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Liberals Religion is Government - their motto: Separation FROM Church TO State

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[Book from Joseph M. Lenard TERROR STRIKES: / /
Despite the main topic subject-matter: This is NOT a book about death, but one about LIFE (and Living) and of those (foreign (terror strikes) and domestic(Liberals supporting slaughter of unborn)) that would deprive others of that Life, Liberty, and Pursuit of Happiness.
PLUS how Christianity is under assault by not just GIJIAS but THE US LEFT also

AND AUTHOR OF "ChristiTutionalist TM Politics:]

[NOTE: This is now beyond 1 year old, therefore B4IN has "Archived" it which means the original IMAGES embedded stripped (and with them, some added Context) but Video embeds remain. And see Sat Jul 15 2023 update my NEW CHRISTITUTIONALIST POLITICS podcast now on the air at bottom of article]

Conservative mindset: “Pay it Forward!”
Liberal mindset: “Pay it For ME!”

(2011 Article ported from #RattleWithUs #SEMi #TEAParty site – and cross-posted at #RedState — share to here using short-url - NOTE this is now an ARCHIVED B4IN ARTICLE therefore all related images (that provided additional information or pictoral context) no longer show)

We are now reaping what Liberals have been allowed to sow! And Liberals will not make it to the end of the Article before attempting to twist/contort the #Gospel to be what it is NOT to defend their #Politics over the #Faith they PRETEND to hold/have….

Dec 12, 2020 update - this story was/is discussed -- twisting of language: WAAM "Moment Of Clarity" (Sat's 2p) Show:  (AUDIO 45m): (MOC, WAAM Sat's 2p, Listen Live: or MOC Archives:

[Sep 2021 update:
more.... Q: Are we doomed? NO, 2Chronicles714 says to Pray, but we have FREE WILL and must also take actions as a Citizen under Romans... /christian-news/2021/08/q-are-we-doomed-no-2chronicles714-says-to-pray-but-we-have-free-will-and-must-also-take-actions-as-a-citizen-under-romans-2600921.html

“Render Unto Caesar” does NOT mean in Liberal Laziness pass/transfer Responsibilities to the State (nor 90% tax rates, see 2COR9:7 section below)…. “Separation FROM Church TO State” (Not Jeffersonian context of his writings, Liberals ignore, no State Run Church)…. “Creating Dependency is NOT Compassion” (Stealing from one to give another (#ReDistribution) is NOT #Charity)…. “Compassion/Charity is going door-to-door (YOURSELF) to help raise funds for a needy neighbor, Liberal Laziness is voting to have the IRS extort the funds!”… Again, Theft from one to give another (#ReDistribution) is NOT #Charity (and an abducation of your #Christian duties)….. more….

It is not even Xristos-mass time and (not even snowing, many haven’t even begun to think about Thanksgiving let alone December yet, but…) I am really tired of Liberals corrupting, distorting, twisting, misquoting, etc, the message of Christ (or just the Torah, if you prefer, this is about Religion in general) to promote Liberal Government. Not even to begin to touch on their invocations of “Separation of Church and State” double-standards. You’ll see this has been brewing/building for some time as parts have been touched on in other writings.

This is, no doubt, going to offend and/or anger many on the Left, as if that isn’t a good reason to do it on its own, ;-) but it probably isn’t going to get any of them to honestly examine their Life, their Faith, and if they are actually applying the two together!?!? How there is a complete disconnect between the message and how it is intended to be implemented with them escapes me (not really). That does (really) trouble me, as a person who really is concerned about all of my fellow Americans.

First, a h/t to bs for this: I Am Angry Post that reawakened these concerns over what seems to me to be obviously misguided convictions, that they are willingly being led into a Statism intent on replacing traditional Faith as the primary entity for worship. You can see/hear those underpinnings in every speech that Leftists give about supposed “Social Justice.” That they cannot grasp that statement/concept, makes it even less excusable that they do not make any attempts to see the path that those they choose to follow “Hope” to lead them down. This is NOT just about Abortion. It is the explaining away of how the Govt. should just not be “allowed” to do so many Liberal ideas/things but that it somehow (in their minds) “must” do any number of things.

While I go more in-depth in Frustration with dealing with Politically Brain-Dead and/or to a lessor extent in other Posts here (Party of kNOw) or here (Conservative nominations), I pointed out in my comment (Psychology of awakening ObamaZombies from Liberal Laziness) in bs’ RS Diary, and want to briefly touch on again here, the following point:

Shock, Denial, Anger, Acceptance.
Political awareness and Coming to grips with the fact the JackAss Party today is nowhere what it used to be just 50 years ago (and even then it was socialist, just the RINO drip drip slow kind (Republicans must be the Party of HELL NO [to Bigger Govt.] not the Party of SLOW[er Liberal Incremental-ism])) is like the grieving process. We have some that get that SHOCK but quickly just eagerly dwell in the DENIAL phase for the rest of their life. It’s easier that way, of course, to just stumble through life completely oblivious to Reality and keep the little bubble of friends equally in the dark. It is not until we force them to view out their window and see REALITY that they will get to the ANGER phase and to ultimate ACCEPTANCE of the error of their LIBERAL LAZINESS childishness (ultimately selfish, extort from others rather than do ANYTHING themselves to help their friends, family, neighbors, etc, ways). “You can lead a Liberal to the Truth (Facts), but you can’t make them THINK!”

I say this all, of course, NOT for thoughtful Conservatives but for the visitors we have that hadn’t figured this out yet and/or for those that might need one additional “thought-provoking” way to try and awaken one of the Brain-deads that may be in their life.

But, that is just the layer above the surface. It is what is under that which troubles me most and what I’ve ultimately provide this Post to address. That is what I (we) clearly see as the DETOUR Liberal Democrats have put in place and many have followed for so long that they don’t recall they have detoured and/or that they are way off course and on the wrong road. The Liberal Democrats’ (Progressives/Socialists) desire to “Separate You FROM Church TO State, not the Separation Of Church And State” (wall of separation between Church & State twisted by Libs) that Liberals have gotten wrong from the beginning of the Progressive movement (not unintentionally)!

Co-opting Faith, Hope, and Charity.
It’s obvious how “Hope” is being twisted, so let’s move right to Charity. I’d like to refer to a common theme on a few ProBamaCare signs that made the rounds at the Health-care Townhalls (HC Townhall: Like Hollywood, Democrats used new Actors to replay the same Script.) invoking (what is supposedly, according to them if it’s Republicans/Conservatives) forbidden from Politics: Religion! Charity…

Dear Brain-deads: Charity begins at Home and is giving NOT Extortion (Extortion, pure and simple (to raise taxes or avoid/enact legislation)) via the Power of Government. Giving from one’s own holdings rather than reaching into someone else’s pocket-book to give to others. That is NOT CHARITY, it is SOCIALISM – Liberal Brain-dead ObaMorons, just their latest incarnation as they’ve been lost Pavlov-dogs behind any/all Leftists since Carter, can’t grasp that basic concept/definition! “Pay it Forward” NOT ‘Pay it for me!’

It Takes A Village (read: community).
Responsibilities to our Brothers and Sisters. Hillary tried to cash in on that Liberal distortion and Obama has tried to drop it a few times in regard to implying a “Moral imperative” to/for a complete Health-care Takeover (and/or countless other Obama initiatives), rather than true reforms we would agree to. Like Charity, “It Takes A Village” is not offensive to Conservatives, on the contrary – we welcome it! It is, as always, the warped distortion of it by Liberals from Voluntarily (in keeping with God’s gift to us of Free Will and expectation we “choose” to engage in it as part of our Faith and Salvation plans) over Coercion/Extortion… As with Charity, when it is forced/commanded by the State, it crossed from the simple “Community” and becomes the “Political Communism!”

