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"Jacob R"--Expect A More Virulent Omicron Variant to Murder the "Unwanted"

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I have just received a missive from “Fred Baggins” the Canadian who was posing as Jacob Rothschild. Egg-all-over-my face, but this man is brilliant. Everything he said in his “JR” pose could indeed have been uttered by Jacob Rothschild himself. His latest prediction:

“They will now introduce another more very lethal virus to target the frail ones in our nations in order to cause far more extensive causalities and fear, to impose further restrictions on our basic rights for their resets and agendas, and also to force everyone into their biological, psychological, and technocratic vaccine-control programs.” 
This is long, but I decided not to abridge as a sign of my respect.

Act II- The Real Killer Virus
by “Fred Baggins”
Many of us who try to deduce what is really going on from the outside, are not content in saying that all of the gross exaggerations in death and case numbers, the draconian restrictions, and the forced vaccine programs are simply manifestations of some top-down order which has gone mad or that there is some crazed conductor waiving a baton hidden from our view in the orchestra pit causing the discordant cacophony we hear from our government sources.

Behind the noise there appears to be a well-planned narrative and a script which in lockstep unison all of our governments are following.

In such a performance with live ammunition the next Act may be that billions of real people will die.
This massive deception and contrived pandemic perils clearly are not over. The evidence since March 2020 shows that none of the pandemic measures were justified or necessary to make people “safe” from the Covid-19 bio weapon used to start and sustain the pandemic. No, not one measure was necessary- not the unprecedented lockdowns, the social distancing, the uncountable masks, the billions of litres of disinfectants and hand lotions, or the vaccines. The actual threat from the virus (a US engineered Corona virus) did not warrant any of these extremes. All of the measures have been totally out of proportion with the facts.
In trying to discern the method behind the madness, the best explanation is that we have been subject to a long-term and meticulously planned operation where the Covid pandemic and the vaccines have been used as control measures, or “pretexts” as Archbishop Vigano has said, for ushering in the UN Agendas or WEF economic and technological resets.

If that is the case then it is highly doubtful that at this stage of their planned transformations, they have any intention to bring the “emergency conditions” justifying all of their restrictions and mandates to an end any time in the near future.
Adding more fuel to stoke our worries, in Canada the health-care authorities last July announced that they would discontinue the unreliable PCR testing on December 31 replacing it with a more accurate testing method.  Yet in July it was clear that actual Covid deaths were very rare and case numbers were constantly decreasing.

Why with the pandemic on the wane would they want a more accurate method of testing? Why also would the provincial governments across Canada for the past month be clearing out hospital wards expecting a deluge of seriously infected people to occur over the next few months?

Similar preparations were made in numerous Western nations in March 2020 based on the dreaded  Covid virus. What next?

We can only muse what fatal plague will next sweep down upon us to renew the fear, refresh pandemic emergency conditions, and sustain all of the control measures in order to carry out the plans of the gods who rule over us from Mount Olympus?  
But how can we more accurately deduce from the known facts which have brought us this far what likely is planned for us next? We have to connect the links from what we know:

1. We first have to accept the fact that the only power on earth which could pull off such a universal pandemic fraud is one with an unlimited money supply.
2. We then have to ask what exact money power is standing behind all of our governments on one hand deliberately to stall our economies and on the other hand to ensure there is an unlimited supply of fiat to sustain the essential needs of the people for the duration.
3. No government on the face of the earth would carry on with the pandemic measures unless fully financially backed.  
4. Those of us who were awake in March 2020 were aware of facts showing that it is mainly the IMF and the World Bank bankrolling the entire show.
5. The financial backing of these international banks funding the various individual nations in the network are the mainly the two major banking dynasties of the world.
6. Only those banks and the actual oligarch owners make up the central “money power” have the ability  to generate the required “credit” out of nothing to fund the entire Covid operation.
7. Even without following the money to the source behind the credit, it is highly doubtful that anything on such as scale as the Covid plandemic could ever get off of the ground without that octopus brain and controlling tentacles of the Rothschild banking dynasty which covers the globe.   
8. Both the Rothschild banking dynasty and the lesser Rockefeller dynasty have been the principal backers of the planned UN Agendas and the WEF Great Reset.

