
Emerging Corruption
About What is Emerging Corruption? The staff of Emerging Corruption will use investigative journalism to ferret out corruption to educate, inform and empower the public. What type of news & content will be covered? The news website will investigate & expose historically corrupt special interest organizations, providing to online news consumers and the public, information and investigations into organizational tactics, programs, campaigns, staff & initiatives including fund raising and finances. Broadly, Emerging Corruption will welcome audio, video and written content. The site will utilize extensive social media networks. Content will mostly be fact and/or investigation-based with limited opinion/commentary. Statement of Purpose Recognizing that when politicians start to align themselves with non-profits, it’s not always for the greater good of the people who put them in office, the goals of Emerging Corruption are that the site will be a tool that will help the American people make more informed decisions on how their elected officials should receive funds and input from lobbying organizations operating as non-profits. In a world where news cycles are short and politicians talk in sound bites, it’s essential to understand how elected officials’ political platforms may intersect with special interest groups and organizations. While many sites exist on the left to target conservative and Republican politicians, there are relatively few investigative news sites on the right committed to exposing the pay for play politics that exists in today’s political arena.
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