Lizard People In Portugal, An Invasive Mind Scan Carried Out By Reptilians
Ken Bakeman has written a series of articles to document some of his encounters with Saurian Humanoids and other cryptic beings that operate in and around the terrestrial landscape. The images shown here represent a reasonably close resemblance to seven of the eight or nine types of Reptilian that he has had first-hand experiences with.
A pair of rather short (about 5′ tall at most) Reptilians with pale cream-yellow colored scales abducted me in Oporto, Portugal in November of 1974. Several tactics used in this abduction were what I have come to realize, with the benefit of decades worth of hindsight, to be hallmarks of the Reptilian manipulation and capture methodology. I suppose that a person sufficiently educated and experienced regarding these stratagems and maneuvers might be somewhat more at an advanantage in evading entrapment by these scaly beings. But considering the extremely strong psychic energy and, I believe, technological advantages applied in the subterfuge, Reptilians as opportunistic ‘predators’ have a decided advantage over humans.
1. Generation of a ‘high strangeness’ field that can be either focused locally or used to suffuse a larger environmental target.
A ‘high strangeness’ field as it is considered here relates to the modification of a dense physical environment causing it to shift from a mundane landscape — what I refer to as the terrestrial ‘hardscape’ — into an energetically excited state where space and time (kindrids of a sort) become significantly more fluid, multi-dimensionally porous and susceptible to manipulation. In this hyper-environmental landscape physical features
2. Orbs of bright light, commonly of a orange color.
Orbs, or glowing spheres of different colors, were a feature in several of my encounters with Reptilians. (See here for a partial discussion of this.) These orbs are not by any means limited to use by the Reptilians. Based on what I have witnessed and personally been through over a span of some forty-plus years they are a standard vehicle utilized by a wide range of beings and entities who have commerce with the fauna, including of course humans, living on the terrestrial hardscape. It seems, based on what I’ve been able to determine from my various experiences, that these energetic orbs facilitate a translation back and forth between a physical form and, for lack of better terms, an etherial composition. If it can be summarized, I think that orbs are a means by which consciousness can be concentrated and positioned as desired or needed. In many cases the orbs as seen from outside were either a pearly-white color or, as in a NDE I went through in Germany, the orb was perfectly clear with an astonishing crystal city inside of it. In the case of Reptilians who were instigating malicious abduction events I’ve had situations where a blinding, bright orange orb was positioned directly in front of me, coinciding with the extremely loud siren sound and headache techniques discussed as follows.
3. Psychically, psychotronically or purely technologically generated energy causing disabling headaches.
There have been occasions in the lead-up to an abduction event when I experienced the sudden onset of a debilitating headache. Given that this pain was often associated with other intrusive paranormal activity taking place simultaneously it is evident to me that this was one of the applications in the Reptilian ‘toolbox’ used to disorient and weaken the targeted victim, making it much easier to carry out surreptitious, intrusive activity. I don’t know for sure if this generation of pain was caused by psychic means or by using technological devices, such as the standard stun gun backpack worn by not only the Reptilians but also the Grays. My speculation is that a combination of technology and psychic abilities might have been in play, where the back pack houses an amplifier and the wand directs the user’s psychic energy to an intended target. In the case of the two Reptilians I encountered in Portugal, they zapped me with something and I strongly suspect that the shock causing me first to drop in a dead faint and then cause my body to become paralyzed even after I regained consciousness came from their backpack device.
4. Psychically, psychotronically or technologically generated extremely loud sounds that seem to originate from inside one’s head.
Another technique used not just by the Reptilians but also the Blues (both the dwarf variety and the more human-dimensioned ones) was to generate a screaming siren or sustained electrical screech sound that seemed to come out of nowhere. In retrospect I think that this extremely disturbing and painful noise was the result of external stimulation applied to of my sense of hearing, similar to the way I suspect the instant headaches were manufactured. Possibly the transmission and reception involved here was linked to any one of the number of implants that had been shoved up my left nostril during my life. Again, the objective here clearly seems to relate to causing severe destabilization and weakening of the targeted human which in combination with the other standard ‘tricks of the trade’ help to insure that the abduction is carried out with a minimum of risk to the perpetrators.
5. A psychically, psychotronically or technologically generated tractor force used to pull the targeted individual towards the abductor.
This is a common element used in many of the abductions that I have experienced. I would differentiate this technique from the use of telepathic suggestion because it involves a definite pulling force on one’s physical body. The intensity of this force is variable, ranging from the effect of being gently tugged forward by what seems like invisible elastic cords to a full blown process of literally being physically dragged along the floor. The latter is a horrible experience that I have endured while simultaneously having had my body turned into a ridged statue-like object.
