Prophecy News - Nibiru.. What will cause the Seven Vials of Revelation?: 'The Tale of Three Magnets', given by Tarek S. Niazi in Abu Dhabi, May 26th 2012
This video tape and talk I found in a search for ‘The Seven Vials of Revelation’ which is the subject of a new message by Jesus that we’re at the point of, and the departure of Jesus’ spirit from the Earth. This talk by an Arab, Tarek S. Niazi at Abu Dhabi, UAE, on or about 26th of May 2012, explains how the Earth works and how it is responding to the approach of another magnet, Nibiru. This talk actually answers unanswered questions for me: Why the north magnetic pole in the South has left Antarctica and is moving towards Australia, while the south magnetic pole in the Northern hemisphere, is moving towards Siberia. They are converging. Tarek Niazi’s talk answers this for me, as well as other things such as global warming not being due to human activity. A very interesting and riveting talk which I hope you too will enjoy.
Earth Changes, the tale of three magnets.
Presented by Tarek S. Niazi
A TEDx talk (Technology, Entertainment, Design), given at Abu Dhabi, UAE.
May 26th, 2012.
Today I’m going to share with you a controversial idea. Actually, ah, we seem to have been taken lately by the financial crisis, the downturn of the global economy as well as unemployment amongst other things, to have forgotten about how to protect industries that, like agriculture, like energy, like infrastructure. All are cornerstone to our way of life, our civilization. Protecting them against changes, not only to climate but to bigger than climate – Earth Changes actually. I’m going to share with you, could change your understanding of the past but could also give you a different perspective about the future.
We think that climate change is going to be severe in a hundred year or 150. What if it is only in very few years three four five years, in our lifetime. Can we take it? So allow me to start by addressing climate, and the first part of the climate, you might be surprised, it’s earthquakes. You may think, “What does earthquakes have to do with climate?” Hang on with me, this is an observation. In the past 150 years, the number of earthquakes above six point nine nine Richter have increased 14 times. The total magnitude of earthquakes in the last 30 years have increased six times. The number of earthquakes above six Richter only in the last ten years have increased tenfold. So you may wonder, “What is the cause of such alarming increase in earthquakes?”
This is an archaic pattern: how the magnetic pole has been moving. We may think that the magnetic pole and the rotation- the geographic pole, they coincide. They don’t. The axis of rotation is fixed, but the magnetic pole is keeping wandering, and this is for the past three millennia. It has been wandering all over the place. So could there be consequences to such moving of the magnetic pole? When we look to earth, Earth actually is tilted and there is a 23 degree shift between the axis of rotation and the angle about the solar system, the solar platter. But strange enough if you look into today, the magnetic axis that connects the two magnetic poles it makes an angle gap of 11 degrees. But more importantly if you look where the ice cap is located, it’s located exactly along the magnetic axis, not along the rotation axis.
So is there is a relation between the ice cap and the magnetic field? Well, there is. If you look on the left hand side the magnetic pole has been moving from Canada towards Siberia, and in fact in the last 10 years it had moved the distance- the same distance it moved in the last century. And at the same time if you look at the right-hand side, the comparison between 1979 and 2003, you’ll find that the ice cap is eroding from all sides except one side, the side that is closest to Siberia. And the red circle shows you That the ice cap is building towards Siberia, and eroding towards the rest. So it seems that, yes, there is a relation between the ice cap and between the magnetic pole; it seems that the temperature is lowest where the magnetic pole is located.
So what do I mean by temperature? In the midst of the last century, As Russian scientist, Vladimir Putin, has come up with this definition of temperature belts of homogeneous climates. We might have all seen this one. You may think, “Why is the temperature you know very hot at the tropical belt and why is it very cold at the Polar border?” And people think, “Because you know, the tropical built is very close to the Sun and the angle of projection is right angles.” But let us not forget that Earth is tilted, so you may ask the question again, “Why the tropical belt- ‘the magnetic equator’ is hottest?” Although on December 21st in this photo, for instance, it is not closest to the Sun, and the dry climate belt is the closest to the Sun. And in fact the angle of projection of the tropical belt and middle-latitude belt are the same.