Let me spell this out another way for our ultra-Liberal lurkers who (especially a couple of folks from SA, so you can quote me correctly ;-) and not link for folks to read the whole things [an aside - some reasonable folks there intermingled with the usual Liberal Brain-deads], and maybe even a few Conservatives over there that don’t know how to explain the difference to those that) don’t grasp the distinction:

  • Conservative = Willingly helping fellow Americans, that may have need, of their own volition – giving aid, comfort, time, ones OWN money, etc…
  • Liberal/Democrat/Progressive/Obamunist/SOCIALIST = Engaging in the Laziness of Liberalism (Class Warfare) by voting to have the Government Extort money (Taxes) from the Productive to redistribute to Others, so as to feel (that usual Education Indoctrination “Esteem/Style over Substance”) good about having done – really nothing – for someone else.

See too compassion section below.


The PLANET Worship – “Green” and/or “Global Warming” alarmist junk science agenda.
First, Conservatives are NOT anti-science – we are anti-JUNK-science! Remember the 1970′s and the “Ice Age returns” alarm-ism? We’ve not even touched on this obvious one! The Climate $cam agenda placing PLANET Worship over God and the Green Agenda as its doctrine of control (countless sub-issues: 1, 2, 3, 4a/4b/4c, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13) rather than being proper custodians of God’s Planet Earth and our Home! Conservatives are Real/True Conservationists and want to Preserve the Planet and Resources without destroying Americans (highest quality) way of Life in the process.

Creating Dependency is NOT Compassion!”
Further, using those whom you create a dependency within for Political means to an end is not Nobel but a False Pretense of, what should otherwise be a selfless and, a Faithful act. They are acts of False Prophets who seek to place themselves above God, create their own following for Personal gains/power, etc… “Compassion/Charity is going door-to-door (YOURSELF) to help raise funds for a needy neighbor, Liberal Laziness is voting to have the IRS extort the funds!”

Plenty of additional examples could be made, but I’ll end this here, as Conservatives “get it,” while I could go on for pages and pages and exceed the 1,000+ pages of the HR 3200 (Obama-care) with Liberals never understanding it.

“JUDGE NOT, lest ye be Judged!” – Liberals, to try and get away from dealing with their immorality LOVE to quote the first seven words of the Matthew scripture while completely ignoring the remainder of the Scripture (and/or further context of other Scriptures (especiallly Leviticus)):

In CONTEXT (Do Unto Others As You’d Have Done Unto You) that you may NOT BE A HYPOCRITE (you may NOT employ a set of Double Standards (as Liberals as have – one set of Rules for them and another for Others). Ultimately, CONDEMN NOT LEST YE BE CONDEMNED, for FINAL JUDGEMENT is Reserved for the Lord. However, we can, do, and MUST JUDGE (again, with Bibilical Standards, and same set of Standards for All, Judge based upon FAIR standards by which you would expect to be FAIRLY Judged) and do all the time. We don’t just Date anyone and everyone that Asks, we make a Judgement on compatibility before going out. We don’t just MARRY anyone or everyone that would Ask, we Judge whether they really are the Right one! We can/do/should particpate on a JURY to JUDGE/determine Guilt or Innocence of CRIMINAL (immoral) ACTS and they should suffer punishment on Earth for those Crimes against other Humans! Etc, etc, etc….


In fact, the additional context, is the TEN COMMANDMENTS (and other passages) that point out the correct standards by which we are to Judge! And, the US having been formed/based on/to BE A GODLY NATION most of our Laws are derived from the Bible Standards. One “touchy” issue is DEATH PENALTY, yet the #BIBLE tells us that the Death Penalty (of Adults, having committed heinous Crimes and duly Convicted) is Biblical (but, of course, the Left cannot use the Bible in anyway to justify ABORTION (Killing innocent Babies)…..

Genesis 9:6 Whoso sheddeth man’s blood, by man shall his blood be shed: for in the image of God made he man…

Numbers 35:30 Whoso killeth any person, the murderer shall be put to death by the mouth of witnesses…

Leviticus 24:17 And he that killeth any man shall surely be put to death…

[ see related items:
orig: /african-american-news/2021/10/love-thru-actual-deeds-not-virtuesignaling-fakewoke-empty-rhetoric-psychologicalprojection-slogans-2467099.html




Goodreads Book Giveaway


ChristiTutionalist Politics   by Joseph M. Lenard

Giveaway ends September 15, 2023. –  See the giveaway details at Goodreads.

Enter Giveaway




Thanks for stopping by and May God Bless!
I bid you all an early Merry X-mas*
*if offended/concerned, re-read the second paragraph of the Post (Xristos).
& remember where the real argument resides – against Liberals

PS: Distortion of the Islamic Faith and twisting text (Qur’an) is NOT limited to Al Qaeda, we have plenty that use distortions of Christianity and the Bible for Statist means here in America: see “Render unto Caesar” (completely misunderstood by Liberals.

PPS: Lest we forget, as it relates to the Health-Care discussions:
Obama went on about “False witness” (he used that exact terminology, Liberal Psychological Projection, as usual!) to impugn his detractors, while his Party members continually Lied about what was in the sole plan (HR3200) in Consideration in the Congress (their distortions/lies details directly highlighted/refuted: here, here, here, and here). Further lied by claiming his own plan (Obama’s “My HC plan” Lie – Obama’s HC dodge, quoting a non-existent and/or not in consideration Plan) – he wasn’t saying “His preferences are” he outright Lied about a Plan no-one could read because it didn’t exist. If it did it would have been available to read from and introduced into the House or Senate by a fellow Obamunist for Consideration – again, was not, and could not have been, because it NEVER existed! Liberals would like people to BELIEVE in them/Government and that their policies/thoughts are axiomatic and their voters buy into it (again, Liberal Laziness or DENIAL – it’s easy that way) and just accept anything they say and keep pulling that JackAss lever on Election days.

Further: The “Separation of YOU from Church to State” (or other minor variations of it) and/or other One-liner Political jabs… using one liners to get people to think (one-liner quotes/jabs) are important, IMHO, as it’s all about the Marketing and getting the messages out/through (see too: Getting the message out). The Demoncrats are good at Parroting slogans (often, involving out-right Lies), and sticking them in peoples Brains (especially Politically Brain-dead folks). We have to be better and more clever than them and keep coming up with new/fresh comments to stick in people’s craws.

We know they are NOT going to listen to our giving them the FACTS (“You can lead a Liberal to the Truth, but you cannot make them THINK!”), so we have to have the cute, quick, brief, piffy, comments that despite themselves might stick in their Dead-Brain-matter and fester. Enough of those using one liners to get people to think (one-liner quotes/jabs) can add up over time and help to awaken some (Optimism and Faith in, at least, several of the Brain-deads who didn’t bother to vote to wake up at least). Seeing more and more one-liner quotes in Posts warms my heart, but we need to be using them out in the streets and/or on our TEApeats signs (Hey Progressives – Here’s Your Sign!) we are making headway and a difference!!!

The one-liner jab gets through where a longer argument is never going to be entertained. They have to have their self-awakening and discovery, then they’ll come back to us (via Conservative sites) to tune into what they hadn’t been paying attention to and continue that Road To Recovery from their DENIAL. We cannot (unfortunately) force them, they have to come willingly!! Again – “You can lead a Liberal to Truth, but you cannot make them THINK!”

