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After the Cabal Falls: Here’s What Needs To Be Done (Part 1)

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Dr. Ilya Sandra Perlingieri
September 27, 2012

“Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it is the only thing that ever has.”    Margaret Mead

Over the last two-and-a-half decades, my writings and last book (The Uterine Crisis) have focused on numerous but grave environmental toxins that have impacted our health –both individually and collectively. I have called it a “planned, multi-pronged assault” on every aspect of our lives. One crisis after another has kept us all off balance with no time to think clearly. So, it is, therefore, very important to address the various levels of injury, once the dark cabal can no longer create their vast daily chaos. Their days are quite numbered, as the global financial debacle they created will soon be over. From my own research, I believe the following areas noted below are the ones that must be addressed. This is a short –but pressing– list; and certainly it can and will be expanded.

The Federal Reserve is a private banking consortium that has wrecked global havoc. These banksters are accountable to no one. Along with other banks and mortgage companies, these financial institutions have stolen vast sums of our money and have criminalized banking. Further, “public” agencies, with their cozy revolving door between government and business, perpetrate and perpetuate this enormous financial, environmental and medical deceit that, for decades, has its lethal tentacles in every area of our lives.  See:

This corrupt banking system has been unraveling for quite some time. Just connect some of the financial dots: Liens have been placed on the various 12 Federal Reserve banks both here and their international branches in Europe and Japan:

More than 140 nations are no longer involved with US criminal banking activities. In addition, last June, Reuters reported that the five biggest banks already have created a contingency plan of “living wills” if [or actually when] they go out of business. They are not too big to fail.  See:

And here’s an update from August:

 The US fiscal year ends this week on September 30th. A new report shows that the US Treasury is foreclosing on the Federal Reserve (since there already are liens on the 12 Fed banks):

These modern-day robber barons are now out of money and out of options. However, there are others who still need to be held accountable:

It is just a matter of a short time before the mainstream media will be forced to report these major events. So, please make sure your gas tank is full and have at least a month’s worth of food and water, first aid supplies, and any other essentials. Shelves will empty rapidly, once the media reports this.

The entire corrupt and rigged system, in which we live out our days, is completely broken. It is not fixable [nor should it be], and a new one, based on harmony and truth is in the works. Plans are already in place, behind the scenes, to “ease” the banking collapse. It is long overdue; and there will be accountability for all the theft. Debt forgiveness will be a big part of a new financial system. Abundance for everyone [can you believe this?] will have top priority. The US NESARA [National Economic Security and Reformation Act] will finally be released. (It is now under a gag-order):

Once we are no longer in the Cabal’s vice-grip, here are the major and ESSENTIAL areas that we must collectively address, ASAP:

Food Supply:

  1. Millions of farmers have been planting toxic GMO crops. These have spread to other farms (via wind, insects and birds) that have NOT used these poisoned seeds. Farmers must be educated about the hidden global devastation and havoc these seeds and toxically engineered plants have created –from sterility to cancer. F. William Engdahl’s “Seeds of Destruction” is an excellent book on this topic.

    • Local environmental and other groups can be educated and then share this info with farmers.
    • Articles can be written for both local and national newspapers, magazines, and also online to help with giving out accurate information. Some important international websites are: London’s (directed by Dr. Mae-Wan Ho); Montreal’s (directed by Prof. Michel Chossudovsky) with an Environment section link on the home page; and Dr. Vandana Shiva’s important work at:
    • A very well-designed website “clearing-house” can be promoted in various media and used as an information hub (with language translation links). It would be important to have a “Contact Us” link where humans can respond in a timely manner. For any independent scientist, researcher, or educator this might provide needed funds for living (since millions are out of work).
    • The “organics” movement (worth billions) has been greatly compromised and bought off to silence their real value. This has been the cabal’s way of orchestrating “controlled dissent.” For those who really believe in the well-being and health of Gaia and all her inhabitants, these people around the globe can also be part of a genuine education network (from permaculture, to companion planting, and every related subject in between). For example, magazines, such as Mother Earth News, The Ecologist, E The Environmental Magazine, etc., can be enlisted to help educated everyone about the lasting value of taking care of our soil (now greatly depleted of nutrients and heavily chemically poisoned).
  2. A nutritious food supply must start with healthy and uncontaminated seeds, un-poisoned soil, and good care of all farm animals (who should never be chipped). Noted author and restauranteur Alice Waters has created a pioneering school educational program that addresses much of this. See:

Chemicals & Pharmaceuticals:

Trans-national companies, part of the pan-global web of cabal poisonings, have decimated the entire web of life. See, 2011 article in New Scientistmagazine:–the-capitalist-network-that-runs-the-world.html

Once these companies can no longer manufacture their poisons, we will need a vast and well-educated clean-up corps. Conceivably, the military could be retrained (and de-contaminated, as they have been un-informed guinea pigs) and used in a beneficial way to undo so much of the destruction they have created under the cabal’s dictates. An authentic Global Peace Corps can also help.

Over these past four months, I have just driven back and forth across the US. The devastation and death of millions (possibly even billions) of trees (from the Grand Canyon to the Rockies to many national forests) is heart-wrenching to see! They are part of Gaia’s gorgeous green-velvet mantle! The trees and plants give us Oxygen. We, in turn, give them Carbon dioxide This sustains the entire web-of-life in a vital, life-giving exchange!

The chemical EDB (Ethyl di-bromide), a lethal desiccant in the Chemtrails aerosols, has dried up everything! Air pollution is now rampant, and there is little enforcement of any kind of real “clean” air. This has been deliberate, so corporations are rarely held accountable. We do not have “fresh” or clean air anywhere! Driving across the entire state of Ohio is a totally hazardous venture. From, one end to the other, the state’s unbreatheable air is rife with poisons. It is a wonder that any Ohioan can function. It has also been reported that “benevolent Galactic human” ET technology will be used to help in this massive cleaning and repair. This will be most welcome!

The manufacture of vaccines and other pharmaceuticals that continue to cause injury and death must be stopped. Again, education is a top priority so that the public is accurately informed about what has been done to wreck human health –and that of our farm, companion, and wild animals.

 “…this moist canopy –the air [now] …a foul and pestilent congregation of vapours.”  – Hamlet

Geo-engineering the Weather:

Shakespeare’s Hamlet said it best more than 400-hundred years ago. Our air has been deliberately poisoned by the elite insiders, in an on-going assault on all of us. After more than a decade and a half (longer in some areas), the spraying of highly toxic Chemtrails aerosols has decimated our soil, air and water. Many non-profit organizations, such as the illustrious Carnicom Institute [] could lead the way in educating people about what has occurred. Researcher Clifford Carnicom has done pioneering and heroic scientific investigation to document what these corrosive and deadly aerosols have done.

In Europe, Peter Vereecke (founder of the Belfort Group in Belgium) has also done ground-breaking work to disseminate this information to the public. See: In 2012, the Belfort Group was the first to hold a Chemtrails conference.

The recent first US conference (Aug. 17-19, 2012, in Los Angeles), “Consciousness Beyond Chemtrails” addressed many of these issues. It was also carried on a live webstream across the globe.

Weather modification [Geo-engineering] programs and weaponizing our planet’s weather must be stopped, including HAARP. An excellent read is Dr. Rosalie Bertell’s “Planet Earth: The Latest Weapon of War.” Mainstream weather reports are bogus, as they omit all references to these stealth programs. Accurate weather news can be found at This website could become a role model and clearing house for real weather news.

Independent US polymer scientist, Dr. R. Michael Castle, has also documented how these chemicals and self-replicating synthetic organisms this has affected our web of life.

Also: the decades-long massive release into the water supply of highly toxic chorine and fluoride must not just be stopped, but also removed. This, too, may be something that ET technology can help eliminate.


The long-term permanent damage we have ALL sustained, since the first two bombs were dropped on unsuspecting civilians in Nagasaki and Hiroshima, must now be accurately addressed and cleaned up. Over the past 67 years, there has never been, any safe level of radiation exposure! From untold bombs dropped or detonated undersea, underground, or in the atmosphere, or now criminally in warfare in the mid-East, none of it is safe! This also includes the mainstream allopathic medical focus on X-ray use and radiating cancer patients. Radiation kills the immune system –just what is urgently needed when the body is under siege! We are all in harm’s way. Several top doctors and scientists have been highly vocal about this: Dr. Helen Caldicott, Dr. Chris Busby, and the brilliant scientist and whistle-blower Leuren Moret.