The magnetic field that surrounds the planet protects it from electrons, from protons that are emitted by the Sun. The Sun of course emits infrared, ultraviolet, radio waves, other radiations. But what happens is the magnetic field stops these charged particles, heavy particles. These particles arrive to the surface of the planet. Or not to the surface- to the atmosphere, at a very high kinetic energy; they are coming at high speed. They cannot penetrate. What do they do? They start to move along the magnetic force lines. They start to move- go and fro between the North Magnetic and the South Magnetic. And of course as their speed is different, in the middle- midpoint between the two magnetic poles where the magnetic field is weakest, they move at a very high speed. Towards the magnetic poles, they slow down, they stop, they u-turn and then they come back on that trip.
Now going and fro-ing between the two magnetic poles, and the thermosphere which is a very thick layer of the atmosphere, they make accident; they collide with nitrogen, they collide with oxygen, and this accident generates energy. And if you measure the temperature of the thermosphere, you’ll find that that is- it changes from 500 degree plus to a 2,000 degree plus. So the question becomes, “Which field has it: the Sun with a surface temperature of 6,000 degrees that can go up to two million, but it’s a hundred and fifty million kilometers away, or the thermosphere above our head?” It’s only hundred kilometers, and it changes 2,000 degrees to 500 degrees. And you’ll find out that the- the difference between the energy reaching us from the thermosphere is 1500 times the energy coming directly from the Sun. So when you go out and you walk, the heat that you feel- it’s a hot day; it’s not coming directly from the Sun, it’s coming from the thermosphere thanks to the interaction of the magnetic field and the protons.
Then if you think of it: “the umbrella above our head ranges from 500 to 2,000 degree and it gives us the heat; could it give us also the temperature belt that we spoke about earlier?” Yes, it will give us, where it is 2,000 degrees gives you the tropical heat, where it is 500 give you the cooler polar belt. So the climate on the surface of the planet follows directly the temperature map of the thermosphere 100 kilometer above our heads.
Now what happens when the magnetic field gets weaker, and in fact it has weakened ten percent in the past 150 years, and this weakening is accelerating. It has weakened and a five percent only in the last 30 years. So the weaker the magnetic field, the happier protons are, and they will travel faster and if they travel faster and they collide at a higher speed they generate higher energy, and this is why we have global warming, ladies and gentlemen. So global warming- Essentially the magnetic field force has weakened; the protons are going forward and backward between the two magnetic poles. They collide at the higher speed and generate higher energy. But we also- we also have a climate- I will call it ‘exchange’, not change. Why? Because the temperature belts that I spoke about earlier are moving and tilting along with the magnetic pole’s movement from Canada towards Siberia, and this is happening.
The whole of the temperature belt is tilting along. So regions or countries like North America are getting warmer and regions or countries like Middle East are getting cooler. So this is, ladies and gentlemen, the reason of global warming and climate change. Have you seen done before? Over a thousand years ago. The University of Extremadura in Spain- in Spain have found ancient texts, but done by the Arabs over a thousand years ago. They speak of bitter cold in the Levant country, Syria, Saudi- in Al Ula of Saudi, Iraq. And at that point in time you will see that the distance of Arabia to the magnetic pole then in Siberia is the same distance as Europe to the magnetic pole in Canada. So Arabia at that point in time enjoyed the climate very much like what Europe is enjoying today, and this is a proof also that the temperature belt is moving along with the magnetic pole.
Now one more thing. That the two magnetic poles are in isolation of each other; they move freely. And in the last century the two magnetic poles have distant from one another like 1900 kilometer, and this had led to a weaker magnetic field in the middle as the magnetic field has to travel a longer distance. And this is caused what is called the South Atlantic Anomaly, which is an area of very weak magnetic field and overheated temperature. Whence these magnets coming from? I spoke earlier ‘A Story of Three Magnets’. If we look, we all know that Earth is bulged. Why? because it spins quickly about it- about its axis, so the equatorial part of it trying to run through space and the gravity is pulling it. So it is bulged. But this bulge is also repeated in the inner layers inside the planet, and it depends on the radius and it depends on the thickness of the material. And by simple math we find that the outer core which is a viscous liquid is pretty much bulged as the crust, and you will find out that this helps to keep the planet spinning about its axis as I will show you.