9. The planning evidence behind the Covid pandemic is as sound and as irrefutable as the fact that the Covid-19 virus is a US bio weapon. That evidence is now overwhelming but few people these days really care about it, or about any source issues, or about causation, or even about actual motives. The deductions are just too tedious for them – too many dots for them to connect. For many, getting to the root of things like this causes them too much cognitive dissonance regarding their loyalties or comfortable belief, and for most, they avoid such controversies as they tend to live more in fear of losing their jobs or some other form of security.
10. Nevertheless, those who are not afraid and who are concerned about the truth and what will happen to us, do know that every major issue occurring today has been planned over the past 5 decades,  including :

a) the alleged economic crisis hitting all nations simultaneously making them increasingly dependent upon the financial and economic resets for the centralized economic controls being offered;
b) the simultaneous ushering in of the long-term planned UN Agendas and WEF measures for global centralized control over currencies, finances, resources, consumption, industry, social activities, and political relations;
c) the systematic cancellation of any individual rights and freedoms which are deemed to be out of step with the official plans and aims of these centralized powers;
d) the use of the present Covid pandemic (and likely continuing pandemics) to usher in all of the UN and WEF planned controls and restrictions over virtually everything on the planet, as clearly set out and announced in the 2010 Rockefeller Foundation documents;
e) the use of the present pandemic fears and controls to establish mandatory injections of substances for digitized biological tracking and control of the masses to ensure compliance with planned objectives of the central powers; and
f) making the mind and body of each person a part of the computerized block chain of a global technocratic AI web as per the announced plans and developments of Messieurs Gates and Schwab, and  Microsoft.  

11. The centralized “top-down” order controlling things is not made up just of the said money power. It is made up of the major lending oligarchs, the major owners and CEO’s of major multinational corporations, and a network of trusted key government and institutional heads, as well as media moguls all rehearsed with scripts to carry out their parts in the performance.
12. Obviously, whomever is at the top of this “top-down” order in determining the steps and dictating the movements is some smaller group of titans, who have followed the guidance of global architects such as the late Maurice Strong in the 1970′s and 1980′s and perhaps highly influential globalist planners such as Jeffery Sachs of Columbia University.
13. The reason why there is no really official opposition on the horizon being backed by the honest and independent experts consolidated by the renowned international tort lawyer, Dr. Reiner Fuellmich, is not just fear. It is also because of the planning and the expenditures by this top-down over past decades has resulted in virtual control of every major institution on the planet.

14. They have been at this for a very long time now. There is not one major government, political party, corporation, university, or church which has not been co opted over the past 50 years with uncountable people recruited, educated, funded, groomed and appointed to take over key positions of decision-making power, and there are countless other influential people in and out of all of these major institutions who have been induced or coerced into compliance.
15. The reason why stealth and fear are used to achieve their ends is that the controllers despite all of their desensitizing through the entertainment industry, know full well if they were to disclose their plans they could never obtain compliance or consent from the people. The implications of their plans are that extreme.
16. Their plans are not really to obtain complete control over us in order to make the planet “sustainable” for our needs. That is only one of the many pretexts. They want to be able to select us not just for various jobs and positions regarding what they deem as “essential”, nor even for better control over our behavior, but more importantly, their plans are all geared to control who and what we are, our very natures – who is to exist , in what form, and for what purpose .
17.The thinking of these people is the same of the “brave” people in their ranks who were recruited at the first-year level in many universities in the past, based on their positive reaction in reading Huxley’s Brave New World. 
18. Everything over the past 60 years has been geared by that “top-down” order in “getting rid of” the unwanted.
19. There are few people in any influential position in any major institutions who disagree with finding ways to eliminate those deemed non-essential or unwanted.  
20. To facilitate their long-range plans, the laws and safeguards to protect the vulnerable and unwanted have been systematically relaxed and in many cases completely discarded.

21. So much money, time, and effort has been expended to effect the present control plans and especially to ensure that “everyone” at least in the West is “fully” and “continually” vaccinated, that it is most unlikely the alleged “pandemic emergency conditions” will be ended just because the Covid virus has petered out, or that the vaccines are not effective.  

22. It was consistently maintained by hundreds of reliable scientific experts before the vaccines were dispensed that they were not necessary mainly because of the size of the actual risk group, and also because of the other most-effective treatment and preventive protocols which our governments were deliberately suppressing. Even after the vaccines proved totally ineffective the top-down orders to our governments were to keep jabbing people with absolutely no concern for the actual harmful consequences. 

