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Nibiru Exposed As Fiction And Fraud

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The 12th Planet and Zecharia Sitchin

 by The Doctor » Jul 17, 2010

Recently a friend of mine was upset that I am treating Zecharia Sitchin like a pseudoscientist (which he is). Sitchin graduated from the University of London with a degree in economics, and apparently “taught” himself Sumerian cuneiform. He published a famous book called The 12th Planet, where he puts forth the idea that aliens came to Earth (somewhere around 3,600 years ago) and this is where religious belief started. There is a large amount of criticism from people with actual degrees and Michael S. Heiser, who actually has a Ph.D in the Hebrew Bible and Semetic languages, challenged Sitchin and any other “ancient astronaut theorist” to produce one single text from the entire cuneiform that says anything about a planet Nibiru (sigh…) beyond Pluto, or cycling in our Solar system every 3,600 years. Here is an open letter he wrote to Sitchin:

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Dr. Heiser wrote:Dear Mr. Sitchin and others:

While the contents of this letter may constitute a challenge to your academic scholarship, the intent of this letter is in the interest of research, not confrontation. In no way do I intend to impugn your character. What I ask is that you provide answers and data to support the theories you have published. Here are my questions / requests.

1. Can you please provide transcripts of your academic language work, or an address to which I could write to obtain proof of your training in the ancient languages in which you claim expertise? I would like to post this information on my website, and would gladly do so.

2. Can you explain why your work on Genesis 1:26-27 overlooks so many obvious grammatical indications that the word elohim in that passage refers to a single deity (as demonstrated on this website)?

3. Can you explain why you did not include the comparative linguistic material from the Amarna texts that shows the Akkadian language also uses the plural word for “gods” to refer to a single deity or person (which of course undermines your argument that elohim must refer to a plurality of gods)?

4. Can you explain how your interpretation of the word “nephilim” is at all viable in light of the rules of Hebrew morphology? Can you provide any evidence that “naphal” has anything to do with fire or rockets, since you translate “nephilim” as “people of the fiery rockets”? In other words, can you bring forth a single ancient text where naphal has such meanings?

5. Can you produce a single text that says the Anunnaki come from the planet Nibiru – or that Nibiru is a planet beyond Pluto? I assert that there are no such texts, and challenge you and readers to study the occurrences of “Anunnaki” right here on this website. Here is a video where I show readers how to conduct a search online at the Electronic Corpus of Sumerian Literature website. There are 182 occurrences of the divine name Anunnaki. Please show me any evidence from the Sumerian texts themselves that the Anunnaki have any connection to Nibiru or a 12th planet (or any planet).

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    Total 23 comments
    • Anonymous

      More ‘disinfo’ – you want to know if its happening – open your f..king eyes – you’ll KNOW its happening – like we currently sit right on the edge – ITS HERE.

    • HfjNUlYZ

      I’ve seen info that the original (with references to check yourself) “Nibiru” meant the crossing of the planet. Where the perfect center is- The Great Pyramid. Zecharia Sitchin had been proved to be a 33 degree mason (film of him with others during a meeting) and much of his “Anunnaki” was a compiled word from other stories that had nothing to do with the Sumerian cuneiform writings. I had seen this years ago, and I wish I kept the link..sorry. But I did believe in Nibiru also with all the coincidences and spin. But, I did find that it is an untruth.

    • Anonymous

      yeah all ancient people were wrong and only the morons alive now know anything. yet we still have issues copying or even trying to build like they did…but what did they know?

    • Bobbyray

      Many people disagree with your theory or opinion including NASA. SO, with respect to you I can only say keep your head in the ground and watch with your closed minds as the truth is becoming known now. Not all of what is said is real, no way but true science is learning that some things are real regardless of a few peoples opinions or letters. Look for truth and facts before you judge or you are only being foolish. Look at all of the known facts first. Forget opinions, they mean nothing without facts to support them.
      You are on the right track though so don’t stop now. Just get all the known and related facts together, then look for more and more and learn. We are all on the same quest of truth, why should we close our minds and fight about a few opinions? We are intelligent, aren’t we? Are you a Reporter of Truths and facts or OPINIONS? Investigative reporting is a search of facts and reporting them for what they are. Granted they are not always what they appear to be without all of the facts. You have ignored to report many known facts here. Join us in the true investigation and be an intelligent human being and reporter. we need you to do that. Will you? We can only hope. Don’t close your mind and use your feelings or ego to rule your words. I say this with respect to you because you do care for truth. I see that. The quest continues.

      • Fake-it

        NASA is equal to FOX News in providing accurate information.
        Anything that comes out from NASA must be looked-at with extreme scepticism.
        Yes, they will publish interesting articles but be aware of BS.
        Just to give you an example: they still use rockets for launching anything into space. Right there you can see that something is not right.
        That is WW2 technology!!!

    • Anonymous

      no he cannot, because it is a BS based new age religion. Or rather a cult, of irrational people!

      • Authentica

        Then what is causing all the planets in our solar system to brighten & heat up? What is the large object known to have recently disturbed the asteroid field? Etc etc & so on. You should read the wise words of Bobbray above. You are one tiny little mind you don’t know everything & certainly don’t have all the answers! By your arrogance you clearly have not looked at all the surrounding facts & evidence intelligently about this subject, including modern scientific finds or mysteries. You’ve made a premature erronous conclusion & thrown the baby out with the bath water! Your loss!

