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Was Jasper Devastation Caused by a DEW?

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Vehicle Damage Jasper July 26 2024.jpg
(left, cars incinerated in Jasper. Nearby houses untouched?)

Was a DEW used to target Jasper because the Premier of Alberta dared to say no to the nefarious plans of Prime Minister Trudeau, and his global elite handlers, to put an end to the production of oil and gas in Alberta? 

By Laurence Atelier

Compelling evidence suggests that the devastation of Jasper on July 24 was caused by a direct energy weapon (DEW). 

The CBC, a federal government propaganda vehicle, and its global elite handlers would like you to believe that the incineration of one-third of Jasper was caused by climate change. 

The Premier of Alberta, Danielle Smith, the Mayor of Jasper, Richard Ireland, and Parks Canada, a woke federal department, have adopted this lie as their official narrative.

Close examination of photos of the horrific devastation of Jasper, obtained from CBC News, reveals a chilling similarity to photos taken at Lahaina, Maui in August 2023. 

For example, one aerial photo in Lahaina shows a blue unburnt car conspicuously sitting on the same highway as other cars burnt to a crisp. 

Paper Labels Not Burned Jasper July 26 2024.jpg

(Left paper labels unburned) 

On July 26, CBC displayed several photos showing blue, unburnt items among building debris in Jasper. 

Even more shocking is the similarity between the “selective damage” in Jasper and that visible in the streets of New York City after 9/11. 

According to the official explanation in the 9/11 Commission Report, the Twin Towers collapsed due to intensely-hot fires resulting from burning jet fuel. 

Twenty-three years later, the International Center for 9/11 Justice maintains the towers were brought down by controlled demolition. 

However, this commonly-believed narrative does not explain the absence of building debris piles, unburnt paper in the debris and “toasted” vehicles with areas of unburnt red and blue paint. 

Mayor of Jasper's House July 26, 2024.jpg

CBC News photos of the carnage in Jasper also show the lack of debris piles in destroyed buildings, such as Mayor Ireland’s house, the only home destroyed on that side of the street. 

CBC’s photos of the annihilation of a large portion of Jasper also show unburnt red and blue items among the debris of completely demolished buildings, unburnt paper labels on burnt wine bottles, and toasted vehicles eerily-similar in appearance to those in Lahaina and NYC.

In her book, Where Did the Towers Go?, former professor of mechanical engineering Dr. Judy Wood writes “if you listen to the evidence carefully enough, it will speak to you and tell you exactly what happened.” 

Her exhaustive forensic investigation and analysis concluded that the Twin Towers in NYC were removed through the use of “directed free-energy technology”, such as a directed energy weapon (DEW). 

This explains the low quantity of debris at the base of where the Twin Towers once stood. These buildings didn’t collapse into their footprints. They were pulverized, along with their occupants, and converted into fine particulate matter. This “dust” rose up in huge clouds over NYC as most of the building materials disappeared. 

The Twin Towers didn’t “fall down.” A DEW was used to pulverize them into fine particulate matter which “went up.” Masterminds of 9/11 provided “evidence” that would lead 9/11 truthers to conclude the towers were felled by controlled demolition. This explanation provided a cover story to hide what really happened on 9/11 when a DEW was used to provide a pretext for the “war on terror” and the subsequent invasion of Afghanistan and Iraq.


Particulate Cloud Jasper July 2024.jpg

CBC News photos show huge clouds of particulate matter rising above Jasper on July 24, the day the destruction of Jasper took place.

Was a DEW used to target Jasper because the Premier of Alberta dared to say no to the nefarious plans of Prime Minister Trudeau, and his global elite handlers, to put an end to the production of oil and gas in Alberta? 

Was the destruction of a large portion of Jasper a punishment for defying the plans of the globalists? Was it a demonstration of the immense power held by the globalists as they seek to fulfill their agenda for global domination and control?
Laurence Atelier is the author of the spy thriller novel The Iran Imperative


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