See too this blog’s follow-up (or companion article) “the Greater Good” at:


2COR9:7….. Yes, a certain degree of Tax Collection is necessary for the Operation of a State (and, yes, the proper application of “Render Unto Caesar”) but that begs the issue (with CONTEXT of 2COR9:7 below) WHAT IS REASONABLE?!?! And, Libtards, the United States managed just fine with mainly import/export Tariffs for HOW MANY YEARS (100, 150, 175) before the passage of the #IncomeTaxAmendment (including Local SchoolHouses educating our Children, a Standing Army, and on and on and on)! Liberals defend the #IncomeTax and 90% Rates cuz they are NOT at all interested in (preoperly) CONSTITUTIONAL CONSTRAINED DUTIES AND SPENDING. It’s all about SEPARATION FROM CHURCH TO STATE (as previously stated) and CONTROL by creating DEPENDENCY (as also previously discussed)!

And, of course, we cannot overlook that whole ABORTION / KILLING BABIES issue…

Pregnancy is NOT a Disease! It is therefore NOTHING like removing Cancer! It is NOT HealthCare. Abortion is Murder!


Plus, The Shaky Ground (RoeVWade) that Abortion is built upon (debunking Leftwing myth): /v3/the-law/2018/2457918.html

Be sure to see directly related: The Greater Good – /v3/economics-and-politics/2019/2518275.html

[2020 UPDATE:

Far too many in the Church (most of, far too many of, the Churches/Priest/Pastors/Revs/etc have BECOME OF THIS WORLD themselves and refuse to actually Preach/Teach the entire WORD out of fear of alienating some folks and they worship the Almighty Dollar instead and want to keep butts in the Pews and dolling out the Cash to the Church)... But it is NOT just limited to ABORTION why ONE CANNOT BE A CHRISTIAN AND A DEMOCRAT....

Been saying it for DECADES! And you cannot be a REAL CHRISTIAN and support Democrats AT ALL - it's NOT just about their #BabyKiller #BloodLust.....


#RevDrBarber (find him on Twitter: @RevDrBarber), moron MSNBC paid hack, was on just the other Day claiming the Bible supports SOCIALISM (OK for him to twist Bible to peddle liberalism, but I can't ANALYZE THEWORD in context?) and "REV" Barber (like RevJesseJackass and RevAlSharlaton) challenged anyone to Debate him on it. OK, happy to do so (see my Tweet to him:, that he'll just ignore, more-so this lengthy thread where people take him to task: with him or anyone on the Subject! #RalphReed (#FaithAndFreedomCoalition) had a great segment on #IngrahamAngle countering his manure!

Please, beg anyone to (w/ #Scriptures, IN CONTEXT (as I do herein: /religion/2019/04/liberals-religion-is-government-their-motto-separation-from-church-to-state-2-2546594.html)) to refute it?!?! Any of it at all?!?! I am far from Perfect (and why I need #Jesus, and the Scriptures) convince me where I'm wrong?

I have Family that are "supposed #Christians" and Vote for #Democrats!
I happen to prefer to defend #JESUS / #SCRIPTURES (righteousness) rather than make excuses for humans/people (even Family)!
And, of course, I LOVE THOSE FAMILY MEMBERS so I "tell them, in even less uncertain terms than I do "strangers" (whom I also don't hold back with), "like it is" and try to bring back from "modern Worldly convenient excuses" to #Righteousness!

It's long past time for many to reOpen #SCRIPTURES with eye on living in them, rather than constantly trying to twist them to match their #BabyKilling #Socialist #Democrat Party Cult! And they do twist them, or try to distort one line completely out-of-context of/with THE WORD as a whole (no one Scripture stands-alone)!

Not an ad-hom attack, but detailed analysis why I say....
One cannot be #Christian & #Democrat
#Democrats are #Socialists
#JesusWasNOTASocialist #RedistributionIsNOTCharity
"Each must give as Decided in Heart #not #reluctantly or under #compulsion" 2 COR 9:7
IRREFUTABLE details that I shared here-in

Each 1 must give as has Decided in Heart #not #reluctantly or under #compulsion: 2 COR 9:7
(just 1 of countless properly contexted scriptures in Article)
NOT improperly contexted/defined RENDER UNTO CAESAR and THEFT FROM ONE TO ANOTHER (#ReDistribution)

ALL/FULL DETAILS (including properly contexted "JUDGE NOT" (by proper Biblical, rightful, true, what should be our standards (and therefore is NOT HYPERBOLIC AD-HOMINEM NAME-CALLING, but a Doctrinal legitimate argument/challenge)) in: /religion/2019/04/liberals-religion-is-government-their-motto-separation-from-church-to-state-2-2546594.html

We must STOP allowing FAKE PRIESTS/MINISTERS from being SOFT on PROPERLY PREACHING THE TRUE/REAL GOSPEL rather than PROSPERITY OR FEEL-GOOD DOCTRINE just to keep Democrats in the Pews and the MONEY flowing into the Churches! Our allowing shying away of ACTUAL DOCTRINAL PREACHING is what has gotten us to where we are now - THE USA GOING TO HELL like the rest of the Globe! #WeMustBeTheShiningCityOnTheHillOnceMore!

Being taught to avoid talking about #politics or #religion (especially intersection of the two) has led to a lack of understanding of politics & religion.

What we should have been taught was to have a civil conversation (seems we're way beyond that now) about difficult topics.


#RevDrBarber, #MSNBC (where he's paid Liberal, not Theological, HACK), basically called #Christian #Replublicans #BLASPHEMOUS (and #Jesus wants #Socialist Govt)! Got handed his Lunch by a @RalphReed response on FOX Segment! Now is trying to BACK-PEDDLE!
main thread:
Please join in and counter his #BIBLE DISTORTIONS!

MORE: Doctrinal legitimate response/argument/challenge in: /religion/2019/04/liberals-religion-is-government-their-motto-separation-from-church-to-state-2-2546594.html and I dare any #Democrats, #FakeChristians, to Biblically, IN CONTEXT, refute anything/all in that Article?!?!?


The #TrueStory of #AbbyJohnson (and the #LIES she was no longer willing to continue to Tell on behalf of #PlannedParenthood):  


We covered Left's #Biblical distortions, let's cover their #LEGAL #DISTORTIONS..

Shaky ground (#RoeVWade) #Abortion structure is built upon


#Gosnell Jurors put the LIE to the #ProChoice meme (#Clinic realities)


#TedCruz Explains to #AlyssaMilano the Correlation Between the #Bible and the #Right to Use a #Gun for #SelfDefense:


recommended reading....
Neil Mammen - "Jesus IS involved in Politics..." book!

But, IMO, he doesn't go far enough...
So also should read:
you should share this Article!


TERROR STRIKES book ... coming April 15th 2022 ...

Joseph M. Lenard (a/k/a: JLenardDetroit)
Born 1962. Lifelong resident Wyandotte Michigan.
Former information technology professional.
Political issues blogger/vlogger/speaker/writer.



Appreciate this or other Joseph M. Lenard pieces?
Joseph M Lenard is on @buymeacoffee! 🎉
You can support by buying a coffee ☕️ here — 


The whole #ChristianityToday "Trump Should Be Removed" position  stretch is clearly someone with #TrumpDerangementSyndrome reaction and gives themselves away as Liberals using the Democrat SPIN. There are ZERO GROUNDS for Impeachment (their Articles are Policy difference and Constitution Article 1 v Article 2 "delineation/separation of Powers" struggles/issues that have been going on for decades and issues that have always then been appealed to #SCOTUS (the 3rd Branch) to litigate, NOT JUMP TO IMPEACHMENT! No Crimes (any actual justification) in Impeachment Articles... More.....

RE: #ChristianityToday Trump criticism and #Christians that say they can't support #Trump (at all, ever nonsense)...

Fact is that I did NOT Vote for Trump in 2016 (no, I certainly did NOT Vote for Hillary, for the 1st time in my Life I left the POTUS portion of the Ballot blank) because of his Character (serial Adulterer, stiffed many Contractors, etc) but I can understand why some felt they had to hold their nose and vote what appeared to be the lessor of the two evils (or, felt called, knew something the rest of us didn't) BUT TRUMP HAS CLEARLY EARNED MY VOTE FOR 2020.

