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Gravitational Shockwave Weapons: Patented Handgun That Can Destroy Anything

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The Gravitational Shockwave Weapon could produce detonation velocities greater than that generated by high explosives.  The blast can be achieved by using recently discovered gravitational technology. This possibility leads to the conception of powerful shockwave weapons. Below is  shown the design of a portable gravitational shockwave weapon, which can produce detonation velocities greater than 105m/s, and detonation pressures greater than 1010N/m2.  These pressures are greater than what can now be achieved with military grade explosives.
Portable Weapon of Gravitational Shockwaves


The most important single property of an explosive is the detonation velocity. It is the speed at which the detonation wave travels through the explosive. Typical detonation velocities in solid explosives often range beyond 3,000 m/s to 10,300 m/s 

 High explosives such as TNT has a detonation velocity of 6,900m/s; Military explosives used to destroy strong concrete and steel structures have a detonation velocity of 7,000 to 8,000 m/s

At the front of the detonation zone, an energy pulse or “shockwave” is generated and transmitted to the adjacent region. The shockwave travels outward as a compression wave, moving at or near detonation velocity. When the intensity of the shockwave exceeds the compression strength of the materials they are destroyed. If the mass of the body is too large the wave energy is simply absorbed by the body. 

The pressure produced in the explosion zone is called Detonation Pressure. It expresses the intensity of the generated shockwave. A high detonation pressure is necessary when blasting hard, dense bodies. Detonation pressures of high explosives are in the range from  106N/m2 to over 107 N/m2 .


The design of a portable shockwave weapon, which uses the Gravitational Shielding Effect (BR Patent Number: PI0805046-5, July 31, 2008) can produce detonations velocities greater than 100,000m/s, and detonation pressures greater than 1010N/m2  It is important to remember that an aluminum-nitrate truck bomb has a relatively low detonation velocity of 3,500 m/s (sound speed is 343.2m/s).  The gun could rip through the strongest steel as if it were tissue paper,  it could destroy anything that the shockwave hit. 

The amazing thing is the gun uses atomized water and extremely low frequency electromagnetic waves to produce the gravitation shockwave.    The weapon is detailed in Gravitational Shockwave Weapons    Extremely low frequency (ELF) waves are electromagnetic radiation (radio waves) with frequencies from 3 to 300 Hz, and corresponding wavelengths from 100,000 to 1000 kilometers.


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    Total 19 comments
    • fuzzy696

      I guess this means we get the tasers and the cops get these now.

      • Joerg Klaemt

        @ ruemcclanahan1

        ADMINISTRATION take NOTICE SPAM SPAM Same Spammer different Name

    • Maverick

      Its got a patent… it must work right whitehorse?

      • Joerg Klaemt

        HAARP is capable of doing the same as described in this Article, the Billion of watts sent up to the upper Layers are stored like in a Giant Capacitor of thousands of Farad the excited Plasma can be Modulated at any Frequency.
        You release and steer the Energy through Rain Clouds thus becoming your Water Mist,
        you then release Barium and Aluminum particles, that become your Capacitor steering plates now you have a giant Shockwave gun that can do anything.
        Study Tesla ………… use your Brain.
        Of course Maverick being paid by your Zionist peers you will as always deny all and everything.
        Fortunately there are some knowledgeable people on this Forum,that will have read Tesla and
        are able to fill in the Puzzles missing pieces.
        Just ask yourself why would the U.S.A waist billions of watts of energy?
        To study the Atmosphere? Satellites are cheaper and can accomplish those studies at lesser risk and greater accuracy. Like Thorium vs Uranium ithas more output and it is safer but it wont make Plutonium.Mankind is doomed.By the way the two scientists interviewed at the Haarp facility by Jessie Ventura were both Israeli–Americans. Hey Maverick constant denial of your Dual citizenship proves to me who you are.

        • Maverick

          @Anonymous COWARD

          Still cowering behind the blank avatar and handle of Anonymous hey?

          “Hey Maverick constant denial of your Dual citizenship proves to me who you are.” Since when does denial of something = proof?

          Thanks for proving to everyone your delusional way of thinking.

          Cant wait for you to troll another one of my comments :cool:

        • Idiot Proof

          Not disagreeing, just clarifying, scalar energy as discovered developed and defined by Nicola Tesla, and utilized by HAARP, is an absolutely free energy source. Can something free extremely abundant even limitless, be wasted?

