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Liberals for Brown

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Dear Readers,

We told you previously that a main reason we aggressively backed Brown for the Senate seat was because of the way Democrats conducted themselves in the week before Christmas.  Perhaps it was Christmas itself that really brought the fire out in us, since we were so disgusted Harry Reid, Nancy Pelosi, Rahm Emanuel, and the current president were so shameless as to use CHRISTMAS, and the distraction it naturally causes, as cover to ram through an unconstitutional piece of legislation riddled with pork, graft, and corruption that few in this country seem to want.  That repulsed us.

We were further sickened by the fact that Demcorats insisted on handling this legislation in the dead of night, behind closed, locked doors, with no cameras in sight, rushing to vote on it at breakneck speed before Christmas Eve.

This is not how legislation this complex and world-changing should be handled.  This is not how the United States Senate should operate.  Regardless of what you think about healthcare reform, as an American, we don’t know how you could support EITHER party behaving this way with legislation that has such a vast and unprecedented impact on our economy, at a time when so many we know are out of work, and so many Americans’ jobs are hanging by threads.  This healthcare bill should have been written in sunlight, after spirited debate not only in the Senate, but in town halls across the country where Americans of all stripes could have come together and, after much thought and consideration, devised a plan that would work for this nation.  Something we could afford.  Something we could pay for.  Something that would not bankrupt us and cross the unconstitutional line of forcing, for the first time in history, citizens to purchase products against their personal will and free choice.

But, that’s not how the 60 Democrats in the Senate chose to conduct themselves.

That’s when all 60 of these people lost our support.

That’s when we started rooting for whomever will oppose them in their next elections.

There aren’t word to describe how agonizing this was for us in some cases, because there are Democrats in the Senate we genuinely love, whose photos are on our Hall of Heroes.  “Say it ain’t so, Evan”…”Tell us it’s not true, Barbara Mikulski”…”You too, Roland?”.  We have emotional connections to a great many Democrats, whether we like what they do on a regular basis or not.  Previous to the Christmas vote on this monstrous Healthcare Rationing bill, those personal feelings always trumped whatever else we thought of how these people behaved in office. But, all that changed Christmas Eve.

Not a single Democrat stood up and said, “This is madness.  We can’t force something like this through in the dead of night or break all of our promises for transparency like this.  I must vote against this bill until it is handled in a more honorable and democratic way.”  Not a single one of them had the guts to stand up to their party, to stand up for regular Americans.

So, we looked to candidate Scott Brown, and his promise to defeat this monstrous Healthcare Rationing bill, and we knew we had to go all-in for him.  Even if that meant, as we were warned here in Chicago, that the Left would come after us.

Now, we were naive to think these people were either bluffing, or were exaggerating.  Honestly, we thought the extent of the attacks would be more of the same thing these people usually do, which is to say bad things about this site, to fill our voicemails up with nasty messages, to send more hatemail to our email telling us how much they want us to get AIDS and die, or how they’re going to find us in Boystown and beat us up.  These are the people who threw rocks through our windows in 2008 because we had Hillary Clinton posters in them, and who’ve called us racists consistently for not supporting Dr. Utopia, as either a candidate or the Socialist in Chief he is now.  That’s what the Left does to anyone who defies them:  they call you a racist, harass you, and threaten violence against you.

They really crossed a line this time, though.  They are no longer just attacking the entity that is “HillBuzz”, but those at the Daily Kos, DemocraticUnderground, and other George Soros, DNC-backed troll mills have ratcheted up their attacks to the personal level.  Unlike Michelle Malkin, Erik Erikson over at Red State, or even people like Nikke Finke at DeadlineHollywood or Harry Knowles at AintItCoolNews, we’ve maintained this site anonymously because we wanted to have personal lives apart from writing original content on the Internets.  99% of you have respected this convention, and have allowed us to just be the “HillBuzz boys”, or other variations on whatever you call us.  That’s allowed us to be both Batman and Bruce Wayne, which means we can still have jobs, go out and have fun, and enjoy life while spending half our time each day working our hearts out for our love of country in service of whatever we can do to defeat Liberals and stop socialism from taking over this nation.