I didn't buy the "God using the imperfect man for the times for his Will" at the time but I honestly am more accepting of that notion now and I do firmly believe that Trump is a far better Man now than he was before getting Elected. Yes, he is clearly still IMPERFECT (aren't we all) but whether it be actually Trump being better or those around him keeping him constrained (most of the time) his POLICIES are clearly GOOD FOR OUR NATION (not that I agree with him 100% of the time, I do NOT agree with anyone 100% and likely no-one ever agrees with anyone (including a Spouse) on all issues 100% of the time (it isn't natural among HONEST people) and I wrote a lengthy/detailed/honest Article about that titled "I'm #CONSERVATIVE (1st/foremost) #Republican (2nd) - stand by any #POTUS when deserving and criticize when I feel necessary (with ANY/ALL Politicians)!" which can be viewed at: /republican/2018/10/im-conservative-1stforemost-republican-2nd-stand-by-any-potus-when-deserving-and-criticze-when-i-feel-necessary-2444930.html and like I say plainly in there: I will NEVER join either the #TrumpCult (as bad as #ObamaZombies) or #TrumpDerangementSyndrome ranks as both extremes are unPrincipled Emotional hysterics rather than rational/reasoned thought and both pathetic) and I can, will, do, still openly criticize Trump when I think he is deserving but support him when I think he's deserving (including against outright vicious partisan Personal Attacks (again, most of the time, but not always, underserving (again, his Character is still somewhat lacking at times and worthy of criticism))! I aslo urge any and all #Christian's to read: Liberal's only Religion is (Faith is in) Government - their motto: Separation FROM Church TO State (Why one cannot be a REAL CHRISTIAN and a Democrat) at /religion/2019/04/liberals-religion-is-government-their-motto-separation-from-church-to-state-2-2546594.html for additional perspective.


The whole #ChristianityToday "#Trump Should Be Removed" position stretch is clearly someone w/ #TrumpDerangementSyndrome reaction & gives themselves away as Liberals using the #Democrat #SPIN (not sound, in context, #Scriptures / #Doctrine).
more: /religion/2020/01/oped-countering-the-christianitytoday-opinion-piece-farce-2550864.html

end update]

[a brief/quick additional 2020 update, as a pretend Catholic (BIden) runs as the nominee of the Fascicrat Party, they attack a real Catholic (cuz, of course, that's the issue - they know their FAKES are FAKES and knell at the Alter of Government only trotting out FAITH when convenient as a PANDER or DODGE (related" as we saw Feinstein, Durbin, others do when ACB was 1st confirmation to Federal Bench via USSenate (in violation of #1A and Article 6)))!
1) There is NO SUCH THING as Separation of Church and State (doesn't exist, never has, in our Founding Docs
2) The IS in them 1ST AMENDMENT FREEDOM OF RELIGION (NOT a Freedom FROM Religion)
3) The 1st Amendment protects the CHURCH/FAITHFUL/RELIGIOUS from GOVERNMENT PERSECUTION (or force dictates upon any House of Worship or the Faithful, NO OFFICIAL ESTABLISHMENT THEREOF at the Federal level), it does not in any way shape or form provide for a DENIAL OF PEOPLE OF FAITH TO BE INVOLVED IN OR SHAPE THEIR GOVT! PERIOD
4) In Fact, Article 6 DEMANDS/COMMANDS that GOVT and/or no-one in Govt CAN IMPOSE A RELIGIOUS LITMUS TEST of any kind for any Office/Position. PERIOD! (And JFK, the last real Christian in the Fascicrats Party (related: ) reiterated that in a Speech vs those fellow Democrats who even then BEGAN TO COMMAND ATHEISM in Govt (the FAKE SEPARATION NARRATIVE) and attacked their own nominee (but the Nation knew he was one of the few/rare POSITIVE TRANSFORMATIVE Politicians in USA (like Reagan after him) and received overwhelming BI-PARTISAN support to become POTUS)!
5) and they continue to try and DENY that WE ARE ENDOWED BY OUR CREATOR (clear recognition of GOD, a GOD CENTERED NATION and many of our ForeFathers can be readily found quotes that our Nation was Founded and the Constitution written for/by a MORAL AND GODLY PEOPLE - ONE NATION UNDER GOD, and a Nation w/o God is clearly a Nation GONE UNDER (and the Left despises and hopes to destroy our Nation and know they must destroy our GODLY FOUNDATION to do that)) and that we are ENDOWED BY OUR CREATOR WITH UNALIENABLE RIGHTS! And Fascicrats don't want that. They want to define and rewrite upon whims RIGHTS GIVEN BY GOVERNMENT (and anything Govt gives, it can take). Why they try to insist on SPECIAL RIGHTS over CONSTITUTIONAL GOD GIVEN EQUAL RIGHTS!











"Occupy" thug-ocrats vs. Tea Party Patriots
Hollywood Hate-fest (2011 edition)
Base-line Budgeting For Dummies
More MSM Lies, Distortions, and Spin
Frustration with dealing with Politically Brain-Dead
Political Extortion and Psychological Projection, as usual!
Warning: Children Will Die!!!
the Party of kNOw
Hey Progressives - Here's Your Sign!
[despite (R) 2010 gains] Exporting/Expanding BLUEism
New “Contract” = “Contrast for America”
Getting the message out



THANK YOU SO MUCH IF YOU’VE MADE IT TO THE END, SOME PEOPLE WILL NOT READ THE WHOLE WAY THROUGH. PERHAPS YOU KNOW SOME THAT PREFER VLOGS?!?! So, here a few Jan 2022 ones that I hope you’ll watch and SHARE with those you know will NOT bother to read blogs. I am trying to do a few more vlogs now, so do not be surprised if you see a low view count (on one platform, cuz others may be seeing them on OTHER VIDEO (like Vimeo, Rumble, Brighteon) PLATFORMS instead….



#MeghanMcCain’s new book: “BAD REPUBLICAN” is a major flop selling only a couple hundred books in months. She is a NATIONALLY KNOWN FIGURE, where-as I am not… I’m an ACTUAL #AUTHOR, w/ a REAL #BOOK.
(“Terror Strikes: Coming soon to a City near you!” not just #Terrorism, but PRO #AMERICA, #PROLIFE, PRO #FAMILY, PRO #MAGA, fare)!

Hers, of course, was not about a book that would actually interest anyone to buy and they do not really care if it sells (they gave her big up-front bucks she won’t have to pay back as reward for her manure peddling), and is just all about MONEY LAUNDERING (from a Left wing Publisher) to a #RINO for hit piece material Liberal #ENEMEdia can spew!

I, however, have to actually SELL BOOKS!
All the #RINO class like Meghan know they can get big $’s (from Lefty loon Publishers, willing to pay big bucks for the attack material, NOT to sell books and make a profit but really just DARK MONEY AND BACK-HANDED CAMPAIGN CONTRIBUTIONS TO TRY TO BOLSTER #FASCICRATS by attacking Conservatives) they write manure attacking AMERICA LOVING PATRIOTS for the same purpose to hurt REAL CONSTITUTIONALIST CONSERVATIVES.  



Joseph M. Lenard (a/k/a: JLenardDetroit)
Born 1962. Lifelong resident Wyandotte Michigan.
Former information technology professional.
Political issues blogger/vlogger/speaker/writer.



