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Bombshell: WWIII Starts Sept. 25th Says Former State Dept. Veteran

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Posted by on Sep 18, 2012


Speaking with Infowars’ Alex Jones, former Assistant Deputy Secretary of State Dr. Steve Pieczenik says Israel plans to attack Iran before the U.S. elections of Nov. 6., and, that an attack on Iran will assuredly kickoff WWIII, according to him.

Moreover, Pieczenik, a man whose career inspired the character Jack Ryan of the Tom Clancy book series, says the ‘October Surprise’ will not take place in October. Instead, the big surprise will come earlier, in late September.

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Dr. Pieczenik says the specific date of the strike on Iran is Sept. 25th or 26th, Yom Kippur—the Jewish holiday, which commences in the year 2012 at sundown on the 25th, and ends at nightfall, the following day.

“It [an Israeli attack on Iran] could be earlier than October, because we have Yom Kippur. And I predicted on your radio show, and I predicted to our national security people, privately, that Benjamin Bibi Netanyahu would start something on Rosh Hashanah,” says Pieczenick.

“This [prediction] was over a year ago, and I said it on your radio show. He was as predictable as a clock, and the Israelis will be very predictable, on Yom Kippur,” he adds.

Pieczenik says it’s clear to him that Israeli prime minister Bibi Netanyahu has already planned to attack Iran and has been desperately trying to enlist the U.S. to back him up. But, with or without U.S. direct help, Pieczenik is certain that Israel will attack Iran.

Moreover, he says Netanyahu is an extremest, who will “lie” for his personal and selfish cause, a conclusion also drawn by many Israelis who protest his regime.

“Everything Bibi is saying to the Americans and the American Jews is an absolute, unmitigated lie,” Pieczenik, a Jew, himself, says forcefully,

“What we have here is a collusion between Saudi Arabia, neocon Jews of America and Israel, against a president, who, whether I like or dislike, and may have lied about Osama Bin Laden,” he adds, “he [President Obama] is the son . . . a son of a CIA operative, the grandson of a CIA operative, who understands very well what the issues of intelligence are.”

With help from his neocon friends, Netanyahu threatens the entire world with the suicidal notion that Iran must be attacked, and the Israeli prime minister must be stopped, even if it means assassination, according to Pieczenik

“In a couple of weeks, they [Israel, Saudi and neocons] will try to initiate another war, unless their ex-Mossad operatives and their ex-Shin Bet will take out Netanyahu, and do to Netanyahu what happened to Rabin,” exclaims Pieczenik. “They know what I’m talking about. Otherwise he will bring down Israel, the world, and there will be a third world war.”

He also says, “What we are, is [sic] at the brink of war, that is being precipitated by two major countries. That is, Israel, particularly Bibi Netanyahu, who knows his country is failing economically, socially, politically.” And the other country is “Saudi Arabia.”

Pieczenik says the Israelis, Saudis and neocons were behind the 9-11 attacks, an accusation also made some years ago by many researchers of the incident. Once considered a crazy idea forwarded by some ‘conspiracy theorists’, who seek to see a conspiracy in every major world event, the conspiracy theorists have been mostly vilified, though no reinvestigation of the 9-11 incident has been seriously proposed by any member of Congress.

Today, the ‘conspiracy theory’, or ‘inside job’ theory, appears to be much, much closer to ‘fact’ than the account of that day was published through the official Congressional report of 9-11, giving rise to a strong possibility of a Mossad, Saudi and neocon conspiracy to carryout a false-flag attack on the United States and blame the crime on Osama bin Laden, Iraq and Afghanistan.

Given evidence of Mossad’s checkered past and involvement with the attack of the USS Liberty on Jun. 8, 1967, killing 34 American soldiers, Pieczenik comments won’t be received as a big surprise to many Americans.

I want Netanyahu to “begin telling the truth, that the involvement of Israel was, in 9-11” says Pieczenik. “Over 134 Mossad operatives were picked up on 9-11. The FBI picked them up [and] debriefed them. They were clearly involved with the Pakistani ISI and Saudi Arabian intelligence” on 9-11.


