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By BARRACUDA (Reporter)
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Mysterious Underwater Crop Circles Discovered Off The Coast Of Japan

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According to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration less than five percent of the world’s oceans have been explored, meaning that 95% of what lies deep underwater on Earth has yet to be seen by human eyes.

One person who has dedicated his life to uncovering the mysteries of the deep is Japanese photographer Yoji Ookata who obtained his scuba license at the age of 21 and has since spent the last 50 years exploring and documenting his discoveries off the coast of Japan. Recently while on a dive near Amami Oshima at the southern tip of the country, Ookata spotted something he had never encountered before: rippling geometric sand patterns nearly six feet in diameter almost 80 feet below sea level. He soon returned with colleagues and a television crew from the nature program NHK to document the origins what he dubbed the “mystery circle.”


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    Total 13 comments
    • Banderman

      Go ahead, blame those on ‘hoaxers’ or ‘pranksters’.

    • Pix

      Who ever wrote this is a twat. Any sand castles under the sea wouldn’t be there for very long. Moments in fact before the current washed it away. There is no debris on the center of it, which shows it’s obviously only just been made.

      :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

    • Pix

      Gulible much?

    • Anonymous

      Funny how something as simple as a ‘circle’ is attributed to ‘intelligent life’, but when the complexity of a single cell is discovered – that evolved. Ha, Ha, Ha,….Ha, Ha, Ha…..I can’t stop laughing….. It just goes to show how ridiculous the “Theory of Evolution” really is.

    • Anonymous

      magnatism thats what they all are,

    • Rainbow_Warrior

      This was made by a male Pufferfish. The wonders of nature!

    • It's Me Again

      I knew when I saw the headline that it could only be “BARRACUDA” that posted this.
      The “Barney Fife of the internet” strikes again. :lol:

    • HfjNUlYZ

      If the whole article was read….”Using underwater cameras the team discovered the artist is a small puffer fish only a few inches in length that swims tirelessly through the day and night to create these vast organic sculptures using the gesture of a single fin. “

    • IRHologram

      This isn’t about barracuda. It’s about Japanese scientists who think we’re so gullible we’d believe a puffer fish’s mating call is a perfect circle, with perfect patterns..rather than think a puffer fish will run the ridges of a circle…or any OTHER ridges while attracting a mateand sheltering the eggs in the “valleys.” All this time, coexisting with the common puffer fish…in the sea…in our aquariums… And NOW…puffers make perfect circles. What ARE we to make of this…instead of the hundredth monkey, it’s the hundredth puffer fish? Unless of course, we STILL can’t see the little puffers puffing the circles from scratch…but only swimming the ridges.

    • HfjNUlYZ


    • whitebear

      that is the result of frequency

      similar can be found on utube, done with a freq generator and sand or rice or something similar

      search Sand Vibration Patterns for a peek

    • Anonymous

      This pattern is from sound frequency sessions using various notes and octaves. The bizarre thing is for this pattern to occur on the seabed surface…. or anywhere for that matter in the natural world, the sounds for this formation need to come from directly below. That is a bit strange….

    • anonymoustache


      Crops of….sand?

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