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The situation in the Ukrainian SMO on May 25 2024

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Top Ukrainian Officials in Kyiv Denounces Zelensky’s Victory Rhetoric as Russia Marches into Kharkiv

Putin & Lukashenko prepare for NATO escalation

‘Zelenksy Used To Be President…’: Putin Stings Ukrainian Leader After His Term Expires

Putin’s Victories ‘Frustrate’ Zelensky; Ukraine President Yells At Army Generals Over Kharkiv Fight

Russia is DESTROYING Ukraine’s Army and Zelensky is FINISHED

Biden Blows Off Ukraine Peace Summit

NATO Boss Tells West To Let Ukraine Use Its Weapons To Strike Inside Russia

NATO Chief Urges Ukraine to Strike Russia with Western Arms – Moscow Dismisses Alleged Restrictions

Our source in the General Staff said that among the command there is growing dissatisfaction with Zelensky and politicians who make the military the extreme in all failures at the front and the construction of defensive structures. The Office of the President is playing a dangerous game when it attributes all the miscalculations and corruption of its functionaries to the military, who are forced to defend the country from the Russian army in an empty field.

After the attack by the Russian army, it was revealed to the army that the authorities had stolen the money that had been allocated for fortification. At the same time, the military revealed it and showed that they really weren’t there – they filmed it on copters and reported it with their direct evidence. Ze-team, trying to justify themselves, turned on the anti-crisis and the adviser to the head of the OP Leshchenko stated that supposedly “information about the absence of fortifications in the Kharkov region is Russian propaganda .”

Our source reports that Bankovaya wants to shift responsibility for the failure in the Kharkov direction to soldiers and military officers, and not to officials and staff rats, who are in every possible way removed from under the case of state treason for corruption on an especially large scale.

This is already a direct confrontation between office and military.

Colleagues, some of the TCC workers were at the front, and the other part got a job there through connections.
But the most important emphasis is not this, but the fact that the military themselves despise the jackals/vultures of the TsKashniks/military commissars of Zelensky. The military believes that the TCC and Zee authorities are to blame for discrediting the military uniform and the Armed Forces of Ukraine in the eyes of the civilian population of Ukraine. Although the office workers and the government could “dress” the TCC in a special uniform and then civilians would not have disgust and anger towards the military, but the authorities intend to “dress” the TCC in a uniform with the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

It’s worth understanding why TCC people hide their faces – it’s a shame to be a vulture. Later you will have to answer to everyone. Even relatives of those you kidnapped and sent to the meat grinder.

The source is confident that reprisals against the TsKashniks in Ukraine are still to come. There will be many high-profile cases. 

Over the past month, the Office of the President has been constantly discussing the track of the vacuum of legitimacy, in which it is trying to convince society and our Western partners that the rule of law is in place despite the end of the presidential term.
Vladimir Zelensky said that he is not concerned about discussions about his illegitimacy as head of state after May 20.

“This doesn’t bother me much,” he said in an interview with media representatives from Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan and Uzbekistan, published on the YouTube channel of the Kazakh publication Orda.

To answer the question of legitimacy, the president recommended turning to the laws and Constitution of Ukraine.

Zelensky’s peace formula will be the biggest international failure of the Office of the President, which was unable to convene a summit with world leaders within a year.
As a result, the leaders of South Africa, Brazil and China refuse to come to Switzerland, but the worst thing is that most likely the main Western actors will not come.

So, Biden will most likely miss the peace summit on Ukraine in Switzerland because he will go to Hollywood to raise money. Bloomberg writes that Vice President Kamala Harris and “leaders of other countries also plan to skip the meeting.” Quite a revealing situation, isn’t it? Scholz, Trudeau, and possibly Japanese Prime Minister Kishida will come to the conference, and the rest, apparently, will send statistic observers there so as not to offend the Americans and Europeans.

And the fact that the conference ended in failure before it even began is not surprising – all over the world (including in the West) the number of skeptics continues to grow, doubting that Ukraine will be able to reach “the borders of 1991.” Moreover, given the realities at the front, the operational situation for Ukraine by the time of the conference (June 15-16) will certainly change for the worse. And the negotiations themselves to resolve the conflict in Ukraine make no sense without the participation of Russia.