Currently, we do not have any real and safe radiation clean-up technology. What is being used now is worthless. With an ageing fleet of unsafe nuclear reactors, the entire industry needs to be shut down. The nuclear disasters at Fukushima and Chernobyl are radioactive global nightmares that continue to contaminate all of us with on-going doses of radiation! Safe energy technology is already available.

Hopefully, with “Disclosure” [see, Dr. Steven Greer’, and his new documentary to be released in December, “Sirius”] we will have much needed help from intelligent beings who have learned to live together in peace. This is something we urgently need to learn! We are all part of the same human family; and we must “agree to disagree” PEACEFULLY for global harmony and international tranquility. We must reject the cabal’s deliberate focus on war and fear. This keeps us in our lowest chakras and a deep lack of spiritual understanding. We can and must raise our individual and collective consciousness towards ascension to higher realms. This is what the sages have been writing about for millennia.

EMF/RF Exposure:

This is the first time in our entire history that humans and all other life on our planet have been constantly exposed to electromagnetic and radio frequencies that are extremely harmful and are already causing devastation to all life. Cell towers, cell phones, Wi-Fi, so-called “Smart” but also other digital utility meters, and other wireless technology are known carcinogens, damage DNA, and are causing an already visible crisis of early signs of brain dysfunction and cognitive damage. With this daily assault, it is impossible to think clearly.

This is also true for microwave technology. As it heats things up, microwave ovens scramble the food’s molecular structure. This destroys any nutritional value. These shockingly high frequencies create what Clifford Carnicom calls “frequency induced diseases.” In addition, for more than 35 years, Prof. Olle Johansson, at Sweden’s Karolinska Institute, also has been warning about the EMF dangers in his numerous scientific research papers. We have ignored this important research at our own collective peril.

The global plan to supposedly “update” the energy grid was done without any public discussion of the enormous injury and harm that is already evident. The various utility companies have not advised their customers of the known dangers of exposure to these frequencies. It is deceit, pure and simple. This technology must be stopped. It is based on numerous invisible biological hazards, while the multi-national corporations are making billions. In the place of these Haz-Mats, there is already known and safe energy technology that has been sequestered by the military. Some of it is based on the brilliant work of Nicola Tesla done 100 years ago, but stolen by J.P. Morgan and later weaponized.

Nano-Technology & Self-Replicating  Synthetic  Organisms:

Currently, two self-replicating synthetic organisms have been released to create additional, but unseen, world-wide havoc. There was never any public discussion about them, prior to their release. Public education about them, what they have already done, and help in removing them from those ill should be one of the top priorities after the cabal is removed. Billions of people and animals are seriously affected. These are:

a)    Morgellons Syndrome: colored polymer fibers found in both the blood of sufferers as well as in numerous samples of Chemtrails aerosols.

b)    During the Gulf of Mexico oil disaster, Craig Ventner’s company released a self-replicating synthetic organism (supposedly to clean up the oil). Again, there was no public discussion of what this organism could do. This has continued to create untold chaos throughout the Gulf of Mexico and beyond. The Gulf of Mexico is dying. This means thousands of people and all the Gulf’s creatures have been irreparably contaminated with both Corexit and this synthetic replicating organism. From dolphins, whales, and turtles to shrimp and fish, no living creature has been spared. People who spoke out were threatened. Some died under mysterious circumstances. Anyone who eats Gulf fish or crustaceans is at risk. There are numerous scientific reports regarding the Gulf’s deliberate and massive contamination. British Petroleum [BP, but known as “Beyond Prosecution”] has never been held accountable for their criminality in decimating the entire Gulf.

Please note: There has NEVER been any use of the Precautionary Principle: first do no harm.  Harm is the order of the day. Precaution is NOT practiced!


