A Draco In Georgia: Part 1: The Confederacy, White Supremacy And Lizard People
Article by Ken Bakeman
More articles can be found here: http://www.kenbakeman.com/reptilian_index.html
See chapters in his upcoming book: The Verges: A Chronicle of Alien Encounters, Book 1
Ken Bakeman has written a series of articles to document some of his encounters with Saurian Humanoids and other cryptic beings that operate in and around the terrestrial landscape. The images shown here represent a reasonably close resemblance to seven of the eight or nine types of Reptilian that he has had first-hand experiences with.
I placed a photo of my beautiful Samoyed, Puchok on this page in memory of him. Something that I think should be kept in mind is how intrusive and traumatic abduction events have effected not only the targeted individual but also family members, friends and even beloved animal companions, aka pets.
This is an account of one of my encounters with Reptilians that took place during my service to the policing arm of the Gray military. It might be helpful to read this discussion in order to put the following report into some kind of perspective, if that is possible given the rather pronounced ontological perturbation inherent in nature of the content. Briefly, the relevant factors involved in this particular experience include what was for me a standard Gray military sting operation concerning a ‘Draco’ (winged albino chieftain class) type Reptilian, and the use of what I have called a ‘light bomb’ which, based on what I’ve observed, seems to be a favorite tactic of the Gray police to subdue and capture offenders with a minimum of effort. These jobs were very well orchestrated by the Grays and cleanly enacted to insure minimal intrusion into the otherwise drowsy, compliant landscape of farmed humans resident to the terrestrial game board.
In the Spring of 1977 I was 23 years old. At that time I was struggling in my business as a builder of handmade musical instruments, mainly harpsichords and clavichords. The economy sucked and I didn’t have any new orders on the horizon. After I completed my last project and got paid for it I had an impulse to travel cross country, from the Seattle area to somewhere east. I didn’t put much of any rational thought into the ramifications of this action but just followed some kind of urge to go. Since I was single and had no outside commitments or responsibilities of significance (even then I avoided my family as much as possible) the preparation for my trip was simply to pay my rent, pack a few food items for me, a bag of dog food for Puchok, my canine sidekick, and board my 1974 VW bus to head east.
Eventually on this trip I ended up on the east coast, driving south on Interstate 95 headed toward Jacksonville, Florida. A few minutes before I reached Jacksonville I suddenly had an odd thought about alligators. For some reason I was deeply worried about alligators in this area and wondered how people could live in such close proximity to these dangerous reptiles. Continuing to drive down the freeway I couldn’t shake the disturbing sensation that I was surrounded by alligators. At the time I was driving along a stretch of highway that had a dense pine forest along one side and, strangely, I had the unnerving image of dozens of ‘gators crawling out of the trees onto the roadway. This bizarre concern receded in a few minutes and was overshadowed by the fact that I was hungry. It was approaching 6:00 PM and my immediate intention was to find a place to have dinner in Jacksonville.
After plodding along in rush hour traffic I finally crossed the bridge over the St. Marys river to get into the downtown area of Jacksonville. I cruised around town for a few minutes looking for a suitable restaurant but was beset by an irritating thought that I shouldn’t stop, rather, I should get back on the freeway and continue to go west. At the time I was oblivious to any idea that my behavior might have been influenced somehow, so an odd and unpleasant three-way battle took place between my rational mind, my stomach (which was screaming for food) and an unreasonable impulse to skip dinner and keep driving. For whatever reason, the unreasonable impulse won.
Immediately after getting onto Interstate 10 I encountered grid lock traffic. Obviously I had made a stupid mistake by not stopping for dinner and waiting for the rush hour mess to diminish somewhat. I was in stop-and-go traffic, making very, very slow progress. The sun was getting low in its approach to the horizon but I could pull down the visor to block most of its glare. Eventually I crept up to a point where I saw an exit off the freeway. When I was a few hundred feet away from this exit I suddenly heard the ear piercing sound of a high pitched, monotone (single pitched) siren that seemed to be coming from a point extremely close to my van. My immediate thought was that an ambulance was trying to make its way through the snarl of traffic. But after checking in the mirrors and swiveling my head around I couldn’t see any sign of an emergency vehicle or any flashing lights that one might ordinarily associate with the wail of a siren under these circumstances.
