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By Nicole Morgan (Investigative Reporter)
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Kim Goguen: Full Situation Update - Finance & Power Hierarchy - When It All Comes Crumbling Down (Video)

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by N.Morgan

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Financial news and hierarchy. Deep State needs money to continue and expand the Middle East conflicts.



The changed power hierarchy the Deep State doesn’t understand or accept. Bitcoin and others. And more.


Stories Contributed by N. Morgan

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    Total 10 comments
    • Tropical

      Kim is a black Witch and can not be trusted.

    • Patient4Him2

      Kim, Any Americans buying failed CORPORATIONS will have to split-up the CORPORATIONS, and then, sell them because POTUS Trump said, AMERICA RETURNS TO “MOM-POP-SHOPS” BECAUSE CORPORATIONS WERE THE DOWN-FALL OF THE NATION.” Yes, the corporate leaders were / are the COMMUNISTS … the PEDOPHILES … the WORSHIPERS of the SYNAGOGUE OF SATAN (Baal, Lucifer, Moloch).

      ALL evil beings in America and the world shall be dealt with by Father Jesus’ commandment: FEED EVIL BEINGS TO CARNIVORES AND LEAVE THEM IN THE FIELDS AS DUNG.

      Therein is the future of CORPORATIONS’ employees … may the criminals primal scream into their deaths as they tumble into Hell for their crimes against America and all humanity.

      • Anonymous

        LOLOLOL! Name a single promise that Trump made in 2016 that he kept during his term. All he brought us was more fraud and bioweapon clot shot mass murder.

      • frosty

        Corporations are not inherently bad, they are simply a form of business enterprise..

        The problem is the Supreme Court held that corporations had the right to make political donations to candidates. That decision alone, in addition to aiding political corrupting, gave the wealthy corporations far more influence and power than we the people have.

    • Anonymous

      Kim sounds like she actually knows something. If she is a grifter, she is head and shoulders above the usual Qfrauds.

    • cobbler1

      According to what we know everything seems to right on course. I think they got it on track for the Bitcoin and their plans sounds like they are doing just fine. As for the Deep State, I think you are correct. They are probably trying to get money from you but as for the others, I don’t think they are going to go to you for money because it seems they already have it, so at least you don’t need to worry about that. They have their special friends helping from off planet that seems to be keeping the ball rolling. They seem to be on schedule according to their plans although they made it known that the plans are in a waiting period before everything gets kicked off. They shouldn’t be in your way from your plans, I’m sure. It sounds like you are doing good and that’s great. But the people are hoping that everything goes smoothly for everyone.

    • TakedaR

      As usual Kim you’re a day late and a dollar short. You’re lying flat out lying. The stock market is not crashing because of a war in the Middle East. It’s crashing because we are moving to a gold backed currency. Again Russell J Gould has been working on this with the treasury. He is the postmaster general of the world. Unlike you who goes blah blah blah to the world.

    • cobbler1

      I believe you are correct about the Deep State, their plan will not happen, especially if their are bad intentions involved. However, the others have good intentions and they are going to move forward with their plans. I don’t know know if these people have approached you because I know they are not concerned about getting the funds needed for their future plans. I believe they already have it so you won’t be needing to worry about that. They are only focused on the plans they received from source and that’s all that matters. Some of these people that are dedicated to helping humanity are working with higher beings and already have their plans for the new financial system. I believe everything is going as planned. I’m not sure if you have had meetings with these same people or not but they are aware about the stock market and many people are hoping it does crash. However, their plans have an order to it and cannot be pushed out until the right time. It may be different from your plans, but it doesn’t mean that it is a bad plan, because I’m sure they will be moving forward with or without you. Nonetheless, don’t stop with your plans because at some point both plans may end up joining together to make the world a better place. So relax and enjoy life. Good Luck!

    • cobbler1

      Sorry Kim, maybe you are still running your plans to the old plans but maybe these people have created a whole new financial system that does not run on the old plans anymore because isn’t it going to be a new Earth? Well I believe source will make sure he has the best plan and we will make sure only his plan will be the plan that comes through and works. May it be what you are saying, then it will happen. But if it does not include your plans. Then ignore it and be what may. People may want to go with your plan but either way, a financial system will be created and the people right now just want a system that works and not corrupt. Just do it!

    • Adi Da Samraj

      🔸 A Prayer To The Heart of Reality, Proposed By The Divine World-Teacher, Adi Da Samraj, For Non-Sectarian Use By Humankind🔸
      👐🏻 Beloved, Inmost Heart of every heart,
      do not Let our human hearts be broken
      by our merely mortal suffering here—
      but Make our mortal human hearts break-Free
      to an unconditional love of You,
      that we may, Thus, love all living beings
      with Love’s own True, and Truly broken, Heart. 👐🏻
      🌹All of them are Blessed who practice constant love of the Indivisible Divine Spirit with their totality of heart, and mind, and bodily strength of will [Mark 12:30]—and who, by thus surrendering to the Divine Spirit as Indivisibly One, do also love every other living being as if every other were not other, but only the same as one’s own self. [Mark 12:31]🌹 — Jesus of Galilee

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