    • Praise Jebus

      its the Ray gun from Call of Duty Zombies!

    • avatarowolf

      First off the power requirement for a weapon of this type could not be in the gun, it would have to be a backpack power supply and that is still way beyond what is possible today. The plans look alot like a rail/coil gun. I wouldn’t even want to guess the power requirements of a weapon like this, it is probably a concept weapon that is theoretical but possibly buildable in the future.

      • Idiot Proof

        A high end car stereo capacitor could store plenty of power for the needs of something like that device. The discharge from one of them could easily kill a human. I am sure a capacitor with goodstorage capacity would be able to meet both current and voltage requirements. There are also other ways to efficiently store power…

    • James Smith

      the high powered ray gun can’t blow away the laws of physics.

    • BrianFraser

      I was not able to find the referenced patent.

      I also could not follow (or did not have the patience to follow) the presentations at:

      However, pulsed electrical fields ARE used in gravity modification devices.
      Secrets of Antigravity Propulsion, Paul A. LaViolette, 2008, p. 175-178:

      “. . . at a  higher discharge voltage, of around 10 million volts, the gravity wave pulse became so strong that it was able to substantially dent a 1-inch thick steel plate and punch a 4-inch diameter hole through a concrete block! . . . Podkletnov also disclosed that his improved pulse generator exhibited increased thrust power even when energized with 5 million-volt pulses. Also, he noted that these powerful pulses would sometimes bend the generator’s copper anode as well as damage the walls of the discharge chamber. . . . 

      Podkletnov’s team measured a far higher velocity for the concrete-smashing gravity impulses produced by their improved Marx bank pulse generator. Using a pair of synchronized atomic clocks to measure the arrival time of the impulses at separate locations, they were able to determine that the impulses were traveling at least several thousand times the speed of light, perhaps faster!”

      See also:

      There is evidence that the speed of gravity and of electric and magnetic fields is actually instantaneous:

      These observations have been around, in various forms, for several decades. They are generally ignored by the scientific community because understanding them requires a paradigm shift that would choke a swamp full of alligators. Nobody, it seems, wants to do that amount of work in the current publish-or-perish environment.

      And don’t be surprised by the power requirements. They might be MUCH lower than you might expect!

    • Anonymous

      Wouldn’t the recoil send you flying in the opposite direction? The old for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction thing?

      • Joerg Klaemt

        you are correct but I give you an example if you propel a 150 Grain Bullet out of the same gun verses a 50 grain Bullet using the same amount of Powder or propellant which gives you the biggest kick.
        Get what I am Saying what comes out of here is Plasma so how much recoil do you expect?
        If I shoot a laser Beam at you lets say of 50 watts it would burn a hole right through you but would I feel a Recoil? NO! at least not measurable in a sense.
        Being light or plasma there is likely some difference, but how much I don’t know you might want to Google that.
        I agree its just a Concept Gun and its Powersupply would be enormous.
        The Battery would be the largest Part. Good theory but only achievable with HAARP as it stores mega mega Watts of Energy. This Energy is not lost or going out to space, its there to be harvested. You can create but not destroy energy.

      • BrianFraser

        Your thinking is definitely Newtonian and might not apply in this case. In electromagnetics, the back reaction can be perpendicular to the beam. In other words, the reaction can be radial and cancel itself out within the generating device. The back reaction is not like what you would get from a cannon. See:

        Also ask yourself:

        1. How much stronger is the electrostatic force compared to the gravitational force?

        2. How much energy must the Sun expend on the Earth to keep it in orbit?

        Again, I have not read the patent and cannot comment on this particular device.

    • Joerg Klaemt

      ADMINISTRATION take NOTICE SPAM SPAM Same Spammer different Name

    • Anonymous

      If it’s high voltage that’s needed, the power source could be very small. If its high current needed, the power source would need to be very large. Look at a Taser, they run about 50,000 volts and are very small. Similar with TENS muscle stimulators.

      • Joerg Klaemt

        High Voltage at microamps won’t do , not even milliamps, it takes a lot more to create an output that equals or surpasses its input, otherwise it would be an over unity Device something that has yet to be published. Not saying it does, or can not exist.
        Voltage,Current ….. it all boils down to Wattage and no matter how you look at it the size of the Device can not achieve its claimed goal.

    • Anonymous

      Santa! I want one as my Christmas gift!

    • Anonymous

      More of the same old crap, different day.

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