instructions said that that they took, and they said buy 100 Apple Lap tops for the 100 assistants and they bought 100 White Apple Lap tops with stolen funds and followed stolen instructions in 2005 to 2009 and they bought 100s of Big Paper Shedders and told them to shred the Nancy Gail Fox notices and instructions sent, and they do that for 20 years, and they shred Medium For God notices and instructions sent for about 15 years the readings say they steal the Medium For God mail and lie the Medium For God mail goes with their Son of God job they got when it does not, and they do not have a Son of God job, they pretend they do, and readings say they send my Medium For God thank you gifts they loot from ups fed ex to the Gang Stalker I D Theft ring in the many mansions they bought with stolen money, and they sit there stealing my paypal and they lie the Son of God resume’ gifts and Medium For God thank you Prophet writer gifts and pay are for us because we took that big Son of God in 05 and said we are so much better suited for that utmost important job position, and pretend its our job cap YES and made up a liar story about Nancy Fox buying a house in 2005, and lied she bought a house that cost too much without thinking and lied to banks she’s too dumb and stupid to do this big in depth crime tip job, see the house she bought for a million plus a single Mom how dumb so we are taking the money from the trucks and using it do do crime tips by our professional equipment top secretly, as she’s too stupid etc. when I bought a house I qualified for, planned it for 4 years, had over half a million dollars in 05, and I did this as a very smart real estate expert, I bought a small house around 2500 square feet in an estate neighborhood that had more expensive larger homes and I knew I could update it and add on and it would be worth 2 million, and I bought it for my daughters to be in the same area as our two story that we had lived in for 8 years that was about 5 minutes away, and to be in the same CIty County and School District, and it was all for my daughters,  and for them to both have large bedrooms for teenage college years, and it was a one story so my Mom their Grandma could live with us, and it was all For Family and all Planned and Very Smart as I was a professional real estate expert who bought her own house, and I could easily afford the payment with my real estate income as my payment was about the same as the two story  I sold in 05 to buy the one story, and it was all perfect and wonderful and great, and readings say they made up a big liar story because they wanted to steal my angel board psychic crime tips jobs and money, and readings say they stole a job Feb 05 from the two story, and lied to banks with slanderous letters then and planned to run us out of the two story house that I had about four hundred thousand equity to do I D Theft, to lie my jobs and money are theirs, so they were looking for a really fast buck, according to my readings, by stealing what is someone else’s, and readings say they said ” we are going to set her up and run them to a small rental and Oak Park, and take her money from her house by master manipulation, and lie to banks she’s a dumb idiot home maker in a crappy tract home” etc to steal my Angel Board crime tips jobs and money, to do I D Theft  to get a really fast buck, as obviously anyone who would steal someone’s earned jobs sent for their gift and ability and their owned money is looking for a fast buck, and readings say they text people and called them and said ” hey you guys we are doing that big huge crime tip important job instead of Nancy Fox doing crime tip word spellings on a dumb stupid game board as we took her instructions that said for her to spell words out and to in depth crime tips and we say no one she could do that on a dumb game board so we are taking what is hers, and setting her up to our CPS Secret Court hearings and to then to a regular CPS DCFS office by lying cap YES as we need to make her look so stinken dam bad to do this okay dokay guys? you could recieve a whole lot of money later on for being in on it so go take her stinken Angel Board jobs and take money from the trucks when they come as we are saying thats our important job not a dumb idiots who spent so much on new carpet and paint for the two story house so fast, we are saying she did that without thinking as a dumb idiot to make banks think she’s not the type to manage money” and swindler talk like this, the Gang Stalkers when many of them are so dumb and stupid as they are murdering people for almost 20 years and think they are saving people by taking families by lying about Moms to the CPS Secret Court hearings, and some know what they are doing, and thats the swindler talker CIA Northern California and their counterpart who stole the ups fed exes off the front porch is dumb and stupid, as she thinks the kids they take by framing Moms are adopted out and she thinks they do Really Fun Films in Hotel Rooms in the  bright flashy clothes she buys children when its Human Sex Trafficking she’s doing, and its Kiddy Porn Movies and NOT Really Fun Films, and she’s too dumb to not think the children could be raped and molested, and she thinks the hacker women who suck on them to force orgasms is sex therapy, and its Chlld Molesting, and she thinks they force orgasms then cut off the tip of their clitoral head as sex therapy, and she thinks she’s saving life on earth by taking people away when she’s mass murdering the population, and she thinks a Mom who has an orgasm is a very bad person to set up to take custody from, when an orgasm is normal when a Mom and Dad make love, and its nothing to do with parenting at all, and she the bad one for looking at orgasms in her in the nude spy cam, so she is dumb and thinks she’s doing an Important Son of God Mission Job position with Son of God Authority to over rule laws etc. and she is also mean and says she does not care what happens to the Moms or Kids because she hates them so much, she says they just get