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Were Witnessing A Historic & Frightening End Game ~John Embry

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Today John Embry gave a stunning interview to King World News. In it he made some rather frightening predictions. Embry believes, “… we are in the early stages of a global ‘Weimar’ event.” Embry stated, “This is very historic what’s happening here,” as we have now entered “the end game.” 

Here is what Embry, who is Chief Investment Strategist at Sprott Asset Management, had to say: “I think the attempts to restrain the gold and silver prices here are the most intense they’ve been in the last 15 to 18 years. This is because we are now in the end game. Everybody has now stated they will have QE to infinity.”

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“We started the money printing in Europe, then the US followed, and today Japan has now joined the counterfeiting spree. The Chinese are also in trouble. Their economy is far weaker than anybody acknowledges. So on a worldwide basis we are in the early stages of a global ‘Weimar’ event. 

This is remarkably bullish for gold and silver. So consequently, in order to just kick the can down the road, these guys are engaging in a historic suppression of both gold and silver.

“You can see evidence of this in the blowout of the open interest in gold on the COMEX. 

Also, the open interest on the TOCOM, over in Japan, they are really shorting that market as well. There is a big blowout in the open interest on the TOCOM. There has been a massive increase in the open interest, a lot of shorting there as well, the levels are the highest they’ve been in the last four years. 

As I said earlier, we are truly in the end game now. We are coming up to the fiscal cliff in the United States, there are no solutions in Europe, China’s economy is imploding faster than anybody wants to acknowledge, and Japan is a train wreck. These are all signs that we have now entered into the end game. 

The money printing is absolutely essential to keep the end game from occurring yesterday. There are two aspects to this. The banking system is for all intents and purposes bankrupt. But more importantly, if you superimpose the virtual banking system on top of the already bankrupt banking system, there is no other option but for central planners to print money into the hereafter to try to keep the system from totally collapsing.


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    Total 12 comments
    • Anonymous

      Just like the Bible promised.

    • HfjNUlYZ

      I believe that that is exactly what they are doing.

    • Authentica

      The parasite has become too big & they know more people are waking up to the ‘grand illusion’. They want to start another war so they can cause more suffering & steal even more resources from the people of the world. They also have funneled massive resources into their cozy DUMBs & pathetic weapons. The shiny superficial facade is just about to crack open spectacularly in several directions at once, like the opening of Pandora’s box. All the currently wilfully ignorant will be savagely awakened to reality (these are the ones who will probably go to the Fema camps). The End Game to be sure & it’s gonna be a bumpy ride with so many factors at play, not just economics…

    • mikehock

      It looks like we painted ourselves into a corner and now we are out of paint! I am 57 years old and in January I got laid off because the corporation, Comcast, I subcontracted from stopped farming out their construction and maintenance work and began using inhouse techs and laborers to run their business. Now the only work I can find is in-home care for my 80 year old mom at her house. My pay is room and board. I never made over $25000 in all the 39 years I worked. I reckon when my mom kicks the bucket, I’ll be over 65 and social security will be a thing of the past. How can we survive on one person’s SSI? I got my mother to do a reverse mortgage. Now when she dies, I’m S.O.L and will lose my job, my home, and any chance of saving up for retirement. Now this life of mine got even more complicated as my younger sister lost her job and had to move in with us last year. The icing on the cake?… My son, his wife and my 18 month old grandson had to move in too. At least we have four generations living under one roof, thankGod for that! So my daughter’s boyfriend is now running his pc repair business out of…you guessed it-my mom’s house! Oh I almost forgot the bad nehtws is my daughter totaled her car yesterday and she just started a new job so I gotta drive her to work, pick up her BF and bring him home to work. My son can’t get a job-convicted felon- noone will hire him and the gov’t refuses to give him any assistance although he’s been thru rehab and has been clean for 3 years so his wife gets assistance for the kid only and that is why they can’t afford their own place. “America, the home of the wanna be free and the land of the rich

      • Buckworth Jackson

        So what is your CB handle? Lucky?

        J/K,hangin there :lol:

    • Anonymous

      AMERICA RULES: What would be funny is if you were reincarnated into a tree and someday someone cut you down made paper and printed the Bible on you..

      • Anonymous

        interesting thought dude

    • Cosmic Charlie

      Awake or asleep we will all continue to buy our food with money. Nothing will change. Nothing.

      • Fake-it

        Buying our food with electronic money will be under different rules.
        If you have no official source of income you won’t be able to buy food!
        If you are a drug dealer, if you are a mechanic doing repairs under the table or doing any kind of work under the table, you won’t be able to buy food.
        Not only food but fuel for your car, paying your electric bill, paying the phone, Internet etc.
        This is coming real fast folks, in less than 4 years!
        Self sufficiency is the only way to go… if you have the means to do it before the SHTF.

        • Mark Brander

          How about 4 months, that is more realistic than 4 years.

    • Anonymous

      But why is this not having any effect on “joe public”, everyone seems to be going about their silly boring business like nothing has or will ever happen to their worldly comfort zone.

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