Prophecy News - 'WEF declares US Election null and void, Predicts ‘black swan events’ will reset the Humanity in 2025' given by The People's Voice, January 24th, 2025
I didn’t know, and I don’t know whether you know, what a ‘black swan event’ is, but it is an event which was thought impossible to happen, but it does happen. If you’ve done a bit of reading, you will probably know what some of these events are predicted to be. When Klaus Schwab speaks about the WEF ruling the world, he’s talking about money. Jacob R. of the Rothschild family said exactly the same thing when he made a reply to a post by Henry Makow on ‘The Truth Seeker’ forum in the U.K, in 2021. We know that money is going to be one of the casualties. War in the United States is very likely, even a third attempt to assassinate the new president. How do we face it? 1) by not allowing ourselves to slide into fear, as Klaus Schwab has done at the Davos Summit in Switzerland. 2) up the energy in the body by conserving the vital force within the body and not expend it sexually without the definite intention to have a child. It will up your will power. 3) by realizing that death is a passage, and not an ending of your conscious existence. 4) by praying and opening yourself to ‘the golden rule’. Each of these could be expanded to the refining of the physical life, so that the Light shines within you, a little more brightly each time you try. The darkness of the ego can be reabsorbed back by the spiritual light, when it becomes transparent to the dictates of the spirit (singular not pleural). The coming peace, which Jesus will bring, at the end of tribulation, is within you.
WEF Declares US Election Null and Void, Predicts ‘Black Swan Events’ Will ‘Reset Humanity’ in 2025
January 24, 2025
The People’s Voice host: The World Economic Forum has officially kicked off in Davos, and the global elite, led by Klaus Schwab, are wasting no time making their agenda crystal clear. According to Schwab, the recent U.S. election results are proof that America can no longer govern itself.
His solution? Force the United States to bow to the authority of the globalist agenda through a series of covert and calculated attacks set to unfold in the coming year.
In his deranged and chilling plenary speech, Schwab didn’t mince his words: ‘the World Economic Forum rules the world, and now, it’s time to bring the American people into compliance.”
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While America has been celebrating the end of the disastrous Biden regime, we’ve kept our eyes locked on the globalists, watching their every move like a hawk.
Insiders at the Forum report that Klaus Schwab’s behavior has taken a disturbing turn. Described as increasingly erratic, he is said to resemble a paranoid and delusional figure, much like Adolf Hitler at the Munich Olympics. Constantly fidgeting, sweating and looking over his shoulder, Schwab appears to be unraveling under the pressure, as the cracks in the globalist agenda become impossible to ignore.
The elite may be reeling from the rise of the Trump administration, but make no mistake, they are far from retreating. In fact, they’re doubling down on their efforts to regain control, and the World Economic Forum in Davos is their war room. Schwab openly declares that the World Economic Forum controls the world, and he was clear: “the U.S. Constitution must be discarded, with America reduced to a vassal state under the globalist New World Order”.
Claus Schwab at Davos: “The future does not just unfold. The future is shaped by us – particularly shaped by us, here in this room.”
the People’s Voice Host: The globalist elite are not interested in the will of the people. They are not interested in competition or meritocracy. What they are interested in is communism and authoritarianism, and that means power consolidation at the most central of all levels. Listen to Ursula von der Leyen complain that the New World Order has not turned into reality while complaining that competition is alive and thriving today.
Ursula von der Leyen at Davos: “The cooperative ‘world order’ we imagined 25 years ago, has NOT turned into reality. Instead, we have entered a new era of harsh geostrategic competition. The world’s major economies are vying for access to raw materials, new technologies and global trade routes. From AI to Klintec [toilet valves and pipes], from quantum to space, from the Arctic to the South China Sea, the race is on.
As this competition intensifies, we will likely continue to see frequent use of economic tools, such as sanctions, export controls and terrorists, that are intended to safeguard economic and national security. But it is important that we balance the imperative to safeguard our security against our opportunity to innovate and enhance our prosperity. In this spirit, we will need to work together to avoid a global race to the bottom, because it is in no one’s interest to break the bonds of the global economy. Rather, we need to modernize the rules to sustain our ability to produce mutual gain for our citizens.”
The People’s Voice Host: Make no mistake, the tide has turned, and we are living in an historical moment, and the establishment elite are terrified of the people. WEF globalists are lining up to admit they are in a dire predicament, while warning that a new plan must be hatched immediately to regain control and bring the U.S. to heel.
Professor Graham Allison, Harvard, at Davos: “Trump has done something no person in the world has ever done before; a dead man, a dead politician has risen. Somebody who, four years ago at Davos, is dead – a dead political entity. He’s now returned. This is the greatest comeback in political history, for a politician, and therefore he thinks he can do anything.”