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    Total 53 comments
    • HfjNUlYZ

      Thanks for the heads up! I better mark “WW3″ on my Calendar

      • Anonymous

        I called Alex Jones office to see why they hadnt followed up with an intverview with this Pieczenik and they said he had scheduling problems. When I went to Pieczenik’s site here is what HE, Pieczenik had to say about the phony psyop Jones:

        StevePieczenik Alex Jones just pulled me off his 1:30 show today. He was intimidated by the very people we talked about. no worries, truth will prevail. yesterday · reply · retweet · favorite

    • Anonymous

      I think this is possibly true in every fashion with the exception of 9/11 I still think the U.S had something to do with that, I do not believe it was forien terrorist I think our own goverment had knowledge of what was going to happen here before it ever took place if not explain how 2 towers as tall as they were fall straight to the ground the first tower fell an hour after being hit and the second tower 2 hours after the plane hit and 5 smaller building all of the fell straight down and they were not even hit by planes …. to drop buildings like that it take precision and expertise in demolition and the support beams were almost surgically cut by the explosives so I do not by the terrorist theory on 9/11 to many things do not add up …

      • Whiskey Zero

        NORAD and our entire military established doesn’t stand down unless ordered to stand down, and that order came from Darth Vader himself, Dick Cheney.

        • Anonymous

          True. Its known and SPOKEN of. What is not allowed to be spoken of is the ISRAELI crucial role in all of this? Everyone else involved gets nailed- but the Zionists get to go free? Holocost card? Bullcrap.

        • Old Harry

          Now that was funny!!

      • Maverick

        Thanks for reiterating what everybody who visits this website already knows.

        • HDThoreau

          Rofl.. I’m waiting to see a NAZI or Storm Front online store any day now.

          You people that hate the Jews, tell me something. Would you rather live in Israel or in a dhimmi container in Asscrackistan, Republic of Islamafukt.

          Seriously, we actually have enemies. These guys that are about to be slaughtered are not one of them. They have actually discovered Western Civilization, and implemented it- unlike your muslim primate fkbags.

    • ElBee

      has someone debunked the claim that alex jones is a double agent? i haven’t seen such an article, and until i do and find it to be true i don’t trust anything coming from the likes of alex jones. research. remember.

      • Anonymous

        jones disappeared the intv off his site and didnt have the guy back tuesday like he promised. jone’s wife is a dual national Israeli as are his kids. his compliance is assured.

        the real truthers are those who are most marginalized broadly speaking. heard webster tarpley speak- a guy that gets wide play all over the internet and a bigger, smugger phony you never heard. another fraud put out by the UK-US intelligence front and who wont deal with the zionist angle in what is going on in ME, tho he is on a tour giving speeches as a “syria expert”- of which he knows NOTHING. when asked Israel’s part his response is “everybody tries to demonize Israel- Israel is everyone’s favorite whipping boy” ?!?!

        • Maverick

          yes if people havent figured out Jones is a psy-op then they are not ‘awake’… He does expose many truths… only the truths that don’t expose the true PTB.

    • Mellissa

      so now Obama is the son of a son of the cia agents of history? Good lord pick another battle

    • StavoV

      OK…..the 25th of Sept., 2012 is in the house. There are 60 – 3 odds that it doesn’t happen. So…those of you who want to make some good gold, place your bets.

      • Anonymous

        This is posted by “Barracuda”, and I haven’t noticed any evidence of chronic hysteria in his posts. Now, you want to offer 60-3 odds on ANY post here on B.I.N. by “Live Free or Die” or “John Rolls”, I’m IN! PS: Wanna know what war would look like? Read the excellent article here for the last few days about “Sunburn Missiles!”

      • Anonymous

        cant seem to find a tape online to listen to this interview. only transcripts- anyone know?

    • Anonymous

      Iran has threatened Israel and the US with nuclear weapons. Ahmadinejad has said that the US and Israel must be destroyed before the 12th imam can return. He’s willing to allow Iran to be destroyed to make that happen.

