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(Note: This doctrinal issue deals with the essentiality of baptism et al as well as the effects of understanding common arguments made for the doctrine of the trinity [which is in fact just pure heresy; in the name of the father son and holy spirit et al] as well as works v Grace only salvation [as opposed to grace THROUGH faith, which demands works] various doctrinal issues)


“whosoever shall call on THE NAME OF THE LORD shall be saved”

………So WHAT “NAME” did you “CALL UPON”?……


Rev 19:13. .. and HIS NAME IS called THE WORD OF GOD

Ps 138:2. praise THY NAME … for thou hast magnified THY WORD ABOVE ALL THY NAME -


NOTE: God placed His “THE WORD” ABOVE all of God’s various NAMEs – and Jesus NAME IS called “THE WORD” no other name saves. The MOST important name we should KNOW and CALL UPON is “THE WORD”; Not letters that spell “word” but the sayings/ doctrine/commands. It does NOT say “thy word is given a name above other names because here THY WORD is identified as the name that is placed above all other names.


Isaiah 52:1. . 6. Therefore MY PEOPLE SHALL KNOW MY NAME: ..What NAME do you “KNOW”?

1Jn 2:3. And HEREBY WE DO KNOW that we KNOW HIM, if we KEEP HIS COMMANDMENTS./ Titus 1: 16. They profess that THEY KNOW God; but IN WORKS THEY DENY him…


“AT the name OF JESUS”…..Jesus has a name that belongs to Jesus…just like the name OF GOD means a name that belongs to GOD but it is ridiculous to suggest that the letters G-O-D is that name…likewise the name OF JESUS is NOT the letters J-E-S-U-S. Why would anyone think that you could pronounce THE HIGHEST NAME OF GOD letter by letter…. (ie Judges 13:18; 2Cor 12:4 but God’s name is not as great/wonderful and or “unspeakable” )


Rev 3:8 kept MY WORD, and hast not DENIED MY NAME; …

.Jn 17:6. I have MANIFESTED THY NAME And they have KEPT THY WORD.;


THE WORD is THE NAME above every name that saves us 1Pt 3:21 The ONE baptism(Eph 4:5) is into THE WORD ( which is also baptism in the Holy spirit Jn 6:63the words that I speak unto you, they are spirit ) ..ALL the sayings doctrines and commands….what did THE WORD that became flesh command? (Mat 28:19)…..what did THE WORD exemplify? (Mat 3:15/ Jn 4:1)………among other things…..YES .water baptism is just as essential and necessary for much a part of salvation (1Pt 3:21) as is keeping one self away from works of the flesh (Gal 5:21)….In fact obedience to the command of water baptism is specifically identified as the act of calling on the name of the Lord (Col 2:12 “……though the operation[work] of God” CAN ANY MAN BE SAVED WITHOUT GOD WORKING ON HIM?) …..THE WORD OF GOD is the name of God that men call upon OR…OR ..they DENY with their disobedience


The scriptures tell us almost nothing about the thief’s life. However, the scriptures tell us a great deal about Christ life……Jesus had been around for 3.5 years before the cross and was Baptizing (Jn 4:1-2 in fact He instructed his disciples to do so and did many more then John the Baptist ever did) …..Those who try to appeal to the thief on the cross assume the thief had never heard of Jesus preaching and had never ever been baptized….The burden of Proof is on those who say baptism is not essential! ………..You can’t claim a logically valid “non-essentiality” doctrinal argument on ANYTHING based on what the scriptures do not say and in spite of the things it clearly does state to the opposite effect!…That is like looking at the constitutional law and then basing a argument against a constitutional principle in law based on the fact that history did not record for us what some unknown cattle thief did or did not do a 150 years ago?!?! What??..Who cares?? We know what the constitution did say 150 years ago. I don’t know of any Law school that bases its teaching on constitutional law based on what history does not tell us about unknown cattle thieves!?! ..Jesus command, preached & practiced Baptism so did the apostles ….To build one’s theology on the fact that the scriptures do not tell us ANY detail(s) of the thief’s life before the cross (we know almost absolutely nothing about the thief!!) it is quite foolish and willfully ignorant of what the scriptures do say about baptism…….so those who try to use the thief are in effect building their house on the sand of what scriptures do not say about a thief in spite of what the scriptures do specifically tell us about baptism!?!… “Their damnation is just” comes to mind…






The following summerises the effect on the doctrine of the trinity as found in the book “the trinity heresy”




Mat 28:19 does not outline three different names, o ye fools and blasphemers!?!