Appreciate this or other Joseph M. Lenard pieces?
Joseph M Lenard is on @buymeacoffee! 🎉
You can support by buying a coffee ☕️ here — 





My follow-up book “How to Write a Book and Get It Published” (in which I share my journey (of writing my #1 “Political Thriller” Bestseller “Terror Strikes: Coming Soon to a City Near You” (and the hints, tips, tricks, techniques, I learned in the process)) to aid you in your journey from concept, to written form, to published, to marketing, of your own book) – is available now via Amazon:




I, Joseph M Lenard, am NOT going to relinquish co-host duties with Savaged Unfiltered, but too branching out and trying my Hands (or Mouth) with my own, new, very low-key (not alot of fluff or flash to start), the “ChristiTutionalist Politics” podcast!!!

It is OFFICIAL, my new ” #ChristiTutionalist #Politics ” #Podcast is NOW #LIVE.

Yes, will take time for it to migrate to the #SearchEngines and other #Streaming sources like #ApplePodcasts and #Spotify. YOU get the FIRST SHOT at listening to S1E1.

“ChristiTutionalist Politics” S1-E1 “Welcome to the new Show – Introductions”
This S1E1 will be an “introductory” episode and a little about me and this likely to be “Seinfeld-esque” (one Sat. about something serious, the next Sat. (yes, weekly to start slowly, dropping Saturdays (originally as announced Monthly)) maybe about nothing important at all. I’m open to hearing from you (via CONTACT tab) w/ comments/suggestions. Many times I’ll be going over my TheLibertyBeacon or BeforeItsNews artciles topics, “Savaged Unfiltered” podcast I co-host (“the BIG SHOW” to this little “humble-beginnings” show/start), my books, or whatever! Let us grow together.



ChristiTutionalist Politics podcast now available
News/Opinion-cast (weekly/weekend) from a Christian U.S.Constitution perspective


[ FRI. JUNE 30th 2023 UPDATE:
Thank you for checking out this B4IN piece, also please see recent #BeforeItsNews (B4IN “Christian News” articles/section) exclusive (for now, may get a TheLibertyBeacon reprint with TLB exclusive updates in coming months) about latest LEFT DELUSION RESPONSES to the absolutely correct #RuleOfLaw and #Constitution sound decisions (they cannot argue their case on merits but instead, as always, try to stoke EMOTIONAL HYSTERICS response).

The "#ChristiTutionalist Politics" podcast is now on the air!!! Finally get your News from a purely Christian U. S. Constitutional perspective.... Plus recent SCOTUS Rulings discussion...]



SOME of the following is STILL IN THE WORKS so not all information available at time of this (Sat Jul 15th 2023) update about my new CHRISTITUTIONALIST POLITICS podcast show/episodes…

“ChristiTutionalist Politics” (S1E1) “Welcome to the new Show – Introductions”
This S1E1 will be an “introductory” episode and a little about me and this likely to be “Seinfeld-esque” (one Sat. about something serious, the next Sat. (yes, weekly to start slowly, dropping Saturdays (originally as announced Monthly)) maybe about nothing important at all. I’m open to hearing from you (via CONTACT tab) w/ comments/suggestions. Many times I’ll be going over my TheLibertyBeacon or BeforeItsNews artciles topics, “Savaged Unfiltered” podcast I co-host (“the BIG SHOW” to this little “humble-beginnings” show/start), my books, or whatever! Let us grow together.
- (Show long-form description)   
- Joseph M Lenard –  ( /  


S1E2 SHOW NOTES ( listen (Sat Jul 1 2023 on) at: )… 
ChristiTutionalist Politics (S1E2) “Already a correction?” and “Ranked Choice Voting! (Good, Bad, Ugly – #TheRestOfTheStory, then you reach your own conclusions)”
Thank You for considering listening to this Show, as ListenNotes Reports you have about 168.9 Million+ PreRecorded Podcast Show episodes (and growing daily) to choose from. In S1E1 “Introductions” Show was mentioned “ChristiTutionalist Politics” would air monthly – and now, only few days later, time to announce pivot/change already (a correction, good/positive thing)  now airing weekly (dropping a new Show each weekend) which will coincide with new article dropping each Saturday at TheLibertyBeacon and there-by primary topic of week with “other surprises” added in! This week’s TLB piece “Ranked Choice: Great, except way AK RINOs did it.”

Episode related pieces…

also discussed: WAAM ART Sat 6/24:  

- (Show long-form description)   
- https://jlenarddetroit–  
- Joseph M Lenard –  ( /  
(S1E2 Audio: 29m 55s, Sat Jul 1st 2023)


S1E3 before edit 38m10s…
S1E3 SHOW NOTES ( listen (Sat Jul 8 2023 and thereafter) at: )… 
ChristiTutionalist Politics (S1E3) “Remembering Freedom and our Rights beyond 4thOfJuly”
Today’s main topic is Saturday’s “Remembering Freedoms & Rights beyond #4thOfJuly Holiday” piece! 
Plus, first Guest appearance from/with Pastor Robert Thibodeau, about his background, his PodcastersForChrist organization, as well as his latest FaithCasters podcasters project and discussion of TakingTheRainbowBack project to reclaim the (full 7 color) Rainbow back for God from the (fake 6 color) Rainbow Alphabet Mafia crowd (and, yes, difference between “tolerance” Gays and “Rainbow Alphabet Mafia” #GAYtivists engaging in #GAYtivism and recruitment as well as trying to legitimize and legalize Pedophilia.

Episode related pieces…
- (tribute)   
- (promocode: 4thOfJuly2023 for 20.23% off)   
- Originalists vs today’s FASCI-Federalists:   

the “ChristiTutionalist Politics” podcast (CTP). Weekly/weekends News/Opinion-cast from Christian U.S. Constitutional perspective w/ Author/Activist Joseph M. Lenard.  
- CTP:  
- (Show long-form description)  
- TLB articles discussed:  
- FaithCasters Newsletter: https://jlenarddetroit–  
- Join Faithcaster as Podcaster or Guest:  
- Broadcast your thoughts via a buzzsprout podcast:   
- ChristiTutionalists Official playlist:  
- Joseph M Lenard –  ( /  
(S1E3 Audio: 35m 14s, Sat Jul 8th 2023) 

In addition to seeing the corresponding piece referenced in any episode of ChristiTutionalist podcast, see too the Show transcript on Podcast platforms that provide access to it (like buzzsprout at for additional bonus material there-in.  



S1E4 SHOW NOTES ( listen (Sat Jul 15 2023 and thereafter) at: )…
ChristiTutionalist Politics (S1E4) “Remembering Freedom and our Rights (part 2)”
Today’s main topic is Saturday’s “Remembering Freedoms & Rights beyond #4thOfJuly Holiday (part 2)” piece! 
No-one I know wants total Anarchy, most agree we need some “limited” Government since Human-nature is such that Rules are necessary to maintain a degree of peace and allow for us to exercise our GOD given Rights to Pursue Happiness (but not infringe upon others to do same). Founders along those lines gave us the “Articles Of Confederation” but not long after it was determined a slightly more encompassing “Federal Union” and the “United States Constitution” was born that would still (but over time been weakened) Sovereign States’ Rights and reserving all else to “We The People” within States or Constitutional Amendment – and we will discuss the full/proper Political Spectrum and “Overton Window” USA lurch Leftward towards FASCICRATS-ism. US / Western “Republic” limits Govt affords, demands it protects, “We The People” Sovereign God given Rights, unlike Republics in East (China, Iran, N. Korea, Russia) whose “Republic Constitution” grant the Ruling Party and Government Power to give or take Rights to/from their Peoples.

