Urgent Pleiadian Message: Nibiru's Effects - Mental/Physical, Pole/Axis shift, and Alien Devices in Antarctica.
This telepathic message from the Pleiadian cosmonaut, RaTesh, was received on January 25, 2017 at 6:26 am Mountain Time at The Star Lodge Healing Centre in Lake George, Colorado USA, by Cody Golden Elk at [email protected].
(NOTE: At The Star Lodge Healing Centre, we have been experiencing a MAJOR increase in calls for help, as something very big is happening now. So, we asked the Pleiadian’s for their help in understanding more of what is actually going on. We, ourselves, have been feeling these very strange energies, increased dreaming, anxiety, unsettledness, odd mood swings, etc. etc., as well. The one fatal flaw in the New World Order Globalists secret plans is; They think that by hiding truth…they can actually stop it.
On the night of the 25th, a very strong, clear dream/vision of Nibiru approaching earth, woke me up, then Ratesh’s mental energy flooded the room, as she had a message for Earth.)
CODY: We now call to you, telepathically, RaTesh, my old wife, lover, and friend. Many of us earth humans feel lost and confused here on earth, as we swim in a sea of lies, illusions, and government propaganda. I beg you to help us now, to tell us THE TRUTH ABOUT NIBIRU, the great destroyer, the “great purifier”, as our Hopi Indian brothers have called it. Our earth govt.’s lie to us – what is the truth???? – what was this dream about Nibiru??? – what are these strange effects we are feeling now, mentally, emotionally, psychically, etc.???
RATESH: Yes, dear one….it is I, RaTesh, hearing your call – but know that we, I, are very busy now….far across this galaxy…but still in what you call the 3D-4D dimensional space which you are accustomed to in “space”. For, we Pleiadians have mastered both inter-dimensional and inter-temporal travel, or what you earth humans generally refer to as “space travel”….but, from our perspective, it is actually much more than that.
Unlike you earth humans, however, we/I am able to “split my mind”, or consciousness, and “multi-task” in a variety of higher ways rarely encountered in your common type of linear, restricted thinking. This is how I/we are able to simultaneously carry out the complex missions and other space craft functions, like what I/we are doing right now, then, at the same “time”, telepath with earth humans, such as you, across the galaxy, upon your blue, small world.
The reason that I contacted you first, with the vision of Nibiru, sent to you as you slept…..was so I/we Pleiadians could bypass the ego filters in your waking consciousness…and therefore, send a deeper, clearer IMAGE…all to impress upon you the urgent need to understand some of the things that are happening and are about to happen – both to and upon the earth. We knew that this strong telepathic image would appear as what you earth humans call a “dream”. But, know now, dear one, that it was sent directly from me to you to help “wake you up”, so to speak…of course, no pun intended, ha ha (laughing). Dear one, there is nothing wrong with a little humour now and again – considering the vast magnitude of some of the challenges you earth humans face.
Now FOCUS on what I/we are about to say. The I/we wording includes the fact that I, Ratesh, also speak in congruence, resonance, and with the direct knowledge of The Pleiadian High Command, which also oversees telepathically these transmissions…..not only to you, Cody,….but to the others who also hear our words on earth. For, there are also many Pleiadians, like me, who are sending messages to help AWAKEN MANKIND.
So, let us begin. The planet you call NIBIRU and the Brown Dwarf system it is in, does indeed approach earth. It is, in fact, inside you solar system now, which it spends little of its time in, as it generally is outside of the orbit of the planet you Earth humans call Pluto. So, as it comes back around your home star, the sun, it is moving at its highest rate of speed in its long, elliptical orbit…(Cody;…please slow down, Ratesh,…please!!!!)…..As this entire system moves back out into space, depending upon the orbital patterns of your solar system’s planets and moons – all manner of almost incomprehensible/incalculable magnetic/gravitational/electromagnetic forces combine, congeal, interact, etc. to cause potentially high levels of various forms of disturbances – both on a planetary and solar system scale in your common 3D-4D space/time frame of reference. However, without getting too technical for the other earth humans which we wish you now to share our words, Cody, there are other…larger…more subtle effects of this particular astrophysical anomaly in your solar system, which you euphemistically phrase as “the passage of Nibiru”.