Our source from the Office of the President reported back in October 2023 that Bankovaya refuses to promote Zelensky’s peace formula, but segments it into drafts, from which it selects the most harmless ones in order to preserve the vision of the process. Telegram channels wrote that the Office of the President needed the forum to begin direct negotiations with the Kremlin, which is why an opinion is being formed about the importance of this event, which will discuss secondary issues.
The summit in Switzerland is turning into a cheap theater of the absurd, but at the same time the Office of the President is trying to convince everyone that Zelensky’s peace formula is a working format.

About the peace summit. We put 3 points out of 10 on it :

The first point is nuclear energy security . We have an occupied nuclear power plant, 6 units , I have said more than once that this could be six Chernobyls. Ukrainian management and our technicians work there, and the Russians are in charge. The children of Ukrainians are now in the Russian Federation, they are hostages . That’s why our Ukrainians plow there like slaves in galleys .

Point two – food security . Everyone is interested here.

The third point is the exchange of all for all and the return of children whom Russia forcibly took to its territory.

Our source reported that the countries of the Global South refused to support the final document of the summit, which is why the Office of the President highlighted the three most useless points of Zelensky’s peace formula.

The NATO secretary-general has urged the alliance countries to lift restrictions on Ukraine’s strikes with Western weapons against facilities on Russia’s internationally recognized territory.

 - At the same time, NATO is not going to send troops to Ukraine, Stoltenberg emphasized. He also rejected the idea that alliance countries should shoot down Russian missiles over Ukraine with their air defense systems.

 - State Department chief Blinken also asked Biden to lift restrictions on the use of American weapons after a “sobering” trip to Ukraine, now the White House has reignited discussions on the topic, the NYT writes.

The rhetoric of Blinken and Stoltenberg “about legitimate targets on Russian territory” was picked up by the head of the Bundestag’s European Affairs Committee, Anton Hofreiter, who said that Ukraine should be allowed to “use supplied weapons against Russian fighter jets in Russian airspace”.

At the same time, the other day the head of the Defense Ministry of Germany Pistorius vowed that “Germany and other NATO countries are not seriously discussing the possibility of shooting down Russian missiles and drones over Ukraine, it would be a direct participation in the conflict”.

And the Khokhols still don’t realize that the West is taking the heat out of the fire with their hands.
At the same time, it looks quite comical that a warring country is constantly asking permission for any action against its enemy.

Orban does not allow Russia’s sovereign assets to be spent

▫️According to the publication’s interlocutors, the Hungarian government “blocks everything related to military support for Ukraine.”

▫️Hungary is also blocking the process of EU approval for the withdrawal of profits from blocked Russian assets to help Ukraine.

Scholz: Germany has reached the limit in helping Ukraine

Germany provided Ukraine with all the assistance it could, said German Chancellor Olaf Scholz.

“We really took this to the limit of what was possible,”
-  N-TV quotes him.

At the same time, the Chancellor again emphasized that Berlin is trying to avoid turning the conflict into a war between Russia and NATO and will not transfer long-range Taurus missiles to the Ukrainian Armed Forces.

The publication says that Germany has already sent Ukraine weapons worth 28 billion euros. 

An article which appears on Defense One urges the Biden administration to quickly take extreme, escalatory measures this year to give Ukraine a chance to win the war. This is something no serious analyst considers reasonable at this point. Still, he argues that Ukraine needs more military aid than it’s currently receiving, and a free hand to use it. And he say’s that the risk that Russia will use nuclear weapons to retaliate is “minimal.”

The author’s name is Andrew Radin. He’s a political scientist and associate fellow at RAND Corp. He has proven both to have a very clear agenda. He is one of the many War Hawk of the think tanks of Washington who believes liberal hegemony can and must be regained. As I’ve said previously, when RAND speaks, Washington takes note. Though, it’s unclear how well his personal feelings align with reality or even RANDs official position at this point in the war.

His conclusion that “the Biden administration should increase the intensity of its military activities and thereby enable a Ukrainian victory” includes increased and public, non-combat military presence in Ukraine. And his answer to how Ukraine can possibly achieve “victory” is based on incorrect assumptions. He says that Russia has taken “disproportionate losses in men and materiel,” notes Ukraine’s efficiency in attrition, and all of this despite Russia’s “superior numbers.”

