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Elites Colluding to Start Nuclear War

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“It has all been depicted, in satanic detail (including the nuke color coding, as seen in the first rainbow),
 in the Denver International Airport murals.

A reader, Christopher, says the Illuminati
have planned a nuclear war.
Naturally, I hope he is wrong.

“It is extremely naïve to believe that Communist Russia just suddenly «went away.»”

by Christopher

Your article of March 26, 2014, “Tools R Us” – West Works for Judeo Masonic NWO” – brings up many important points. And the selected political cartoon is priceless (and true). [Perhaps it should be changed slightly to «Tools-R-U.S.»]

In any event, for reasons that (I hope) will become clear, I am compelled to remind you of what I know you already know:

In recent years, posters adorning sides of public buses in major Russian cities were «decorated» with large images of Stalin. Putin was/is KGB. The opening up of old Russian churches, while great for Christians there, was and is just more PR for the ongoing deception. In the UK, the symbol for the (Fabian) Socialists, who now have MANY members in that parliament, is – appropriately – the wolf in sheep’s clothing. [Recently, the Fabians removed that rather disturbing symbol.]

It is extremely naïve to believe that Communist Russia just suddenly «went away.» Rather, the post-Reagan opening up of the USSR was simply the opportunity for its ruling oligarchs to clean up and get much wealthier – just as the banksters have done in the West, and just as China has also done. Coordination and planning, with the infiltrated West, never stopped. In fact, it only increased. The White House might now be painted red, Communist (satanic) red, as the more apropos color.

Many U. S. patriots tried to warn America, but were defamed, slandered, and sidelined; while American citizens were led down the descending, spiraling road to narcissism, hedonism, hyper-materialism, and nihilism. Physical, intellectual, and spiritual weakness and perversion is the result – for the once great United States.

Meanwhile, rather than having a diminished military, and falling behind the West, technologically or otherwise; Russia has been working overtime (like China) to beef up its overall military, developing many new weapons, and creating strong, confident armed forces.

Anyone catching a few TV programs, from China’s government stations, will notice a peculiarly positive, upbeat attitude. In some ways it is reminiscent of American TV in the 60s and early 70s… Anyone catching the typical TV fare, in the West, will see an increasingly dark, brooding, negative, doom-and-gloom menu of not-so-lite satanic material.

Both are controlled and manipulated by their respective governments. Both are manipulative and propagandistic. Yet, it appears that the globalists have prepared the West for their own demise, via predictive programming, and all other mind controls. The West has been literally (TV) programmed for defeat.

These few, well known facts do NOT point to Russia or China becoming a new defenders of rights and the keepers of peace. Instead, it seems obvious that Russia is simply playing out its part of the script in this «Great Game» – a game where humanity and this planet are written off as the final losers.

[The actual reality is, in this game, everyone will lose.]

China, however, being a far different creature than either the West or Russia, is actually the more likely country/culture that may – in the end – be the real wild card. One can easily suspect that Zionism and the various Zionist-based cabals hold little affection in the hearts of the Chinese, who can and may view any history of any tribes of Hebrews as simply another dirty band of desert people, who somehow survived through their tumults and diasporas.

To the Chinese; with their buried ancient armies, long list of notable and important inventions, powerful past empires, and rich traditions and philosophies – the Talmudic, Zionist Jews’ only contribution of note may be seen as a convenient method of rapid (and harsh) modernization (after a long period of exploitation by the West); otherwise known as «Communism.»

A few extra points, which further confirm this overall view (that Russia is just another player, along with China – at this time), can be seen here:

• RE: One of Russia’s key allies (see: BRICS). – Much sensitive U. S. military equipment was and still is MADE IN CHINA!!!

• REPEATED statements and comments made by Putin, indicating that global war is soon coming; and that his top brass must «prepare for Armageddon.»

• Putin and Bush’s strange, knowing behavior, in the «Birds Nest» stadium, at the China Olympics. [Might still be on YouTube.]

• Obama’s public aside to the Russians that he will have more «flexibility» (to do things «for Vladimir») AFTER HE WINS his re-election.

• Extremely hostile and threatening statements, REPEATEDLY made by China, which have emphasized how they can EASILY attack and nuke the U. S.

• U. S. usurper government announces major policy changes and planned withdrawals internationally, and the NEXT DAY Putin marches into Crimea – with more actions still to come!