These effects occur on the higher 5th, 6th, and generally, 7th dimensions of space/time, as you call it, and the effects we, as well as several other “ET races”, do monitor…..as it affects our galactic space travel mechanics….and, thus, our calculations for both inter-dimensional and inter-temporal space fight. So, we monitor these higher dimensional effects, although they generally do not concern you earth humans…as you, as a species, are mostly unaware of them. But, KNOW THIS; your earth’s shadow govt.’s have become quite advanced…as they have hidden most all of the major advancements in technology from the masses of people. So, your earth’s shadow govt.’s know some about these higher multi-dimensional aspects of energy mechanics of Nibiru’s passage. This is why they are in ANTARCTICA now….as several of the buried alien devices there have “mysteriously” (to them), recently turned or switched on.
These buried alien devices have been there from long ago and have only “recently”, (ha, ha, laughing) been found by your earth human shadow govt.’s – especially just after World War Two in your US govt. operation “High Jump”, led by your Admiral Byrd. These alien devices deal with such things as the higher dimensional effects of space flight and “space beacons” to approaching/travelling ships……BUT UPON THE 5TH, 6TH, 7TH DIMENSIONS. The shadow govt.s, in high secrecy, are now frantically/furiously conducting a plethora of very specialised tests and back engineering programs to learn more.
Since Nibiru’s approach has influenced/disturbed the energy dynamics – especially gravitationally and magnetically – these alien devices have become “active”. This is why there are so many new sightings of “UFO’s” now, as many ET groups, or races, are around your earth to witness this interesting, scientifically amusing, “passage of Nibiru”, as you call it. For, indeed, dear one, much is at play – much is at hand now – upon your small world. The Nibiru Brown Dwarf System is cyclical…about 3,600 of your earth years…and is indeed responsible for the major tribulations associated and explained with your very limited versions of earth history taught in your so called “schools”. This cyclical astrophysical event has caused many events generally not recorded – or not recorded very well – in your earth history.
So, suffice it to say that ALL THE COMBINED EFFECTS…namely gravitational/magnetic/electromagnetic will be huge upon your world. We have already discussed some of this……..****
***(Cody; asks for break…..hand from rapid writing is tired, mind is tired….must meditate to rest, as Ratesh’s telepathic energy overwhelms me….this is the hardest mental work I have ever done in my life).
RATESH: (resume after break, and resetting of energy fields)…..Yes, well now, as I/we were communicating, these many overlapping, combining, chaotic energies in your 3D-4D space/time will and are having now recognisable effects upon your world and the many biological organisms on it.
Now, we will speak, or deal with the multitude of mental/psychological effects of all of these strange energies associated with the Nibiru system’s passage nearest earth. As 3D physical creatures, your biology as earth humans…based upon a 2-stranded DNA principle, will be greatly and mostly affected by the changing/fluctuating gavimetric and magnetic fields of Nibiru’s passing….as will your planet, the earth….which will very soon “flop” over on it’s axis, due to these forces. As this occurs, all manner of chaos will reign, like with your “normal” weather patterns. This is all part of a natural, astrophysical 3,600 year time cycle embedded in your solar system. But remember….your star, the sun, also orbits ALCYONE, in our Pleiadian star cluster, composed of about 256 blue suns, about every 26,000 of your earth years, too. So, these effects of which we speak, are not just – or necessarily – limited to your earth. But, since this is what concerns you earth humans the most, we will limit our discussion to this….within and upon your standard 3D-4D space/time limited reference frame.
So, your PHYSICAL bodies will be most affected by the gravitational forces. Your MENTAL bodies will be most affected by the magnetic forces. Your SPIRITUAL bodies will be most affected by the electromagnetic forces. This is how it will play out, as your brain and bodily structures are locked into 3D and your Spiritual structures are actually multi-dimensional….existing in many higher dimensions above the common 3rd and 4th dimensions. SO, PAY ATTENTION….FOLLOW US, FOCUS NOW…
***It is the INTERFACING MECHANISM (particularly associated with brain acid chemistry, electro-chemistry, and quantum field interactive dynamics) BETWEEN your higher dimensional Spiritual structures and the lower 3D bodily, physical structures that is affected most from these disturbances, which “the passage of Nibiru” produces. ***
This is why your Hopi Indian prophets said that people will become insane, as this great purifying process of Nibiru’s passage occurs. What is actually occurring here, from a rather limited (by our standards) scientific viewpoint is that:
As your electrical devices, power grid, cell phones, satellite links, computers, etc. will be disrupted ON YOUR 3D-4D LEVEL, then, so too, will your Spiritual forms be disrupted ON THEIR HIGHER DIMENSIONAL LEVEL.
