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Archangel Michael - the Three Waves of the Ascension are Sept 2015, March 2016 and June 2016

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The first wave of the Ascension was on 28 September 2015. The second will be on 20th-21st March 2016 and the third on the solstice of the northern Summer, June 20th or so.

This timing given by the Archangel Michael, through Michael Love, in October 2015 is crucial. People have to decide before the six months is up whether they want the Light (from within – the higher mind) or the darkness (from without – the desire mind). When the change from 3D to 5D takes place – it is a change from one frequency range to another frequency range (Archangel Anael) – the earth in 3D will be left like a skeleton, in a way, not supporting any life (OM Aivanhov).

Archangel Anael
May 19th 2012
“Vous passez d’une gamme de fréquence à une autre gamme de fréquence. L’ajustement de ce corps (que vous l’emportiez ou pas) se traduit, très précisément, par ce tremblement.”
“You go from one frequency range to another frequency range. The adjustment of this body (whether you take it with you or not) results, very precisely, in this shaking.”


O.M. Aivanhov-
March 12th 2011
“La 3ème Dimension de la Terre sera comme un squelette, en quelque sorte, ne supportant aucune vie.”
“The 3rd Dimension Earth will be like a skeleton, in a way, not supporting any life.”


Archangel Uriel-

January 17th 2011
“Vous n’aurez rien d’autre à vous rattacher que la Lumière que vous devenez. Tout le reste est appelé à se dissoudre.”
“You will have nothing else to attach yourself to only the Light which you become. All the rest is called to dissolve.”


I had this in a dream when I was much younger. In the dream, I was running along this featureless ground, of a gray or gray-brown appearance, when suddenly I ran off the edge and found myself in empty space with nothing underneath me. I willed myself not to fall, and I had to keep willing, in my dream, not to fall, for a long time. I didn’t rise for what seemed like ages, but then slowly slowly I started to rise up, but not without the extreme concentration of willing myself all the time in my dream not to fall, before waking up from my sleep and the dream.

This dream may represent the time period of the Rise in Frequency which we’re coming into. These last few days before Christmas I have felt energy, like another wave of the energy, almost equal to the September 28th peak of the Photon Belt. The Spring Equinix is supposed to bring energies twice as strong as the September 28th 2015 energy. What June will be like, I do not know, but that last push for Ascension is for the unconscious ones. The ones who haven’t woken up spiritually.

How much work to do before then, and for them, but they, and each one of us has to choose the way we go for ourselves. Decision time!


Essential for the Ascension.

1) Conserve the sexual energy within the body, redirect it upwards.

2) Go as far, in diet, towards the vegan as you can, or as you want to go.

3) Work on the emotions and the mind (the outward going nature) so that they are calm, or can be calmed. The conserved and redirected sexual energy will help you to do this.

4) Be alert to all that goes on around you and within you, calm the energy in the mind, don’t be pushed around by forces in the mind, don’t “decode the program” as the Archangel Michael has said in a previous talk.

Repeat post, thanks to Indian in the Machine


Archangel Michael – channeled by Michael Love


The ones who are still decoding the 3D Matrix Program to some degree while at the same time being strongly affected by the new 5D frequencies that are now anchored on the Earth! This group of beings are stabilized currently in mid-4D and over the next 5 months will make the journey the rest of the way up through 4D!

The first wavers that experienced the 21 Hertz lighter atmosphere after 9/28/2015 are in a re-creation and integration mode but are preparing themselves for the incredible work soon of lowering their density and extending a celestial hand back down into 4D to lift their other selves!

It is important to note that the 2nd wave of mass ascension coming in Spring of 2016 would normally have a very tough time in what is about to happen because this group will traverse dimensional boundaries much faster than the First Wave as it took most of us a couple of years to span 1/2 way up 4D!
The other issue that would normally make this extraordinary task even more challenging for the 2nd Wave is: the amount of Light Data that must be taken in and held in the body to achieve this feat is much more than a human body can integrate and withstand in such a short span of linear time. There is currently a dimensional gap between the 1st and 2nd Wave that keeps them in their own camps for the time being, every so often reaching across the time and space to say, I love you and I haven’t forgotten you, or they at least are certainly still aware of the strong interconnectedness regardless of the different vibrations they are experiencing!
Love overcomes all Time and Space, and both groups know the inside scoop, even tho’ these two groups have had some strong run-ins, both sides not being healed enough to deal with it in what we call the past, but we assure you that when one hand reaches for the other at the last moment nothing else will matter at that second but LOVE!