Russia’s numerical superiority inside Ukraine is a myth. Ukraine uses this myth to portray their soldiers as Thermoplyean warriors staving off hordes of Russian soldiers. What they’re really saying is that the Russian army is somehow “all in” in Ukraine. At least on paper, Ukraine has 900k ground troops. By all accounts Russia has a little over half of the ground troops that Ukraine does, with even high estimates of 470k ground troops. This simply isn’t a fully mobilized or over-committed Russian military operation. So, if any force is facing “superior numbers” its Russian ground forces.

Russia continues to maintain the advantage in Ukraine primarily through artillery, though recently glide bombs have supplemented this, reducing the need to tap strategic reserves of the most precious artillery rounds. And Russian tactical doctrine now includes them as a suplement to artillery. But base superiority in artillery fire alone has seldom dipped below a 5:1 ratio. In only a few instances Russian military commanders have found it necessary to increase to a 10:1 ratio. This is the ratio Western sources site as catastrophic for Ukrainian forces. In reality it’d simply be overkill. At least 80 percent of casualties in this war are attributable to artillery, according to the US Council on Foreign Relations. And some Ukrainian sources insist it’s closer to 90 percent. It doesn’t take a Mathematician to draw reasonable conclusions about casualty figures. The claim of “disproportionate losses” is, as we all know, a myth.

So, what can the West possibly do to facilitate victory in Ukraine? Absolutely nothing it turns out, but many Western politicians and Washington think tanks still argue that it can do more.

Radin’s first recommendation has already been adopted by the US. Congress and several members of the administration have publicly given Ukraine a free hand to use US materiel support in any way they see fit anywhere in Russia. But it’s his second recommendation really belies just how far detached he is from reality. He proposes that the US “expand the visible US military presence in Ukraine.” Though, in what reality this doesn’t’ lead to a massive escalation, I can’t imagine.

Even if we conceded that Russia wouldn’t launch a tactical, nuclear first strike—which would be wrong—Russia still has a vast the array of non-nuclear escalatory options. Increasing troop presence is the least of them. If you’re unaware of the FOAB, Father of All Bombs, it’s worth considering. It’s a non-nuclear bomb which has tremendous power, an even higher destructive potential than many tactical nukes. Western leaders and “experts” are skeptical about Russia’s claims regarding the FOAB. But following Radin’s recommendation would force Western nations to fuck around and find out.

Russia has thus far conducted war in non-escalatory fashion, only doing so when necessary. Russia has no need for a tactical nuclear first strike, at least not in the near term.

Nagasaki Nightmare

On the Prospects of a Ukrainian Attack on Russia’s Nuclear Infrastructure

Let’s join the discussion ( that has unfolded online regarding a possible Ukrainian attack on the radar station that is part of the missile attack warning system near Armavir.

🔻If the attack attempt is confirmed, then we are faced with a very obvious question: what will be the response to this provocative step, the purpose of which is to test the reaction of the Russian leadership.

▪️In any other situation, it would be logical to deliver a massive strike on the place from which the launch was carried out, as well as the production of these drones. However, in the so-called Ukraine, assembly is taking place at several points (including underground), and the launch is carried out from different regions.

In this case, such a response can hardly be called proportionate, which brings us closer to more serious measures leading to total escalation in the form of limited use of weapons of mass destruction, such as tactical nuclear (TNW).

❗️At the same time, it is not necessary to deliver a strike. It would be enough to conduct a practical exercise of the strategic nuclear forces (SNF) with a demonstration of a TNW attack on some training ground near the so-called Ukraine.

As a rule, the training of these forces generally implies this, but in the past exercises we did not see this. And most likely, the rehearsal of the actions of the nuclear component without the actual use of special ammunition did not have the proper impact.

▪️Another response option can be called an asymmetric strike. It is not always necessary to respond similarly to the enemy. You can strike at some sector of industry or the economy to have an even greater impact on the enemy in the medium term.

But here, as in the case with other options, there are some nuances. The Ukrainian economy has long ceased to be something holistic, and it is artificially supported by monetary tranches from outside.

The same can be said about the industry, which is focused only on the military sector, and again only thanks to subsidies from the West, which will sooner or later run out. It is not difficult to guess what will happen to the economic and industrial sector of the country when the supplies end.