      The author’s slanderous attacks on Netanyahu are baseless. I don’t understand why some people think the Israelis are the bad guys and the Muslims are the good guys. I guess antisemitism blinds a lot of people.

      • An0nym0us

        That’s BS and while I’m no fan of Ahmadinejad, it’s been proven that he never said any of those things, it was actually Michele Bachmann that made that up during an interview. Of course the MSM ran with it and now everyone believes it like the famous “wipe israel from the face of the earth” speech. Israelis are NOT the bad guys, the Zionists in control are. Throwing out charges of antisemitism is like playing the race card- it’s getting old and we’re all sick of hearing it. The joke is on them anyway…..arabs and israelis are all Semitic peoples with the same genetic bloodlines.

      • Anonymous

        You desparately need to get educated and out of denial

    • truthseekerinmo

      Saudis flew planes into the towers. Somehow they got into the US and trained
      here for a long time without anyone in the FBI or CIA making a move. The US
      has given and continues to give the Saudis a lot of American money.
      Will Israel start a war with Iran? If you watched “Meet the Press” last Sunday and
      heard what Netanyahu said It would seem he has agreed to give sanctions a little
      more time, but who knows. It seems like the President has all he can handle
      right now. :cool:


      hey that’s my birthday.

      • gwynmarilyn

        Happy early Birthday. And I do hope it a nice day for you. And not beginning of end of us.

        My birthday is the day of the first debate. Will be glad when this election is over.

        • RAINSCRYPT

          thank you gwynmarilyn.. very sweet of you!

    • Eliyahu7000

      Alex Jones might think he has alot of truth but he is an anti-semitic, hateful, and very ignorant man to the things of God. In all of his readiness, he is far from being ready to meet Yehovah. Be careful everyone on touching the apple of God’s eye Yisrael. You might find yourself up against a holy God.

      • ElOregonian

        Alex’s wife is Jewish from Israel so your assertion is incorrect. Alex, like him or not, has been correct in his analysis and has been proven right when the facts come out. Yes, he has bravado, a bit boisterous, even somewhat irritatingly aggressive at times, but with his bull-headed determination I give him lots of leeway before I criticize the man. This man has balls enough to back his talk up and really, you have to admire someone who, for no other reason but to expose corruption in finding the truth.

        He’s a patriot and guys like Alex Jones make this world a safer place for us all…

      • Anonymous

        The Satanists take revenge and then attribute it to God. The Chosen is about as much garbage as there ever was. Why they hated Jesus- Jesus- “may his name be blooted out” as the Talmud says, hacked right into their Elite ‘entitled’ status when he opened the gates of Heaven to all.
        the chosen are no more special than that tree outside my window.

    • T

      That is not exactly what was said. Geeze :eek: nice spin…

    • It's Me Again

      Yeah make sure to mark your calendars so you don’t miss it, Alex Jones :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: , he’s as reliable as hussein obama is.
      Just like our Ambassador to Libya was murdered by a flash mob (my @$$) it was a planned execution, our govt. had a 3 day warning that it was going to happen and Obama let it happen.
      Former Assistant Deputy Secretary of State Dr. Steve Pieczenik another infowars genius, he would make a good pair along with Alex Jones, “Dumb & Dumber”.


      haha…….. yes be sure to mark your calenders! 9/25….. rainingmind’s birthday! it’ll be a real blast!

    • Smartest Man Alive

      They are just going to have to wait on that war. My vacation starts on the 25th and runs through the 5th of October. I am NOT going to be inconvenienced by the start of WWIII.

    • SirClem

      Why would they start a war on THEIR holy day? Wouldn’t that be somewhat sacriligious? Wouldn’t it be better to start on the “enemy’s” holy day – like the Tet Offensive???

      I call BS

    • HfjNUlYZ

      Dr. Steve Pieczenik is a complete disinfo agent. Study his comments closely. He is there to influence you opinion away from the truth.

      • Nom de Plume

        Nice point.

        • Anonymous

          He didnt make any point. Just a dumb slur. Like he is.

