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A Victory For Bitcoin: SCOTUS Overturning ‘Chevron Deference’ Is Monumental Shift

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A Victory For Bitcoin: SCOTUS Overturning ‘Chevron Deference’ Is Monumental Shift

Authored by Colin Crossman via,

In a landmark decision on June 28, 2024, the Supreme Court of the United States, by a 6-3 vote, overruled the longstanding Chevron doctrine, fundamentally reshaping the landscape of administrative law and judicial review. The case, Loper Bright Enterprises v. Raimondo, signals a significant shift in the balance of power between the judiciary and administrative agencies. This decision not only reinforces judicial independence but also presents substantial benefits for the Bitcoin industry, echoing the implications of last year’s West Virginia v. EPA decision.


The Chevron doctrine, established in Chevron U.S.A., Inc. v. Natural Resources Defense Council, Inc., 467 U.S. 837 (1984), required courts to defer to agency interpretations of ambiguous statutes as long as the interpretation was deemed reasonable. This two-step framework had become a cornerstone of administrative law, often tipping the scales in favor of agency authority over judicial oversight.

In Loper Bright, the petitioners challenged a National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS) rule that required Atlantic herring fishermen to bear the cost of onboard observers, arguing that the Magnuson-Stevens Act (MSA) did not authorize such a mandate. The lower courts had upheld the NMFS rule, applying Chevron deference to conclude that the agency’s interpretation was permissible.


Chief Justice Roberts, writing for the majority, delivered a decisive opinion that dismantles Chevron deference. The Court held that the Administrative Procedure Act (APA) requires courts to exercise independent judgment when interpreting statutes, rejecting the notion that ambiguities in law should default to agency interpretations.

Chevron defies the command of the APA that ‘the reviewing court’—not the agency whose action it reviews—is to ‘decide all relevant questions of law’ and ‘interpret . . . statutory provisions,’” Roberts wrote. “It requires a court to ignore, not follow, ‘the reading the court would have reached’ had it exercised its independent judgment. … Chevron cannot be reconciled with the APA… .” Slip Op., at 21 (emphasis added).

The ruling emphasizes that statutory ambiguities do not automatically delegate interpretive authority to agencies. Instead, courts must use traditional tools of statutory construction to determine the best reading of a statute, ensuring that agencies do not exceed their conferred powers.


The implications of this ruling extend far beyond administrative law, reaching into the heart of the Bitcoin mining industry. Much like the Supreme Court’s decision in West Virginia v. EPA, which curbed the Environmental Protection Agency’s overreach, this ruling reinforces the need for clear congressional authorization before agencies can impose significant regulatory burdens.

For the Bitcoin mining industry, this decision is a clear win. Regulatory uncertainty has long been a thorn in the side of Bitcoin miners, who rely on predictable and stable access to power and other resources. By curbing the ability of agencies to unilaterally expand their regulatory reach, the Court has created a more favorable environment for Bitcoin mining operations.

Bitcoin miners have often been at the mercy of shifting regulatory landscapes, which can dramatically impact their operations. For instance, stringent environmental regulations targeting power consumption could have severely constrained the industry. With the Chevron doctrine overturned, any future regulatory attempts to impose such burdens will require explicit and unambiguous congressional authorization, followed by detailed judicial scrutiny.

This decision also invigorates the major question doctrine, which posits that significant regulatory actions with vast economic and political implications require clear congressional authorization. This doctrine can be a powerful tool for Bitcoin miners and other industries to challenge regulatory overreach, ensuring that agencies cannot impose wide-ranging policies without clear legislative backing.

Furthermore, recent developments have seen the Biden Administration intensify oversight on the U.S. Bitcoin mining sector through an Energy Information Agency (EIA) emergency survey, portraying electricity usage by miners as a significant threat to national grid stability. This move demanded detailed disclosures from miners, and mirrored actions in countries like Venezuela, signaling a concerning trend towards building a full registry of mining activities. The industry’s response united against such overreach, and resulted in a decisive victory against the Federal Government.


The recent NRA and Cantero cases further illuminate the judicial shift towards protecting industry autonomy from regulatory overreach. In both cases, the courts have shown a willingness to scrutinize agency actions that appear to exceed their statutory authority. The NRA case, dealing with banking regulations, and the Cantero case, focusing on state versus federal regulatory powers, underscore the importance of clear legislative directives. These cases have set a precedent that benefits the Bitcoin mining industry by highlighting the judiciary’s role in curbing unwarranted regulatory expansion, akin to the protections now reinforced by the Supreme Court’s rejection of Chevron deference.


The Supreme Court’s decision to overturn Chevron represents a monumental shift towards judicial independence and a recalibration of the administrative state. For the Bitcoin industry, this ruling is particularly significant, promising a more predictable and less burdensome regulatory environment.

As industries and legal practitioners grapple with the implications of this ruling, one thing is clear: the era of agency deference has been significantly curtailed, marking a new chapter in the interpretation and application of federal laws. This ruling underscores the importance of clear legislative mandates and may prompt Congress to take a more active role in defining the scope of agency powers moving forward.

For Bitcoin miners, this decision is a beacon of hope, heralding a future where regulatory overreach can be more effectively challenged, fostering a more stable and supportive environment for the growth and sustainability of the industry. As the judiciary reclaims its role as the ultimate arbiter of the law, the Bitcoin mining community, and Americans as a whole, can now look forward to a more balanced and just regulatory landscape.

Tyler Durden Sat, 06/29/2024 – 11:40

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