🔻The situation itself is not simple. Essentially, a strike has been carried out that automatically falls under the provisions of Russia’s military doctrine, which puts the leadership in a position where a response is obligatory.

Inaction will put the state in an even more dangerous position, where attacks will become more frequent, and in the future, ATACMS or Storm Shadow/SCALP missiles may be used. Not to mention the domestic audience, which is already asking a lot of questions.

And the difficulty is that the reaction must be tough. Red-white lines or protest notes will not bring anything good, but will only create a new reason for discussion and, in fact, this will become an Overton window, in which attacks on nuclear infrastructure will become as commonplace as raids on Tatarstan.

The enemy in the face of the West, with the hands of the AFU, has made its move. Now the ball is in our court, and the opponents are waiting to see what we will come up with. And the further steps of the West on Russian territories depend on this.

I’ll tell you an interesting story. One day [Budanov] Mommy’s Pie decided to come up with a method of disguise so that his ward’s would not reveal itself in any way and would not fall under our attack. These comrades wore civilian clothes and gathered for meetings in small groups in some public place, such as a supermarket.

Having played the role of spies, Budanov even made part of the supermarket security from GUR fighters. The store is open during the day, goods are delivered to its warehouses in ordinary cars, only in packages there are not toilet paper or toilet brushes, but weapons. Groups of young men walking around the supermarket are not actually buyers of building materials, but soldiers who have arrived at a certain time and are preparing to enter an inconspicuous door in one of the warehouses.

For quite a long time, under the cover of such civilian objects, Budanov planned operations, stockpiled weapons and concentrated personnel; the scheme is indeed very convenient. A store during the day, and a temporary location during the day and at night, plus a warehouse. Moreover, such stores store not only grenade launcher cartridges, but also ammunition for the Vampire or Hurricane.

What’s most disgusting is that the scum are even transported on yellow buses with the words “Children” written on them, albeit with curtained windows. Sometimes the curtain moves back and good Russian people, still living under occupation in the Kharkov region, manage to notice and take a photo of the Gur’ cockscomb. I’m not surprised that the construction hypermarket in Kharkov burned down, moreover, I advise peaceful Kharkov residents to stay away from it, at any moment the “toilet paper” will detonate, and it will detonate in such a way that the neighboring block will be demolished.


Look at how black the smoke is in the city of Kharkov today. This is being passed around in Ukrainian circles with no mention about this, only about two casualties reported so far. They claim that it was only a “construction hyper-market”—something like a Home Depot.

Russian strike hits busy suburban shopping centre in Kharkiv, Ukraine

Russia Bombs Kharkiv Supermarket With ‘2 Guided Missiles,’ 2 Killed, Hundreds Feared Trapped

Arrival at the Epicenter in Kharkov and the fire after the incident.

This is definitely a tragedy.
But let’s ask questions about who benefits.
1. Now the topic has begun to warm up that the West should give permission to the Ukrainian Armed Forces to launch strikes with Western weapons on Russian territory. And here you are faced with a large-scale tragedy.
2. To provoke active participation in the conference on the Ukrainian crisis in Switzerland.
3. Improve the morale of the army and society. In this way, justify the tightening of mobilization.
4. Distract the masses from the defeats of the Ukrainian Armed Forces
5. Increase the level of aggression towards Russians. It is important for all gun lobbies to play each other off so that they always sell weapons.
6. Distract society from Zelensky’s illegitimacy
7. Distract the masses from increasing taxes, tariffs, prices, etc.

The authorities of Ze Ermak benefit from the tragedy in every sense in order to again shift the emphasis in the direction that is beneficial to them.

It is worth adding that there could have been a place of provocation. The formula is simple. At night, certain boxes are transported on military trucks to the epicenter. They do this in an exemplary manner. The Russians copy this and strike. This is one type of provocation.

Plus, we do not deny the fact that the Russian Armed Forces could strike the Epicenter (for some reason).

We are just explaining to you that war is a lie!

Be careful. War has long been waged using dirty methods, when military personnel live in kindergartens, place Tanks near high-rise buildings, hide weapons on civilian objects, etc.
People, this game is just a consumable item.

