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By Alton Parrish (Reporter)
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Baltic Sea UFO Released On Video By Captain Of Ship, Nov 27, 2012, Government Cover-Up Claimed

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Posted by Scott C. Waring,  Author, UFO Sightings Daily 

Date of discovery: June 16, 2011
Date of video release: November 27, 2012
This is an update on the Baltic Sea UFO. The captain of the ship that discovered the UFO released the first moving video of the UFO on sonarr. Most the time electronics on the ship shut down for some unknown reason, whenever it was over the UFO, so recording it was a constant struggle for him, but this video is much appreciated. SCW
Also he posted another video Nov 3, but it does not allow embeding so I will put the link below. In it he explains this video and states that the object is, “Most likely constructed and it has been there for a very long time. This is for real, even though its very hard to believe that.” 

Peter Lindberg, of the Ocean X Team, writes on their Facebook Page, that “Titan is editing the documentary right now. They still have some interviews to do with some experts but still, they working with it! When they’re ready it will be up to the broadcasters in each country to buy the “Mystery Beneath” from Titan Production. There is an interrest, of course, from broadcasters and I think that the documentary will be “self sold”, me my self get goos bumps when I have the chance of looking at some of the recorded material. The producer is very experienced and has many successes behind him, so from now, not much can go wrong.”
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    Total 11 comments
    • antigray

      UFOs are not all flown by true extraterrestrials, the majority of them are owned and operated by our advanced Repto Sapien cousins, who share the Earth with us as their ancestral home world. They are historically cited in about 80 places in the Bible, being described as a SERPENT THAT WALKS UPRIGHT ON TWO LEGS AND IS AS TALL AS A CAMEL (8 FEET TALL). There are statues and temple paintings of them in nearly every ancient society. This has nothing to do with “religious beliefs.” It is a proven historical and archaeological fact. That’s why I wrote a book showing all of the real world evidence.

      Publisher’s site to order my book in paperback or Ebook

      WARNING reveals a frightening alien agenda, a long-term program of social domination and periodic controlled genocide. Mankind is now in great danger. We have a terrible problem to overcome. Resolution requires international solidarity, then forcible negotiation with the aliens.

      Some artwork from my book. Click on each image for larger view:


      ‘Reptilian breeding zoo’ UFO Interview with Art Greenfield on the reptoid agenda

      • Anonymous

        If they are reptillians they are demons that have inhabited the body of people. Remeber Satan was in the form of a reptile in the Garden of Eden. Think abou this. Have all the discoveries by archaeologist’s relating to the Bible not true? No, they are true.

      • Anonymous

        These so called extraterrestrial’s are really fallen angels(demons). They have the technology to make flying saucers because they have been around for a long time and are more advanced than us. Don’t let these so called extraterrestrials and flying saucers sidetrack you and let them convince you that God is not real. I’m not saying it’s close to End Times but you should still get saved just in case.

        • atheist mike

          lol you Christians are so close-minded. God is not real. There is thousands of religions out there yet every one of them claims to be the true religion. Aliens are not demons, that just does not add up. There is a way better chance they could be ET’s and i say that because, if you imagine a civilization that is a couple thousand years ahead of us, who says they couldn’t visit earth or any planet for that matter. I’m sorry but talking snakes and the mythology of modern day Christianity is just stubborn. The bible should not be taken literal at all. You should not live your life to a set of “rules” that were made up over 2,000 years ago. With all due respect i dont mean to bash your religion but i get very frustrated from religious mythology.


      Has anyone noticed these underwater craft ARE THE SAME that skirmished
      with the TETHERS being placed in space?
      These are each 12 miles long and have been placed by NASA
      to act as FUSES for an event due in 2016
      (leading to the next question: how do they know that?)

      The astronomical date – position of MARS and SATURN being EQUAL FIERY in 4 67
      is in August 2016

      According to the Hidden Texts these are craft are from Lyra –
      and do seem to be a Draco run agenda

      simply google SPACE TETHERS

    • Ozzie_Thinker

      I thought this may have been an ancient vimana from Atlantis, but maybe it is something more current. Either way the “government” will throw roadblocks at the truth.

    • CosmicKiwiPerth

      Guess what? It`s a ‘notched’ type ufo that have been videoed alot near or even on the moon. A.J. Perth, West Oz.

    • wwwchronos

      captain picard is conspirator under sea dominion

    • Anonymous

      This is old news. How can anyone be suppresing the news they have had a lot of videos, narration and photos shown to the public. Give it a rest Alton, you are just another conspiracy nut like Barracuda. I’m not saying when but stories like this are meant to question our existence and this is what the Bible says will happen during End Times. Get saved now so in case it is you will be prepared.

    • StavoV

      Explains were all of the US republicans are coming from and of what sort of UN-human they are. :grin:

    • FauxSho



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