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July 12 - Americans are Sick of Demonrat (Satanist/Communist) Gaslighting

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Biden flubs continue

They Know It’s Over: Watch Blinken, Lloyd Austin and Jake Sullivan React as Joe Biden Calls Kamala Harris “Vice President Trump” (VIDEO)

The problem is redefining reality according to your agenda (i.e. living a solipsism) is that reality tends to reassert itself.
“This is a CLASSIC case of Parkinson’s” says Top Parkinson’s Doctor | Redacted w Clayton Morris


Your government is a danger to your safety

Reddit Conspiracy reader- “America is trying to start WW3 and kill us all. How is that not abundantly clear. But no you are all going to argue we need Ukraine to join NATO (for no fucking reason, NATO is the aggressor and Russia is just acring in defense). Is Ukraine joining NATO worth the tens or hundreds of millions who will die in WW3? It’s fucking insane. It’s us or them. Our elites are actively trying to kill us all. We need to rebel and rebel fast.”


UK Govt Docs Quietly Admit “Vaccine Holocaust” Will Kill Millions of Children

Official government data the UK government tried to bury has revealed that millions of children worldwide have been maimed and killed and are at a massively elevated risk of dying of all causes in the near future.

“It’s no wonder the ONS was desperate to cover up the death rates for children. The numbers are shocking. Behind closed doors, the bureaucrats are preparing for mass riots on the streets, as mothers, brothers, sisters, uncles and aunts mourn the loss of the nation’s children and demand the government face justice.”
Trudeau Sends $500M to Ukraine While CAF Families at Local Food Banks Double

All this while Trudeau seems to be doing his best to destroy Canadians at home. He’s printing more money, increasing useless carbon taxes, throwing money into elementary school systems to promote LGBTQ+ initiatives, which are all making living harder for Canadians.

The number of families visiting local food banks nearest Canadian Armed Forces base in New Brunswick has doubled.



(Laurence Rockefeller)

The Rockefellers created 990 ‘Climate Change’ institutions, foundations, & activist groups

Laurance Rockefeller was purposed with the spiritual arm of the operation. Starting in the late 40′s. Laurance founded fifty environmental organizations including the World Wildlife Federation, the World Resource Foundation, the IUCN, and UNESCO. Laurence is behind Esalen and Lindesfarne Association, and is responsible for coining the term “New Age”. He founded and funded the Fund for the Advancement of the Human Spirit, the Foundation for Conscious Evolution, the Conservation Foundation. He was a board member of the National Resources Defense Council, the National Geographic Society, Woods Hole Geographic Society, Resources for the Future, and the Sloan foundation. He was a board member of the Environmental Defence Fund and the WWF. He co-founded the Rockefeller Brothers Fund and served as its chairman from 1958-1979. Laurance Rockefeller founded Cybernetics as a discipline by funding its study.”

99% of COVID ventilators from a Quebec contractor that was endorsed by Liberal MP Navdeep Bains were junked as scrap. The contract totaled $282M

Does the “legacy media” realize it is being replaced by citizen journalists?

It is another case of Go Wake Go Broke

Zionism Before, During and After the Nazis: A History of Collusion, w/ Tony Greenstein

The biggest insult to the memory of the Holocaust is not denying it, but using it as an excuse to justify the genocide of the Palestinian people.” – Norman Finkelstein



Reader- “Yes, I remember snippets and snappets (left) and wasn’t aware that wonderful woman had passed.  My husband and I last saw our only grandchildren in March 2020.  We were enjoying spring break with those beautiful children, as we had so many other occasions.  We went home to ‘flatten the curve’ as our lying leaders claimed.  We refused to take the jab, so our daughter would not allow us to see the children any longer……that was over 4 years ago!  Painful does not begin to describe what this has been like!”

War is doing to Israeli Economy What Israel is Doing to Gaza

‘Israel in collapse’: 46,000 businesses forced to close since 7 Oct
It is estimated by Israeli risk management firm CofaceBdi that 60,000 businesses will be closed by the end of 2024

The report adds that “the most vulnerable industries are the construction industry, and as a result also the entire ecosystem that operates around it: ceramics, air conditioning, aluminum, building materials, and more – All of these were significantly damaged,” according to CofaceBdi’s risk ratings.

The trade sector has also been severely affected. This includes the service sector and industries including fashion, furniture, housewares, entertainment, transport, and tourism. 

Israel is in a situation where “there is almost no foreign tourism,” the report said, adding that “damage to businesses is all over the country, and almost no sector has been spared.” 

 ’I'm bored, so I shoot’: The Israeli army’s approval of free-for-all violence in Gaza
 Israeli soldiers describe the near-total absence of firing regulations in the Gaza war, with troops shooting as they please, setting homes ablaze, and leaving corpses on the streets — all with their commanders’ permission.


barbara-lerner-spectre (2).jpg

SOUL OF THE GOYIM | Judaism From The Mouths Of Jews

There seems to have been a stirring of awareness in the 80s of who actually control the world and what kind of people they are. I came across this song by Björn Afzelius, known as “Sweden’s Bob Dylan” which clearly calls out “The Chosen Ones” and their minions as responsible for the ills and evils of society and the world and deftly describes the nature of the “flying monkey’s” making the “Chosenite” agendas a reality in exchange for wealth and status.
You Won’t Believe What Russia and China Are Planning–This Will Change History Forever | Alex Krainer

Reader- “A must hear presentation you’ll NEVER get from the TV. This guy knows what he’s talking about and explains how we got to where we are today from the late ’90s. Look at his credentials! 

What he says clearly shows, like I’ve been saying adnausem, Rothschild Jewry runs the US & West, from the City of London, whose behavior reflects this, big-time! It’s so obvious! The West exudes Judaic attitudes & behavior, which is why it is being abandoned by the rest of the world, which has stood up and is now resisting together. The Rothschild Jew-run west cannot fool the world any more; the jig is up! They’ve exposed themselves, and now they’re Bankrupt & Impotent in the face of a surging global south.”


When patriotism and individual freedom are considered “far right,” you know society has been subverted by Communists

Miko Peled, son of an Israeli General

IDF is a terrorist organization


Obama Tacidly Admits 2020 Rigged

Unseen Hand- Central Banking Exposed 


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Humic & Fulvic Liquid Trace Mineral Complex

HerbAnomic’s Humic and Fulvic Liquid Trace Mineral Complex is a revolutionary new Humic and Fulvic Acid Complex designed to support your body at the cellular level. Our product has been thoroughly tested by an ISO/IEC Certified Lab for toxins and Heavy metals as well as for trace mineral content. We KNOW we have NO lead, arsenic, mercury, aluminum etc. in our Formula.

This Humic & Fulvic Liquid Trace Mineral complex has high trace levels of naturally occurring Humic and Fulvic Acids as well as high trace levels of Zinc, Iron, Magnesium, Molybdenum, Potassium and more. There is a wide range of up to 70 trace minerals which occur naturally in our Complex at varying levels. We Choose to list the 8 substances which occur in higher trace levels on our supplement panel. We don’t claim a high number of minerals as other Humic and Fulvic Supplements do and leave you to guess which elements you’ll be getting.

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    • Slimey

      Aren’t most of lieberals, therapist, and the rich Jews? :wink:

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