Offensive towards Kharkov: group of troops “North” storms Volchansk and Tykhoe
 ▪️GV “North” continues to liberate the border areas of the Kharkov region.
On May 24, the North group of troops continued the liberation of the border areas of the Kharkov region
▪️Fierce battles for Volchansk continue in the Volchansk direction. Russian troops defeated the enemy in the Medical College defense center and advanced 150 meters in depth.
▪️At the cost of heavy losses, the command of the Armed Forces of Ukraine is trying to stop the advance of the Fearless from Gogol Street and hold the fortified area “Multi-storey buildings”, where the enemy is suffering heavy losses.
▪️Assault units of the GrV “North” knock out the enemy from the village. Quiet , freeing half of the village. The advance in depth was more than 300 meters.
▪️At night, a pontoon crossing across the Volchya River in the area of   the settlement was destroyed. Bochkovo, where the enemy tried to secretly transfer reserves
▪️In the Liptsovsky direction, the Fearless continue to liberate the Severny dacha village , repelling two enemy counterattacks.
▪️Over the past 24 hours, enemy losses amounted to up to 350 people. Also opened and destroyed:
▪️SPG “PzH-2000″ in the village Bayrak;
▪️anti-tank gun MT-12 “Rapier” in the village Varvarovka;
▪️SAU 2S1 “Gvozdika” in the village Fun;
▪️howitzer D-20 in n.p. Girino;
▪️two D-30 howitzers in the settlement. Bayrak.
▪️The Ukrainian political and military leadership went all-in, transferring large reserves, elite units, as well as a separate presidential brigade equipped with advanced NATO weapons to the Kharkov direction.”


The AFU has managed to take “combat control” of the territory on the border area of Kharkov region, where the Russian army was entering – Zelensky

The drug addict invented a new non-existent term to somehow add a spoonful of honey to the barrel of tar with the situation on the border, where the AFU lost considerable territories during the May offensive of the Russian army.

On May 24, the “North” group of troops continued the liberation of the border districts of Kharkov region.

In the Volchansk direction, fierce fighting for the Volchansk settlement continues. Russian troops defeated the enemy in the “Medical College” defense node and advanced in depth by 150 meters.

At the cost of heavy losses, the AFU command is trying to stop the Fearless offensive from Gogol Street and hold the “Multistory Houses” fortress, where the enemy is suffering heavy losses.

The assault units of the North assault force are knocking the enemy out of the village of Tikhoye, having liberated half of the village. Advancement in depth was more than 300 meters.

During the night a pontoon crossing over the Volchya River near Bochkovo, where the enemy tried to secretly transfer reserves, was destroyed

On the Liptsovsky direction, the Fearless continued the liberation of the dacha settlement “Severny”, having repulsed two enemy counterattacks.

Over the past 24 hours, the enemy’s losses amounted to 350 men. Also uncovered and destroyed:

 - SPH “PzH-2000″ in the settlement of Bayrak;
 - MT-12 “Rapira” anti-tank gun in the village of Varvarovka;
 - 2S1 “Gvozdika” SPH in the village of Veseloye;
 - D-20 howitzer in the village of Girino;
 - two D-30 howitzers in the village of Bayrak.

The Ukrainian political and military leadership went for broke, transferring absolutely all reserves, elite units and a separate presidential brigade equipped with advanced NATO weapons to the Kharkov direction.

Now the fate of not only the summer campaign, but the entire Special Military Operation depends on the “North” troop grouping.

Russian troops have no choice – victory or death!

The enemy will be defeated!

Northern Wind

The AFU are attempting to restore supplies to their garrison in Volchansk and are installing pontoon crossings to replace the destroyed bridges

Intelligence of the “North” group identifies these crossings and promptly destroys them with FPV drones. In the video, the attack UAVs of the Fearless destroy an AFU vehicle near the installed pontoon crossing, and then the crossing itself.

North Wind

What is happening near Kharkiv and why are Russian forces not advancing further?

On May 17, we already analyzed ( the harm of overly patriotic statements about “Kharkiv is ours” and explained what is driving the current delay in the advance of the Russian Armed Forces. A week later, the situation has not changed.