Phil 2:9. Wherefore God also hath highly exalted him, and given him a name which is above every name:; Acts 4:12. Neither is there salvation in any other: for there is none other name under heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved.


What about the “trinity formula”??…..Mat 28:19. Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost:


John 5:43. I am come in my Father’s name,


Some look at this verse and “see” direct evidence of three different persons, which is quite bizarre since This passages specifically makes the point that Father son and holy spirit all have the same name by placing them side by side equating those with each other as the same person!.. The passage is NOT making a distinction of three different names we are to worship in, pay homage to, baptize into!?! Placing father, son and holy spirit in the same list with each other, it identifies that father son and Holy spirit have the SAME NAME! It does not say IN THE NAMES OF it states IN THE NAME singular not plural (compare: Gal 3:16) (Phil 2:9. Wherefore God also hath highly exalted him, and given him a name which is above every name:; Acts 4:12. Neither is there salvation in any other: for there is none other name under heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved.)


(1) The fact that three things are mentioned in a list is not a “proof” of three different things or persons. In fact, in writing and or public speaking there is a technical use called a tetracolon and also “rule of three” it was widely used by the Greeks and roman orators of whom it is said “perfected it” even today in modern language it is widely used and scriptures use the same basic construct. A good example of this can be seen here in Revelation


Rev 1:2 Who bare record of (1) the word of God, and of (2) the testimony of Jesus Christ, and of (3) all things that he saw. (Rev 19:9..These are the true sayings of God. .10…for the testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy.) …..Also applies to 2Cor 13:14. The grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God, and the communion of the Holy Ghost, be with you all. Amen. …Note the use of “GOD” here rather then father. It matters not if you try to assume that father is under discussion here because the fact is there is ONLY ONE GOD PERIOD and in this verse Jesus, God and Holy Ghost are all God and all the same God.


All three of these things are the same thing/ message addressed from three different perspectives (or portions/parts) or ways of saying the same thing; It is NOT three different messages or testimonies or “Words of God” !?!


(2) John 5:43. I am come in my Father’s name, “Father is not a name it is a title just as is “son” and Holy Spirit is not the name of the holy spirit it is the title of the spirit of God. I’m a father and a son does not mean I am multiple different persons too?!? Remember the ONE GOD is also the son of the same ONE GOD otherwise we are looking for godS (then the One God is not truly one). Further, as already demonstrated previously (in Chapter five) God is a spirit and there is only ONE SPIRIT not one spirit of the father a different spirit for the son and a third spirit called the holy spirit. They are all the same spirit of the same person acting/functioning in various ways at various times. (Heb 1:1 diverse ways not different persons see )


(3) As shown at the beginning in chapter one that the OT identifies the father as the son, and the NT the son himself identifies himself as the father. That part of ONE person God that God considers to be his “right arm”/hand is what came. That right arm/hand occupied/ animated the human flesh we call Jesus in the very same way that your right hand put into a leather glove can animate that flesh. However, that leather glove can only know and or communicate and or do the work you give it to do. No place for the Idea of multiple/different persons of God period!



(4) There is only one name whereby men are saved (Acts 4:12) It is the name of the Lord that scriptures state our faith is in (Acts 3:16; 1John 3:23) Hint it is NOT “J-E-S-U-S”?!?) That ONE name is the same name that the Father has it is the same name the son uses and the same name by which the Holy spirit is referenced..