          Here is an insider that is coming forth. How many times have the bimbos said- “if it was an inside job- someone would spill it- they couldnt keep such a thing secret”. Now the insider with excellent bona fides comes out and spills it and the bimbos wouldnt recognize it if it bit them.
          Brain dead fools.

    • Anonymous

      There was a fox news interview:Israel will protect themselves – YouTube dead line of September 25th! This simple means that Israel will not give the world or the US anymore time to decide of they are going to stop Iran. The rest of this is not for any human to proclaim or declare. All is pride and arrogence. Alex Jones makes his living by reporting what the NWO is doing or going to do. To tell you the truth, I really don’t plan on being here to find out. To Alex Jones and all those who listen to him and follow him, I encourage you to watch the videos here and realize that you need to make a choice to accept Jesus Christ and follow Him or continue to follow all the Alex Jones in this world that can do nothing for you other than alarm you and give you ZERO HOPE! WATCH THIS VERY FEW CHRISTIANS WILL BE RAPTURED, WHY? BECAUSE INSTEAD OF REPENTING AND ASKING GOD TO HELP THEM TO BE READY THEY LISTEN TO PEOPLE LIKE ALEX JONES….AND MISS THE GREATEST EVENT OF ALL TIME. video of this from the Prophet Dr. David Owuor.
      Here is another video on the same subject: The Lord commands us to pray for Israel another video from the Prophet that has already been fulfilled as a sign of the soon coming of the Messiah video of this from the Prophet Dr. David Owuor.
      Here is another video on the same subject: The Lord commands us to pray for Israel another video from the Prophet that has already been fulfilled as a sign of the soon coming of the Messiah

      • carveorstarve

        I wonder how many times its been predicted that he would return..its always disappointing isnt it? Dont sit there waiting in fear of living the righteous life..just live it! Walk with him, don’t worship him, its simple…im sorry for you if you cant see it

    • Anonymous

      Is that at the crack of midnight or noon or 8:00 PM CST? Total BS. Come on.

    • Joerg Klaemt

      Israhell will never be Gods favorites.
      As long as they follow their most sacrilegious satanic Book the TALMUD which does not accept Gods son Jesus, which also condones the killing of all none Jews that is you and me kiddo.
      God gave all of us People of this World his ten Commandment’s to follow.
      The Talmud makes a mockery of those Commandments.
      Don’t believe me? Go and Google the Talmud but don’t be misled for obvious Reasons,as
      they are good in hiding,distortion and deception,they only had thousands of years of practice.
      Like 9/11 is only one of them.Only the Massad could pull that one off.

    • Quantum Kev

      It’s fine to make a prediction – but it’s the fact the he (and others – I’M LOOKING AT YOU JOHN MOORE!) keep putting exact dates on these things, only to have them pass with nothing happening.

      I think I have figured out that they just guess for something to happen pretty much every single day, so when it finally does happen, they can say “See, I predicted that very day it would happen!” – never mind that they predicted the same thing to happen on 5,000 other days, when it didn’t =)

    • Cosmic Charlie

      Great! So Israel can be destroyed and we can live in peace. I doubt anything will happen. I call BS

    • Anonymous

      JONES site removes comment scolding him for not having Pieczenik return; covering up the revelations by changing the videos title:

      shaman says:
      September 19, 2012 at 1:55 pm

      Religions are merely different approaches to attempt to explain the unknown. While I agree that people shouldn’t be divided based on what amounts to an irreconcilable difference of opinion, the one thing that unites us all is the freedom given to us by our creator. We can not gain peace through tyranny! Only through promoting true freedom can we ever hope to gain a level of mutual respect that will move us closer to peace.

      preppy says:
      Your comment is awaiting moderation.
      September 19, 2012 at 5:09 pm

      Alex if you are for free speech- why are you silencing and burying the followup intv with the expert who said Israel was heavily involved in 911? Its ok to reveal all others who are- but not them? they always get a special dispensation for their crimes? Then you post censorship stuff re: the UN? Shame on your hypocrisy.…..-from.html

    • Anonymous

      Gets weirder. The recorded interview between Alex Jones is being scrubbed off the web. I want to listen to it, and cant find it. I see transcripts but where it the tape itself?