This will cause a multitude of odd, strange, psychological changes in earth human beings – resulting in various forms of “aberrant behaviour”. Depending upon the strength of each individual’s interface/connection between your Spiritual form and your bodies/brains – these increased, aberrant psychological effects will certainly vary. For, the earth humans who have a weak connection between their Mental and Spiritual patterns, they will most certainly “go insane”, as you and the Hopi’s call it. For those earth humans with a strong Spiritual connection, with not only the earth, but also between their Mental and Spiritual patterns, the effects will be less pronounced. For those few earth humans, who are already what you call “enlightened”…..(Cody;…please slow down RaTesh!!!…I cannot keep up!!!…please!)…………yes, our dear….take a break now, as we see your hand is again tired………..
(After break); RATESH: …..OK, dear one, we forget sometimes, the awkward, slow technique you have of writing our words, as our more advanced thought forms move so quickly compared to your world. Yes, now, as we were communicating…..yes, so, as far as the relatively few earth humans who are “enlightened”, as you call it, there will be LITTLE disturbance/interruption of this connection/interface between their Mental and Spiritual patterns. So, in a “nutshell”, to use your words:
This is why, dear ones, sweet ones, of our little humanoid brothers and sisters of the earth, we Pleiadians have been repeatedly and consistently trying to gently help you raise up your consciousness and Spiritual frequency/vibration/growth/development. It is the SPIRITUAL CONNECTION which will allow each of you to survive this great cleansing/purifying, as the Hopi’s say, resulting from the passage of Nibiru.
Brain acid chemistry in the earth human’s endocrine system and hormone secretion/balance is the main thing that will be affected, on a physical level, by the powerful electromagnetic forces associated with earth’s upcoming pole shift, axis shift, and subsequent other effects upon earth human psychological behaviour. For, it is not just the electromagnetic field alterations externally produced from Nibiru’s passage, but also, dear ones, the INTERNAL electromagnetic field alterations OF EARTH HERSELF. The axis and pole shifts will cause the molten magma of the earth to spin differently, which, in turn, will cause internal magnetic fields inside the earth to be affected/altered greatly. So, while the passage of Nibiru occurs on the outside, the earth’s core changes occur on the inside.
Trapped in the middle, between these two basic enormous forces….are you poor earth humans….struggling to maintain a sense of “normalcy”. This is why so many of you cannot stay centred, or balanced in your mental/emotional fields, and are having so many mood swings, etc….why so many past life issues are erupting, like earths volcanoes, for karmic cleansing.
Work hard now on your Spiritual growth, for, as the earth erupts increasingly with volcanoes and earthquakes, so too will your Spiritual essences “erupt” with unresolved past life issues. You, as sentient earth human beings, are TIED DIRECTLY TO THE EARTH MOTHER HERSELF, as she is also a higher dimensional Spiritual being. As she convulses with the passage of Nibiru, so too, will you earth humans upon her..
Know this, and think about this. The others, including you, Cody, should read these words several times – for there is much here. We Plieadians constantly try to reduce down our complex technical science and scientific knowledge into easy to understand ideas for our little brothers and sisters, you earth humans. But, sadly, much is lost in the process….like teaching nuclear physics, or trans-dimensional physics, to 1st graders. So, we will work on sending more information as you request. We do this to help those few who will listen, as your world is about to undergo an amazing shift. This can, of course, lead to a new era of consciousness upon earth, as many of your old systems/paradigms will be washed away. Watch Antarctica, but the secrecy level there is high. This is Ratesh, on direct authority of the Pleiadian High Command. (end 8:01 am MT).
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Kind of makes one wonder why Ratesh didn’t give Cody the exact arrival date . . . .
Maybe they’re not allowed to, because setting the date causes people to stop thinking and stop dealing with life as they are living it now, but to focus solely on Nibiru’s arrival as if fixed on it. I could hazard several guesses – April 17 “very moving earth” by me tel u now, given in 2006; May 15 for a resetting of the timeline to zero (Mary and me tel u now), June for a rising of a continent off the coast of New Zealand (Maori Elder) and November for perhaps a dimensional translation (Nostradamus in his Epistle to Henry II) to the 5th Dimension.. Is it even this year, or are those dates for next year or the year after? We just don’t know.
In any case, this is a timely message, because the Pleiadians are asking us to Ascend, to rise in vibration, and to think about the connection of our Spiritual pattern, as RaTesh calls it, to our physical pattern.