But, the Kossacks and Moveon.organisms have decided to attack us on the personal, not just the site, level.  They are using some of our real names, urging their members to do us personal and physical harm in our real lives, and calling us racists over and over again in the hopes of making us unemployable in the future — because they’ve libeled us by calling us RAAACISTS! on that personal level.

And, you know what, this tactic does have an immediate psychological and financial impact.  This weekend, after these attacks from the Kossacks and Moveon.organism began, we lost two freelance jobs because the nonprofits we were working with felt they can’t be associated with people who are being called racists, since these nonprofits work in the black community and here in Chicago there is a neverending turf war on the Southside, where anything is game when it comes to business or politics.  People who’ve worked with us in the past decided their own jobs would be in jeopardy if they had us on upcoming projects, because if the black community was riled up against these organizations for having people called RAAACISTS! on the team, then their own jobs would be lost.  The way it works is this:  if you have a job in the black community, there is always someone out there who wants that job instead of you, and that person will look for any sort of hook to yank you from that job so they can take it. This RAAACIST garbage is always a favorite hook.

And it is the chief weapon of the Left against just about everyone.

They’ve been using this for decades now.

They use it to scare people into silence.  They force people to drop what they are doing and spend hours defending themselves, trying to prove they’re not what they were accused of.  They demoralize you with the RAAACIST rants, and try to ruin your lives with them.  They cost you work, take food off your table, and threaten your personal safety and well being.

The Left did this to the Clintons in 2008.

The Left does this to Sarah Palin.

The Left has done this to too many people to ever count.

The Left is doing this to us now, on a personal level, because we backed Scott Brown, came up with the Hottie McAwesome tactic to defuse their best attacks against him, and refused to buckle and shut up when we were told to.

Now, we were told by several good friends not to talk about any of this, and not to write a post like this taking this on directly.  We were also advised to “just stop writing” and all of this would go away eventually.  There was even one Democrat who advised us, “if you just stop, and close down the site, I’ll see to it that Kos and the others remove what they are saying, and we’ll help you clean things up on Google”.  That sure felt like extortion to us.

This is really what Democrats have become at this point.

The party we loved our whole life has been taken over by thugs, who threaten, libel, malign, persecute, and extort anyone who does not fall in line with their Liberal-Socialist agenda.  We’ve been on the receiving end of this harassment since November of 2007, when we started campaigning in Iowa for Hillary Clinton and first found ourselves on the receiving ends of Alinsky Method techniques.  All of that increased 10, 100, and 1000 fold after we launched this site, started up Democrats for McCain efforts after Hillary suspended her presidential bid in June 2008, and we started actively promoting Sarah Palin as America’s best hope for the future in 2009.

There have been many times when we wanted to walk away from all of this, because it’s an immense amount of work, it’s largely thankless, we’re persecuted every day for it, and it takes away from our quality of life and limits our ability to actually go out and have some fun while we’re young.  But, we keep at it because, for whatever reason, the Left considers us a major threat.

We are as surprised about that as anyone.

What we tell you here, in our essays, to us at least, is just common sense.  We call the MSM out on its lies, we hit back against whatever propaganda the White House is directing, and we tell you how to beat the Left at its own game, since we’ve been Democrats our whole lives and have watched these people operate on the ground level.  We know these thugs.  We’ve worked alongside them, even if we never engaged in their methods.  We’re moderate Democrats who are so alienated by what the Liberal-Socialist Democrat party is today that we’ve been actively teaching other moderates (and conservative and independents, too) how to stand up to these bullies, be unafraid, and do what needs to be done to take back this country.

We’re writing to you today to tell you that our resolve has never been stronger to continue doing this.  In fact, we plan on increasing our efforts and committing even more time to this site than ever — reaching out to all of you for ways we can grow, evolve, embrace a larger audience, and provide daily action items that are laser-focused and directed at crippling the Left, the Alinsky Method machine, ACORN, the SEIU, and the current DNC itself.