At the same time as this painful, high-pitched sound was going off the sun seemed to have taken a dive in the sky and had transformed into an incredibly bright orange sphere apparently hovering only a few feet in front of my van’s wind shield. This orange orb was blindingly bright and completely blocked my view of the traffic in front of me. Meanwhile, the siren had grown in intensity and seemed to be coming from inside my head, causing an excruciatingly painful headache. Under these horrific, inexplicable circumstances I naturally wanted to pull off the road onto the shoulder and seek some kind of relief from the pain and to avoid a traffic accident. Instead I kept creeping further forward towards the exit, finding that the siren and the blinding orange sphere were gradually going away, much to my relief.
Back in 1977 SR 121 was a fairly lonely stretch of pavement. I drove by some ramshackle lots for vacationers to park their trailers in. As I recall, there were ‘live bait’ signs which led me to believe that these locations were related to sport fishing. I was on the look-out for a country store or even a gas station where I might buy a candy bar, but couldn’t find one. After several miles I came to a ‘Y’ in the road and saw an old, weathered sign that said, “Welcome to Georgia, the Peach State”. On an impulse I veered to the left which took me onto SR 185 going north. As I recall, I drove by an area on the left (west) side of the road which was fenced off and displayed a sign that read something to the effect of, “Danger — Bomb Testing Area — Do Not Enter” and some designation of being a U.S. military site.
Now feeling rather exhausted due to hunger, not to mention the after effects of a horrible headache and the disorienting situation of being lost on a deserted road I just kept plodding along with the ambiguous hope of finding someplace to stay for the night. After almost a half hour of driving on this lonely road it was now past sunset and getting dark. My fuzzy-headed state suddenly shifted to alertness when up ahead I saw a fire burning in the middle of the road. As I slowed down to see what the heck was going on it became apparent that a roadblock had been set up with a barrel containing a blazing fire as a warning. A large box truck was parked behind the barricade, blocking the roadway, which gave me no choice but to come to a stop. Three men wearing dark green overalls and armed with rifles immediately came over to my van. Two came to the driver’s door and without introduction yanked me out of the seat and the other went over to sliding door to extract my dog, Puchok. Puchok, a Samoyed was ordinarily a complete failure as a guard dog but in this situation, to my astonishment, he was growling and trying desperately to avoid being pulled out of the van. This ended when my dog was smacked in the head with the butt of the rifle and went limp.
As soon as I was out of the driver’s seat I had my hands pulled behind my back and locked together in a set of handcuffs. I was up against two young men who were armed, so my only reasonable choice at this point was to submit to this inexplicable arrest and to stammer some questions that didn’t get answered. At least right away. Puchok was dragged away and taken into the back of the box truck. As I watched my van being driven up a ramp into the back of this same truck a burlap bag was pulled over my head. Shortly after that I heard the sliding door being closed. Then I was pushed into the cab of the truck, forced to sit awkwardly in between the driver and one of the other men. I was ordered to keep my mouth shut and to sit still. It seemed that we drove north a little ways up 185 and then took a left turn. The road at this stage was obviously unpaved and in the truck I felt each bump and pot hole, made extremely uncomfortable given that my hands were pulled together behind my back. I was also having a hard time getting air through the bag over my head and was in a mental tailspin thinking about what this kidnapping was all about and how it might end up.
Eventually the truck came to a stop. I was pulled out of the cab, still handcuffed and with a bag over my head, and told to wait. The ground was obviously wet and judging by feel I was standing in about six inches of water. After a period of waiting I was led to another location nearby and to my relief had both the bag and the handcuffs taken off. It was now night time. I was standing in a small covered porch illuminated by a single, bare light bulb. This porch, elevated a few inches above the water level, connected to a plain wood frame building recently painted white but clearly showing signs of having been around for a long time. Right next to me stood a young man, probably in his early twenties, who was holding a rifle and was obviously my guard. This guy was wearing a spotlessly clean white outfit in military style. This was complete with a white helmet strapped onto his youthful head which was adorned by a goofy smile. The young gentleman was rather short and slender but struck me as having the appearance of a model for the perfect Caucasian, blond, blue-eyed ideal. I wasn’t sure what I was supposed to do or say, and was waiting for some kind of cue or indication regarding what was going to happen next. Then, in a very pronounced accent that could only come from the deep south, my guard said, “Boy, you are in for a big surprise.”