^^^ “Maybe they’re not allowed to”……..
Winner, winner chicken dinner!!!!
How convenient!?! “Is it even this year, or are those dates for next year or the year after? We just don’t know”.
Finally some sense from Caca. You see, when the little shepard cries wolf often enough….. Oh, you’ve heard that story. Only thing is, there is no ‘wolf’, neither mentally, physically, nor spiritually. Only a crappy story that has Jumped the Shark a LONG time ago.
Hey RaTesh, what can we get for $10???
Indian in the Machine aka Cara, Nibiru is more like the the Chemtrails, nothing new
I am not Indian in the Machine, Sean. You might like to check out this for proof that the Nibiru/its brown dwarf star is nearer, at the point of becoming visible as Mary revealed back in November.
You might like to check out this for proof that the Nibiru/its brown dwarf star is nearer, at the point of becoming visible in your dreams!
something you say to someone who has just told you about something they are hoping for, in order to show that you do not believe it will happen: Thinking of Buying a Telescope? star through telescope – YouTube
“Everyone, deep in their hearts, is waiting for the end of the world to come. – Haruki Murakami” American’s and Russians got into a “space race” they had to keep lying to their’s and each other’s populations to appear victorious.
Exact arrival date?
It’s not a taxi that pulls up to to the curb, or a ship that docks in a port exactly on a certain day.
If it’s real and about 5x the size if earth as supposed, we will gradually feel the effects of its presence increasing over a period of weeks or months and it may even become visible during some part of that time.
Some believe that the growing earth changes we now experience are directly related to its proximity and, from that point of view, it has already “arrived”.
The dialogue of Cody and ratesh are clearly created from the same mind….maybe it would be more believable or interesting to read if it didn’t sound like a bad sci-fi novel…I have an open mind but stuff like this just makes me want to smack someone..
Usual scaremongering bs, what a load of crap this article is… I often wonder if anyone is stupid enough and puerile enough to actually believe this rubbish? Maybe the typical Liberal in the USA might.
…muggles…you are willfully blind….
yeah…and max you are full of shit,besides being an insane nut job with all your bible thumping bullshit ,,, god is going to hang you by your thumbs for being a judgeMENTAL asshole
…Well…b4…I plan on living forever…Jesus Christ. showed me how to do it…I’m sad you don’t know about it, but you’ve got a lot of company…So have fun insulting as many as you can…while you can. Apocalypse is coming whether your ready or not.
…Make some torches, and some 10 foot wooden crosses…You’ll get to help killing Christians. I’m sure you enjoy that a lot.
.. I’m not judgmental…show me one instance of me being judgmental…you’ll never find one…
…If the scriptures offend you…you shouldn’t troll the spirituality section.
South East…..Ssssh.
That’s very convincing, Zabwe. Still dark but having the sun’s light shine off it. Details? When taken, what time of day and from where taken..
…best photo of our nemisis, that I’ve seen so far.
Fishermen tell no tales….The spiritual awakening of man – The Serpent bearer….The Sentient of the Zone of contradictions….
Cleanup of Earth and other 20 thou. planets will staged soon
Jan. 27, 2017 T. Tatsmaki (Japan)
Successive Popes are shapeshifters of reptililian humanoids of the Lizard (4-D reptile type humanoids) as well as dominating layers of all nations of Earth, beginning from presidents inc. D. Trump, premiers, Cabinets’ members, cadres of ruling and opposition parties and social organizations.
They are followers of draconian lizards (5-D Draco with 2 legs: London City’s official emblem), They are invaders-dominators of Earth from ancient times.
Thus, Earth has been taken over by them.
Therefore, the purge of Earth that is under the tyranny of plutocratic slave domination, and above said evil planets infringing the Space control principle by the Creators having given everything glatuitously will be staged together with about 20 thou. planets of evil and corrupt civilizations.
According to a notice from the Creators, their planets willl be disappear from our space soon in order to keep the order of our space.
Interestingly some body language reader just described that NASA official was telling truth, but that was when perhaps one year ago, the official in press conference was saying that there is no such planet as Nibiru, which would cause danger to earth. Whether NASA has changed their mind or are telling now lies, or the body language reader didn’t do good job. But I think anybody can after little study say when someone is lying.
why oh why do I keep reading this shit
That’s good question. Everyone on BIN clicks on these websites including myself for some inkling of proof this mysterious object exists, because we know all know deep down, its a possibility.