• The weird and uber-expensive trip to China by the First «Lady» – and family – where she obviously wears Red China’s Communist colors, with absolutely NO PRESS allowed (a first), while she puts down America to/for the Chinese. [Every time the «First Family» leaves the U. S., be wary of the next wave of Fukushima radiation coming over, or worse.]

• Recent/renewed claims by the US that they will defend Israel from attackers (i.e. Iran) at any and ALL costs (even if it means starting WWIII, by setting up USA), AND the SUDDEN, simultaneous, and IMMEDIATE withdrawal of ALL of their ambassadors from EVERY embassy around the world (another first).

- And last, but not least, Obama’s announcing to the world that NYC is in real danger, after having played a VIDEO GAME, with his fellow «NWOers», that puts a dirty bomb scenario (in a major WESTERN financial center) before these «leaders», in order to come to their consensus on how to handle the details of the (coming) incident and its aftermath!!!

And THAT is just the proverbial tip of the melting iceberg…

1 + 1 = 2
2 + 2 = 4

It does not take a brain surgeon to see where this is all EVENTUALLY going, and to understand that Russia, China, Israel, and the United States are all following the same deadly, dark, satanic script. It has all been depicted, in satanic detail (including the nuke color coding, as seen in the first rainbow), in the Denver International Airport murals.

I pray the sleeping giant will finally awaken and act.



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    Total 4 comments
    • Dacul

      Very scary scenario indeed…However, I don’t think Russia and China are playing for the NWO team…
      If they do, we’re all doomed…God help us all! Peace!

    • DocNo

      The Banksters Dy-nasty engineer wars for profit by funding both sides and the winner pays the debt. China and Russia don’t need Mr. R’s funding and Mr. R already owns US and Europe where he has already milked dried. It boils down to ultimate-depopulation with WWIII. However, nukes have no remote controls to safeguard the Dy-nasty from the deadly mushroom blasts. We know they have built bunkers for their own safety; however, multiple nukes will definitely set off Yellowstone and all the other volcanoes globally and their bunkers will not withstand continuous 15 to 20 plus Richter scale quakes. Mars?

    • freedomringsforall

      I do to

      We as a people that have inherited in the greatest Republic ever known to man need to focus.

      Our country and this world are spinning into insanity on purpose.

      The Internationalist have their plan, the Islamists have their plan, and the commie/socialists have their plan.

      For the moment they all align with intent so they are all using each other to create absolute worldwide chaos and each leader propped up by these groups is out for what they want and obama is good at that game.

      The purpose for chaos and death is to justify clamp down, arms confiscation, and in general steps toward dictatorial powers for these groups.

      These groups just like the axis powers in World War 2 will work together on a worldwide basis to make these realities come to fruition.

      Just as the axis powers in world war two believed that they could rule the world in sync after dominating it they each all also secretly believed that they could overcome the other in the end and become the one true leader of the entire world, so do these new axis powers believe the same.

      I believe the internationalists believe as Hitler did that with an overwhelming political power, economic power, and military power of a united Europe and the Americas in their pocket and with deep inroads (politically and economically) into the African continent and the mid asia, and asia proper continents that they will eventually come out on top as the unified world leaders and thus enforce the one world governance that they have been developing onto the world.

      We are one step away from a total worldwide dictatorship.

      The neutering of the 2nd amendment of the Constitution of The United States of America.

      If we do not ensure that our 2nd amendment rights and freedoms are rock solid then no rights will be and if we lose the U.S. we lose the world.

      And that my friends is what all of them are counting on.

      Praise God and pass the ammunition!

      Long live this Republic!

      We must force the narrative:

      1.) Declare your support for The Constitution of these United States of America against all foreign or domestic opposition

      2.) Declare your opposition to The Constitution of these United States of America

      Either you stand for the constitution or you do not and we must force those who do not to publicly admit it.

    • Dustdevil

      Not really sure about his comment on the DIA Mural rainbow colors matching the code chart for nuclear war (DEFCON chart colors). Both are based on the standard ROYGBIV (color spectrum, Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, Indigo, Violet sequence, from longest to shortest wavelengths). What does wavelength sequencing have to do with mural vs defcon status? Nothing.

      Someone’s forgot their lithium and is significantly reaching again.

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