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Treason? Our Government Is Establishing These In All 50 States (Video)

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In this episode, we’ll take a look at a recent interview concerning several camps that are being built all over the US. These are not the FEMA camps that have previously been reported and they are not housing illegal aliens. When we look at the push in the past to ‘re-educate’ certain Americans who won’t go along with the government narrative, we begin to understand that these are not built for foreigners, but for Americans.


Articles, links, videos and bonus videos mentioned in this episode.

Why Is America Building These Secret Facilities In All 50 States?

The lawless planned to haul dissidents into internment camps for ‘deprogramming’ since at least 2010

The Minds of Men



This is how #MAiD in #Canada actually works

Former Somali PM Hassan Khaire: Rep. Omar Doesn’t Represent America, She Represents Somalia

FEMA Camps for American Dissidents

Joe Rogan EXPOSED: CIA, Elon Musk, MAPS, Esalen, Military MK Ultra, Brave New World

Government Contractor Exposes Planning of Profitable Lethal Injections

The Ritual Regicide of the Romanov Dynasty

Life in Russia Today

A Message to the American People

Illegal Immigrants Being Housed and Trained at American Universities

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Total 2 comments
  • kilroy

    When you want to kill as many people as possible and keep it out of the general public eye you send them off to camp. This is the way the Bolsheviks did it under Stalin. Tens of millions killed off quietly while getting a few Forrest’s cut down and a few roads built in the process. Also worked for Mao in China with hundreds of millions of death and Pol Pot in Cambodia. Also Kim in North Korea. My point is this is a Communist tactic that goes all the way back to beginning. Look to your criminal Congress to see who voted all of this crap into law.
    Not sure about the rest of you. However, I am getting tired of law enforcement doing nothing.
    We the people need to stop waiting for others to act. You and I have a Constitutional duty to rid our Country of these criminals. As such we all have Constitutional immunity from any and all prosecution when we decide to arrest these traitors.

  • US Marine Fighting Tyranny

    My Fellow Americans:

    One of these videos is by “Redacting Jews”.

    “Reacting Jews” is a Cointel-Op (FBI), FBI controlled opposition.

    If you want to check this yourself, notice two central tactics used here,…

    1 – You will NEVER hear this pys-op agent (Reacting-Jews) mention the role of the JEWS in all this treason and nation destruction.

    2 – In this video, he is “talking” about all this housing (detention camps) being built, or already built, but he shows ZERO footage of them, nor does he give locations (addresses) or GPS locations of any of these sites that can supposedly hold TEN’S OF THOUSANDS in single location (meaning they are large!) which makes them easily visible from the air and can be photographed.

    Where is the video of any of these large sites, what are the addresses or GPS locations???

    Oh yeah,.. they conveniently don’t present any of that in this video.

    JD – US Marines: Don’t Tell Me,… SHOW ME!


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