Professor Walter Reed, Yale, at Davos: “We need to also factor in not only who’s won, which is Trump, but who’s lost, which is to say ‘us’. And I would guess add- throw into that would be the epitome of the “us”, who is losing here is Europe, that, um, uh, the European Union and, by and large, its member states have misread the direction where events were going. The causes that it’s interested in: climate, human rights, some others, as well as the methods of diplomacy that it prefers, are simply being gradually kind of marginalized, as something new, not necessarily something better, but something new has moved into the center.”
The People’s Voice host: What do the elite have up their sleeves? According to insiders, they believe they have the technology to unleash a series of devastating pandemics, thanks to the work of evil doctors including Dr. Anthony Fauci and his teams of Chinese gain-of-function specialists working with U.S. taxpayer dollars in biolabs across the world.
Klaus Schwab has unveiled his top five risks facing the world in 2025, and for anyone familiar with his career, it’s hard to miss the striking resemblance to the WEF’s own not-so-hidden agenda.
Klaus Schwab at Davos: ?I know this report, 2025, identifies the foremost risks such as armed conflicts, extreme weather events, misinformation and disinformation, increasing divisions within societies, within countries, cyber espionage and many more”.
The People’s Voice host: Schwab’s vision of the future doesn’t end there. With chilling precision, he is using behind-closed-door meetings to lay out plans for artificial intelligence to monitor populations, clamp down on resistance, and ensure the WEF’s policies are enforced without question.
As these unsettling plans unfold, it’s clear the global elite have no intention of stopping. The pandemics, the vaccines, the sweeping loss of freedom in recent years; these aren’t accidents. They’re part of a calculated effort to reshape humanity into a more obedient, manageable population. The only question left is whether people will continue to understand the severity of the threat coming from the globalists.
The elites thought they could scheme behind the closed doors of Davos, plotting their future without us. But they were wrong. We’re watching, and we have eyes and ears everywhere, even inside the Forum itself. The people are rising up, not just from the outside but from within their very ranks. A whistleblower, someone who has seen the darkness firsthand, has come forward and reveals the truth about Klaus Schwab and his sinister agenda. The global elite are desperate to keep this hidden, but the truth is like a flood – it cannot be stopped.
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The global elite are in full panic mode after the U.S. election results, and Klaus Schwab, along with his WEF cronies, have made their stance clear: ‘freedom in America is a threat to their agenda’. According to their plan, a series of orchestrated global crises must bring America and the free world to its knees. And all future elections must be carefully controlled shams – mere illusions of choice designed to keep the people in check while the globalists tighten their grip on power.
Notorious WEF “Agenda Contributor” Adam Grant, who also serves as Bill Gates’ senior adviser, let the cat out of the bag, insisting that “eliminating elections altogether” will ensure the US government and agencies have “more integrity.” In an article for the New York Times, Grant admits that the globalist elite are losing the propaganda war and suggests that the public cannot be trusted to vote. Accordingly, Grant argues that elections should be scrapped and Americans should be ruled by the global elite for their own good.
Per the article:
“Officials have been working hard to safeguard elections and assure citizens of their integrity. But if we want public office to have integrity, we might be better off eliminating elections altogether.
If you think that sounds anti-democratic, think again. The ancient Greeks invented democracy, and in Athens many government officials were selected through sortition — a random lottery from a pool of candidates. In the United States, we already use a version of a lottery to select jurors. What if we did the same with mayors, governors, legislators, justices and even presidents?”
The People’s Voice Host: To replace the current election system, the WEF is advocating for “randomly selecting” officials from a “pool of candidates”. But there’s a catch.. The pool of candidates will be selected by what Grant calls “guardians of the democracy”, which the fine print admits are the globalist elite in Davos. Let’s face it, the elite are now running scared and are desperate to silence outraged voices of the people who are demanding justice for their crimes against humanity.
As the global elite convened behind the towering walls of the Davos Forum, one member, who has asked to remain anonymous for their safety, shared a disturbing account of a closed-door speech given by Klaus Schwab to the select few at the summit. It was a rare, unfiltered moment that revealed just how shaken and desperate the globalists have become after the recent U.S. election results.. Schwab, according to this insider, began his speech with barely concealed rage. He paced the room with visible agitation, his voice rising with every insane sentence.
Davis insider: “I’ve got to tell you what I heard behind those closed doors in Davos, man. It was chilling. Schwab, who wasn’t the man I’ve seen before, He was fuming. When he got up to speak, the room went dead silent. You could feel the tension. I mean, you heard the usual threats, right?..climate change, globalism, bla bla, bla. But this time, it was different. Schwab was angry, REAL ANGRY. He started by railing against the U.S. election results, like they had personally wronged him. He says, “The American people are too unpredictable, too dangerous; they cannot govern themselves any more”.