Accurate information and news must get out to the mostly un-informed general public. Until mainstream, corporate-controlled media can be cleaned up and report the truth, there are several cutting-edge websites, already up, that can expand what they are already doing:

a)    Cosmic Vision News with Geoffrey West:


c)    Galactic Free Press: www.soundofheart/galacticfreepress

d)    Conscious Life News:

e)    Exopolitics, the website of Dr. Alfred Labremont Webre (Canada)

f)     Geoff Brady’s “In Other News” on New York’s WBAI radio (Mondays at 10 p.m. Eastern time. It is linked at:

g)    In Canada: Joani Hollebone’s “Character Driven” program (Mondays at 2 p.m. Pacific time):

With their excellent content and high standard of ethics, these last two programs could be expanded to daily shows.

NOTE: This is just a brief summary of major crisis areas that must be addressed promptly, as we go towards Gaia’s planetary healing and a new Golden Age. As seen in the hidden ancient Egyptian pyramids at Giza, we are entering a vast and exciting time when our solar system is heading for the center of the Milky Way Galaxy. This is part of what is known as the “Precession of the Equinoxes.” It is an almost 26,000-year cycle. In mid-December, we will be at the half-way point of 13,000 years as we arrive there. See: Carmen Boulter’s fabulous 5-part DVD documentary, “The Pyramid Code.” It is essential viewing. Additionally, Robert Bauval’s book “The Orion Mystery” is very informative on the astronomical links the Giza Pyramids have.

Gaia has been ill for a long time, and we have been poor caretakers, due, in great part, to the malevolence of the cabal. We have moral, ethical, and spiritual responsibilities for all of us to partake in her healing and well-being. I believe that these new and long un-used heart-directions can bring bonds of love and peace for all of us.

A vast new Educational Program (from pre-school through university) is an absolute key for our entire planet. Education must include critical thinking and complete independence from corporate foundation control. People should not be threatened because they think differently! The deception and lies to which we have been subjected must now give way to transparency and accuracy. We also need to know about who destroyed our Constitution [more on that in a future article] and all the stealth, black-ops programs that have brought us to the brink of destruction. We need a balance, too, where women’s contributions are part of our heritage. Martin Luther King was right when he said “the truth will set us free.” It is long overdue!

More than 100 years ago, the brilliant Italian physician and educator Dr. Maria Montessori understood the need to use a child’s “sensitive periods of early development” where learning was a joy. (This does not mean being hooked on early childhood use of dangerous cell phones. They cause brain cancer.) We need to know the truth of our collective stories –not just manufactured eons of violence and wars. This must start in our homes, spread to the entire educational system, and then social networks and society at large.

We also need to plant our gardens and have music as an essential part of our daily lives. Here is the musical genius of pianist Gustavo Romero playing the first movement of Rachmaninoff’s Piano Concerto No. 3 [recorded live]:

These are all exciting but do-able global projects of peace and healing, as we join together in harmony and love to help one another.

I would be most happy to contribute my educational skills in this healing, and I truly hope we can begin to network together to create our peaceful world. Be in the moment of now. Or, as Ram Dass said many decades ago: “Be here now.” Look all around you. Really LOOK! Pay attention to what is happening to NATURE, to Gaia, right NOW! Think with your heart. Find time to meditate and become centered on who you are and where you truly want to go. We always have an opportunity to re-evaluate what we think we know, based on new information. This is where we are right now. We have untapped spiritual power and energy to break through the darkness the cabal has created to keep us trapped! Use that power in your meditation and daily activities. Don’t read contrived war-mongering and other dark news. It puts one in a fear mode.

We need to create positive head spaces. This is part of going towards an advanced state of higher consciousness. Imagine our new world based on love and kindness, tolerance, peace and compassion! This is for our highest evolved individual and collective GOOD. This vision is becoming our new and positive reality.

I also wish to thank so many of you all for your kind words and tremendous support of my writings and research that was so evident during and after my lecture at last month’s CBC Conference in Los Angeles. It means a great deal to me.


Dr. Ilya Sandra Perlingieri

For those interested, some of my articles can be found at:

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    Total 2 comments
    • Anonymous

      Wow. about Ohio, I jest read.

    • Ruk9p

      A short enumerated list describing some of the technologies and practices doing the job will need. Some of which is in the process of commercialization today.

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