    • HfjNUlYZ

      How about anytime someone makes up a date of doom and it doesnt come true, we get to beat that person into STFU?

    • Jaymez

      Lets make it a public holiday . Im starting a private jurno company , we will be recording the hole war on the front line well il be in a control room in Africa some were giving you co-ordinates , DANGER pay plus bonus package no money paid if you get blown up :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil:

    • Anonymous

      I guess if we are all going to stand here and let them do it… There are alternatives to putting up with this bulls**%. People need to get off their butts.

    • asterflower


    • Anonymous

      Small business in US already calculating their tax refunds for next year…. hmmm…yep. That would stop the refund money going out. The only reason I say “maybe” is because it would be the perfect distraction from Mitt and Barry from having to talk about all the joblessness at home. Which is half of what all this noise is about anyway.

      It’s on the calendar and I’m ready to start lobbing spit wads on youtube when it doesn’t happen.

    • Anonymous

      I just found the 3 youtube videos from Alex’s show in 15 minutes succession with Steve Pieczenik’s interview with Alex. He did say Israel would attack Iran on the 25th.

      Pieczenik made claims about Israel that I have never heard anyone in media ever publicly state before. Very interesting. I actually thought this article was BS. Pieczenik lauded our State Department! He lauded our government and our generals! WTF?

      Alex said things I never heard him say before like “this is above my pay grade” and he tried to shut Pieczenik up a few times during the interview.

      I really don’t trust Alex Jones, I think he’s some kind of shill for the mining industry because he never goes off on the actual corporate interests behind these military actions in the gulf. He pushes buying gold and all that just elevates the price of it. He talks about Rothschilds and Illuminati but he never says in name the companies that are actually stealing the mineral wealth from these arabic countries when those guys and the defense contractors are the real devil here.

      Alex never even uses the names of the people that run the banks or who sits on the board of the federal reserve even though that information is out there and it would be easy for him to do that.

      Just enough truth – to re-direct with no useful information to hold anyone accountable.

      I believe Alex’s job is to instill fear in people so they believe they have no power against these defense contractors and the mining interests. I always ask myself when I listen to him “Who would benefit from me believing this ?” The only answer I can come up with is the people that are making all the money selling oil, REE and gold they’re killing the arabs for.

      The saudi’s are way too quietly complicit and have been since king Bush I.

      I think the purpose of that interview was to give some kind of cover to our government so they can blame whatever happens on the Israeli’s. I would not say this but I actually think they’re worried this mess could get beyond their control soon.

      • HfjNUlYZ

        I completely agree with your assessment of Alex Jones. I, too, have seen the misdirection speeches he gives. People think they are getting the real truth, but it is only the sprinkles on the cake. He doesn’t give solutions such as “keep an eye on the Federal Resister” for all the new laws, which has to be posted there. You can publicly protest any proposed laws.

        He doesn’t tell you any real solutions for the problems he presents. He’s an actor, playing his part in keeping concerned patriots caught in a dizzying over the top information spin.


      when truth is a lie..
      in the beginning, there was alex – bold, brash, abrasive.. informative. those were my thoughts when i first began listening to his broadcast and reading his sites. brazen, odd, bewildering… disinformative? – my thoughts after a few months of exposure to his world. now i view him swinging a double edged sword. as with the MSM, one doesn’t have to outright lie as a means to disinform. one can always be telling the truth and presenting accurate information, while lying through omission.. a partial truth, a misdirecting truth – by omitting the crucial information and the most pertinent facts that are essential for rendering a view of reality that is faithfully represented.. and that is when truth is a lie. as with alex, truer words are never spoken, and truer words are not ever spoken.

    • TinkyWinky

      Could we move the date back until the 1st of October, I have a Birthday party on teh 29th that I dont want to miss?


    • Anonymous

      hmmmm if they attack then we all lose, Oh today is the 25th of September…:) ya lil fart smoke demon..

    • Endthisnow!

      Today is the 27th, did I miss the war or what?????? :lol:

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