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Published on Sep 19, 2012 by TheAlexJonesChannel
On the Wednesday, September 19 edition of the Alex Jones Show, Alex talks about the reaction of Muslims around the world to speech critical of Islam and Mohammed, most recently in France where a magazine has published a cartoon showing the Islamic prophet naked. He also talks about Obama’s latest comments on the redistribution of wealth and his hostile attitude toward business and free market capitalism.
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It looks like our U.S. federal government is well hated, for good reason their mostly UN and NDAA loving freaking Treasonous Traitors. How do you confront a known blatant Treasonous Traitor like obama, who are the people who financed his infiltration? And how do we as American’s stop the Treason madness? We get to vote for the lesser of two evils, like a don king match we lose. Maybe not there is a third choice (I) Independent Mr. Gary Johnson. The UN which obama is head of at the same time he has usurped our presidency want one world government and have stolen your money, property, freedom, and last but not least our untimely GMO death. At first I thought to myself well these American stupid people that are watching TV being brain washed fools that can’t stop watching the TV news propaganda should get the steamroller and squash the ignorant crap out of them but then I reconsidered because at one time, long ago, I was a dumbass sheeple.
The Muslims are being stirred up so that the up coming false flags in the USA this fall can be blamed on them. Our Saviour has revealed at prophecies org that poison gas attacks are coming, people are going to cry out for troops in the streets. Obama will declare Martial Law and start exterminating Americans. If Barracuda would stop overiding the Lords warnings that are published on beforeitsnews a lot more people would be aware of what is going on. Barracuda is on a major ego trip that he is superman at beforeitsnews and posts anything he can get his hands on so he can be a top contributor. I wish he would go on a holiday, a real long one!
Mark, more Jesus crap? If he had existed, haven’t seen his ass in over two thousand years unless he’s holed up at the Khazarian owned Federal Reserve. Time to wake up dude. You been duped by the Knights Templar and the saddest King James. I’m not judging you, most of us fell for it. But, there’s still time to find the truth. An old Baptist Preacher once showed me the truth and said: “theres ain’t no dead guy hangin on a cross like tree. Never was one never will be one. And, if you been raised Catholic you been worshipping satan your whole life and didn’t even knows it”.
Alex Jones is a paranoid fear pimp…so it pains me to no end when I have to agree with him on issues. However, a lot of what he says on this video is pretty near on target!
If the gold encased tungsten turns out to be wide-spread, it could easily precipitate a collapse of the gold market, stripping the wealth of those who tried to anticipate mass inflation and to hedge against it.
The war against free speech and against Christianity is very real. Jones is one of the few public personalities who are standing up and exposing the very real threat that Islam presents to civilized societies and America.
On the other side of the coin, when Islamists act on what they threaten to do every day, he calls these false-flag events and diverts attention away from them and onto some secretive nefarious organization or our own government. Islamists attack and kill people every day for any number of religious, political, or revengeful reasons. Often times it is fellow Muslims who might believe slightly different than they do. How surprised can anyone be when we are also the targets of their barbarism?
The war on capitalism and individual liberties is very much underway in this country. We have elected a Marxist to the highest office in the land and are about to re-elect him. The MSM propaganda about how the economy works and wealth is created is now a reality for 1/2 of Americans who have bought into the myth of the virtues of redistribution of wealth. Money sent to corporations is no less redistribution of wealth. Government should not be in the business of deciding what anyone should do with their wealth. Stealing from the rich to give to the poor is not Robin Hood. Robin Hood recaptured money from the Tax collectors and gave it back to those who it was stolen from (the taxpayer).
The large purchase of bullets by various governmental agencies may not be an indication that they are about attack the American people. It does seem to at least indicate that the government does think there is a reasonable chance of serious unrest in the US for some reason. Now this could because of an economic downturn (serious recession or depression), hyperinflation, drought and hunger, pestilence or disease, or perhaps it is true that the government will decide to conduct a coup and strip the power from the people and consolidate it in the hands of a few elitists and/or Globalists. At this point anything is possible! We are in unchartered waters. Change is happening at an unprecedented rate all over the World. The most likely scenario however is that they are preparing “just in case” something does occur. In which case it is not a bad thing and probably a very good idea to be prepared for a bad to worst-case scenario.