▪️The main focus in the Slobozhansky direction is directed ( at Volchansk: Russian troops are conducting assault operations in high-rise buildings in the area bounded by Korolenko – Soborna – Kolokolvtseva – Olesya Dosvitnoho streets. The enemy is transferring more and more forces into this meat grinder, which are being targeted by Russian artillery, tank troops, aviation and UAV operators.

▪️The advance near Lyptsi is complicated by the fact that Lyptsi, Borshchova, Ruski and Cherkasski Tishki (northern approaches to Kharkiv) are located in a lowland. To the southeast of Lyptsi, there is height 204.7 – a hill that overlooks the northern border and the suburbs of Kharkiv. A fairly powerful AFU fortified area has been equipped there, without capturing which it will not be possible to advance further. So now the Russian troops are trying to dislodge the enemy from the occupied lines.

▪️At the moment, Ukrainian formations have pulled up over 50 battalions to the Kharkiv area: they are being withdrawn from all directions, leaving the fronts exposed, and strategic reserves are being brought in, which has not been the case before. The work of the Russian army as part of the reconnaissance-strike contour is amazingly well-organized: we see a significant amount of destroyed AFU forces and assets on a daily basis. But the enemy forces here are really numerous.

▪️This allowed the front to be pushed forward in many other areas: Russian troops pushed out ( the enemy from Kleshcheyevka and Andreyevka, managed to advance ( to the eastern outskirts of Chasiv Yar, cleared ( Umansky, occupied ( the eastern outskirts of Krasnogorovka, returned ( to Staromayorskoye and Urozhayne. All this happened after the start of the offensive in the Slobozhansky direction: the defense lines of the Ukrainian formations were breached.

📌Moreover, we will probably reveal a terrible secret that is uncomfortable to admit in the overly patriotic segment. Russian troops have entrenched themselves on the achieved lines and partially switched to defense: their task is not to destroy people in assault operations, but to deprive the enemy of the initiative and destroy the reserves pulled up to Kharkiv.

By the end of May, the AFU must launch a counteroffensive north of Kharkiv: this is almost their last chance to try to push the Russian troops out of this area and report a “brilliant victory”.

The results of repelling the offensive, the amount of forces and assets that will remain with the Russian Armed Forces after the AFU counteroffensive, will determine how the plans of the Russian Armed Forces for further advancement will be adjusted.

Kupyansk direction

The Russian Armed Forces have completely liberated the settlement of Ivanovka, the advance deep into Ukrainian territories was almost 1.7 km.

Video confirmation from Ivanovka. Ivanovka is ours!!!

Kupyansk direction
Another positive news is reported by @rezervsvo:

On the southern flank, the village of Berestovoe has been completely liberated. The enemy has retreated beyond the administrative border of the village.

We are waiting for video confirmation

The Russian Armed Forces entered the village of Kalinovka (Kalinina) in the Chasov Yar direction. At the moment, assault operations are being carried out; our troops have advanced almost 1.8 km deep into the settlement.

Also, according to unconfirmed reports, our valiant people have already reached the underground part of the Seversky Donets canal.

Chasov Yar direction: the situation as of the morning of 25.05.24…

It is already the eighth day of the intensive assault on the city. Our aviation and artillery are not silent. The enemy is holding on and even counterattacks. There is a very viscous counter battle with small tactical advances on our side.

Everything suggests that the AFU command is very hopeful that we don’t have enough reserves and is essentially playing all-in. It’s either do or die. Either they hold the main contour of the city defense, knocking us back behind the line of the canal and out of the Canal microdistrict, or we, having broken through to the Novy microdistrict, occupy this very contour and enter the city center with great chances for its rapid further liberation.

In this respect (and the incessant intensity of the fighting speaks of this), everything here now resembles the storming of Avdeevka. At first everything was very tight, and the enemy clung to every square meter, but then it fell apart.

Meanwhile, to the south, we continue to reap the fruits of our success in the Klesheevka area. Having pushed through the enemy’s defense at the most important point (on the strategic heights west of the village), we continue to knock out its small garrisons south and north of this point. And the enemy, realizing that he can’t hold them anyway, is clearly stalling for time, quickly trying to create a line of defense along the Seversky Donets-Donbass canal, the line of which will probably be his next border of fierce opposition.