There’s a line in the third Indiana Jones movie where someone says, “all of Germany has declared war on the Jones boys”.  We’re reminded of that today, feeling “all of the Left has declared war on the Buzz Boys”.

We say bring it on.

We’re single, and don’t have families to worry about.  We’ve been attacked for two years now by these lunatics, so being attacked even more than usual really shouldn’t phase us.  It’s jarring that the Left has taken things to the personal level, but maybe we should be flattered by that.  Must mean we are really getting to them…that the Scott Brown race in Massachusetts was some kind of turning point.  They didn’t even attack us on the personal level back in the primaries or the general election.  So, why now?  Why was Scott Brown in Massachusetts and “The Kennedy Seat” so important that they went to Defcon-5 on us over it?  That’s a puzzler.

And it all reminds us of Harry Potter in Rowlings books, and how Voldemort himself created Harry.  Repeatedly, it’s said that Voldemort’s own attack gave birth to his ultimate foe…and that everything Voldemort did to Harry increased his strength and ability to fight back and ultimately defeat him, at the great Battle of Hogwarts in the final book.  If Voldemort had left Potter alone, and had never attacked him, then there never would have been a Harry Potter, with lightning bolt scar, to rise up and stop him.

We’re telling you this now, there would not be a HillBuzz if not for the Left’s attacks.  We started this site to address the Left’s RAAACIST allegations against the Clintons, to smack back against the Left’s sexism and misogyny as employed against Clinton, and we’ve kept this site going to fight every Alinksy trick the Left’s pulled ever since.  Every time they attack us, we become increasingly more engaged in what we are doing, we reach out to more people and build new alliances, and become more determined than ever to devote as much time as possible to bringing the Left down once and for all.

And yes, as gay guys here in Chicago, we’re channeling Buffy more than a little too.  Like Hillary Clinton and Sarah Palin too, Buffy went through an endless Hell at the hands of her foes.  She went up against vampires, demons, werewolves, you name it, and was never allowed to have a normal life, to do things with her friends without being harassed, to wake up in the morning and not wonder who was trying to kill her that day, or who wanted to destroy her family or take away everything that she worked for.  Into every generation, there’s a slayer who’s called to stand up to these monsters.

Hillary Clinton and Sarah Palin have both answered the call to stand up for America against all its foes.  They’re both attacked every day by someone, and called all sorts of vile names by the Left in particular. But, they wake up every day, work hard, and soldier on. Clearly, this country is worth fighting for to them.  Both of them have enough money that they could easily go off to some wonderful retirement, or devote themselves to uncontroversial charitable causes that would remove them from attacks and give them more peace of mind.

Buffy could have turned her back on everything and wandered off into a quiet life herself, but the demons and vampires would have won.

This weekend was a fork in the road for us.  We had to make the decision on whether or not we wanted to continue speaking out on politics in the face of personal attacks that have jeopardized our livelihood, our personal safety, and our lives as we know it.  Is writing for this site and talking to all of you every day worth that?  Is America worth fighting for if it could cost us everything?

Hells yah.


We are more committed than every to working hard every day from now until 2012 to ensure Dr. Utopia is defeated, is exiled to Hawaii as a one-term Carteresque president, and that every Liberal is driven from Washington like the snakes from Ireland.  In fact, on the mirror in the bathroom here at Buzzquarters, we have that last line tacked up on a Post-in.  LIKE THE SNAKES FROM IRELAND. This motivates us to keep on fighting, keep on writing, and raise our game to new levels to do everything we can to provide the grassroots strategy to take down the Left.

There’s a good chance the Kossacks and Moveon.organisms will beat us.  Maybe they’ll even make good on their threats and kill us.  Believe us, we take every precaution we can, but these people are seriously mentally ill, and prove it by doing the things they did this weekend.  There is a real and true chance that staying involved in politics, in the face of their threats, could cost us everything.

So, just know that we don’t take that lightly.  We’ve thought about buckling, and walking away, disappearing into silence.  It would make all the demons, vampires, Voldemorts, and Liberals leave us alone.

But, we just can’t sit by, quietly, and watch these people drive the country into the ground.