Rev 19:13 And he was clothed with a vesture dipped in blood: and his name is called The Word of God;


“to confess His name” or to “wear the name of Christ” is to keep the commands/ keep my sayings (Rev 3:8:..and hast kept my word, and hast NOT DENIED MY NAME et al.) It is NOT to cry out Jesus, Jesus we love you…..nor is it to cry out “in the name of the Father and in the name of the son and in the name of Holy Spirit”, we love you save us from our foolishness for we are indeed fools who reject your word (which is your name that saves us)!?!!?..Only baptism (total emersion) into the word /commands (water baptism is a command also) and sayings of Christ is what saves us the words are spirit (Jn 6:63) and this is also what Holy Spirit baptism is. When you obey the commands of Christ you are keeping and confessing His name! To deny the words is to deny the father which is to deny the son.


Psalms 138:1. I Will praise thee with my whole heart: before the gods (Elohim; is a classification it is not the name of God; Zech 12:8) will I sing praise unto thee. 2. I will worship toward thy holy temple, and praise thy name for thy lovingkindness and for thy truth: for THOUS HAS MAGNIFIED THY WORD ABOVE ALL THY NAME.


It does NOT say “thy word” (which we understand is what “Jesus” refers to) is given a name above other names because here THY WORD is identified as the name that is placed above all other names. You cannot pronounce “the word” letter by letter that is why they called him “Jesus” but JESUS has a name which is the highest name that God has and it cannot be pronounced letter by letter !?! You cannot pronounce nor could your write out in the scriptures “the word” (all of God’s spoken creation/instructions/ law et al) letter by letter which is why the scriptures refer to “the name of Jesus” which is the same as saying “the name of God” Jesus and God have a name above all other names used. “The name of Jesus” is a name that belongs to Jesus and “The name OF God” is a name that belongs to God ergo “OF”; but only a fool should think that Jesus or God is the name!?!


Mark 12: 28. And one of the scribes came, and having heard them reasoning together, and perceiving that he had answered them well, asked him, Which is the first commandment of all? 29, And Jesus answered him, The first of all the commandments is, “Hear, O Israel, the Lord our God is one (heis) Lord.”


Except you believe it (not someone’s reinterpretation of it) you will die in your sins! God has gone by many names in scripture “Jesus” is just another set of letters found INSIDE /subordinate portion in the WORD OF GOD thus akin to a single brushstroke in a master painting!?! Did you really think the Highest name of God was a name that could be “pronounced” by a man?!? (Consider: e.g. Judges 13:18; 2Cor 12:4 but God’s name is not as great and or “unspeakable???)…


John 1:1. In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God 2. The same was in the beginning with God.

Your right arm is with you and It is you. The one God in heaven (Who’s name is “THE WORD”) sends down to earth in the flesh that part of himself that he considers to be his own right arm (“THE WORD”/ Is God and is with God ) and hand (via physical birth called his son) for the express purpose of teaching men how to live, how to pray, how to suffer, and yes even how to die to God himself (alone)!? God sends His right hand into a glove of Flesh that we call Jesus. Jesus is not a different or separate person in some imaginary triune God!?! It is the same person of God described as a head (the father in heaven) and a right hand and arm that does everything from creation to the “second coming”….Except ye believe this you will all die in your sins!!! (Jn 8:24)……….This makes perfect sense when you understand the relationship between the father God in heaven with the son who is the right hand and arm of the same God in the flesh on earth. Christ can be in heaven and on earth because it is the one God that is in heaven occupying flesh on earth with only a part of himself in flesh, namely His right hand and or arm. Some would try to claim that the right hand of God is a metaphor while the son of God is Literal…Fools! They are both literal …the spirit comes and was first then latter the physical things we give names to were created to be patterned after/named after the spiritual. The spirit is the true literal. God is a spirit, is God not literal enough for you?!? Thus in the same way that if my hand is in a glove (of flesh) it is till connected to the rest of me that is located wherever I happen to be.

John 12:28. Father, glorify thy name. Then came there a voice from heaven, saying, I have both glorified it, and will glorify it again. 29. The people therefore, that stood by, and heard it, said that it thundered: others said, An angel spake to him. 30. Jesus answered and said, This voice came not because of me, but for your sakes.

God sent his right hand and arm in the flesh via a physical birth to show men how to live, pray, worship, suffer and die for God…for Jesus himself ……..nothing difficult to understand?? How many other God’s are there for God to pray to? The real question is how can you pretend to worship one God when you hold to an argument that Jesus must have been praying to another different person?! There is only One God for God to pray to!?! Or is Jesus not God?!?

