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By Madder Than Hell (Tea Party Diary)
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No One Is Above The Law

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Apparently, Democrats are. May I remind people that Biden’s DOJ had written a plea deal for Hunter Biden for his gun charges and tax evasion that gave him probation and a pass on any and all future crimes he might commit. A “Get Out Of Jail Free” card for FUTURE crimes. Fortunately, the judge didn’t accept it.

Joe Biden apparently is. He had classified documents he had no authority to have. Nor were the documents stored in a secure location…..his garage isn’t a secure location. Neither Senators or Vice Presidents have the authority to have classified documents in their possession. Many of the documents were taken while Biden was Senator. Basically, he stole them. But the DOJ says he is a sympathetic elderly man who is forgetful and isn’t capable of standing trial so no charges were filed. Democrats like to defend him by saying he cooperated and turned them over. But basically he had to, after authorizing the raid on Mar-A-Lago (with deadly force) Republicans would have insisted his documents be seized too. The POINT IS he had those documents in his possession for years ILLEGALLY and unsecured.

Let’s talk about Hillary Clinton. She deleted 36,000 emails that were under subpoena. She destroyed her electronic devices (cell phones & iPads). She had an illegal secret server with classified documents on it. Comey told us the number of classified documents she had and that she cut the classified designation off many documents BUT that no prosecutor would bring charges against her. But Trump? ABSOLUTELY!

Hillary paid for the fake “dossier” (to effect an election) and listed it as Legal fees. She was fined $8000 by the FEC but no civil or federal charges were brought against her. Never mind her covering g up the gun running thru Benghazi to what became ISIS, not allowing our military to come to the aid of Americans there and then LYING about it being a spontaneous protest against a comically amateur video only 140 people ever saw.

Or how about Obama droning a wedding in Yemen 11/3/2008 killing 37 Afghan civilians including women and children? Or in 2011 droning a 16 year old American (son of Anwar Al-Awaki) his teen aged cousin and 5 other civilians eating at a restaurant? Later killing the teen’s 8 year old sister? Trump managed to take out Baghdadi and Soleimani without killing any civilians or Americans.

Biden, not to be left out, droned ten completely innocent people including seven children on 8/29/2021. Oops. The media celebrated Obama killing Bin Laden but criticized Trump for killing Baghdadi and Soleimani. However Obama and Biden droning American children and innocent civilians? Crickets. Obama was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize months after being elected, then started 3 wars and droned civilians. Trump negotiated PEACE in the Middle East with the Abraham Accord, with more countries linning up to join but again. Trump deserved the Nobel Prize but….Crickets.

Brennan and Clapper lied under oath. What happened to them? Both are commentators on Main Stream Media. Eric Holder was held in contempt of Congress. What happened to him? Nothing, but Peter Navarro is in prison.

Then there are the two Capitol police officers, Dunn and Fanone, who testified before the January 6th Committee. Both committed perjury. Dunn said people called him the “N” word and that the Oath Keepers were threatening him. Nancy Pelosi’s head of security said he witnessed this. Unfortunately, video was released that completely discredited them. There is no evidence anyone called Dunn the “N” word and the Oath Keepers were protecting him from the crowd. Plus Pelosi’s security chief wasn’t anywhere in the vicinity. They flat out lied. What happened to Dunn? Recently he ran for Congress with the endorsement of many high profile Democrats but thankfully lost.

Officer Fanone testified that he was nearly beaten to death by Trump supporters. He said he feared for his life. Video showed him walking normally through the Capitol directing people, talking calmly to people AFTER he was supposedly beaten nearly to death. What happened to him? He is used as a commentator on the Media. Apparently, that’s the reward for perjurers.

How about the “51 former intelligence officers” who said Hunter’s laptop was “Russian disinformation”? They made those untrue statements to “affect an election”. Why are they not charged with “election interference”?

The summer of 2020 protestors (Democrat voters) looted and burned down cities. Killed 25. Took over police stations, built an “autonomous zone”. Democrats, including Kamala Harris and Hollywood actors raised money to bail out any who were arrested. I’m not aware there are any serving time in prison for the “Summer of Love”. We were told these protests were “mostly peaceful”.

At the same time there are people (Republican voters) still in prison, not having had their day in court from January 6th. Most (99%) aren’t even charge with violent crimes. The Q Shaman was given 12 years in prison & spent 10 1/2 months in solitary for a non violent crime…..he was later released when video proving he not only committed no crimes he was helping the police and THEY took him to the Senate chamber and found an unlocked door for him.

Now let’s look at “convicted felon” Trump’s crimes. First, Trump has been investigated more than any human in history. The CIA, FBI, Senate, House, Mueller, AG’s, DA’s, etc. As much as the intelligence agencies wanted to find a way to prove Trump colluded with Russia, they couldn’t. As Chuck Schumer said, “the intelligence agencies can get you six ways from Sunday”, but Trump has apparently been so by the book, as hard as they tried (lying to FISA, spying, Strozk’s insurance policy) they weren’t able to “get” him. I will admit, Trump is more honest and “by the book” than even I believed.

”Find me the man, I’ll find you the crime”. Fanny Willis, Leticia James and Alvin Bragg all ran for election saying they would “get” Trump. In this country, at least before now, our criminal system found a crime and then looked for who committed it. In Trump’s case they were looking for a way to blame a crime on Trump.