We’ll make a deal with all of you out there:  we will continue to work hard and never give up, never let these threats and attacks phase us, if you would just raise your own game to help counter the Left too.

By no means are we asking you to put yourselves into the hurricane too.  We will take that heat for you, but we need you to help us with Action Items.  We need you to help us put immense pressure on every Democrat, and every Democrat donor to the DNC, to grind the current administration’s socialist agenda to a halt.

We need you to break all habits of sitting around and doing nothing, and start getting involved in your communities, to start mobilizing your friends, family, and neighbors to hold our government accountable.

We need you to stand up to the MSM and get through to all the complacent, pessimistic Eeyores out there.

We need you to form a counter force to the Left, and its legions of trolls, orcs, goblins and other monsters.

We’re under assault because we, through no intention of our own oddly enough, have become a rallying point.  We posed a threat to these Kossacks and Moveon.organisms, a threat to the Soros agenda, and we’re taking heat for it.  That must mean we are on the right track.

It is our fervent wish that no matter what happens to us, that a group of gay guys in Chicago standing up to these bullies inspired others coast to coast to do the same.  And once you stand up to them, we hope you inspire even MORE people to do the same…and so on and so on, until one day the Left realizes they are outnumbered and surrounded by people who are just not going to take their garbage anymore.

In about two years, if we work hard, we believe we can see to it that Liberals are exiled from power and influence for the next 30 years.  We can defeat them from the school board level all the way up to the White House.  We can roll back all of their PC nonsense, all of their economy-killing “progressive measures”, and even take back the educational system and remove all the brainwashing they’re inflicting upon our children.  It’s not going to be easy, and the Left will resist us kicking and screaming, lashing out like demons in an exorcism, but if we work hard we will win.

The irony of all this, to us, is that if Liberalism and “the progressive agenda” were really so wonderful, you’d think these people wouldn’t have to resort to calling people who oppose them RAAACISTS, trying to ruin them, threaten physical violence against them, or want to see them die of AIDS or otherwise be killed.

If what the Liberals are selling is so wonderful, so chock full of unicorns and Hope-and-Changey delicious Kool-Aid, then why do they have to use Alinsky tactics and thuggery to advance their cause?

Why do these people have to behave like villains from books, TV, and movies if they are so enlightened and they really know what’s best for everyone?

We’ll continue to ask these questions, and many more, in the days, weeks, months, and YEARS to come, God willing, and with your continued and much needed support.

We can’t do this alone, especially not in light of the increased attacks, but we will strive to do our level best for this country…and we hope you stand up with us as much as you can.


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    • HfjNUlYZ

      To the Hill Buzz Boys,

      I’m so confused. There you were over on the left acting responsible and all. Attempting to tell the truth and stand by principles you believed in when I suddenly began to read things that looked suspiciously like my conservative values.
      So here is the deal. I don’t see eye to eye with you guys on a lot of stuff. But I value your opinion and will defend your right to express that opinion. Nobody shuts you guys down. You say/write what you want in words as hard as cannon balls and let the facts fall where they may. You have my support on that.
      Reciprocity is acceptable; so come to a TEA PARTY of your choosing. Let’s clean this mess up in 2012 and get back to decent politics where issues are discussed and the welfare of the nation is the primary point on the agenda. Keep the fire going and don’t let it degenerate into embers that have to be rekindled for the next election to fire up the people.

      Bye the bye; I kept trying to tell people that Chicago Politics is a bare knuckle sport but people wouldn’t listen to me. See what happens when you elect a south side machine politician to the White House. They-the current power brokers in office- have established the grass roots movement that will grow into a political juggernaut designed to remove these sycophants from office and revitalize both parties. It’s time for the Dems to sweep out their own house and to return to sense, leadership of the common man, and responsibility. The Repubs are already on their own way to discarding the “by fiat” crowd and are searching out new luminaries who recall that their only job when they take office is to serve the people.
      Like I said, see ya at the polls in 2012 and let’s kick the bums outa’ town.

      Conservatively yours with kindest regards,

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