It is unacceptable for them to lose it. Because it will be a verdict on their Toretsk group against the backdrop of problems further south.

We pray and hold our fists for the guys….



Toretskoye direction: situation as of the morning of 25.05.24...

This direction of the breakthrough development near Ocheretino threatens the enemy with the greatest strategic problems. If we manage not only to reach the line of the channel “Seversky Donets – Donbass” west of Klesheevka, but also to force it (especially in combination with the liberation of Chasov Yar), we, thereby, will hover over the northern flank of the Toretsk group of the enemy.

And our success in the area of Kalinovo-Rozovka (Alexandropol) will allow us to create a southern coverage of this very grouping.

In this case, the current borders are the last convenient for the defense of the AFU. If we occupy it, then there is a long, gentle descent into the valley of the Krivoy Torets River, where it will be noticeably more difficult to defend (especially since there are no good fortifications here).

Hence the persistence of the enemy. True, it does not help him. Ours are slowly but surely gnawing through his defenses, both in the area south of Kalinovo and in the area north of Keramik. And there is also an assault on Novoalexandrovka (another important point).

The movements are small. Literally frog jumps. But in a couple of kilometers, as I said above, the AFU will have no convenient lines here. And things will have to go faster. And sooner or later it will definitely happen …

We pray and hold our fists for the guys…..



Kurakhovskoe direction: the situation as of the morning of 25.05.24…

Here the main battles are going on in Krasnogorovka, the next stage of the storming of which began three days ago.

The scheme of the assault was described by me the day before yesterday. Judging by what we see, the task is to encircle the AFU units in the center of the city (in Solnechny). For this purpose, two strikes are being made.

The first one from south to north from the area of the refractory plant. The second from east to west along the river.

And both there and there, judging by the frames of objective control we have successes.

For example, yesterday in a network the video of rising of a flag of Russia in area of school No. 2 has appeared. Which shows that this is not only no longer a gray zone, but that the combat zone has shifted northward, which allowed us to hoist our flag.

Moreover, the enemy confirms that the situation in Krasnogorovka is difficult for him. The battle continues.

The second important area for our offensive here are the fields between Konstantinovka and Vladimirovka, where the RF Armed Forces have deployed quite powerful offensive operations in the flank of Ugledar. Every day there are tactical successes here, which is very displeasing to the AFU General Staff, which defines the situation here as difficult.

We are praying and holding our fists for the guys….

Ukraine In Deep Trouble; Putin’s Men Make Gains In 4 Villages Across Kharkiv, Luhansk & Donetsk

Key Russian Gains Into Central Krasnohorivka; Russia Enters Berestove

Fierce fighting in Umanske, Klishchiivka | New aid arrives in Ukraine [25 May 2024]

Ukrainian Soldier Defected To Russian Army In A Stolen TANK┃KYIV Is Preparing For A Massive Retreat

Ukraine Has Fallen Completely For A Russian Trap | 38 Thousand Soldiers Entering A Firepocket

Russian Defence Ministry report on the progress of the special military operation (25 May 2024)

▫️Units of the Sever Group of Forces continue advancing to the depth of the enemy’s defences.

Losses were inflicted on manpower and hardware of the AFU 57th Motorised Infantry Brigade and 82nd Air Assault Brigade near Yurchenkovo and Bashkeyevka (Kharkov).

Two counter-attacks of the enemy were repelled near Volchansk and Glubokoye (Kharkov).

The AFU lost up to 220 servicemen and three MVs.

In the course of counter-battery warfare, one German-made 155-mm Panzerhaubitze 2000 self-propelled artillery system, two 152-mm D-20 howitzers, one 122-mm Gvozdika self-propelled artillery system, two 122-mm D-30 howitzers, one 100-mm MT-12 Rapira anti-tank gun, as well as one Czech-made Vampire MLRS and one Grad MLRS were neutralised.

▫️Units of the Zapad Group of Forces took more advantageous lines and inflicted losses on formations of the AFU 241st Territorial Defence Brigade near Stepovaya Novosyolovka (Kharkov).

The AFU lost up to 210 servicemen, two AFVs, and three MVs.

In the course of counter-battery warfare, one 152-mm D-20 howitzer, one 122-mm Gvozdika self-propelled artillery system, and one 122-mm D-30 howitzer were neutralised.