Now, the inner core, scientists they tell, “It’s an isotope”, so it keeps a matrix [of] free electrons. These free electrons swim flow in the outer liquid, viscous, outer core, but since earth is spinning such a move of electrons seems to be going in spiral. And of course we know if we have a rotating electric current, we get magnetic field, so we end up by having two magnetic fields opposite to each other, parallel to the axis of rotation and fixed. But hang on a second, the magnetic pole is moving as we saw before, so the magnetic field that we observe on the surface must be coming from a different source- it’s not generated, it’s not induced. In fact in the heart of the planet we have three magnets: two generated from the electric loops and one is a permanent magnet. And this one permanent magnet is observed, when you go to the Antarctic you find the North Magnetic Pole; you go to the Arctic you find the South Magnetic Pole, but then you find pockets of small South magnetic poles on both ends of the planet, on both caps of the planet. And this is simply, as I explained earlier the two induced- two generated, will appear as small pockets of south magnets, but there is one strong permanent magnet.
And then scientists think the magnetic field might be reversing in the Antarctic. It’s not reversing. These South, small south magnets, or we call them plasmoid [having a distinct shape], have existed only ten thousand five hundred years ago, which means Earth was not spinning as fast then. Because had it been spinning, you would have had electronics moving in circles and magnetic induced magnetic fields, but since we we don’t have them before ten thousand five hundred years ago, it means Earth was spinning slow. So how does this you know bulged outer core in which electrons flow, help the planet to spin? Very simply. If you have electric current and you have magnetic field you get force: ‘the Left Hand Rule’ of Lorentz force. So this force exercising along the perimeter of the outer core and the inner mantle helps the planet to spin.
Now what happens when the angle between the magnetic and the electric current gets smaller and smaller? If it gets smaller the force will be less, so the planet will spin slower, and the day will be longer than 24 hours. If the angle reaches zero, there will be no force and the planet will stop from spinning. You may wonder, “Has it done- has it been observed before?” ..I’m coming to that. Some people are smiling, that’s good. If the angle goes on a negative trend, then the force will be on the opposite side and the Sun will come arise from the West, very simple. Now, has it been done before? History, where do I find history? On ancient temples as well as in Holy books – Old Testament, New Testament, Quran – this includes historic- I’m sorry, history chapters in the Old Testament. Earth stopped twice: at the Exodus [10:21-23] of the Israelites from Egypt, where the the night lasted longer than three days, and later, when Joshua [10:1-15] was fighting in Palestine, the Sun and the moon stopped.. Actually earth stopped, as the angle between the magnetic and the current reached zero.
But, what made it so? what made a magnet to tilt? It’s another magnet, it’s another planet. It takes a magnet to tilt a magnet! What- Well this planet has it been observed? Yes again, it has been observed: at the night where Egypt entered into three nights long. As well as it has been observed by Abraham. Now the difference between Moses and Abraham is three five thousand years. The difference between Moses and us, it’s three thousand five hundred years. So there seems to be a cycle of repetition every three thousand five hundred years. There are changes happening above our heads that is causing our magnet to tilt, and accordingly Earth to enter into this dilemma. But let’s go back from history, and find out if the angle between the magnetic field force and the current is changed; does it impact the number of days within the solar year? Yes. Now a solar year has 365 days, in the previous cycle 160 days, in the previous cycle 96 days, and this has an impact on the ageing process of the human species. Human species age by the succession of day-night; they don’t age by the solar nun- number of solar years, thanks to the primal brain.
So where is this planet that has a magnet that tilts our magnets, coming from? If it comes every 3,500 years, and then when it comes it comes twice in 50 years, it means it has an elliptic path. And actually NASA is trying to find out; they have sent their WISE (Wide-field Infrared Space Explorer) to trying to figure, and to image the Oort cloud, and find out about this planet. As it approaches, first thing it does, it pulls some of the magnetic field force lines and this causes losses of these lines. That’s why when you are in Paris, in Rome, looking at the sky measuring the magnetic field, you think it’s weakening. It’s not, because at the source at- at the nodes, magnetic down there, it’s a hundred percent strength. It’s only lost a couple of magnetic force lines with the other magnet, and that causes as discussed earlier weakening of the field. Protons traveling faster, hitting oxygen and nitrogen, generating more heat and causing global warming.