6. Use of a wand or ‘gun’ attached to a small backpack to immobilize or even cause the victim to lose consciousness.
Already discussed to some extent in the above examples; based on what I have observed this equipment is standard issue equipment for the Grays, Reptilians and others, including what I call the fake humans who in my estimation are androids. I have provided some other information about this type of device here. If I may be allowed to offer an assessment at this point (hey, it’s my web page) I would say based on what I’ve personally seen and experienced over a span of many years that we as humans seriously need to come to grips with the fact that many if not all of the so-called ‘aliens’ who have conducted complex, clandestine programs involving untold generations of humans have relied heavily on technological advantage in order to carry out their activities. This includes the so-called ‘Light Beings’, who are very slick in projecting a beguiling image but always seem to fall short on delivery. I’ll talk about that topic later.
In 1974, I traveled to Portugal with a friend and made the trip from Lisbon to Oporto in the north part of the country. The trip took longer than expected due the agonizingly slow speed of the rickety old train and the numerous stops it made along the way.
By the time we finally got into town it was late in the day, a Friday, and the banks were closed leaving us with only a small amount of Escudos to squeak through the weekend. This put us in a bind, particularly regarding finding a place to stay for the night. My strategy was to pick out the most expensive looking hotel and hope that I could pay the bill with a Travelers’s Check on checkout. This plan actually did work out satisfactorily but not without some friction. When the manager complained I simply told him that he could either accept my check or not get paid. With the enticement of a generous tip the issue was quickly resolved.
Even though it was November the weather in Oporto was warm and sunny making it a perfect day for sight seeing. After walking about two miles to the Auto-Estrada do Norte bridge that crosses the Douro river we took in the view for a few minutes (just a bunch of water in my opinion) and then decided to split up to go on separate paths for the rest of the day. For some reason I had developed a headache and wanted to return to our hotel room to take some aspirin and lay down for a while.
Combined with my headache and the horrible noise I also felt an irritating compulsion to walk in a certain direction down the empty street. By this point I was experiencing increasing anxiety. Against my better judgement I couldn’t help but to concede to the strange force that seemed to be pulling me along. This led me to a tall wood plank gateway located at the end of the street. In a disoriented state I stood next to this door and felt like I should open it and go inside. The degree of raw fear I felt at this point was at a crisis level. In my mind I imagined that there was a German Shepherd dog with very large teeth just on the other side of this gate quietly waiting to attack me. I can’t explain why, but my hand reached up to unlock the gate and I almost robotically pushed it open and walked through.
Now inside this gloomy setting, still lying on my back, I was desperately trying to move my arms and legs but couldn’t even wiggle my little finger. I was, however, able with an extreme effort to force some movement of my eyes to get a look at what has happening to me. I saw two creatures standing upright, about five feet tall, whose stocky bodies were covered with pale yellow iridescent scales. They wore no clothing but had small back packs with a short rod attached by a cord. Apparently the slender rod had been used to shock me into paralysis. These creatures were working as a team, making indecipherable murmurs while they were setting up some equipment nearby. It looked like a really primitive arrangement, consisting of a few small black boxes with red lights and a few knobs. Wires connected these to a larger box that in turn was hooked up to multiple sets of head gear. My captors seemed to be having difficulty in figuring out how to assemble the device. At one point their previous quiet murmurs escalated to angry, low pitched, snarls and growling and it appeared that a fight between the two was about to erupt.
I watched this process horrified that these bizarre creatures were going to torture me somehow or perform some kind of brutal experiment resulting in electrocution. Finally it seemed that the odd duo got the wiring figured out and one of the sets of head gear was latched painfully onto the dome of my head. The two lizard people put on their sets of head gear and after they played around with the knobs on the boxes for a while I began to have the sensation that hundreds of tiny ants in a group were methodically crawling around inside my body. This added a whole new level of horror to my situation, and I was mentally begging for it to stop. After what seemed like an eternity — probably about 10 minutes or less — the process was terminated. I felt like my body had been violated somehow, almost like the two lizard men had entered into my nervous system and were traipsing around inside my brain in search of something they wanted. Whatever that might have been, I had no idea.
After removing the gear from my head the two odd creatures rolled my still paralyzed body back out to the courtyard. They tapped me a few times with their wand and after a few minutes I began to gradually regain muscle control. Pushing and prodding my body, they gave every indication of being in a big hurry to get rid of me. Obviously they had gotten what they wanted and at this point I was just a nuisance. With some effort, I managed to stand upright and finally confronted my abductors eye to eye. Whatever fear I may have experienced earlier was now replaced with outrage. The short, scaly men made their strange murmuring sounds and pushed me with their hands towards the gate. Before making a run for it, I let out a furious sling of insults, letting my feelings be known with no uncertainly — assuming that lizard people can understand perfectly good English profanity.
and events can be advantageously explored and exploited by the consciousness source who/which has the resources responsible for generating the field. Some of the characteristics of a stage managed hyper-environment include an unusual quiet and stillness in the vicinity, heightened intensity of color and detail of the features of the location and oddly empty streets or houses causing disorientation and a sense of being lost. I have experienced occasions where I was situated in a high strangeness environment caused not only by Reptilians but also the dwarf Blues, sanguinary vampires (including ‘Shape Shifters’) and decidedly demonic Shadow Beings. In my experiences of being engulfed in a high strangeness field I was at a complete disadvantage and as a result extremely vulnerable to exploitation in one manner or another, for better or worse depending on your point of view, I suppose.