    • mmkkpro

      The western so called experts have zero credibility,i believe tha ancients way before i believe the party line,there are countless cultures who spoke of this event,the kolbrin,hopi indians,ancient hindus,the list goes on and on and dont forget all the hidden knowledge under the vatican,miles of hidden knowledge unavailable to anyone considered the masses,everything done in deception always comes to the light sooner or later

      • Authentica

        Exactly I agree 100%. They love throwing in a disinfo agent like Sitchin to put people off the trail of Truth, & it works on many people who do not bother to investigate thoroughly with an open mind & get off their soap boxes. If they did, they might learn a thing or two! Yes it will all come to Light sooner or later I believe in our lifetimes!

    • Shundrallah

      your 100% correct Sitchen is a DISINFORMATION AGENT working for the MORTAL HUMAN ELITE BLOODLINE

      Here are accurate TRANSLATIONS that totally debunk Sitchen and explain the Technique they use to Cut your Consciousness up to insert false beliefs to control you

      • Authentica

        Great stuff, more people need to reasearch the sources of these ‘theories’ for themselves & not believe what someone has either assumed, or deliberately, skilfully presented untruths as truths designed to manipulate, mislead & confuse, such as the secret societies & intelligence groups are masters at. I encourage anyone who isn’t familiar with disinfo tactics & techniques to look into what they do, as well as behavioural psychology, etc – Know your enemy. Working in sales & studying psychology really opened my eyes for the better.


      Regardless of the name Nibiru, this event is coming…my friend and I have been taking fotos here on the West Coast of Canada for the past two months.
      I have never seen fotos of the Sun looking so strange as the ones we have taken lately.
      Too many lens flares in each foto…the Sun normally only casts one flare.
      In these fotos, we have upwards of five to seven.
      Secondly, we are getting strong prismatic effects in each foto – this never used to happen when taking fotos of the Sun.
      Thirdly, the Sun is round-shaped…in our fotos, the Sun is becomng elongated in all directions…some areas have bulbous shapes protruding out from what should be a generally circular mass.
      Fourthly, the rays of the Sun have become almost laser-like…in one of the fotos it looks like a laser beam and it shoots right down into my backyard.

      Fifthly, a blue ‘lens flare’ type image appears with all the others, everytime a foto is taken.

      Sixthly, smaller, strange anomalies are appearing in these fotos.

      Seven…in most of my friend’s fotos, you can see a sphere to the side of the Sun – either on the left or the right depending on the day and the hour – with that, you can see clealy, the wings on either side of red oxide.

      Furthermore…the Bible tells us that this event will take place and we all would do well to heed the words of Jesus in Luke 21 and Matthew 24;The Revelation and the Old Testament Prophetic Scriptures.

      The Navy knows its coming…they created a new Map of America, for after this thing passes.
      They have cloaked it in ‘Sudden Climate Change.’

      N.A.S.A. has been talking about it since 1983 or before.

      Many astronomers have been silenced over it.

      The Vatican has been watching its approach for years…they built a telescope in Amerca to observe it.

      And, the list goes on.

      The Bible calls it Wormwood…and yes, the Nephilim were real…the Annunaki are not, however, mentioned in Scripture – but, the Sons of Anak are…these were giants in the Earth in those days, like the dinosaurs.

      I would stick to the Word of God on such things…it alone, can be trusted.


    • The Second Home of Lifechanyuan

      I do believe and get enough preparings for it!
      2012 Noah’s Ark is free for anybody to get aboard in China!

      God bless all of you!

    • JayWill


    • Jaymez

      What a bunch of crack heads SERIOUSLY . Nibiru , planet x . youl are tripping . no such thing will ever been see with your own eyes just like aliens

    • elaya11

      And just how do you explain away the incredible earthquake activity, volcanos going off every day, weather anomalies, anomalies with the other planets in the solar system, etc? people are in such complete denial as to whats really going on in this country, the world, and out in space that its sickening to watch

    • Anonymous

      call them angels, call them demons, call them aliens, call them what you will, but they do exist and UFO’s (or whatever you prefer to call them) are in the bible.

      2 Kings 2:11-12
      “As they were walking along and talking together, suddenly a chariot of fire and horses of fire appeared and separated the two of them, and Elijah went up to heaven in a whirlwind. Elisha saw this and cried out, “My father! My father! The chariots and horsemen of Israel!” And Elisha saw him no more. Then he took hold of his garment and tore it in two.”

    • jbborsel

      actually, George Smith, cited in his book “The Chaldean account of Genesis” that he had deciphered Sumerian text that alluded to a planet or star by the name “Nibir” that was considered a good omen in it’s passing…Nibru, Nibiru, there are references to that name within the 7th tablet of the Enuma Elish. Both A.L. KIng and E.A. Bugde make references to a “Nibiru” in their books on the subject as well. All three guys were part of the British Museum and Geo. actually is credited with first finding and deciphering them, though, for his part, his work was incomplete.

    • redheaded_rn

      This article is very poorly supported. I guess shouldn’t expect too much from a shill, nice try.

    • Cosmic Charlie

      They stole my pyramid. Now I cannot fly!

    • Anonymous

      –Why is the US Government now spending billions of tax dollars paying thousand of debunkers to debunk something they said do not exist.????

    • Anonymous

      its there !!!!!!!! defo :cry:

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