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By Tom Dennen, the paranoid historian (Reporter)
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Are We Insane? Accusing Putin of Doing in the Ukraine Exactly What We Did in Syria!

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The on-going situation in Ukraine illustrates the unbelievable insanity originating from Washington DC.  The U.S. State Department for whatever reason thought that it would be a good idea to spend billions of dollars to finance a coup in Ukraine to help fulfill their never ending quest for world domination. 

This is a country that was once part of the Soviet Union and shares a border with Russia.  This is right in Russia’s backyard and with anti-Russian and ultranationalist groups filling the power vacuum in Kiev, these developments represent a direct security threat to the Russian people.  This has prompted Russia’s President Vladimir Putin to send military forces into the Crimean peninsula.

This is an area in Ukraine largely populated by Russian speakers and is also home to an important Russian military base.  The propaganda from the Zionist run American media and the nonsensical rhetoric coming from the Obama regime are nothing but delusional lies.  They’re now trying to paint Putin as an evil aggressor who hates freedom when this whole mess was caused directly by American arrogance.  They have now created an incredibly dangerous situation that could potentially lead to war with Russia.  Of course the Zionists in the Obama regime who have been primarily responsible for creating this mess don’t seem to care.  In fact, they are escalating their rhetoric against Russia.

To illustrate the madness that we are dealing with, look at what current U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry had to say about the situation on the CBS television program “Face the Nation.”

“You just don’t in the 21st century behave in 19th century fashion by invading another country on completely trumped up pre-text.”

How stupid does this guy think everyone is?  This past August Kerry was trying to justify American military strikes against Syria using what could be easily described as a completely trumped up pre-text.  He claimed that Syria’s President Bashar Al-Assad had used chemical weapons against his own people citing highly questionable evidence.  In fact, there was more evidence indicating that Islamic fanatics fighting against the Assad government had used chemical weapons.  It is absolutely comical that Kerry is now openly criticizing the Russians for what he was guilty of trying to do just a few months ago.


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