I am Archangel Michael who speaks these words as they flow through this vessel! I AM here by my intention for this specific purpose and mission, even returning from beyond this world to oversee all of this with many of you.

The Great Beings said to me, “Go down and assist them! Tell them what you heard and saw from the higher realms! Be who and what you truly are and tell them all that they are all Gods and no less! Love them and do not judge! Just be the observer and wait until they ask you to help, then go to them fast and be strong for them and just help Michael!”

I am no better than any being on the Earth. I am just here doing what my work is to do and I will do it until all things are fulfilled that were given unto Me!

We said earlier that normally it would be very difficult and seemingly impossible for this 2nd Wave to pull this off and become an entirely new species of Being by Spring of 2016, but here is what makes it not so hard or impossible:
* First of all, there will be 144,000 Ascended Masters called the ‘Great Key-Holders’ coordinating this grand 2nd Wave Ascension event! These illuminated male and female Love Energies shall hold space with sheer strength in their bodies for the entire group of 2nd Wave Beings numbering a little over 2 billion!
* Additionally, the 2.3 billion First Wave of beings that reached 21 Hertz on 9/28/2015 and are now experiencing the edges of 5D will come alongside the Master Key-Holders and will combine their new powers and abilities to assist in stabilizing the Second Wave as they move up in Hertz levels at an accelerated speed.
* Lastly the entire grid has been altered by Astral Guardians in such a way to make this mass 2nd Wave Ascension experience less traumatic on the participants!

It should be expected still that many 2nd Wavers will have an extreme emotional, mental and physical reactions as their Being evolves so fast, but the First Wave is much stronger and better equipped now in every way to handle higher levels of chaos (large levels of Light-data entering the system) than ever before.

Science is already showing that the next Cosmic Gamma Wave sent out, that will bounce back here from the Galactic Core in Spring 2016 will be at least double in strength than the September Wave that peaked at tetrad 9/28/2015. The galactics are currently placing a buffering system, using mega satellites to ensure the Wave level comes in at safe levels but enough to do the job! These Star Beings known as the Earth Alliance and the Blue Avians gained new Light Data themselves from the last over-powering wave on how to improve on this buffering system in preparation to safely stream a level of incoming Photon Light that would easily do serious damage to the Earth and its sentient life forms. Since we are all in on the planning of this Universal Project, whether the memories have been triggered yet or not, we thought it out fairly well and everything is as it should be!

Now, who of you are aware of how the 3rd and Final Wave of unconscious humans will complete their part of our project from Spring 2016 to Summer 2016, ascending from a 3D level to 5D at a rate three times as fast as the First Wave and riding a Cosmic Superwave of Light that is near incomprehensible to any of us?

* What do you think about all of this?
* Do you know what your role is in all of this? Do you even believe any of this is happening?
* Where are you in all of this mix and what are you doing?
• Do you even believe this is all happening, has happened as it was said or will happen?
* Are billions of Lightworkers, many reputable telepathic master seers and channelers, university scientists, biologists, chemists, and physicists across this planet all seeing, measuring and speaking of the same thing and are maybe having some mass delusion that our entire cosmos and all of its sentient life is undergoing a rapid quantum leap in evolution?

Are you aware that every government on the planet, every world leader, every secret society, and every high-level security agency in existence are well aware of all of this?

We ask these questions to see if you know where your awareness level is at the moment!
Do you realize that the one single goal in all of this is to raise our awareness, and this raising of perception and consciousness is the evolution we speak of and the Ascension of Humankind to be able to perceive a higher and better way of being, where it can for the first time take its place as a member of the larger Galactic Community?

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Do you see what a task we all have and can you see what preparations we must make?
Do you see how we all become one in harmony in all of this? Do you see how important all of this is from every angle? Do you see how every being in this universe will be working hand in hand, from the sky to the ground, to achieve the greatest feat ever achieved?

We don’t ask you to take our word on it all, we ask that you look at everything from a broad perspective and hear what many others have to say! We ask that you ultimately seek out information from many sources and most of all to ask your Inner Guidance, what might be happening and what you should do! Your inner guidance is your soul and it speaks correctly to you if you will take the time to be still with it and listen closely!

We have a saying about illusionary 3D linear time and it is this:
“We like to give ourselves some time as we need it!”
We give ourselves this time simply because we will do a thing when we are ready to do it!