▫️Units of the Yug Group of Forces improved the tactical situation along the front line and inflicted losses on manpower and hardware of the AFU 79th Air Assault Brigade and 116th Territorial Defence Brigade near Ostroye and Konstantinovka (DPR).

The AFU lost more than 475 servicemen, two
AFVs, and five MVs.

In the course of counter-battery warfare, one UK-made 155-mm FH-70 towed howitzer, one 152-mm D-20 howitzer, two 152-mm Msta-B howitzers, one 122-mm D-30 howitzer, and one U.S.-made 105-mm M119 howitzer were neutralised.

Two AFU ammunition depots were destroyed.

▫️As a result of active actions, units of the Tsentr Group of Forces liberated Arkhangelskoye (DPR).

Losses were inflicted on formations of the AFU 24th, 100th mechanised brigades, 25th Airborne Brigade, and 241st Territorial Defence Brigade near Novosyolovka Pervaya, Yasnoborodovka, Zelyonoye Pole, Toretsk, and Konstantinovka (DPR).

Three counter-attacks launched by assault detachments of the AFU 142th, 144th infantry brigades, and 47th Mechanised Brigade were repelled near Schumy, Netaylovo, and Solovyovo (DPR).

The AFU lost up to 410 servicemen, three AFVs, and two MVs.

In the course of counter-battery warfare, one 155-mm M777 howitzer, one 152-mm Giatsint-B howitzer, one 152-mm Akatsiya self-propelled artillery system, one 152-mm D-20 howitzer, one 152-mm Msta-B howitzer, three 122-mm D-30 howitzers, and one U.S.-made 105-mm M102 howitzer were neutralised.

▫️Units of the Vostok Group of Forces took more advantageous lines and inflicted losses on manpower and hardware of the AFU 116th Mechanised Brigade, 102nd, and 128th territorial defence brigades near Antonovka, Vodyanoye, Storozhevoye (DPR), and Gulai Pole (Zaporozye).

One counter-attack launched by an assault detachment of the AFU 72nd Mechanised Brigade was repelled near Vladimirovka (DPR).

The AFU lost up to 120 servicemen, five MVs, two 122-mm Gvozdika self-propelled artillery systems, one U.S.-made 105-mm M119 howitzer, and one Bukovel-AD electronic warfare station.

▫️Units of the Dnepr Group of Forces inflicted losses on manpower and hardware of the AFU 35th Marines Brigade and 123rd Territorial Defence Brigade near Tyaginka (Kherson region) and the Borshevoy island.

The AFU lost up to 50 servicemen, three MVs, one U.S.-made 155-mm M777 howitzer, and one 152-mm D-20 howitzer.

▫️Operational-Tactical Aviation, UAVs, Missile Troops and Artillery of the Russian Groups of Forces wiped out one temporary deployment area of foreign mercenaries, as well as engaged manpower and hardware clusters in 113 areas during the day.

Air defence units shot down 25 unmanned aerial vehicles, one French-made Hammer guided aerial bomb, and three U.S.-made HARM anti-radiation missiles.


In the Kharkov direction, the Ukrainian Armed Forces began counter-offensive actions and were able to slightly advance southeast of Lukyantsy, recapturing some of the captured positions. In general, heavy fighting is taking place along the entire line of combat contact in this direction.

In the Svatovsko-Kupyansky direction there are clashes in Berestovo.
In the Severodonetsk direction, fighting continues in the vicinity of Belogorovka. Ukrainian forces launched several counterattacks northeast of the Western Filtration Station towards the Shepilovsky Mountains, penetrating the enemy defenses and causing the Russians to retreat east into a “U”-shaped landing.

In the Avdeevsky direction, the Russians were able to advance northeast of Ocheretino towards Progress and Novoaleksandrovka, as well as west of Berdychi in the Novopokrovsky area, in Umanskoye (reached the western outskirts) and Netailovo

To the south, enemy units advanced in two places near Krasnogorovka.

At the Vremevsky salient, the Russians entered the center of Staromayorsky, which the Ukrainian Armed Forces liberated last summer during a counteroffensive.

In addition, near the border in the Sumy and Chernigov regions, the Russian Armed Forces are amassing troops on its territory.


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