23. The totalitarian order controlling things does not care what our experts think or say. They have control of the media, our governments, and all major institutions.
24. For anyone of great stature and influence to respond to any one of these concerns would be to falter and break with the lock-step script, allowing doubt to disturb those in the compliant public presently captivated in the mainstream channel.
25. The ambivalence of our government officials and all major political leaders to the blatant facts regarding the virus and vaccines, speaks of a higher confidence and security which is not based on their own false justifications and dissembling experts.
26. With the dissipation and the disappearance of the Covid virus then the alleged “pandemic emergency conditions” should also disappear, and there should be no pretext left for any continued Covid vaccinations or vaccine passports.   That is not what we are seeing.
27. Only if the planning authorities wanted to call a halt to the mandatory vaccines would they call a halt to the pandemic emergency conditions. The mandatory vaccine programs are dependent on the continuation of the pandemic conditions.
28. All indications are that the planning authorities and our governments are using the Omicron virus to continue with the pandemic conditions and most likely with the purpose of introducing another vaccine to carry on with their coercive vaccine programs.
29. In December 2019 the Israeli’s announced a “universal flu” vaccine which would be dispensed in the later part of 2020.
30. We are now being told that in relation to Omicron there is a “universal flu vaccine” coming out.
31. The Omicron virus is more “infectious” (more spike proteins) than the Covid 19 virus but its symptoms are relatively mild and should not be considered a cause for any pandemic measures or mandates.
32. Omicron may produce more flu “cases” but still that is no basis for a pandemic or forced vaccines.
33. If mandatory gene altering vaccines or any vaccines are essential to all of these one-world-order control plans over us, then it is clear that in the ensuing weeks there will be news that Omicron has naturally mutated into a new variant, threatening to kill droves of vulnerable people everywhere.

34. Of course, the new variant “Omicron #2″, or whatever they are to call it, will be just one more bioweapon flu virus from the arsenal of bioweapon viruses from the thousands and thousands of quite heinous and legal gain-of-function experiments carried out on a host of Corona viruses over the past 25 years.

34. Such a scenario of releasing another Omicron “variant” would be in keeping with their now-established precedent that Covid virus allegedly naturally mutated to Alpha and Delta variants over the past 15 months.
35. There remains no scientific basis or evidence to speculate that the Omicron virus will naturally mutate into a real “killer virus” to become much more lethal than was the Covid-19 virus when released, such that if such an Omicron variant were to appear the only plausible deduction would be that it is just one more bioweapon prepared to effect full control over our lives and likely to further reduce the number of vulnerable people.
35. In my province and in other localities, hospital wards are now being made ready for the alleged new wave of Omicron. Why is this?
36. If there is no new wave of anything serious then there is no basis for any more such pandemic preparations or forced vaccine programs.
37. If the pandemic restrictions and forced vaccine programs end, then the only defence for all of the excesses of our governments and the harms from them will be to blame the “trusted foreign sources” they were so subservient to, and perhaps to say that the entire fiasco was a civil-defense “live exercise” as Mike Pompeo,  US Secretary of State in March 2020, announced in March 2020, in which case they would have to give credence to the veracity of all of the scientific facts and reasons from the numerous reliable and independent experts they completely ignored and whose information they deliberately suppressed. They certainly can’t do that.
38. No, if they end it now, calling it a “live exercise”, it will not serve as an excuse to cover the harms from their excesses, and particularly the increasing harms from their Covid vaccines.
39. However, if a much more lethal variant of Omicron bioweapon virus is introduced onto the world stage at this time, one more lethal than the Covid one, then all of the Covid measures and infrastructure  in place, and all the pandemic practice and protocols would look like a godsend, and no one could very well blame any government, media, or establishment figures for the excesses and harms they perpetuated during the Covid pandemic. The planners have obviously thought of this.
40. We know of the extent and the intricacy of their planning and it is not unreasonable to predict they will now introduce another more very lethal virus to target the frail ones in our nations in order to cause far more extensive causalities and fear, to impose further restrictions on our basic rights for their resets and agendas, and also to force everyone into their biological, psychological, and technocratic vaccine-control programs. 

41. Any group of sociopaths who would make and/or release the Covid bioweapon virus would not hesitate from implementing such a scenario.
42. The mRNA vaccines turned out not to be very effective or specific to the Covid virus. Why the booster vaccines if the Covid virus is so much on the wane? What are the vaccines really specific to? Why the new testing method to replace the false-positive PCR testing? Why the clearing out of hospital wards and announced suspension of all “elective” medical procedures?
43. Are the vaccinated or the unvaccinated going to be more or less vulnerable if such an Omicron bioweapon variant is released?

44. Surely, something wicked this way comes.


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    Total 2 comments
    • JamesinNM

      Jacob, at the final judgement, the truth will be shouted from the rooftops, and all evil will suffer the second death and burn forever. You cannot con nor bully God.

    • F16Hoser

      Is this POS still breathing good air??? I wonder if the Rothschilds are Vaxxed against High Velo ity Lead? :wink: :wink: :wink:

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