As part of an afterword, I would like to say that one of the more perplexing, unanswered questions about this kind of abduction is, as Whitley Strieber once so eloquently asked, “Why me?” Was this just a situation of being in the wrong place at the wrong time and somehow caught up in the net of very inquisitive Reptilians? The odds of this are by my estimation extremely low. A dominant theme in my involvement with ‘aliens’ concerns my employment in sting operations to flush out and document intrusive activity of non-terrestrial beings. In these cases I was given a briefing ahead of time by my handler, a Reptilian mercenary working for the Grays, of what was going down to make sure that the job went according to plan. This provided me an outline of what would take place and my role in the operation.
Another topic that I think deserves some mention is the rather crude equipment the Reptilians in Portugal used to probe my mind and nervous system. Based on what I’ve seen, the Reptilians in general seem to be somewhat technology-adverse and actually show a penchant for historical settings, events and iconography. This is in strong contrast to the Grays who have amazing hyper-technology at their disposal and seem to be completely dispassionate about human history. As I once commented somewhat whimsically, Reptilians are from the past, Grays are from the future. I’m not sure if this is completely true but it seems to be evidenced by the devices, attitudes (assuming that Grays are capable of having an attitude) and the general settings these two factions typically ensconce themselves in.
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you stole my 5 year old kids drawings
If meant to be serious, this ridiculous article is creepy and dehumanizing, the obvious product of a troubled mind.
bakeman?yer baked man
Reality Today: If you are so Ignorant closed minded to these kind of articles THEN WHY do you even read them?? Go back to your Box and stay there
It’s called intrigue, it’s called curiosity, it’s called a good laugh, there are many reasons as to why one would read something, and it is not for you to judge, but since we see that you are simply offended and think you then have a right to condemn others for having their own thoughts, it shows how ignorant and narrow minded and non understanding you really are, i fyou have so broadened your mind then what happen to understanding why others think the way they do…except it and GET OVER IT! If youwant ot believe this CRAP, and crap it is, then do so quietly and WITHOUT OFFENSE To others! Perhpas this individual’s comment was taken so personally becasue you too are not sure and even insecure about your thoughts, I could be wrong,so next time don’t post under an alias, post under your real name if you are so sure and open about it, it’s easy tohide behind a keyboard, but I bet you dont’ have many friends to discuss this topic with, and if you did, I bet you have no freinds now, so go find your box and slither back inside! I read this article because I needed a good laugh, but what business is that of yours and if I chose to leave a comment questioning it’s validity or making fun, IT”S STILL NONE OF YOUR BUSINESS!
I also read your comment because i needed a good laugh, and lost souls like you always deliver.
Um,, dude….”ridged” as in ‘tautly immovable’ or ‘not limber’ is spelled ‘rigid’….
Like, wow man – I can’t help but think about the Cheech and Chong movie where Sergeant Stedanko smoked so much of the stank-o that he tuned into a lizard, man! Like for real! I heard they have some real groovy grass down in Portugal, and from the sounds of these lizard sightings, it sounds like it. Far out man!
Being that myself, a lizard person, needs to keep track on how close to the truth we let you!!!
Just replace the word reptilian with “politician” and then this story makes sense….
A pair of rather short (about 5′ tall at most) Politicians with pale cream-yellow colored scales abducted me in Oporto, Portugal in November of 1974. Several tactics used in this abduction were what I have come to realize, with the benefit of decades worth of hindsight, to be hallmarks of the Political manipulation and capture methodology. I suppose that a person sufficiently educated and experienced regarding these stratagems and maneuvers might be somewhat more at an advanantage in evading entrapment by these Politicians. But considering the extremely strong psychic energy and, I believe, technological advantages applied in the subterfuge, Politicians as opportunistic ‘predators’ have a decided advantage over humans.
I can understand your blog completely. Thank you for being brave enough to publish your experiences.
My regular experiences of nightly attacks (until I decided to tranqualize myself to avoid having any residue memory). frequently took the appearence of angelic forms. Namely angels masculine or femining dressed in Grecian garb. At those times they would pretend to offer comfort, by rendering me immobile, however my fast beating heart always felt terrified. One particularly visitor was a bright orange colour that hurt the eye, apparently he was claiming to be an arch angel and was so enlightened that he could not come closer to my presence so he remained in the hallway.
It is as though my unconscious primal self knew instinctively and was terrified of these visitations. The opposite disguise was the interference from the animalistic ones. There would make their intentions known straight away by instantly paralysing me the moment my head hit the pillow and laughing, shouting and molesting. It has taken me years to work out this question. By would the so called angelic ones also paralyse me. Why was it so important that I be still and rigid.Why is it necessary to keep me still.
Didn’t knock yourself out with the pictures. Looks like it was done by a child.