dressed in the pre sized smuggle outfits she buys and they go in the pipes and ride on an underground cart and then are adopted out, and she says I am sure that what goes on, and says its to help the kids because the Moms had sex problems, they were cumming laying on their back and they make her so sick she says she has them order clitoral head removals, and she says they take the Moms to surgery tables and then put them underground where they belong as getting rid of them is saving life on earth as she thinks Moms who cum will infect the population, and she thinks they are very bad persons because of the way the look at themselves in the mirror as she thinks they are bad to care how they look nude, and they chose them by who they Hate and agree to set the Moms up to adopt their kids out, and says thats the save life mission they are doing and she’s sure its fine when kids go in the pipes in smuggle clothes she buys as they all call her and say rest assured we are taking care of the little ones who got taken away, and she’s told they have been adopted out to religious people, and she’s told the Moms are fine now too, they are in medical recovery rooms underground hidden away, and she says they do that to get baby’s and Moms at the same time also to do sex therapy on the infants right after they are born, and the medic gals who are computer hackers in the buildings I bought eat out infants to make them cum to show the Mom, to make her change is why she says, and for the infant to grow up and not orgasm, and thats top secret sex therapy we do for years and years, and thats because we hate nice Moms who cum laying on their back and standing in the shower etc. and thats her mission she says, its to end cumming times, and she says the infants are adopted out because of the Mom, as they think a Mom who cums and who looks sexy is one who has big problems, as a Mom should not have wild sex, she says Moms are supposed to just lay there and not touch the man, and they are not supposed to have three long cums in a row, or one long one, as that means they got a sex problem as she was taught this long ago by the man who assigned her the Son of God job years ago that she stole off the porch in 05 and she does it since she was 17, he always brings her the Nancy Gail Fox Son of God jobs and she pretends they are for her, and CIA Northern California, and she knows the baby’s kids teens and Moms are sex tortured and killed, as she watches the computer hacker women do oral sex molesting to them on her cell phones, and says ” they will all be stinken dam bad because of their Moms actions, because they looked sexy in thier spy watch cams, because they bought new clothes to look their best that they tried on for hours, and because they were seen cumming in spy cams placed on ceilings over beds, and they were heard moaning in our bugging equipment and we go how they act in private” says CIA Northern California who’s says “their mission is to kill off every stinken baby child wee one tiny tot youths  and sons included and their Moms they hate so much for being the way they are,” and they are sending out stolen Son of God Medium For God gifts and money for years to their fast buck crews, as they sit around getting stolen property, and collecting stolen paypal, and they are the Fast Buck Ones, and they are telling people where to call banks and to lie the Prophet pay and Son of God and Medium For God funds are not for Nancy Gail Fox aka Fox-Taylor , they are lying thats all for us because we are taking it so quick, we are unloading trucks all day and night for many years we are doing all that work, and we are hacking and taking her online payments so fast, and thereby say its for us for our work we do to take her money, as we sit on spy cams and security cameras and when its sent for Nancy Fox we send others to go collect it, and we aim text all the spy watch cam crews and say go unload the money from the truck at this bank go pick up her Medium For God Prophet pay, and say they take many the gift cards sent for Nancy Gail Fox’s channeling work since May 2010 and pass them out all over town, and say take the gifts and pay as they do not want her to have any money or gifts sent as they all got in on it years back, when they got texts when they were 10 and 11 and 12 13 14 years old, and they were told run kids run go take the Son of God mail and go take the bank slips, and go  drive past the mail box on  a post with your parents, and then in 09 they were told take buses to the San Fernando Valley to take her pay all away, unload the ups fed exed Medium For God and Son of God thank you gifts sent for Nancy Gail Fox at the mal loading dock and take her mail from post offices like you have done for years, take every stinken cent’ CIA Northern CA said. These Fast Buck Swindler Looter Bank Robber Racketeering Thief hacker Gang Stalker young women are calling all over the Country and they are telling people ” call the 5 main banks and say the prophet pay we deposited is for us gals us men they ladies and gents thy gentlest, the computer squad women, the nice sweet ones in nurse attire and say that Nancy Fox is anything she claims to be as she says she’s to over honest and ethical and so spiritual as a person almost 40 years sober in AA, and we say not so you guys, we says she’s not the real Nancy Gail Fox who grew up in Sherman Oaks by the mall, we say she’s Nancy F Taylor a really dumb retard stupid idiot, and thereby we say the Son of God funds taken from money trucks for 2 decades, Son of God resume/ pay sent since May 2010 and Medium For God money since 09, and all her Prophet money, paypal cash app venmo etc is for us guys because we take it so fast and coordinate it, and our leader the 6 ft 8 man is telling banks shes a wet noodle, and we are saying she’s stupid” because they do not want people to know my crime tips are right about how they do Dead Baby Dead Child Traffick by these hackers who are ones who started in this child molester FGM serial killer ring because they were LOOKIN FOR A FAST BUCK.