Episode related pieces…
- (promocode: 4thOfJuly2023 for 20.23% off)   
- Originalists vs today’s FASCI-Federalists:  
- I discussed some of this with Bruce and Phil, Freedom isn’t free and we must work to keep it; as Reagan said: “Freedom is never more than one Generation away from extinction” as quoted during WAAM ART Sat July 1st conversation – listen at:
And I am ALL FOR those who want to Legally Immigrate and assimilate, NOT those looking to infiltrate and undermine our Culture!
- /alternative/2023/01/google-taking-their-fascicrats-censorship-to-whole-new-levels-the-left-thought-police-trying-to-block-facts-that-harm-their-false-narratives-3787057.html   

the “ChristiTutionalist Politics” podcast (CTP). Weekly/weekends News/Opinion-cast from Christian U.S. Constitutional perspective w/ Author/Activist Joseph M. Lenard.  
- CTP:  
- (Show long-form description)  
- TLB articles discussed:  
- FaithCasters Newsletter: https://jlenarddetroit–  
- Join Faithcaster as Podcaster or Guest:  
- Broadcast your thoughts via a buzzsprout podcast:   
- ChristiTutionalists Official playlist:  
- Joseph M Lenard –  ( / 
(S1E4 Audio: 33m 30s, Sat Jul 15th 2023)
TRANSCRIPT BONUS – NEXTDOOR text from TLB RemFreedomPt2 piece AND SCOSTUS Rulings B4IN piece 

In addition to seeing the corresponding piece referenced in any episode of ChristiTutionalist podcast, see too the Show transcript on Podcast platforms that provide access to it (like buzzsprout at for additional bonus material there-in.   


S1E5 before edit 33m31s  w/ Mary 48m 45s
S1E5 SHOW NOTES ( listen (Sat Jul 22 2023 and thereafter) at: )…
ChristiTutionalist Politics (S1E5) “Theater Lobby for Snacks & Politics”
Today’s main topic is Saturday’s “Let’s go to Lobby & get ourselves some Snacks, & Politics” piece! 
We all been seeing the trend of WOKE encroaching into most of the Films that hit the Movie Theaters of late. We will discuss Movies and Politics in this episode – some current, as well as some from the past (mainly my love of “The Thirteenth Floor” (A Matrix Film, before the Reeves version) from great visionary Roland Emmerich (who brought Blockbusters like: Stargate, The Day After Tomorrow, Independence Day, Moonfall, and many others)), and what about the future including planned reboot of Logan’s Run the forerunner (pun intended, for those who will get it) to all the modern dystopian-nightmare movies of today. Plus a brief discussion with Mary Vaughan of TRC-MI.

Episode related pieces…
- Beyond The Mask: 
- Joseph M Lenard “Terror Strikes” StoryRocket movie project:     

the “ChristiTutionalist Politics” podcast (CTP). Weekly/weekends News/Opinion-cast from Christian U.S. Constitutional perspective w/ Author/Activist Joseph M. Lenard.  
- CTP:  
- (Show long-form description)  
- TLB articles discussed:  
- FaithCasters Newsletter: https://jlenarddetroit–  
- Join Faithcaster as Podcaster or Guest:  
- Broadcast your thoughts via a buzzsprout podcast:   
- ChristiTutionalists Official playlist:  
- Joseph M Lenard –  ( /   
(S1E5 Audio: 43m 23s, Sat Jul 22nd 2023)

In addition to seeing the corresponding piece referenced in any episode of ChristiTutionalist podcast, see too the Show transcript on Podcast platforms that provide access to it (like buzzsprout at for additional bonus material there-in.  


S1E6 before edit 38m30s
S1E6 SHOW NOTES ( listen (Sat Jul 29 2023 and thereafter) at: )…
ChristiTutionalist Politics (S1E6) “Movies, Snacks, and Politics (part 2)”
Today’s main topic is Saturday’s “Movies, Snacks, and Politics (part 2)” piece! 
We all been seeing the trend of WOKE encroaching into most of the Films that hit the Movie Theaters of late. We will discuss Movies and Politics in this episode – some additional current (Sound of Freedom, Oppenheimer), as well as some from the past (They Live 35th Anniversary, An American Carol, The Patriot), and what about the future (The Domino Revival)?

Episode related pieces…
- Michael/Joseph (Savaged Unfiltered E314) talk: Movies throughout the Ages:   
- Joseph M Lenard “Terror Strikes” StoryRocket movie project:   

the “ChristiTutionalist Politics” podcast (CTP). Weekly/weekends News/Opinion-cast from Christian U.S. Constitutional perspective w/ Author/Activist Joseph M. Lenard.  
- CTP:  
- (Show long-form description)  
- TLB articles discussed:  
- FaithCasters Newsletter: https://jlenarddetroit–  
- Join Faithcaster as Podcaster or Guest:  
- Broadcast your thoughts via a buzzsprout podcast:   
- ChristiTutionalists Official playlist:  
- Joseph M Lenard –  ( /
(S1E6 Audio: 34m 03s, Sat Jul 29th 2023)

In addition to seeing the corresponding piece referenced in any episode of ChristiTutionalist podcast, see too the Show transcript on Podcast platforms that provide access to it (like buzzsprout at for additional bonus material there-in.  


S1E7 before edit 33m10s
S1E7 SHOW NOTES ( listen (Sat Aug 5 2023 and thereafter) at: )…
ChristiTutionalist Politics (S1E7) “#BIDENomics (#BIDNEflation & #BIDENrecession)”
Today’s main topic is Saturday’s “#BIDENomics, “working” (Alinsky and ClowardAndPiven planned USA destruction)” piece! 
All the games and gimmicks, wordplay and twisting of terms, the Left employs (no “EMPLOYment pun intended) to paint a Unicorn delusional picture of the current disaster Biden Economy. Also, Michael Gardner of Savaged Unfiltered joins the show to talk about podcasting and #BIDENomics (runaway #BIDENflation) and everyone pinching pennies to get by (even High-end Movie Production Sets he’s been on as an Actor or Tech).
#BIDENomics = #GASlighting — Warping terms, fudging numbers/stats, and misrepresenting Reality for complete Unicorn dellusions.

Episode related pieces…
- < ADD TLB BIDENflation LINK >
- deflections:  
- distractions:  
- save on Food/Gas:   
- Michael/Joseph (Savaged Unfiltered E314) talk: Movies throughout the Ages:  
- Joseph on Chris Hood show discussing “Consumer behavior” changes:   
- My Kmart (now worthless) Stock:    

the “ChristiTutionalist Politics” podcast (CTP). Weekly/weekends News/Opinion-cast from Christian U.S. Constitutional perspective w/ Author/Activist Joseph M. Lenard.  
- CTP:  
- (Show long-form description)  
- TLB articles discussed:  
- FaithCasters Newsletter: https://jlenarddetroit–  
- Join Faithcaster as Podcaster or Guest:  
- Broadcast your thoughts via a buzzsprout podcast:   
- ChristiTutionalists Official playlist:  
- Joseph M Lenard –  ( /      
(S1E7 Audio: 30m 48s, Sat Aug 5th 2023)
TRANSCRIPT BONUS – “The NAZI label gets tossed about, let’s examine the claim” 

In addition to seeing the corresponding piece referenced in any episode of ChristiTutionalist podcast, see too the Show transcript on Podcast platforms that provide access to it (like buzzsprout at for additional bonus material there-in.  


S1E8 before edit 43m03s
S1E8 SHOW NOTES ( listen (Sat Aug 12 2023 and thereafter) at: )…
ChristiTutionalist Politics (S1E8) “Norton v Shelby County TN Case”
Today’s main topic is Saturday’s “Norton v Shelby, and Government over-reach / usurpation” piece! 
An old Case many are trying to bring back to the fore and attach as part of supportive arguments of “Government overreach (usurpation)” challenge of Alphabet Agencies acting far outside their purview (designed, and legitimately “authorized” by Congress scope) case to the SCOTUS. An “in the weeds” discussion for advanced Patriots looking to Restore Our American Republic. Not a topic for “casual coversation” and to broach “strangers at the local Supermarket!” Often, those able to be awakened from their woke stupor, need to be taken in baby-steps and at their “digestable” own pace (often slowly) and therefore this topic is one that can/may overwhelm someone early on in their “new Political awakening journey!”