I don’t believe any claims that this mysterious object has been seen or captured by any of the videos circulating the internet, but that does not mean it doesn’t exist.
The Earth is changing gradually all the time, but how do we know it isn’t natural? Maybe during the dark ages during the so called mini ice age, were the people living back then, experiencing the same thing we are today? How are we to know if this is natural or not? we didn’t live during that time period. We didn’t live 3,600 years ago either, when it supposedly arrived last.
How come biblical time frames are so subjective? Does anyone really know when the great flood happened? Its all speculation as far as I’m concerned.
Earthquakes, volcanos, tsunamis all occur naturally right? But if there is a significant increase of these occurrences, what’s causing it? Maybe its something, maybe its nothing.
How are we to know that there is or isn’t a Rogue planet out there with an elliptical orbit of 3,600 years. Where’s the evidence it was here that long ago, I mean is it exactly 3,600 years ago? what if its 3,569 and we still have 31 years to go for all we know.
We’ve only been monitoring the depths of space for the last 100 years. If it arrived here before, were humans suppose to write this down so that future generations can prepare for such an event? Maybe they did or tried and its been lost through time, because no one back then had zero understanding of space and planetary objects during that time. I mean seriously, Think about it. Could be why we only have bits and pieces of information regarding it.
Lack of proof doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist.
So what’s the margin of error here in trying to predict this object is on its way and to wreak havoc on Earth? How are we to know either way until it can actually be observed by everyone.
For everyone that thinks they have seen it or captured it on video, Enough with the fake pictures and videos, your doing no one or yourself any justice by it.
If it can be seen today, it can been tomorrow.
you need to ask these people for some miraculous proof worthy of their claims…
what are their credentials? ask for a medically verifiable miracles, a resurrection, a miracle out of bounds of normal physics like turning water into wine or similar….
these people with all their messages can’t or won’t do that, you say?
well, it would seem that you have been deceived.
Satan is such a liar. You have become a prophetess of Satan. Repent while you can. The day comes you can’t repent.
Hey write a book instead, scifi.
“Mount A-Ra-Rat”, “Rat-esh”
These are the El, and they don’t get their “nibiru crossing” because Mankind said No.
They are lying. Again. About who they are and what is happening. They think they can keep these people they are channeling to, and its not going to be allowed.
They lost their share of the Division of the Families because its the El (Ra) that is the main force that invaded Eden(earth).
Ask that Eshell(esh) exactly who “The One” is.
Watch them back peddle fast and lie
Interesting, and might not be just pure fear mongering in the sense that the pole shift mentioned doesn’t need to take earth upside down, but just tilt slightly may be? it emphasizes also at least spiritual growth. And spiritual vibration can protect from harmful energy flows. I think this is commonly known.
Many of ET channelers and common channelers doesn’t even seem to know about Nibiru. And if they know they think it is not going to cause huge devastation. Some mention Niburu will have some effect on earth together with effects by sun and some energy flows from galactic center or so.
Nobody knows for sure what is going to happen, that is at least sure.
Only a total nutcase will still believe this nonsense after YEARS(!!!!) of false info. Cara is just another bullshitter jumping on the Nibiru bandwagon for clicks.
There is no end to the nibtarded silliness, they will say it’s this year and then the year after and so on. Maybe in 20 or so years they will give up, but not likely.
You wouldn’t believe me if I said I saw it with my own eyes through 10X binoculars back in 2003 and that on the same night a French astronomer photographed it and reported it also to zetatalk. Reporting that it was in the same place that we had seen it, near Tauri 83.
Stop right there and give that comment some serious consideration, there Caca.
You “saw” it in 2003.!?!?!?! So, in the intervening 14 years, “it” hasn’t made much progress, so that the rest of the astronomer world (which there are LOTS of eyes in the skys every night) can’t produce one single, solitary picture of “it”…… ??????
(And no, I don’t believe you. You didn’t see anything short of a lens flare. If your proof is Zetatalk, then I have even less respect in you now…..).
83 Tauri lies at a distance of 149.34 light years away from our Sun and our planet Earth
That being the case, we have literally nothing to worry about for a good god damned long time there sparky.
Also on that note, not a distance you are gona see with 10x optics
Take you meds and stop hanging out with jango and kos
maybe this is the 3rd secret of Fatima, & May would coincide with it being the 100 year anniversary – j.s.
That’s not a Pleiadian channeling, it’s BS!