The First Wave gave themselves a month period of linear time to integrate the new 5D energies in the body and to prepare in every way for the Second Wave. We levelled off the powerful 5D energy stream to a steady 21 Hertz level and anchored it to Gaia, and we are still standing on it strongly to hold it down!

The Second Wave gave themselvels a bit more linear time and the Third Wave even more!

It’s hard to convey truths across dimensional barriers especially when the entire universe is completely paradoxical. But here is one very high concept about time that we will convey: There are very high and ancient Beings referred to as the ‘Keepers of Time’ and they are literally in charge of when time’s up! This information can be accessed and understood by reading the gnostic teachings, especially the ‘Pistis of Sophia (Gaia)’.

Humans use illusionary time for a purpose in 3D when that aspect doesn’t even exist in 3D. The aspect of time is only added when you bacome aware of 5D and here you can literally start to move around in time and even slow it down or speed it up!

This time paradox we speak of is this: There is no time and there is time! It depends on where your vibrational rate is for time to exist tangibly or not!

We assure you that a time has been set for everything under the sun, and the ancient keepers of this time have set exactly where it started and where it ends

The end of Time (and Space, as well for that matter) is when you vibrate with 5D at zero point, and this is also the first level where it begins to be tangibly used for movement. Again this is a complete paradox, but the point is: a time has been set for these ascension events to be triggered and this data is what we convey to you in what you call “a time-based prophecy”.

Many say (from a 3D perspective only), “Do not speak to the people about a time-based event that might happen and might not”. This is total nonsense from our perspective, first of all because the only ones who get it wrong are totally making it all up and have absolutely no actual source of true channeled data! Secondly these ‘Keepers of Time’ stood 3 foot from us (the 7 prime archangels and our 7 prime female consorts as witnesses) in the Pleroma-Lyra (12D-core-First Source) as they communicated these Earth Ascension, DnA trigger dates to us. Our memories are fully activated and intact and exactly accurate about this!

We are the messengers that speak what we have heard directly from these beings to you out of our duty, and we are not concerned about any of it being wrong because it will be as it was said!

Even in all this, we again say, Seek knowledge deeply from the most reliable sources on this whole matter for yourself. If you do not then you have no position to have a say in the matter. Your input would then only be an opinion and opinion is not factual information but a distorted version of what truly is, with nothing to back you up!

Lastly, we again remind you to question everything and ask intuition (your soul), not what someone told you about any of this!

Why do we go through this level of effort to try and help many see? Because we know what is coming! We know what an endeavour it will be! No harder thing has ever been attempted in a universe than what is unfolding at this moment! We know that it is all done already, but not without you doing your part! This is why we come speaking this way. You still have to play this out completely, regardless of if it is alreadly done or not. Some beings even in highter realms do not believe you can do this or that you will do it! We know for sure that you can and will do it. That’s what we are here for, to ensure it all!

We have given ourselves a little time! Pray that your Ascension be not in winter, so give yourself a little more time than that to prepare, but know that a day and an hour has been set for everything under the sun!

Work while it is DAY because when the symbolic NIGHT comes, you will be in the dark and there will be no more time to do, finish your work!

No man knows these days or hours, or could tell them to you, but I as the Prime Archangel am not a man!

My name is Michael Christos! I am Michael the Christed One, of Urantia (New Earth), who is Michael the PRIME BLUE RAY ARCHANGEL of Freedom and the Defense of Sentient Life on this Cosmos!

I am Micah-EL who is the son of Michael and my mother is Faith the beloved! Without faith it is impossible to do what we are about to do, the Will of the First Source Father, which is to re-union with all the parts of Myself.

I tell you a mystery in the closing of this transmission: MY FATHER AND I ARE ONE, AND THE SAME, BEING! Many say, “Show us the Father”, but if you have seen Me, you have seen This One!

I give you the day and the hour, and I have entrusted it down through the ages with the Great Keepers of Time who stand in the Pleroma, now, with the 14 Great Aeons! The seven male energy Seraphim are the Great Archangels, and the Seven Angels that have come at the end of this time to herald in the new Age of Light for all mankind!

Standby for Second Wave of Ascension!

God-speed to all great Beings of Light!