He wasn’t just mad about the election; it was like it broke him.. He said, “The U.S. is an outdated experiment, and if we let them keep going, they’ll drag the whole world down with them”. His voice was shaking, But then- then he gets all fired up. He starts talking about how we- the global elite must act now, and we must do it fast. He’s pacing around, all jittery, and he says, “We can’t afford gradualism any more. We have to unleash chaos in 2025. We need to breakdown global economies, create political unrest and have the people begging for a solution.”
He’s talking about taking control of the narrative, no more pretending. He said, “The American people need to be made to grovel. We’ve given them too much freedom; now we make them obey!” I’m telling you, it was like he thought they were like some kind of untameable beast that had to be broken. He’s so convinced that they need to “restore globalist supremacy”, as he put it, and that’s exactly what he’s going for: TOTAL CONTROL. And here’s the real kicker: Schwab went on about how 2025 would be the year they set everything in motion. Chaos will reign, and that’s when they’ll step in, like saviours. He didn’t say it in so many words, but the plan was clear. They’ll start a global crisis, and people will have no choice but to submit. It’ll be like a ‘New World Order’, but it’s going to come at a price: The destruction of everything we’ve known.
As he said that, it was like the whole room got heavy. He was shaking. His hands twitching, as he wasn’t just speaking, he was delirious, like he could see the world crumbling around him, and he was trying to force it into shape. He would set the division, man. He talked about how they need to fastrack the New World Order, how this is the only way forward. I’ve been in this game long enough to know when someone’s lost it. And Schwab, he’s there! ..He’s in full-on panic mode. But the thing is, he’s serious. These people are serious, and they’re ready to bring everything down to make sure, they’re the ones left standing. And it’s not just them; they’ve got the power to do it. But we can’t let them. We can’t let them tear everything apart, man.
And this time, 2025, is when they’ll make their move. They’ve already started laying the groundwork, and if we don’t wake up now, we’ll be in the middle of the chaos with no way out.”
The People’s Voice host: These plans are nothing short of evil – crafted with the sole intention of destroying the very foundations of the U.S. Republic. And the disturbing truth? They have a vast network of nameless and faceless supporters right here in America, working in the shadows to make these plans a reality.
Robert F. Kennedy Jr: “There’s a provision in the CIA Charter that says that the CIA cannot propagandize the American people. President Obama adopted, in 2016, that essentially reopened the door for ‘Operation Mockingbird”, so that the CIA began once again to propagandize American people.
The Interviewer: How are they doing that presently?
Robert F. Kennedy Jr: “High level intelligence officials are- or people associated with the intelligence industry, are running those journals, like Noah Shachtman, who runs ‘Rolling Stone’, who came from ‘The Daily Beast’. The Daily Beast was run by John Avlon, who, as you know, has deep ties to the intelligence agencies, but even journals like ‘Smithsonian’ and ‘National Geographic’, ‘Nature’, and ‘The Washington Post’, ‘The New York Times’, appear to be compromised by the CIA.
We know from the, uh, Twitter files, that both the FBI and the CIA were operating portals within the, ah, Twitter and Facebook, that allowed them to manipulate information and to de-platform people, and to, you know, silence certain people that they didn’t like in the social medias. ‘Operation Mockingbird’ was an operation to compromise American journalists; there were some 400 eitors, journalists, from all the largest publications. The New York Times had been compromised, and the Washington Post.
The interviewer: What do you mean by compromised, for people who are unfamiliar with that?
Robert F. Kennedy Jr: Well, the high level people at these journals were actually- were working for the Agency, or had signed ‘secrecy agreements’ with the CIA, and at CBS, ABC, NBC. After ’75, when it all came out during the ‘Church Committee Hearings’, the CIA promised that it would no longer compromise American journalists. It continued the program to compromise journalists all over the world. And today, the CIA is the biggest funder of journalism in the world. And..
The interviewer: How about the present day?..
Robert F. Kennedy Jr: They fund it through ‘US Aid’. In that little twilight zone before I fall asleep every night, I’m thinking about what I’m going to do, in the first weeks when I get into office, about fixing these agencies, one at a time. You know, that’s something I’m excited about.”
The People’s Voice host: Here at the People’s Voice we are determined to continue exposing the crimes of the elite but we need your help. Subscribe to the channel, spread this video far and wide, and join the People’s Voice Locals community to join our awesome community and support the channel. I hope to see you there.
WEF declares the U.S. elections null and void; predicts black swan events in 2025 will reset the humanity.
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