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By John Rolls (Reporter)
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Alert: Russian Cyberattack On Israel! US Sends Aircraft Carrier For War With Iran & Russia! - Canadian Prepper

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When you think things can’t get crazier. Thanks, Nate, for your unwavering posting and keeping us up to date with your analysis!


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    Total 4 comments
    • Josey Wales

      LOL, just wait until China is introduced to the world… That will be the next false flag event. Israel was scripted, this whole thing is a sham…

      The people around the world and the American people are being played… It’s all planned, it’s all been planned and the people are the rabbit…

    • US Marine Fighting Tyranny

      My Fellow Americans:

      Fuk’n Israel is nothing more then a Global Terrorist Organization created by the Rothchild’s for the purpose of Global Terrorism.

      There is NO country called Isreal,.. it is called PALESTINE, which is under the murderous occupation of these Zionist-Jew slime bags that extort, pilfer, steal, lie, cheat, intimidate, blackmail and murder in every single country of this planet.

      They also steal well over $40 MILLION dollars a day from this country,.. and that’s the theft we know about, which means they are actually stealing far more then that!

      Israel’s,… the lowest from of life on the planet, and ANYONE who defends them, is human garbage and a traitor to our country!

      JD – US Marine Reminding How Israel Intentionally MURDERED The US Sailors Of The USS Liberty!

      PS: How convenient, 4.5 BILLION Dollars,… on top of everything else they steal and grift from this country on a daily basis

      PSS: Here you go, Kanadian Kunt, another Zionist mouth piece. Prepare for a never ending train of lies about “atrocities” being committed against “Jews”,… when in fact it didn’t happen at all, or it’s Mossad doing False-Flags.

    • 62corvettefred

      More BULLSHIT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    • Razor

      Putin is part of the NWO…BEST PALS with Israel. LOADS OF TRADE DEALS!!!!!!..Putin is a Israeli LOVER!!!!! Rothchild through to the bone. Why does the world not see this????????…..ALL WORLD LEADERS ARE CORRUPT!…NOT one can be trusted now. NOT ONE!….This ZIONIST EVIL has infiltrated ALL GOVERNMENTS……All Government parties are the SAME NWO PARTY..THE UNI-PARTY!!!!!..In Canada this BULLSHIT started with Mulroney the TRAITOR! It hasn’t stopped since. Mulroney is a ZIONIST LOVING ASSHOLE who supports EVIL at all costs, but than again so did Trudeau, so did Harper,,,so did ALL THE POLITICIANS……..There is no voting choice…THEY ARE ALL THE SAME ZIONIST CONTROLLED PUPPETS! So how are you going to fix this????????…..Remember…ALL CORPORATIONS ARE THE SAME ZIONIST CONTROLLERS!….YOUR GOVERNMENT IS FASCIST!…NWO CORPORATION FACIST!

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