If we take stock in what we have examined even just up to this part of our study we can find the STRONGEST evidence that Christ is in fact God and those who are running around claiming that Jesus never claimed to be God are not just willfully ignorant of the scriptures but woefully so, in a “woe, woe, woe, you should know” kinda way.



Who is the God of this different person who is lesser then His God and yet is God Himself…..Who is the God of God if there is only One God?


Jesus is the one God but is also the son of the same one God

Jesus is the one God But also the servant of the same one God

Jesus is the one God But also loves/is loved by the same one God

Jesus is the one God But also not as great as the same one God et al ad fin


If you claim to worship one God only then Who is this God of God…!? There are only two basic possibilities. Either you rest your souls in self contradictions, scriptural contradictions and incomprehensible irrationality, and logical fallacies about different persons who are the same God (even though one of those has a different person that he worships as God). or they are one and the same person just like the right arm obeys and is subservient to the head and this is the exact terms scriptures use to describe father and son.. How can Jesus be a different person who is God while at the same time worships a even greater God (because this person has a different person who is God) , who is the God of God? Or use the scriptural references to head and right arm that God and scripture use to describe God’s own nature and the relationship of father and son.


2. John 20:17 ……I ascend unto my Father, and your Father; and to my God, and your God;



Trinitarins don’t see their self-defeating argument(s) in offering up that Jesus had a God to pray to for the reason of multiple different persons while at the same time trying to claim they only worship ONE God and not three different gods or god persons. Three different persons is nothing more then polytheistic paganism revisited in total hypocrisy with a bow on top……”no no we do not employ a pyramid scheme ours is a trapezoid”……?!?



Ps 45:6. Thy throne, O God, is for ever and ever: the sceptre of thy kingdom is a right sceptre. 7. Thou lovest righteousness, and hatest wickedness: therefore God, thy God, hath anointed thee with the oil of gladness above thy fellows.


Who is this God of God?……………….Remember we found out that it was actually God referring to His own right arm and right hand that He sends to save man. And Why God states that He is “my savior” God is the beginning and the end He is the master and the servant sent ; He is the blessing and became a curse for our sakes! (neither blessing nor curse have any meaning external of the one God himself the master of the universe gives them in the first place) In fact the scriptures will tell us the reason why God is talking to his right hand and arm. Now we know that when we go about making and doing things normally we use our right hand. But there is also anther reason that God is speaking of and to His right hand and it has everything to do with the fact that God created all things by that right arm and hand and there is nothing that exist that God did not create and thus nothing greater in creation then that right arm and hand that was used to create all of creation! You should notice that these are also about what we think of as “the second coming of Christ”. There is no doubt here that Jesus is what is called the right hand and arm of God; Most of the chapters are shown simply for quick reference sake however only the bold blue underlined is our primary focus here:


3. Math 26: 39. And he went a little further, and fell on his face, and prayed, saying, O my Father, if it be possible, let this cup pass from me: nevertheless not as I will, but as thou wilt……….


FIRST: Again take notice of the subservient nature of Jesus….Is Jesus a lesser God or the same God; if the same God then how can he be subservient to some other person who is the father? This is the question that has lead many in error to conclude that Jesus is not God; However, just as in the case of the concept of Trinity not only is that a contradiction but entirely unnecessary and as such unjustified and invalid conclusion.


Remember THE WORD is God’s Highest name that the father, son and holy spirit all go by (spirit of truth is the word of truth the truth is the word) Christ also identifies the fact that he is on earth but also in Heaven at the same time because the word is God and that Word is in heaven and on earth all at the same time in part because the universe in heaven and on earth is sustained by that Word of God which is God. (Acts 17:28 et al) .


The statement .” God is One ” and all the examples that can be cited can all be easily understood within the face value of the statement “God is One” without any further assumptions or explanations unless you do not believe that statement “God is one”. The fact that you go about trying to redefine “God is one” other then its face value PROVES that you have no faith in the face value of the statement God is one……….There is no need for “the concept of Trinity” unless you first assume the very thing you are trying to demonstrate. That is called a circular fallacy. The father is God in spirit who speaks from heaven…The son is God manifested in the flesh who speaks on earth .. ….The Holy Spirit is God inside of you, who speaks through us…..The father son and holy spirit are three ways/manifestations of God not three persons!.…….One God, one spirit of God, one person of God who creates all things who was on earth (in the flesh) while in heaven ..