I was now in this stark room illuminated by just a few bare light bulbs, along with two armed humans wearing white military clothing (they were standing like toy soldiers by the entrance/exit door), two upright, bipedal reptile-like beings with long, pointy claws and, in front of me, an enormous, apparently albino snake-like man, if that’s the right description. (Author’s note: at the time of this experience I had never, ever heard of ‘Draco’ reptilians.) The Snake-man suddenly began to vocalize loudly in an incomprehensible manner. Although he was standing still and seemed to be having some trouble keeping his balance, he waved his arms around wildly to presumably emphasize his message. It was like he was channeling Adolph Hitler during his most extreme speeches to the masses. As he lifted his arms up I could see that they were connected by leathery membranes to his torso. At times it seemed as though he was preparing to take flight, except that his heavy thighs and relatively diminutive, almost atrophied lower legs remained planted on the floor.
The white ‘Draco with one of his body guards. This being stood close to 7′ tall [See note about this here] and had to duck down to pass through a normal doorway. His body was covered with iridescent beaded scales and his eyes were pink-red like those of an albino. He wore a small back pack with attached stun gun. On the pack harness there was an emblem of a cobra with outstretched wings.
The emblem displayed on the back pack harness the Draco chieftan wore. It showed something like an enraged cobra with outstretched wings.
After getting over the initial shock of seeing this wild creature — yes, I was in for a big surprise — I started to get a sense of what the heck he was on about. Along with the hoarse, throaty vocalizations and the crazy gesticulations I could actually feel painful sensations like slaps and punches to my body even though I wasn’t in physical contact with this bizarre individual. This method of communication certainly didn’t make it either easy or pleasant to engage in but in amongst the indecipherable preaching (assuming that’s what was going on) I thought I caught a few understandable phrases that were transmitted mainly by a brutal blend of telepathy and psychic jabs.
This harangue continued on for several more minutes but I was having a hard time paying attention not only because of the painful torrent of psychic gibberish but because my handler, Renjeck was making his presence known to me. I was told by by handler, who seemed to be speaking from inside my own head, to get ready to cover my eyes. This message was delivered telepathically in typical ‘Renjeckian’ fashion, that is with maximum intensity and minimum content. on command I was supposed to close my eyes and cover them with both hands, pressing as hard as possible. While the albino snake-man was still ranting away I mentally heard, “Now!”. Following the instructions I jerked my hands up to my face and smashed them down over my eyes as hard as I could. Even with this covering I was suddenly struck with an explosion of painfully bright white light. It was one of the Grays’ light bombs!
In an instant the room I was in turned into a scene of complete confusion. Even with my advanced warning from Renjeck my vision was in a state like after looking directly into a camera flash bulb that went off unexpectedly only a few inches away. All around me there was a commotion that I couldn’t see much of but heard very plainly, with screams of pain from the two human guards who kept saying, “I can’t see” and loud moaning and whining from the reptile-like creatures who also had been exposed to the blast of light. The light bomb seems to have been set off just outside a set of casement windows only about ten feet away from where our ‘meeting’ had been taking place. In the bedlam I physically felt someone taking hold of me by the shoulder while I mentally heard the succinct order of, “follow me”. Under the circumstances I allowed myself to be guided out of the room.
To be continued in Part 2:
- Aftermath of the Gray Light Bomb Dealing with the total confusion, witnessing the arrest operation, finding Puchok and making sure he was safe, and finally getting something to eat. The Grays had landed a rather large disc craft in the camp that I was taken inside of to have my witness report about the sting operation made in preparation for prosecuting the Draco.
- Back on the Road The next morning suddenly finding myself driving back down on SR 121 toward Interstate 10 with wet Converse sneakers wonding how my feet got wet. (Blanked out memory . . .) Getting ‘out of Dodge’ in a hurry to avoid Reptilian revenge . . .
-NEXT DESTINATION: Meeting the Ambassador of One After driving 1000+ miles in one day I end up in the ‘Texas Triangle’ where I meet up with Alice and encounter a Light Being.
Article by Ken Bakeman
More articles can be found here: http://www.kenbakeman.com/reptilian_index.html
See chapters in his upcoming book: The Verges: A Chronicle of Alien Encounters, Book 1
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This is rather fun. I’ve seen some strange sh*t in my time. Really strange stuff. Just because it’s strange doesn’t make it any less real.
Confederate reptilians! Freaky! I believe these beings are among us. There has been a huge uptic in UFO sightings here in FL. Especially these Orange orbs. Thanks for sharing!
“Confederate reptilians”??? don’t think that they are Confederate! They come from the little shitty country in the Middle East!
Now that article explains the former illegally installed leader of the US, gw bush. Knew there was something seriously sinister and odd about gw.
Please tell us that you have not been breeding.