But more than that if you look into how to verify that the north magnetic at the South has not weakened. Simple. While at the Arctic the ice cap is melting, at the Antarctic the ice cap is growing. Why? because the magnetic field is untouched, is as strong as ever, at the source. So also when this planet approaches, when its magnet approaches, it pulls our magnetosphere. That explains why the magnetic pole is moving from Canada towards Siberia. So put one and one together, global warming gentlemen, ladies, is not caused because of CO2 or any man-made interference; CO2 by the way is good for cloud. Ah, and as I mentioned, the temperature belt will tilt along with the magnetic pull. The action that I’m suggesting is first of all, let’s define when exactly. I had looked into the Mayan. The Mayan was not prophesizing, they were using astronomy to determine the cycle. And actually the scientists who deciphered the Mayan back in 1927 had made a mistake; they assumed because the Mayan has used number of years to explain their cycle, the scientists assumed that the solar year is 365 days. But that’s true in this short cycle 3,500 years, but what about the one before, it was a hundred and sixty. But they didn’t know that. Applying the right number of days per year, it turns out that the Mayan cycle is a seven thousand years. It’s not a 5100 year.. 2. Nothing will happen in December 2012; in fact if they write about the astronomical equation it will be 2017. So what if the magnetic pole keeps moving until it ends up in India, we’ll have an ice cap in India and it happened before. We had it even in Australia before.
The day is longer, the temperature belts will tilt along. The whole meteorological and precipitation that will tilt, as well as the aging process of the human. Will- will grow much much slower. Lower seas between the tropics, higher seas anywhere else. Then what do we do? We have many many industries I spoke about: agriculture, energy, infrastructure. Some land will become fertile, some will become arid, and in my recommendation the United Nations is the best body to develop policies – policies of change. If countries are taking the lead, each country will take an industry, to transform, to plan for the transformation. You know, we always say, “Failing to plan is planning to fail”, so if they plan for the transformation, when the time comes they execute the plan, then we have a smooth transition. Um, and finally, I put all this in a book [‘More Than 60 Minutes when Earth Stands Still’] I published in Amazon, but also on a website that you can go, if you are interested in further details. I’m sorry if this has brought some distress to the audience, but it’s not fiction, it’s science. And I only integrated established Sciences with a different view, hoping that scientists will go even deeper in each one – a vertical one, segment. Thank you very much
[Applause] .. [Applause]
What Will Cause the Seven Vials of Revelation 16?
Tarek S. Niazi’s book: ‘More Than 60 Minutes when Earth Stands Still’
Tarek S. Niazi’s website
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Yes when a magnet heats up it loses its magnetic strength, playing with magnets as kids, we know that. Another thing of Nibiru…10900bc Uranus drifted away from the sun according to Anunnaki tablets and at that time Nibiru was nearing earth again and it speeded up Nibiru and instaed of taking 3600 years to orbit it then took less time and that time was pinned down as 3450 years to orbit. If other planets are also to change distance from the sun since then, then the speed may change again. Everytime it came round it had an effect on the tilt of the core and I call the affect a three dimensional spin affect on the core. The core ball will spin and the pull (up or down) will start to turn up(or down) slightly and say that process continues for 30000 years then the core reached a point of the spin being reversed without the core EVER STOPPING, then the say next 30000 years and the 3 dim spin has done a full process. At the midpoint of say 30000 years we have a core reversal and so causing a pole flip or repositioning or a pole polarity change with consequences. Simply test it with a ball in your hand and draw arrows of the starting position on it…then turn it slowly and as it turns imagine Nibiru pulling it and move the ball up slightly and carry on with process and then you see the ball facing turning the other direction eventually and that is half way, then carry on and end up where you started.