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By Josey Wales (Reporter)
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Chaos Ahead > The Agenda

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The world is currently being enslaved by a relatively small group of multi-billionaire psychopaths who pretend to by the saviors of humanity. Yet, these demons who we see and hear so much from publicly are just legates; the viziers for a hereditary elite class consisting of only thirteen Edomite central banking families [1] who are the ones that are really behind the evil that we are witnessing in the world, especially since they took control of the U.S. monetary system in 1913. [2]

The names of The Thirteen Families are as follows:

· the House of Rothschild

· the House of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha (House of Windsor)

· the House of Rockefeller

· the House of Orange-Nassau

· the House of Warburg

· the House of Du Pont

· the House of Welf

· the House of Lazard

· the House of Habsburg

· the House of Liechtenstein

· the House of Savoy

· the House of Goldman

· the House of Sachs

You will NEVER hear or see anything from these people, or any mention of them from the mainstream propaganda media. Yet, they are the real power and the real evil that’s at work in this world, not folks like Gates, Schwab, Soros, et. al. who you see and hear so much from Those are all just front men were all “made” (created and empowered) by the Thirteen Families.

The technique they’re currently using to overthrow human civilization as we’ve know it for hundreds of years is called “ORDO AB CHAO,” which is a Latin expression of [of Jesuit origin], meaning Order out of Chaos. It’s actually the motto of the Thirty-third Degree of Freemasonry, a secret society to which all of these banking family members have belonged to for centuries.

ORDO AB CHAO is, in fact, a strategy that’s long been used by the Thirteen Families in order to accomplish their diabolical, multi-generational plan of achieving complete, worldwide hegemony– their “New World Order.” by and through the Hegelian Dialect, or what is more simply called the Problem-Reaction-Solution Dialectic.

This Hegelian Dialect has been used by the ruling class to engineer human societies for hundreds of years. It has three steps: First, you create a PROBLEM, or claim that a problem exists, where one actually doesn’t. Then, in the second step, you fan the flames of REACTION to this problem by using the sock puppet media outlets that you own or control in order to fear-monger and elevate the issue to the point where the public is demanding a solution (stampeding in the direction that you want). In the third step, you offer the public a SOLUTION to the problem–your solution; the one you already cooked-up way before you began this process, and which, if finally implemented, only you, or your agenda, will benefit from.

Using this dialectic of Problem-Reaction-Solution, conflict and chaos are created at great cost of lives and resources in order to dismantle the social and political structures by which once free societies like ours are intended to be governed; ultimately to be replaced with centralized power and control of the people and our resources.

This dialectic is called the Hegelian Dialectic, and its a key component of the Luciferian/Masonic system, which is not just a religious system, but also political system, [3] the one being imposed upon humanity right now by the elite banking families which, quite literally, have long owned and/or controlled this world.

That’s what this giant, worldwide, COVID-19 PSYOP and Globalist takeover operation is. It’s the problem that these demons created in order to provide the excuse they need to herd humanity into the feedlot that is their New World Order.

However, let’s not forget that a feedlot is just one degree of separation removed from a slaughterhouse, which is exactly where we’re all headed if we don’t get off our knees, throw the stupid masks in the trash, and start saying “NO!” for a change.

 - Order Out of Chaos

Ordo Ab Cho

Ordo Ab Cho is the Latin phrase for “Order Out of Chaos”. According to basic Illuminati or higher Masonic dogma, the New World Order will result after a period of choreographed chaos, which the state will probably implement through war and bloodshed. Masonic initiates who progress and ultimately attain the 33rd degree receive a jewel with the inscription “Ordo Ab Chao,” surrounded with three interlocking triangles. Professor Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel, a Freemason and a political and social scientist at the University of Berlin (1817-1831), maintained that man could shape history and achieve ultimate peace only through repetitive episodes of controlled conflict between opposing forces. Hegel advocated the idea that men must create, manipulate and manage that conflict in order to create a pre-determined outcome – the controlled change, the synthesis.

Bible Prophesies Chaos Ahead

The present turmoil we find ourselves in is child’s play compared to the world upheaval just ahead as foretold in the Bible. The prophecy of Revelation 9:15 simply says: “So the four angels, who had been prepared for the hour and day and month and year, were released to kill a third of mankind.” (NKJV) One-third of humanity wiped out in this prophesied war? Now that’s chaos!


The Bible does prophesy that out of the chaos described in Revelation 9:13-21 will emerge a New World Order. Good news? No! It will be the one-world government over which the Antichrist will rule. It will be three and one-half years of the worst tyranny the world has ever known.

Is There Any Hope?

Daniel 11:32-33 prophesies concerning the Antichrist and his reign: “And such as do wickedly against the covenant shall he (the Antichrist) corrupt by flatteries: but the people that do know their God shall be strong, and do exploits. And they that understand among the people shall instruct many…”


The time of the Antichrist will be a time of great persecution against God’s people. However, this passage specifically states that Christians during this time will be strong and do exploits! The prophecy also says that those who understand the times in which they are living shall “instruct many”. This lets us know that during the times of chaos just ahead, there will be great opportunities for leading people to Jesus Christ.


Yes, there is definitely more and greater chaos ahead. No one can change that. It is prophesied, and the prophecies always come to pass.


However, we can either cower in fear or we can boldly pursue the fulfillment of the great commission left to us by our Lord Jesus Christ. We should be gearing up right now for the greatest evangelistic thrust in the history of the church!


And remember…only Jesus Christ can truly bring order out of chaos.

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    • Gordon

      “Christians during this time will be strong and do exploits!”

      Though there is a time for strength the Bible says there is first a time of breaking.
      Daniel 7:25-27 He will speak against the Most High and oppress his holy people and try to change the set times and the laws. The holy people will be delivered into his hands for a time, times and half a time. “‘But the court will sit, and his power will be taken away and completely destroyed forever. 27 Then the sovereignty, power and greatness of all the kingdoms under heaven will be handed over to the holy people of the Most High. His kingdom will be an everlasting kingdom, and all rulers will worship and obey him.’

      2 Corinthians 12:9 But he said to me, “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.” Therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ’s power may rest on me.

      This is where a revelation of the Cross becomes so important to this time of transformation.


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