Many Muslims today are Not happy.. They’re not happy in Egypt They’re not happy in Gaza They’re not happy in Libya They’re not happy in Morocco They’re not happy in Iran They’re not happy in Iraq They’re not happy in Yemen They’re not happy in Afghanistan They’re not happy in Pakistan They’re not happy in Syria There’s not happy in Lebanon
So where are they happy?
They’re happy in Australia They’re happy in the UK They’re happy in Canada They’re happy in the U.S They’re happy in France They’re happy in Germany They’re happy in Italy They’re happy in Sweden They’re happy in Denmark They’re happy in Norway
So they’re happy in every country that is Not Muslim.
And who do they blame?
Not Islam. Not their leadership. Not themselves.
Excuse me, but have I missed something here?
Poison gas attacks coming to America that will be blamed on the Muslims!
Perhaps it’s because the governments of all those ‘Happy’ countries are using depleted uranium bombs, drones & more to utterly gut & destroy those ‘Unhappy’ countries for political & economic gain. I agree with you that Muslims often don’t seem to assimilate to their adopted country & I think it’s very wrong they try to impose their cultural beliefs on other people. Case in point being in France the Muslim men were spitting on & abusing female parking officers to the point they couldn’t work near the mosque anymore… That’s abhorrent, but you need to keep the bigger picture in mind. If you were a Libyan for example, how would you view the countries that funded a civil war in your country, death of many innocents, destroyed all the infrastructure & left it in terrible shpe, when before the ‘humanitarian help’ it was one of the most prosperous & well-run countries in Africa. Gaddhafi treated his populaces very well (perhaps a shining example of how life can be without the parasites), but now they have a Rothschild bank. The idiot elite are playing the age-old ‘divide & conquor’ inflaming grievances on both sides. If we all fall for that, we lose & they gain. Most Muslims & Christians are actually good, kind people I believe & we all want happiness & liberty. Immigration is also being forced in a way to increase conflict & distract the sheeple from the real issues, the source of the injustices in every country. For the ‘haves’ immigration is an encroachment on their freedom, since their wealth is kindly being ‘redistributed’ communist style, where as for the immigrants, well their countries are stuffed due to the elite & banking corruption so they figure ‘what the heck let’s get all we can out of em’ I can see both sides & it’s all been set up. The elite are causing havoc & everything they do has an insidious reason behind it. We need to focus on our similarities not our petty differences.
But, the Mussies are beddy, beddy happy in the U.S. of A.
Revelation 8-11 Parallels Revelation 15-16
Revelation 8-11 Parallels Revelation 15-16 to Kingdom and Temple 144000 Completion
Prophetic Modes That Repeat Prophecies to Progressive Finale
The Muslims in Libya did not kill our ambassador there, the TERRORIST murdered him and his 3 bodyguards. I’m beginning to think that maybe we all can get along with each other and everything is NOT the fault of every Muslim. For the most part they just want the same thing we want, to live. It’s the radical’s that are causing all of the problems, the radical terrorist AND the radical politicians as in “The D.C.Terrorist” on Capital Hill. The ones in D.C. are just as bad as the ones hiding behind a mask over their face, the ones living in caves and the ones living in condo’s. Let them all get together and fight it out while the rest of us go to work everyday and try to make ends meet.
Look what the people of Libya did last night, the decent Muslims got together and ran the terrorist out of town, not just once but twice. Someone (MSM, D.C.Terrorist) has been lying to us and we bought into it. All Muslims DO NOT want to kill us,only the real radicals do want us dead. I cannot believe that the average working Muslim in America today thinks only of Jihad against all American’s. They came here looking for a better life for their family like all other emigrants do.
Washington D.C. seems to be the real world problem today, not the Middle East.
We went to their countries looking for oil they didn’t come here looking to take anything.
thx alx for your incite!