Episode related pieces…
- < **** ADD TLB NVSC LINK **** >   
- Savaged Unfiltered full Video LIVESTREAM: 
- /christian-news/2023/04/will-real-christians-save-america-it-is-why-the-left-wants-christianity-destroyed-it-helped-found-america-help-destroy-the-soviets-etc-2614952.html     
- Klaus Schwabb and Agenda21/2030/whatever:  
- EPA and other AlphabetAgenices overreach:   
- DOEd must go: Norton v Shelby: 
- Clearly William Wagner (Constitutional Scholar) discusses related issues during WAAM “Your American Heritage” Show (Sat. 7/8/2023)  
  listen at:      
  as our Founders INSISTED there must be checks-and-balance, today’s Fasci-Federalists do everything to avoid them   
- Our Little Polish Genie:  
- /alternative/2023/01/google-taking-their-fascicrats-censorship-to-whole-new-levels-the-left-thought-police-trying-to-block-facts-that-harm-their-false-narratives-3787057.html  

the “ChristiTutionalist Politics” podcast (CTP). Weekly/weekends News/Opinion-cast from Christian U.S. Constitutional perspective w/ Author/Activist Joseph M. Lenard.  
- CTP:  
- (Show long-form description)  
- TLB articles discussed:  
- FaithCasters Newsletter: https://jlenarddetroit–  
- Join Faithcaster as Podcaster or Guest:  
- Broadcast your thoughts via a buzzsprout podcast:   
- ChristiTutionalists Official playlist:  
- Joseph M Lenard –  ( / 
(S1E8 Audio: 37m 53s, Sat Aug 12th 2023)

some “Behind-the-Scenes” Video version of ChristiTutionalist Politics podcasts can be found via my @JLenardDetroit Rumble/YouTube channels   

S1E9 before edit XXmXXs
S1E9 SHOW NOTES  ( listen (Sat Aug 19 2023 and thereafter) at: )… 
ChristiTutionalist Politics (S1E9)  ”BIDENomics part 2″
Today’s main topic is Saturday’s “BIDENomics part 2″ piece! 
Deeper dive into the destruction caused by #BIDENflation, #BIDENrecession, and other disasterous FASCICRATS #EpicFail policies. What is ESG and are you involved and “invested” without your knowledge, permission, will (looking for the Investor Group’s elites “Political interests” rather than your Bank Account’s best Financial best-interest (yes, “interest,” double meaning word-play intended))? We cannot just #BOYcott, but too should engage in #BUYcott of “friendly” (or at least, NOT HOSTILE) to our principles and values and various “Conservative” Marketplaces are popping up all over to aid in doing just that – like MammothNation, AlignUs App, PublicSq, and more. As I discuss how the #BIDENrecession has destroyed my Budget when/as my Furnace (thankfully during Summer, not Winter) decided to bite-the-dust and need replacement. How the UPSIDE App can save you in this belt-tightening times!

Episode related pieces…
- /financial-markets/2022/12/massive-inflation-unsteady-cryptostock-markets-gold-your-ira-to-protect-your-retirement-4351201.html  
- /tea-party/2022/07/michigan-taxes-and-our-migop-migov-candidates-in-this-2022-election-cycle-2710485.html  
- time to strengthen the STOCK Act:   

the “ChristiTutionalist Politics” podcast (CTP). Weekly/weekends News/Opinion-cast from Christian U.S. Constitutional perspective w/ Author/Activist Joseph M. Lenard.  
- CTP:  
- (Show long-form description)  
- TLB articles discussed:  
- FaithCasters Newsletter: https://jlenarddetroit–  
- Join Faithcaster as Podcaster or Guest:  
- Broadcast your thoughts via a buzzsprout podcast:   
- ChristiTutionalists Official playlist:  
- Joseph M Lenard –  ( /  
(S1E9 Audio: XXm XXs, Sat Aug 19th 2023)

some “Behind-the-Scenes” Video version of ChristiTutionalist Politics podcasts can be found via…   

In addition to seeing the corresponding piece referenced in any episode of ChristiTutionalist podcast, see too the Show transcript on Podcast platforms that provide access to it (like buzzsprout at for additional bonus material there-in.  



Federal tyranny, States Rights erased, God being white-washed from Society:

CMT crumbles to Cancel Culture, pulls video:
And what my #book (Terror Strikes: Coming Soon to a City Near You) about, not just Foreign Terrorists but USA Leftist Terrorism within & destruction of Western-Culture (as whole, not just US)
#JasonAldean #BoycottCMT










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Before It’s News® is a community of individuals who report on what’s going on around them, from all around the world. Anyone can join. Anyone can contribute. Anyone can become informed about their world. "United We Stand" Click Here To Create Your Personal Citizen Journalist Account Today, Be Sure To Invite Your Friends.


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    Your Comments
    Question   Razz  Sad   Evil  Exclaim  Smile  Redface  Biggrin  Surprised  Eek   Confused   Cool  LOL   Mad   Twisted  Rolleyes   Wink  Idea  Arrow  Neutral  Cry   Mr. Green

    Total 6 comments
    • JLenardDetroit

      2019 update: Rev William Barber (find him on Twitter: @RevDrBarber), moron MSNBC paid hack, was on just the other Day claiming the Bible supports SOCIALISM (OK for him to twist Bible to peddle liberalism, but I can’t ANALYZE THEWORD in context?) and “REV” Barber (like RevJesseJackson and RevAlSharlaton) challenged anyone to Debate him on it. OK, happy to do so (see my Tweet to him:, that he’ll just ignore) with him or anyone on the Subject!

      Please, beg anyone to (w/ #Scriptures, IN CONTEXT (as I do therein)) to refute it?!?! Any of it at all?!?! I am far from Perfect (and why I need #Jesus, and the Scriptures) convince me where I’m wrong?

      I have Family that are “supposed #Christians” and Vote for #Democrats!
      I happen to prefer to defend #JESUS / #SCRIPTURES (righteousness) rather than make excuses for humans/people (even Family)!
      And, of course, I LOVE THOSE FAMILY MEMBERS so I “tell them, in even less uncertain terms than I do “strangers” (whom I also don’t hold back with), “like it is” and try to bring back from “modern Worldly convenient excuses” to #Righteousness!

      It’s long past time for many to reOpen #SCRIPTURES with eye on living in them, rather than constantly trying to twist them to match their #BabyKilling #Socialist #Democrat Party Cult! And they do twist them, or try to distort one line completely out-of-context of/with THE WORD as a whole (no one Scripture stands-alone)!

      Not an ad-hom attack, but detailed analysis why I say….
      One cannot be #Christian & #Democrat
      #Democrats are #Socialists
      #JesusWasNOTASocialist #RedistributionIsNOTCharity
      “Each must give as Decided in Heart #not #reluctantly or under #compulsion” 2 COR 9:7
      IRREFUTABLE details in:

      Each 1 must give as has Decided in Heart #not #reluctantly or under #compulsion: 2 COR 9:7
      (just 1 of countless properly contexted scriptures in Article)
      NOT improperly contexted/defined RENDER UNTO CAESAR and THEFT FROM ONE TO ANOTHER (#ReDistribution)

      ALL/FULL DETAILS (including properly contexted “JUDGE NOT” (by proper Biblical, rightful, true, what should be our standards (and therefore is NOT HYPERBOLIC AD-HOMINEM NAME-CALLING, but a Doctrinal legitimate argument/challenge)) in:

      We must STOP allowing FAKE PRIESTS/MINISTERS from being SOFT on PROPERLY PREACHING THE TRUE/REAL GOSPEL rather than PROSPERITY OR FEEL-GOOD DOCTRINE just to keep Democrats in the Pews and the MONEY flowing into the Churches! Our allowing shying away of ACTUAL DOCTRINAL PREACHING is what has gotten us to where we are now – THE USA GOING TO HELL like the rest of the Globe! #WeMustBeTheShiningCityOnTheHillOnceMore!

