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“New World Dollar” Coming Oct. 20, 2015?

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“New World Dollar” On October 20th , 2015

The International Monetary Fund is expected to a new reserve currency alternative to the US Dollar.
The dollar’s role as the world’s primary reserve currency helps all of us Americans by keeping interest rates low. Foreign countries buy United States Treasury debt not just as an investment, but because dollar-denominated assets are the best way to hold foreign exchange reserves.

And on Oct 20th of this year, the IMF is expected to announce a reserve currency alternative to the U.S. dollar, which will send hundreds of billions of dollars moving around the world, literally overnight.

As China moves up the economic pecking order, it has been trying to promote the yuan as an alternative to the U.S. dollar, which has been the dominant global reserve currency since the 1944 Bretton Woods conference.

Currently, China represents around 11 percent of global gross domestic product, more than 10 percent of world trade and nearly 9 percent of total foreign direct investment.

China may have prompted some interest in the subject: “. . . it is perhaps a good time for the befuddled world to start considering building a de-Americanized world,” wrote Liu Chang for China’s official news agency Xinhua.

Robert Kiyosaki: Why An Economic Crash Is Coming

Look What Will Happen After The Dollar Collapse






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Sold Out After Crisis (Best 37 Items To Hoard For A Long Term Crisis)

Survive The End Days (Biggest Cover Up Of Our President)


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    Total 23 comments
    • LavenderRose

      mcdonalds logo on currency, total gmo toxic crap nwo is asking for trouble

      • albertan

        And they will get it too.

        • ExposeTheTruth

          The Black Pope: The Most Powerful Man On Earth Asked About The Jesuit Extreme Oath @ 3:20 Mark below.

          “Adolfo Nicolas, the new Black Pope of the Jesuit Order, the 30th Superior General of the Society of Jesus, since January 28, 2008. 

          He is the Most Powerful Man on Earth, who rule over the Maritime Laws (business) and the Space Laws.

           He controls all the banking system, Freemasonry around the World and the Secret Services too (CIA, FBI, NSA, SIS, MI6, Scotland Yard, Mossad, CSIS, DGSE, FSB). 

          The Vatican owns most of all Israel lands and the Land of the Temple Mount for their Third Solomon’s Temple where they want their throne.”

          Below The Jesuit Extreme Oath Audio @ 3:44 Mark….

      • srsly1

        Why do you even comment on other’s articles when you disable them on yours?

    • albertan

      They are all going to burn in the PIT. They have already lost the war in space, and our allies are going to make them pay, with THE ONE in charge. Go God Go!. Where they are going, that new currency they printed up is going to do them no good. Dumb evil Bas-turds.

    • Klemens

      Signs That The Elite Are Feverishly Preparing For Something BIG

    • Pix

      Too little, too late. The world has lost confidence in anything American.

    • plentoh

      If we are going to be hit by a meteor on 9/24, then what is the point of a new currency in October :roll: ?

      • SuperMario

        Because life will go on for some?

        • Big dog.../small fish...

          Great comment!

      • vince63

        why are you people panicking?? and what meteor? where are you getting this info don’t believe everything you read on the internet and especially here this is like The National Enquier! Read the bible and follow scripture!

        • hailthechief

          The Bible is like Canterbury Tales except, it was created to enslave those who believe in it. That is what the big religions were created to do. The NWO and Religion go hand in hand. By following the Bible as scripture you can make things come true that would’nt have unless you followed the script. The more often The NWO follows that scipt, the more it looks like one religions book has prophesized the coming apocalypse, making that religion seeming more credible than the others. Every religion sees their own scripture playing out where they live. It is the script to end humanity as we know it.

    • AllRoadsLead2NWO

      I believe you mean the ‘Amero” like the ‘Euro’.
      All has been planned since before anyone here was born. The ‘new world’
      was created for one reason only to usher in the ‘new world order’
      One world government. The North Amrican Union will consist
      of Canada, Columbia(usa) and of course Mexico which-duh
      of course is the reason for the open border. The New World
      Order wants Iran badly which is a major the reason for the fuss over it-
      because it is the only ‘sovereign state’ left in the middle
      east. There are i believe only 3 countries left in the world
      without a central bank. Before the One world can happen
      they must take control of each country by taking over
      their currency. Once that is accomplished they control all
      period. This has been planned for thousands of years- not since
      1913 or last week obama. All presidents are appointed puppets(Indirect Election-
      your vote popular is not used and counts for nothing because it is Not a popularity contest)
      of the New World Order-which is why all both Democrat and Republican
      talk about’ creating a new world order’ and why all media
      which is owned by the same family head of our fake reserve system.
      You control the currency and media and you control everything, period.
      This is why Saddam had to die, and Khadafiy and Lincoln and Kennedy-
      all wanted Currency or Trade in currency backed by silver or gold-not
      nothing or ‘faith’ like the forced paper worthless dollar.
      The Central controls owns and destroys anything or any one or any ‘country’ (corporation)
      in it’s way-period. It is right on the back on the One- but ignorant americans can’t read-
      left alone my 2 paragraphs here.

      Check out ‘The Ultimate Delusion’ by Stephen Ames
      free online and ‘Pawns in the Game’ by William Carr circa 1958 free
      pdf online.

      • The Clucker

        I am American and I easily made it through your 2 paragraphs.

        Thanks for the suggested reading.

      • Central Scrutinizer

        “This has been planned for thousands of years- not since
        1913 or last week obama.”

        Man, if they have been ‘planning’ this for a thousand years, that is the ultimate proof of their complete and utter ineptitude! What a bunch of Maroons!!!!!

    • umbra gamma

      The new currency will be named UniDollar according to IMF sources.

    • David Montaigne

      Compare events in the Middle East and America with the Book of Revelation. Since massive debt accumulation makes financial collapse VERY likely (and many economic pundits and Bible prophecy authors point to a time around September 2015) maybe we should expect chaos, hyperinflation, martial law, dictatorship, and the fulfillment of end times prophecy… read -

      Antichrist 2016-2019: Mystery Babylon, Barack Obama & the Islamic Caliphate

    • The Watcher

      Bit Coin forever!

      • Jonny Quest

        I figured if they ever go for a new world currency it would be digital only, like bitcoin, since they keep pushing these stupid rfid payment bracelets and pay by swiping your smartphone.

    • joeracer

      There are 4 currencies used in global as reserve currency- dolllar-yen-pound and the euro
      The ImF is going to add a 5th the yuan that basket
      When it does the entire basket will devalue between 5-20% and continue to slide till on or two are replaced by other BRICS
      The damage will be to the consumers who use either current money for goods will see 5-20 % inflation over night and a continue rise in prices as the world slowly disassoiciates its self from the current IMF basket
      BTW the IMF is a secrete group mostly old school money with names like rothschild, rockfeller chase etc etc

    • umbra gamma

      UniDollar – coming soon.

      • Factory Farms FEAR the MooCow

        “UN Dollar” or “undollar”??? underwear.
        Eat More GMO :mad:

    • Redeemer

      The final currency will be digital, call it what you like, it will exist only on a chip (RFID) that will be implanted under the skin.

      If we allow it to happen, it will allow the psycho’s full control over every single facet of our lives!

      More on the agenda here……


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