In the case of E. Jean Carroll’s claim that Trump raped her in a Bergdorf Goodman dressing room, they changed the statute of limitations law so that they could bring charges against Trump. They changed the law to go after ONE man. Then, of course, Carroll can’t tell us what month or even year this happened. How convenient so that Trump can’t provide an alibi. He might have been out of the country but he has no way to prove he wasn’t there. I think any reasonable, rational person would wonder why a woman about to be “raped” in a busy department store couldn’t have called for help. And if anyone has been to Bergdorf’s or any high end department store they would know sales people hover and need to let you into dressing rooms. The dressing rooms are locked. But in New York City, that voted 85% for Biden, the jury found Carroll perfectly credible and fined Trump $83 MILLION. OJ killed two people and left them for his children to find but was only fined $34 million.

The second New York case in front of grinning Judge Engoron is impossible to believe. Trump was charged with fraud for inflating the value of assets to get a loan. Engoron said Mar-A-Lago is worth $18 million which is laughable. I’d like to see the media ask where he got that figure. This trial was before the Judge with no jury. The bank came in and testified that people overvaluing assets is common and they do their own evaluations. They said they were happy to loan Trump the money, he paid it back on time, with interest and they would be happy to do business with him again. I thought at that point the case would be dismissed. Oh, not so! Regardless, Engoron found Trump guilty and fined him nearly HALF A BILLION dollars. Since there is no victim, who is supposed to get the money? For those cheering this verdict, nothing like this has ever happened before and EVERY businessman in New York should be scared. Half a billion for a victimless crime? Really? You better hope you never lose favor with the Left.

The Fanny Willis case is falling apart. She is guilty of more than she charged Trump with. Her bias is so obvious Trump’s team has filed to have her removed from the case.

Alvin Bragg’s case is yet another unprecedented case. He had to make up a crime. He attached a misdemeanor that had long passed the statute of limitations to an undisclosed federal crime to make it a felony. Then to over charge one incident into many, he made each invoice from Cohen a separate charge, each check written a separate charge and each notation of a legal expense as a separate charge. That has never happened before either. So, it resulted in 34 charges.

Coincidentally, the 3rd in command at the DOJ. Matthew Colangelo, quit his job at the DOJ (I just heard he took a paid leave of absence, which makes more sense) to take a job as Bragg’s assistant DA. That’s like a CEO quitting his job to work as a janitor. But we’re to believe that story. Just a coincidence he worked with Bragg to “get” Trump and stood behind Bragg as Bragg bragged about convicting Trump on 34 counts.

So, let’s examine the case. Stormey Daniels (a porn star) told Michael Cohen she had sex with Trump.
Cohen took out a loan on his house to pay her $130,000 For an NDA (non-disclosure agreement). Cohen’s lawyer, Robert Costello, testified to Congress that after Trump was elected Cohen was suicidal and Costello told him if he had anything on Trump now was the time to use it. Cohen said he had nothing on Trump. Cohen said he hadn’t believed Stormey but he took out a loan on his house to pay her off to protect Melania from embarrassment and to impress Trump to get a job in Trump’s administration. He said he got his money back by sending invoices for legal expenses. A rational person, capable of critical thinking would ask why Cohen would need to take out a loan on his house when Trump could have written a check. Why would Cohen, not Trump, pay Stormey?

Then Stormey breaks the NDA and goes public with her claims before the election. Cohen borrowed the money for nothing. And Trump didn’t give him a job in his administration. Stormey then writes a retraction saying she never had sex with Trump. Trump sued her and she was fined more than $600,000. Cohen is a convicted perjurer, who even perjured during this trial. He’s also an admitted thief who stole money from Trump. Daniels is a porn star who broke an NDA (to affect an election) and has changed her story numerous times. But, once again, they are the ones believed.

The claim that Trump paid off Daniels to “affect an election” doesn’t hold water because candidates don’t have to disclose campaign donations and expenses until AFTER the election. How could it affect the election if it wasn’t known until AFTER the election? PLUS, Bragg has no jurisdiction to charge or enforce a federal election law. We still don’t know exactly what law Bragg used to raise a no longer valid misdemeanor to a felony. How does the defense fight against an undisclosed law. Trump has never been given due process in this or the other cases. To top it off Trump wasn’t allowed to call the head of the FEC to explain federal election laws.

The judge should have recused himself as his daughter is raising money for the Democrat party on the results of this case and he donated to Democrats. Trump asked for a change of venue (typically granted) but was denied. The judge sustained every objection the prosecution gave and overruled every objection the defense gave. Then the judges instructions (taking an hour and a half to read) were unprecedented. The jury didn’t have to agree on the charges. When has that ever happened?

Trump faced made up charges in a very unfriendly city. That Trump is so hated in New York is one of the things that bothers me so much. Trump loved New York. He built beautiful buildings there, employed hundreds, if not thousands, over the years. He helped clean up after 9/11. When the city was taking years to renovate the famous skating rink, Trump took over and finished it in less than 6 months. Trump gave Jesse Jackson FREE office suites in Wall Street when Jackson was going to leave New York because it was too expensive. New Yorkers loved Trump…until he ran for President as a Republican.

Now we have Hunter Biden being tried in Baltimore for lying about being a drug user on a form to buy a gun. This is a friendly state for the Bidens. They are royalty in Baltimore. Although there is no doubt Hunter is guilty of the charges I predict he will be found innocent. I believe there will be jury nullification for Hunter… there was for OJ.

Regardless of how you feel about any of the people involved, you should be VERY concerned (actually, frightened) about what these cases are doing to our Rule of Law. The Left can’t win the war of ideas and they are determined to stay in power. They have found lawfair an effective tool. They have packed our courts with activist Judges and Soros has funded activist AG’s and DA’s to undermine the Rule of Law.

Be afraid, be very afraid.


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