      Being taught to avoid talking about #politics or #religion (especially intersection of the two) has led to a lack of understanding of politics & religion.

      What we should have been taught was to have a civil conversation (seems we’re way beyond that now) about difficult topics.

    • JLenardDetroit

      The whole #ChristianityToday “Trump Should Be Removed” position stretch is clearly someone with #TrumpDerangementSyndrome reaction and gives themselves away as Liberals using the Democrat SPIN. There are ZERO GROUNDS for Impeachment (their Articles are Policy difference and Constitution Article 1 v Article 2 “delineation/separation of Powers” struggles/issues that have been going on for decades and issues that have always then been appealed to #SCOTUS (the 3rd Branch) to litigate, NOT JUMP TO IMPEACHMENT! No Crimes (any actual justification) in Impeachment Articles… More…..

      RE: #ChristianityToday Trump criticism and #Christians that say they can’t support #Trump (at all, ever nonsense)…

      Fact is that I did NOT Vote for Trump in 2016 (no, I certainly did NOT Vote for Hillary, for the 1st time in my Life I left the POTUS portion of the Ballot blank) because of his Character (serial Adulterer, stiffed many Contractors, etc) but I can understand why some felt they had to hold their nose and vote what appeared to be the lessor of the two evils (or, felt called, knew something the rest of us didn’t) BUT TRUMP HAS CLEARLY EARNED MY VOTE FOR 2020.

      I didn’t buy the “God using the imperfect man for the times for his Will” at the time but I honestly am more accepting of that notion now and I do firmly believe that Trump is a far better Man now than he was before getting Elected. Yes, he is clearly still IMPERFECT (aren’t we all) but whether it be actually Trump being better or those around him keeping him constrained (most of the time) his POLICIES are clearly GOOD FOR OUR NATION (not that I agree with him 100% of the time, I do NOT agree with anyone 100% and likely no-one ever agrees with anyone (including a Spouse) on all issues 100% of the time (it isn’t natural among HONEST people) and I wrote a lengthy/detailed/honest Article about that titled “I’m #CONSERVATIVE (1st/foremost) #Republican (2nd) – stand by any #POTUS when deserving and criticize when I feel necessary (with ANY/ALL Politicians)!” which can be viewed at: /republican/2018/10/im-conservative-1stforemost-republican-2nd-stand-by-any-potus-when-deserving-and-criticze-when-i-feel-necessary-2444930.html and like I say plainly in there: I will NEVER join either the #TrumpCult (as bad as #ObamaZombies) or #TrumpDerangementSyndrome ranks as both extremes are unPrincipled Emotional hysterics rather than rational/reasoned thought and both pathetic) and I can, will, do, still openly criticize Trump when I think he is deserving but support him when I think he’s deserving (including against outright vicious partisan Personal Attacks (again, most of the time, but not always, underserving (again, his Character is still somewhat lacking at times and worthy of criticism))! I aslo urge any and all #Christian’s to read: Liberal’s only Religion is (Faith is in) Government – their motto: Separation FROM Church TO State (Why one cannot be a REAL CHRISTIAN and a Democrat) at /religion/2019/04/liberals-religion-is-government-their-motto-separation-from-church-to-state-2-2546594.html for additional perspective.

      The whole #ChristianityToday “#Trump Should Be Removed” position stretch is clearly someone w/ #TrumpDerangementSyndrome reaction & gives themselves away as Liberals using the #Democrat #SPIN (not sound, in context, #Scriptures / #Doctrine).
      more: /religion/2020/01/oped-countering-the-christianitytoday-opinion-piece-farce-2550864.html

    • JLenardDetroit

      Thu 8/6/2020 update:
      They have #BiblicalIdiot trending on #Twitter, more moronic devoid of actual thoughts attack on #Trump!
      #Clinton #Adultery, #LYING (#Perjury), #RAPES, OK w/ Left (but somehow #Trump’s #Adultery makes him unfit)! NO #POTUS has fought for #1A #ReligiousRights more than #Trump (that is what really upsets Leftists, his COMING TO #CHRIST AND #REDEMPTION (he is clearly NOW a different Man than he once was))! And, meanwhile, #BIDEN #BABYKILLING & #REDISTRIBUTION #THEFT ignored!
      more: recommended reading….
      Neil Mammen – “Jesus IS involved in Politics…” book!

      But, IMO, he doesn’t go far enough…
      So also should read:

    • JLenardDetroit

      People objecting to us celebrating both Hanukkah and Christmas… Why does Xristos Mass bring out so much AntiSemitism (the blame all Jews for everything syndrome)…

      People objecting to us celebrating both Hanukkah and Christmas… Why does Xristos Mass bring out so much AntiSemitism (the blame all Jews for everything syndrome)…

      Thanks again for many of you hopefully still able to make it to our Event on Sunday.

      It is Billed as MOSTLY a Christmas Party, but we ACKNOWLEDGE HANUKKAH ALSO and a few people have COMPLAINED about it.

      I just thought I’d share my response, in partial hopes we deal with the ANTI-SEMITISM that get hyped up in some at this time of the year….

      Very simple.
      Do not like it, do not come!
      What part of USA created on JUDEO/CHRISTIAN (both, mentioned on our Flyer, in our Email invites, and our Press Release ( ethics/beliefs foundations, always acknowledged by our Founders and the GOP, do you not get??

      You do know the majority of basis of our ORIGINAL NATURAL LAWs come from the OLD TESTAMENT?!?!?



      Ah, so you’re one of those. The whole Old Testament, despite being part of the Bible is Void? Jesus never said Old Testament was VOID. You think the TEN COMMANDMENTS (that old section, all that Moses stuff is irrelevant? lol) are then null and void? #EpicFail

      Jesus came to fulfill what was in those books
      Jesus was a Jew…

    • JLenardDetroit

      FAIR.. again… THE LEFT twisting terms…. as the Princes Bride line goes: I DO NOT THINK THAT MEANS WHAT YOU THINK IT MEANS….

      [below is comment from: about redistricting shenanigans. You really should see: as while it is about MI REDISTRICTING much of what is there WILL APPLY TO YOU!!! AND YOUR STATE!!!!]

      We told you PEOPLE NOT POLITICIANS (aka: Prop-2) was a farce…
      We told you that it was NOT JUST MICHIGAN, that Soro’s was pouring money, on behalf of Democrats, IN STATES THAT THE LEGISLATURES CONTROLLED BY REPUBLICANS (and only those States, you didn’t and won’t see this GO-AROUND in any BLUE STATE) was for a reason – and that reason was to STEAL the redistricting process from LEGISLATORS (as outlined in LAW or CONSTITUTION of most States) and put it in the hands of BOARDS/COMMITTEES they could, lie, cheat, steal, control over, in order to GERRYMANDER ADDITIONAL BLUE DISTRICTS!

      Now, they finally admit it…

      from…. [email protected]
      to: DUMBocrats/FASCICRATS/SUCKERS in Michigan
      Subject: “There has been a redistricting turnaround”

      The media is starting to catch on to the fact that our efforts to stop Republican’s are having an impact.

      It’s about time! For years now, the NDRC has been working hard to prepare the public and…

    • JLenardDetroit

      Sunday March 19th 2023 update….

      To/for my fellow #Christians…

      Yep, it’s now been 4 Sunday’s
      I think it is well past time you return the things I Lent you!
      ;-) :P (couldn’t resist) LOL #AMomentOfLevity #JoeOriginal

      but seriously…

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