SECOND: Lk 22:42 . Saying, Father, if thou be willing, remove this cup from me: nevertheless not my will, but thine, be done. 43. And there appeared an angel unto him from heaven, strengthening him. ……………There are two different wills here so must be two different persons right? But the answer is far more simple then requiring a multiple personal headed god!?!


That part of the spirit of God that is connected to flesh is distinct from the rest of the spirit of God that is not connected to that flesh thus the distinction between them as well as how the spirit of God wars against the flesh of GOD ..Example:


Gal 5:17. For the flesh lusteth against the Spirit, and the Spirit against the flesh: and these are contrary the one to the other:


Mat 26:41: the SPIRIT indeed is willing, but the FLESH is weak.


Rom 8:1 walk not after the flesh, but after the Spirit…… 5. For they that are after the flesh do mind the things of the flesh; but they that are after the Spirit the things of the Spirit.


But What fool would suggest that since my flesh and the new spirit inside of me are contrary to each other and want different things must mean that I am multiple different persons!?!? When someone goes to put a needle in my arm IT REACTS to pull back but my head tells it no stay there it is for the best….but only a fool would try to conclude that my right arm is a different person..even though it has “a will of its own” (see also the flesh lust agains the spirit and visa versa).. A distinction between the desires or “will” of the spirit and the desires “will” of the flesh or what the spirit wants and what the flesh wants does not make for different persons!?!



The only coherent and consistent way to apply all the scriptures is in and with the allusion to head and right arm the head that scriptures make just as your right arm is you and you are the head of your right arm it is with you and is you. The issue is not what God could do or what “great things” you can image that God could do, but rather what did God say about his self, His nature and how did God describe it. The Fact that God can do more then you image is not a valid argument for why God did everything you suggest in spite of what he clearly stated!?!


Again as we saw in chapter six with the words “hen” and “heis”. When two words or concepts that equally apply have different possible meanings they can only logically apply in a way that they do not contradict each other.(you cannot appeal to self contradiction in terms to make a valid argument)..The Trinitarian argument is incoherent and certainly not consistent with itself.


Logically The church members are “Hen” but cannot be “heis”. so multiple persons is the demand. On the other hand, your head and right arm are both “Hen” and “heis” this can only be logically coherent as ONE PERSON with parts or parts of the same person. Likewise; Father and son are both “hen” and “heis” logically they can only be one person in parts/portions of the same person


It is rather curious how trinitarins will attempt to appeal to the very verses that destroy their own arguments practically “bragging” in their attempts at claiming that the contradictions they create, but ignore, “prove” their doctrine is valid?! Their arguments are not logical, rational or even coherent. Jesus prays to the father who is greater then He is (two different persons one person is praying to the other person) For these fools this shows they are different persons but they don’t see the contradiction in claiming that there is only one God even though one of the persons of their god worships a different greater god person the father. How can Jesus be God but also himself obeys worships His own God (who is presumable a different person) and still claim that there is only one God and they only worship that one God. Thus any attempt to apply multiple different persons creates logical nonsense and self contradictions. Simply claiming the contradiction is a “Great mystery” because God is so great does not solve the self-contradiction it only indicates that someone has chosen to accept the self contradiction in spite of any or reason or possibility no matter how consistent or coherent those other arguments may be. On the other hand, Jesus can be subservient to God worship God, obey God, the father can be greater then the son who is the same God if they are understood in the terms God described himself namely as parts of one person. Your head and right arm are distinctions from each other but they are not different persons. Your right arm is not as great as your head is; you are the head of your right arm; your right arm is the same person as you and your head are. When two or more concepts apply they can only apply in a non contradicting fashion. The Trinitarian position demands trust in logical incoherence as the “Best” solution to applying all the data. This is why Trinitarian doctrine is a doctrine of devils and fools who deserve the damnation.

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