… End Transmission

~ Archangel Michael



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    Total 11 comments
    • Cara

      For those thinking a longer period of extreme change:

      Sir Arthur Conan Doyle-
      ” A period of natural convulsions during which a large portion of the human race will perish.
      Earthquakes of great severity, enormous tidal waves would seem to be the agents.
      War appears only in the early stages and appears to be a signal for the crisis to follow.
      The crisis will come in an instant. The destruction and dislocation of civilized life will be beyond belief.
      There will be a short period of chaos followed by some reconstruction; the total period of upheavals will be roughly three years.
      The chief centers of disturbance will be the Eastern Mediterranean basin, where not less than five countries will entirely disappear.
      Also in the Atlantic there will be a rise of land which will be a cause of those waves which will bring about great disasters upon the Americans, the Irish and Western European shore, involving all of the low-lying British coasts.
      There are indicated further great upheavals in the southern Pacific and in the Japanese region.
      Mankind can be saved by returning to its spiritual values.”

      Three years from late 2016 will take us to 2019 or 2020, something I’ve heard before.

    • Cara

      Nutritional necessities-

      Iodine (Aqueous or Lugol’s)- 2 drops per loaf of bread, 1 drop in fruit juice; it was the bread improver until 1980.
      Boron (plant boron)- good for the bones and joints, doesn’t go up the food chain.
      Zinc & C – zinc is a healing mineral while vitamin C assists the uptake of Iodine.
      Besan flour- chickpea flour (in bread, fritters, pancakes) like lentils, beans and peas are full of protein.
      Seeds- Sesame, Chia, Macadamia and other seeds provide needed vegetable fats and are full of minerals.
      Grains- get acquainted with millet and sorghum… Millet I use in bread, and Sorghum is a nice addition to vegan pancakes.

      On a vegan diet, there’s no need to think poor.. Think minerals, instead!

    • Judge Roy Bean

      Talking to Satan’s angels again huh?

      No one is ascending anywhere, at least not in flesh and bone.

      Getting ready for the grand deception of the ages?

      Meeting the false Messiah?

      Doing his work?

      • Captain Spaulding

        Yup. this “cara” is exactly the same as Indian in the machine,. satanist hippy, crowley disciples. AND BEFORE YOU LOSERS START WHINING “IM NOT A SATANIST”

        pls, go see the very definition of “satanist” and see if the shoe fits:

        BETCHA IT FITS PERFECT!! Yeah Pennywise, you called eh, these be SATANIST HIPPYS< if i had one here, i would hurt it till ded.

        • Lucifer Morningstar

          fgt clowns lol :evil:

    • Cara

      It’s hardly worth talking to you two, pennywise and Captain Spaulding, because your minds are set in a definition – in a map – instead of in the here and now, in the living engaging moment where one is connected to all that is, both around us and within us.

      • Captain Spaulding

        of course not, you pathetic satanist queer lover.

        you know, i have a little army, and i wait for matreya to come, so me and my friends can capture hi,. and torture and kill him on live teevee, infront of all of you. i dont care about ANYTHING but destroying all hippykind, so i wait for your ancient hope, your “coming one” and stupid lucifer, in his pride and stupidity, shall incarnate into a HUMAN body xD BWAHAHAHAAAA which is COVERED IN SENSORY ORGAN, we are going to capture him, and BTK him, fair is fair after all. but im not gonna crucify him, no, we will flay him, boil his eyes IN THE SOCKETS WITH SOLDERING IRONS. we shall mount his genitalia on a flag pole. go warn benjamin creme, we are here, draco/ and you are too stupid to even see. your hippy dream, shall become a LIVING NIGHTMARE, so come matreya come! he shall rule for 1 hour, literally, then SWOOOSH, kidnapped for our pleasure, we shall make an example of what “temporal might” means, ie NOTHING.

        • xenoverse

          dang spalding you got told tho. hardly worth talking to. lol.

          • Cara

            He shouldn’t flare, like that, zenoverse. It shows he is living below the diaphragm, like where woopsie-do, erm Satan, is happiest.

    • Mark

      Same tribe from “Indian in the Machine” for sure!! :lol:

    • Mr Lightbeam

      Ok if ascension is for the big vibrators,why hasn’t the Indian In the Machine gone in the first wave.
      After March this year he will still be going on about silfs and ascension and making money from his nose flute albums.
      Let us get this right .To ascend you have to die first in this lifetime.There Is no other way I am afraid.
      I am all for peace and love In this mixed up world,but,Alas–”I am not worthy”.
      I have heard that somewhere before!!!
      When eventually I kick the bucket,I do hope there Is everlasting adventures ,Peace and love thereafter without any form of religion,monsters and demons, and most of all POLITICIANS!!! :cool:

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