Im the honest person they are robbing, and I am wise medium whos trying to stop murders..

Reading information says some say notes they are sent say Nancy Gail Fox aka Fox-Taylor Nancy G. Fox Medium For God say The money of Nancy Gail Foxs cannot be deposited in her accounts because of the way she was acting in 2005 as she bought a house for a million plus so fast without thinking with famil trust fund account money without much needed permission all to buy a house that cost way too much that far excceded her budget, and did this to entertan men there and she did not think of her family life. We say the funds sent are for the ones who took her crime tip jobs in 2005 and for the 80 persons named in letters we took so deposit in these other accounts. etc. From The Lavina or Levine Brothers Investigatiors. ( readings say this is the 6 ft 8 serial killer and his fake Medic Brothers who rape and kill people in kiddy porn and snuff films, who human sex traffick toture murder people of every age and who do dead baby dead child trafficking etc and they frame people and steal money by gang stalker spy cam hacking bugging equipment and security cameras and stole psychic crime tip jobs sent in 2005 and lie they got a Son of God crime tip job to send fake tips to cover up how they murder everyone, and they stole mail that suggested Nancy Gail Fox hire people on lists sent, and they lied to 80 people they got Son of God jobs because they were sugggested to be hired in letters and readings say they lie the money sent is for 80 persons and them) and readings say letters since 2005 that they steal say. This is Miss Nancy Gail Foxs owned money and she needs is because many Angel Board psychic crime tips are being sent for her, and the gang stalkers knew of it and said lets set the nice Mom up to DCFS to make the nicest Mom on earth look bad to steal her funds and her psychic crime tip jobs, so we can pretend they are for us, and they made up a big story about when I bought a house n 2005 that I bought when I was a proffesional real estate agent, and I had the down payment, the fico score, loan approval with Countywide and qualified to buy the house for about 1 million and my payment was about the same as the two story mortgage I paid for years as a single Mom, and I bought the house FOR MY FAMILY, and I had the income, and the equity in my two story house I bought a 1 story house with in summer 2005,and it was a VERY SMART BUY and I transfered my OWNED MONEY into my checking account and I am over honest and ethical as a long time sober AA lady who has almost 40 years of sobriety now, and I do not lie, cheat or steal, and there was no family trust fund account and readings say thats a lie they tell, and they sit on spy cams and security cameras waiting for trucks with money to redirect them to another location to rob the money, and they say go to Bushel Basket with the funds, and our gals who hack will unload it, and Bushel Basket means Trader Joes on Sepulveda and Ventura Blvd as they use alot of names as codes, and they say today there are 5 trucks with money a comin and they are telling them please do not deposit the funds in Miss Nancy Gail Foxs bank accounts as it says, as we are saying thats for a crime tip folder fed ex job we got years back, and we are saying she had big huge problems in 05 as she bought a house for a mllion plus so fast without thinking she just ran in an open house and bought it without any planning at all. WHEN I PLANNED IT OUT FOR 4 YEARS AS THE REAL EXPERT I WAS THEN and it was a very SMART purchase I made with MY MONEY to have a nice HOME FOR MY FAMILY and thats a fact!

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